DLA123-0162  Transcription




14. II. [19]30.


Dear Mr de Laszlo,


The picture [2447] has arrived back safely & intact, for which many thanks. Now we shall [shortly?] have to think of packing up for good, which will be a joy in one way, but a real grief in another. One cannot spend seven years in one place & [illegible] with all its’


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activities & interests without becoming rooted, & leaving in all means a very real uprooting.[1] We have just been painted by request of people here by a local painter Mr Neville Lewis,[2] but I cannot say I wish to possess them, & happily they are only destined for the Johannesburg Art Gallery; tho’ I must say they are not at all unlike us! This is our mid-summer,


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I pity you poor Northerners with all your horrid wet & fogs, while we are revelling in light & sunshine.


With kind greetings to your wife | I am | Yours very sincerely



Editorial Notes:

Princess Alice of Athlone, née Princess Alice of Albany (1883-1981); for biographical notes, see [2447].

For de László’s draft reply, see DLA123-0163, draft letter from de László to Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone, undated (date 14 [Mars?] 1930 appears on adjacent draft to Vega-Inclán

Accompanying envelope is numbered “4” in another hand; the significance of this is unknown.



[1] Princess Alice’s husband, Major General Alexander Augustus Frederick William Alfred George Cambridge, 1st Earl of Athlone, né Prince Alexander of Teck (1874-1957), was Governor-General of South Africa from January 1924 to January 1931.

[2] Alfred Neville Lewis (1895-1972), South African artist