[Insert business logo]                 Business Plan

[Fitness Studio Name] Business Plan

Table of Content

  1. Executive Summary
  1. Company Overview
  2. Mission and Vision
  3. Products and Services
  4. Target Audience
  1. Research and Analysis
  1. Market Analysis
  2. Competitors Analysis
  3. SWOT Analysis
  1. Organization and Operations
  1. Management and Staff 
  2. Software and Tools
  3. Bookings
  1. Pricing and Sales Strategy
  1. Pricing Plans
  2. Payment Options
  3. Pre-sales strategies
  4. Referral and Loyalty Programs
  1. Marketing Strategy
  1. Brand Identity
  2. Marketing Channels
  1. Logistics
  1. Equipment List
  2. Merchandise List
  1. Financial Projections
  1. Capital Requirements
  2. Start-up Costs
  3. Operational Costs
  1. Measurement of Success
  1. Key Performance Indicators
  2. Future of Company


Thank you for using vibefam’s Fitness Studio Business Plan Template. Download the template in word document to use it. This template serves as a guide for aspiring entrepreneurs to lay out a detailed roadmap for their business. Users can freely edit this document according to their preferences. There are linked Excel tables which you can double click on to make changes directly on. Changes will be automatically updated on the word document.

Executive Summary 

1.1 Company Overview

Describe your company and highlight your unique value proposition

1.2 Mission and Vision

Mission - What best defines your business?

Vision - Where do you see your business in the future?

1.3 Products and Services

What kind of products and services does your studio provide? e.g. group classes, personal training

What are the types, number and frequency of classes your studio provides?

Where is your studio located? What are the amenities available? e.g. showers, towels

1.4 Target Audience

What is your studio’s ideal customer profile and customer segmentation? Why do you target this group of audience?

Research and Analysis

2.1 Market Analysis

What are the industry trends and statistics? What is the market size and growth trajectory? What are the consumer preferences based on demographics of your operating location?

2.2 Competitor Analysis

Who are your major competitors? How does your studio stand out from others? What are the opportunities and challenges you might face?

2.3 SWOT Analysis

Can you identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats? Can any of your strengths help with improving your weaknesses or combating your threats?

Organization and Operations

3.1 Management and Staff

What is the organization and legal structure? (e.g. sole proprietorship, partnership, company) What are the requirements of registration?

How many people and who are you going to hire? What is the salary and compensation structure? (e.g. flat vs hourly, commissions, incentives, bonuses, insurance)

3.2 Software and Tools

What are the software and tools you will use to better manage your business? e.g. booking app, client management system. Is it cost-effective?

3.3 Bookings

How will your customers sign up for your classes? Is it convenient and easily accessible?

Pricing and Sales Strategy

4.1 Pricing Plans

What are the types of memberships and packages that you will sell? Are consumers willing to pay that price? Are your prices competitive?


4.2 Payment Options

What are the payment options available for customers? (e.g. cash, credit card)

Is it easy to implement? Is it secure and reliable?

4.3 Pre-sales strategies

How will you build your studio’s presence in the initial stage? How will you attract customers to take interest in your studio? Will there be discounts or early-bird promotions?

4.4 Referral and Loyalty Programs

How do you want to gain new customers and retain your current members? What are the rewards and incentives your studio will offer?

Marketing Strategy

5.1 Brand Identity

What is your brand’s voice, values, personality, and message? How do you want your customers to feel? What is the story behind your studio?

What is your logo, colours, and fonts? Have you ensured that there are no copyright and trademark infringements?

5.2 Marketing Channels

What are the marketing channels your studio is going to adopt? (e.g. website, blog, social media)

Who will manage the marketing efforts? What is your marketing budget? What is the type and frequency of content creation? How will you measure the results of your marketing strategy? Will you be partnering with other businesses or individuals such as influencers to promote your studio?


6.1 Equipment List

Example: Equipment for a Yoga Studio (refer to linked Excel Sheet for equipment for other types of fitness studios)

6.2 Merchandise List

Will you be selling goods?

Financial Projections

7.1 Capital Requirements

How much capital is required? What are the sources of funding available?

7.2 Start-up Costs

7.3 Operational Costs

Measurement of Success

8.1 Key Performance Indicators

What are your business goals? Ensure that they are SMART - specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based.

What metrics or KPIs will you use to measure the success of your studio? How will you keep track of your progress and results?

8.2 Future of Company

Where do you see your studio in the future (1 year, 3 years, 5 years)? How will your studio adapt and stay relevant?
