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Fan Art Competition
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It List Fan Art Competition

Instructions to Compete

Individual Event

Limit 1 entry per chapter


Students will create an original piece of Fan Art based on one of the current Tome Society It List nominees from the appropriate chapter level that they have personally read. This can be an illustration of a scene/character from an It List Book or a redesigned cover.

Anchor Standards:

Method of creation:

Students can use any 2D artistic medium, digital or hand-created. All entries must be totally and completely the original work of the student (no clip art or stock images).


  1. Should be a picture representing a scene or characters from a current It List nominee, or a redesign of the cover.
  2. Should include the title of the It List book somewhere on the image.
  3. Should be original artwork created by the student.
  4. Should not include any copyrighted material.
  5. Not a team competition.
  6. Final product should be scanned/photographed in color and submitted as a .jpg or .png file.

Submission limitations:

Individual event. Each chapter is allowed to submit 1 entry.

Product should include in any order:

  1. Title of book represented.
  2. A student’s 2D artistic representation of a scene or characters from a current It List nominee, or a redesigned cover of the book..
  3. School appropriate images (no nudity, etc.).

Method of Submission:

Judged product must be a high quality JPG or PNG file. If hand drawn, advisers must SCAN a copy of the original work. Advisers will submit entries through the online Fall Adviser Competition Entry Form. Specific directions will be emailed to advisers closer to the submission date.

All entries must be submitted by:

Fall Competition deadline found at  Entries must be submitted by the Chapter Adviser to the Fall Adviser Competition Entry Form -- only 1 entry per chapter/level (3-5), (6-8) and (9-12).


It List Fan Art Competition

Competition Rubric





Points Earned



Image depicts a current It List title (15)

Image does not depict  a current It List title (0)



Image includes the title of the book(2)

Image does not include the title of the book, or an incorrect title (0)

Original Work


Contains no copyrighted material. Is student’s complete original work (20)

Image is not completely student’s original work (0)

Representation of Book


Image clearly depicts the cover,or a character or scene from the book (10)

Image needs explanation to understand relationship to the book(1-9 pts)

Image does not represent the book titled in the project (0)



Fan art is high quality, well made, has perfect grammar/spelling where applicable, seems professional (12-15)

Fan art lacks professional quality but is still a good product and/or has some grammar/spelling errors where applicable (6-11 pts)

Fan art  is poorly made, unfinished,  and/or has several grammar/spelling mistakes (0-5)



Fan art is thoughtful and creative; it is clear that the student planned out the project. (12-15)

Fan art is somewhat creative and could benefit from more thought and planning. (1-11 pts)

Fan art is generic and lacks creativity. (0)



Fan art is submitted in an acceptable format and is easily accessible for judging (3)

Fan art is not submitted in an acceptable format/is not easily accessible for judging (0)




It List Fan Art

Classroom Lesson Plan


Tome Society

Unit Objective:

Students will create an original piece of fan Art representing one of the current Tome Society It List nominees that they have personally read.

Anchor Standards:


Create an original piece of Fan Art based on a book

Lesson Objective:

Students will create an original piece of fan Art representing one of the current Tome Society It List nominees that they have personally read.

Tools/Equipment Needed:

Art supplies


Links to Prior Knowledge/Activities:

Students will have already read their chosen book and participated in an online discussion. In addition, the students will have created a book trailer for their chosen novel and created a promotional book flyer.

Lesson Activities:

  1. Teachers will begin by reviewing the novels the students had read for the Tome Society and will remind students of the Tome Society and what events they will participate in the future.
  2. The teacher will then provide instructions on how to create a piece of Fan Art and give students the guidelines concerning their art piece. The teacher will then provide a clear example of what an appropriate piece of Fan Art looks like while highlighting exactly which items each student should include. The teacher will also take time to review the rubric in which the students will be graded.
  3. Students will then have opportunities, both in class and outside of class to complete their assignment. The teacher, other students, and discussion boards will be able to assist and guide students with their Fan Art.
  4. Students will submit their final project which will be graded both by their teacher and by the judges of the Tome Society Fan Art competition, using a rubric.


The students’ Fan Art will be graded according to a rubric and the finished product will serve as the assessment.