DLA024-0168  Transcription




21. 10. [19]36

Dear Friend,

I was glad to receive your letter of Hawley Place.[1] 

I am afraid you had a hard wind in Brighton the last days, as I read in the papers there were rather heavy gales in the North Sea.

I understand that you are anxiously waiting to paint again – but better not begin too soon – and surely the doctor won’t allow you more than one sitting a day.

I received “Apollo”, very well printed – I have [read?] the lecture already in the booklet you gave me.

You [surely?] will meet M. Bouvier[2] with pleasure – a perfect gentleman and a great knowledge of painting and works of art.

We are here till the beginning of November – but I go often to Paris, where I have a lot to do in the lab. and in the factory.

Remember me to Mrs. de Laszlo,[3] and believe me | Always yours


Received an enthusiastic letter from Comtesse de Mun,[4] written in [illegible] – she had seen some very good pictures of yours – The Pope.

My son [Henri?] went to Italy, before leaving for N. York and Mexico, saw your portrait in Florence [9724].

Editorial Note:

Antoine XII-Armand, 12th duc de Gramont; styled duc de Guiche (18791962), scientist, entrepreneur and close friend of de László; for biographical notes, see [11801].  



[1] DLA024-0167, letter from de László to the duc de Gramont, 7 October 1936

[2] Charles Bouvier

[3] Mrs Philip de László, née Lucy Madeleine Guinness (1870–1950) [11474], the artist’s wife  

[4] Comtesse Marguerite Marie de Mun, married name madame Jacques Patrick Hennessy (1877–1970) [110993]