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Science 6th - TEK 6 10 A-D I Have Who Has Game (for web)
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I have the Lithosphere.

Who has a type of rock that is formed from melting and cooling lava or magma?

I have igneous rock.

Who has all the names of the tectonic plates?

I have Antarctic Plate, South American Plate, North American Plate, Pacific Plate, Eurasian Plate, African Plate, and Indo-Australian Plate.

Who has plate boundaries where scientists believe volcanoes occur?

I have all 3 types (convergent, divergent, and transforming)

Who has a layer of the earth that is the partially melted portion of the mantle below the lithosphere?

I have asthenosphere.

Who has the movement of fluid caused by differences in temperature, that transfers heat from one part of the fluid to another?

I have convection current.

Who has magma that erupts onto the Earth’s surface?

I have lava.

Who has small, solid pieces of material that are from rocks or living things?

I have sediment.

Who has the thick middle layer in the solid part of Earth?

I have mantle.

Who has the boundary between two plates that move toward each other. (Ex. Himalayan Mountains – Eurasian meets Indo- Australian Plate)

I have convergent plate boundary.

Who has a German scientist that proposed the theory of continental drift which led the way to the theory of Plate tectonics?

I have Alfred Wegener.

Who has an igneous rock that forms when lava cools too quickly to form crystals?

I have volcanic glass.

Who has series of processes that changes one type of rock into another type of rock. (Ex. obsidian)

I have the rock cycle.

Who has a rock that forms from another rock as a result of changes in heat or pressure (or both heat and pressure)?

I have metamorphic rock.

Who has an undersea mountain chain where new ocean floor is produced; a divergent plate boundary under the ocean?

I have mid-ocean ridge.

Who has the brittle, rocky outer layer of Earth?

I have crust.

Who has a theory that Earth’s surface is broken into large, rigid pieces that move with respect to each other?

I have Plate Tectonics.

Who has a depression in the Earth’s surface in which an ocean lies?

I have ocean basin.

Who has an igneous rock that forms as magma cools underground? (Ex. granite)

I have intrusive rock.

Who has the process of breaking down rocks. The effects of water, ice, plant roots, acid, and other forces?

I have a weathering.

Who has the dense, metallic center of Earth; includes outer and inner?

I have the core.

Who has the process that occurs when one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate?

I have subduction.

Who has the shaking that results from the movement of rock beneath Earth’s surface?

I have earthquake.

Who has an igneous rock that form as lava erupts, cools, and crystallizes on the Earth’s surface? (Ex. basalt, pumice, obsidian, and perlite)

I have extrusive rock.

Who has the process by which running water, wind, gravity, or ice carry away (move) broken bits of rock and sediment?

I have erosion.

Who has a metamorphic rock with mineral grains that form a random, interlocking texture? (Ex. marble, quartzite, serpentine, and hornfels)

I have non-foliated.

Who has the boundary between two plates that slide past each other? (Ex. San Andreas)

I have transform plate boundary.

Who has a process that results when a dense oceanic plate sinks beneath a more buoyant plate along a subduction zone, pulling the rest of the plate that trails behind it?

I have the slab pull.

Who has a naturally occurring solid composed of mineral, rock fragments, and sometimes other materials such as organic materials?

I have the rock.

Who has the process that results when magma rises at a mid-ocean ridge and pushes oceanic plates in two different directions away from the ridge?

I have ridge push.

Who has a weak spot in the crust where magma has come to the surface?

I have volcano.

Who has molten rock stored beneath the Earth’s surface?

I have magma.

Who has a rock formed through weathering, erosion, deposition, compaction, and cementation?

I have compaction. I have sedimentary rock.

Who has a metamorphic rock that contains parallel Who has the process by which layers of sediment

layers of flat and elongated minerals. Sometimes are pressed and squeezed together?

called “ribbons”, “bands”, or “stripes” ? (Ex. Gniess)

I have foliated.

Who has a naturally occurring solid that can form by inorganic processes (non-living) and that has a crystal structure and a definite chemical make-up? (Ex. Quartz, calcite, topaz, and feldspar)

I have mineral.

Who has the process in which dissolved minerals crystallize and “glue” or bond sediment together?

I have cementation.

Who has a solid in which the atoms are arranged in a pattern that repeats again and again?

I have the crystal.

Who has the process by which sediments settles out of the water or wind carrying it? (Ex. River deltas and sand dunes)

I have deposition.

Who has a major belt of volcanoes that rims (or circles) the Pacific Ocean?

I have Ring of Fire.

Who has a break in Earth’s crust along which rock move? (Ex. New Madrid)

I have fault.

Who has an example of a place to find the intrusive rock granite?

I have Enchanted Rock (Fredricksburg, TX).

Who has the three types of rocks?

I have igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.

Who has an example of a crystal?

I have a snowflake or gemstone.

Who has an extrusive igneous rock that has tiny holes in it. Some is light enough to float on water?

I have pumice.

Who has an extrusive rock that makes up most all ocean basins?

I have basalt.

Who has three examples of sedimentary rock?

I have rock salt, sandstone, and limestone.

Who has the process by which molten material adds new oceanic crust to the ocean floor?

I have sea floor spreading.

Who has the boundary between two plates that move away from each other? (Ex. African Rift Valley)

Science 6th

I Have Who Has Game

TEK 6.10 A-D

Science 6th

I Have Who Has Game

TEK 6.10 A-D

Science 6th

I Have Who Has Game

TEK 6.10 A-D

Science 6th

I Have Who Has Game

TEK 6.10 A-D

Science 6th

I Have Who Has Game

TEK 6.10 A-D

Science 6th

I Have Who Has Game

TEK 6.10 A-D

Science 6th

I Have Who Has Game

TEK 6.10 A-D

Science 6th

I Have Who Has Game

TEK 6.10 A-D

I have divergent plate boundary.

Who has the rigid, outermost layer of Earth that includes the uppermost mantle and crust?


1. lithosphere

2. igneous

3. Antarctic Plate, South American Plate,

North American Plate,

Pacific Plate, Eurasian Plate,

African Plate, and Indo-Australian Plate

4. All 3 types (convergent, divergent, and transforming)

5. asthenosphere

6. convection current

7. lava

8. sediment

9. mantle

10. convergent plate boundary

11. Alfred Wegener

12. volcanic glass

13. rock cycle

14. metamorphic rock

15. mid-ocean ridge

16. crust

17. plate tectonics

18. ocean basin

19. intrusive rock

20. weathering

21. core

22. subduction

23. earthquakes

24. extrusive rocks

25. erosion

26. non-foliated

27. transform plate boundary

28. slab pull

29. rock

30. ridge push

31. volcano

32. magma

33. sedimentary rock

34. compaction

35. foliated

36. mineral

37. cementation

38. crystal

39. deposition

40. Ring of Fire

41. fault

42. Enchanted Rock

43. igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic

44. snowflake or gemstone

45. pumice

46. basalt

47. rock salt, sandstone, and limestone

48. sea floor spreading

49. divergent plate boundary