Dear XX,

The Transgender Debate and Lord Herbert’s Times Interview

I am writing to express my concerns about the interview given to the Times by the Government’s new LGBT envoy, Lord Nick Herbert, this weekend.

Despite stating that he “wouldn’t like to see the government in any way take a side in what some are seeing clearly as a culture war on these issues”, it is fairly evident that the LGBT Envoy has taken sides as the article notes “Herbert says that he delivered a stern warning to his colleagues in government wanting to join the battle against the LGBT activism”.

Lord Herbert goes on to add, “I think Stonewall has done brilliant work over the years to promote equality.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that currently, Stonewall is in the press for advocating a form of LGBT activism that does not respect women’s boundaries, fails to understand child safeguarding, belittles homosexuality and regards difference of opinion as bigotry, and has been accused of influencing policies that promoting a “culture of fear” and division on University campuses, including Essex University.

Further, lawyers have accused Stonewall of misrepresenting UK Law and training organizations and institutions to do likewise, with one barrister even lamenting, “That so many government departments, police, judiciary, schools and universities are signed up to [Stonewall’s] inaccurate and unlawful view of equality legislation represents a "national crisis”.

Therefore, it is hard to see what Lord Herbert is finding so “Brilliant” about Stonewall, frankly. If Biological Sex, which is a protected characteristic in the 2010 Equality Act, ceases to be talked and thought about, how will we recognize & tackle sex-based oppression within the UK? We know that biological sex is the basis upon which rights/ protections for Women, Gay folk and Transgender People are structured & organized, especially as UK civil law via the 2010 Equality Act, recognises Gender ID & Sexual Orientation as DISTINCT from Sex, as both also rely upon a working concept of Sex for meaning.


It goes without saying that I am a strong advocate for Trans Equality in education, employment, housing, finance, mental & physical healthcare, and I am happy transgender people are protected against discrimination & harassment on the basis of the Gender Reassignment PC under UK Law.

However, female bodies are not a “culture war”, and we cannot be silenced about the material reality of our lives, and the impact that LGBT proposed reforms would have primarily on Women, a long marginalized and oppressed sex class in Britain, despite our greater numbers. For many women, our female bodies (interlinked closely with periods, fertility, fear of female cancers, awareness of men’s greater physical strength) are a material reality, not an identity.

In as far Lord Herbert’s’ comments regarding Conversion Therapy, “I don’t think that’s right. These so-called therapists that aim to erase or repress someone’s sexual orientation or their gender identity, people are coerced into taking part and they do tremendous harm to people”, I hope I can rely on your support to not conflate Gay conversion therapy with Gender Identity therapy, so that we can continue to progress towards a world where all people can live without shame or fear. We need to protect our children from gay conversion therapy, however we must make sure that therapeutic pathways are available to those with gender dysphoria, as the rising numbers of detransitioners like Keira Bell show. Studies have shown the large majority of gender-dysphoric youths eventually outgrow their feelings of dysphoria during puberty (if not affirmed), and many end up identifying as homosexual adults.

Amidst the explosion of gender identities, increasing number of medical professionals warnings and court cases, LGBT Envoys such as Lord Herbert interpreting the scanty evidence from published research need to be independent and impartial, using best-quality measures rather than ideology. The magnitude of any benefits of medical and surgical transition is not clear and our children cannot be experimental fodder for issues of lifelong medicalization, unknown long term harms, lack of sexual function, and often, sterility.

The Transgender Debate has often been decried as “toxic” and I had hoped Lord Herbert’s appointment would be a way of easing the toxicity and creating the space for “kindness, tolerance, openness” that he claims the Prime Minister wishes, for BOTH sides. In a diverse society such as the UK, the values and rights of different groups will routinely collide. The measure of civilized co-existence is that we find ways of negotiating these collisions and look for solutions, not grant succour to those who would wish to see views that they do not agree with, stifled.

I am therefore alarmed to see no championing of Lesbians Rights from our LGBT Envoy (L stands for Lesbians) in this interview. There was also no condemnation of the vitriol, death threats, and multiple human rights violations women have faced amidst a colossal failure by mainstream political parties to openly debate the complex issue of an extension of 'Trans Rights' and how this impinges on Women’s Rights, as our mainstream media have finally begun to acknowledge.

To be silent as women are redefined from a female single sex class to some amorphous unisex category, with zero gatekeeping, would be tantamount to colonization, relegating Women to second class citizenship and spectators of their own lives.

At a time when Women, despite comprising 52% of this nation, constitute only 33.9% of Parliament, it was interesting to see this from Lord Herbert, “Where I think it would be great if we could make progress would be if we had a transgender Member of Parliament.”

Women will not be silent about this relegation, and we will hold this Conservative Government to account via every democratic measure if it fails to uphold the rights and protections of multiple vulnerable groups in this country, namely: Women, Gay people, and Children alongside those of Transgender people.

This is a fundamental issue that transcends party allegiance, and I hope that as my representative in Parliament, you will no longer keep quiet on a matter deemed uncomfortable, allowing trans extremists to fill the vacuum. When it comes to legislating on these complex issues, I would like to be confident that you will utilize the indispensable qualities in politics: of patience; mastery of detail; ability to inspire trust; precision and care; competence; professionalism and good management, to commit to truly understanding transgender political demands and its subsequent impact on the political recognition of sex in language, in policy, and in legislation. I would welcome any assurance that you will commit to upholding women’s sex-based rights as outlined in the 2010 Equality Act.

I very much look forward to your response on this matter. I know that I speak for others in the constituency who do not have the time to write to you, but will also be interested to hear your views.

Kind regards,