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In Charles Eisenstein's essay, "Sacred Economics," from, the author basically talks about economics at its in the best way possibly put, how can someone put a little bit of everything in a book about economics life, religion, history, purpose, questions that can be answered by reading this book.

When we consider the issue of economics, some might wonder: What if we didn't have money? Charles Eisenstein’s blog post addresses this question because he says how the other countries how used to trade not with money but with items like necklaces bracelets know to show a person some type of gratitude which made it a reason to have more value money is just a documented paper from the government saying you want something.

“Perhaps someday we won’t need money to have a gift economy on the scale of billions of humans.”

This is basically saying, imagine this world we live in without use of money as in the bills how this world possibly could have been in a better place we could've possibly filled the need of most people without greed also without the desire of power and industrialization and even colonization.

This might make one wonder why does the world have to adapt when money is involved. I don't mind the way we are now and i also appreciate how far we came along in this world but honestly we could of been living a life of pandora what if that was perfection what if we didn't have money? Not many people think this but i can say I think about it everyday not in the sense of just money but in general i feel like we should've never gone this far.


I always imagine how can i live life before all of this modernization and how perfect it would be to gaze upon the plains and travel across the mountains or live in the forest searching for food surviving for a purpose not like now. i feel like we have everything given to us and i feel like money is a curse but thats just my opinion and how i feel.