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The Secret of NIMH part 18
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Match the words to the sentences

crazy, dark, farmer, kitchen, mill, plan, rats, stealing, volunteer, wish

NICODEMUS: I have a gift. Come. Jonathan meant it for you.

MRS BRISBY: Oh...It's so beautiful!

NICODEMUS: It sleeps.


NICODEMUS: Yes. When worn by one with a courageous heart, the Stone glows red. It becomes a blinding radiance. Courage of the heart is very rare. The Stone has a power when it's there.

MRS BRISBY: Look! An inscription. "You can...unlock any door...if you only have the key." Oh, oh thank you. I will treasure it, always.

NICODEMUS: Jonathan couldn’t tell you about NIMH because the injections slowed the aging process. You see, you would have grown old while he remained young.

JUSTIN: Nicodemus? The boats are ready and waiting. We can leave any time.

NICODEMUS: Good. My child, shall we journey to your home?


NICODEMUS: Tonight we must move your house to the protected side of the stone.

MRS BRISBY: The lee of the stone!


SULLIVAN: I don't get it, Jenner.

JENNER: With Nicodemus out of the way, what's to stop us from taking over?

SULLIVAN: Jenner, you can't kill Nicodemus!

JENNER: No taste for blood, huh? They've taken the animal out of you.

SULLIVAN: What if we're discovered?

JENNER: Ach, listen. The Brisby house is a large cement block. In the moving, what if it should fall?

SULLIVAN: An accident?

JENNER: Of course! Cut the lines, and the weight of it will crush his bones!

SULLIVAN: It's risky...

JENNER: Once rid of Nicodemus, the Plan will die. We can stay here as long as we like!

SULLIVAN: What...what about Justin?

JENNER: Leave him to me…(to me…)

JUSTIN: Sometimes, when we have a long project that takes us into the open, Mister Ages makes up a sleeping powder to give to Dragon.

MRS BRISBY: How do you get him to take it?

JUSTIN: Someone must go into the farmhouse kitchen and put it in his dish. The only way into the (1)___________ is through a tiny hole in the floor. Ages tried it yesterday. That's how he broke his leg.

MRS BRISBY: Broke his leg.

JUSTIN: Right. That was close.

MRS BRISBY: What's up there?

JUSTIN: The (2)___________ . It's falling apart. Hope it stays up there, at least until we've done with the Plan.

MRS BRISBY: Plan...what is the (3)___________ ?

NICODEMUS: Why, to live without (4)___________ , of course.

JUSTIN: It's wrong to take electricity from the (5)___________ .

NICODEMUS: My child, we can no longer live as (6)___________ . We know too much.

JUSTIN: We're almost there.

MRS BRISBY: Um...your Majesty? I-I should go prepare the children, for tonight.

NICODEMUS: We shall wait here until (7)___________ ...

MRS BRISBY: Um....About Dragon, maybe...Oh nothing. Good bye! I (8)___________! For Dragon.

JUSTIN: Oh no, Misses Brisby! Nicodemus, this is no job for her!


NICODEMUS: As you (9)___________ .

JUSTIN: All right. I'll meet you at the west side of the farmhouse at dusk.

MRS BRISBY: Thank you. Oh I must be crazy. Good bye!...I must be (10)___________ ...






NICODEMUS: I have a gift. Come. Jonathan meant it for you.

MRS BRISBY: Oh...It's so beautiful!

NICODEMUS: It sleeps.


NICODEMUS: Yes. When worn by one with a courageous heart, the Stone glows red. It becomes a blinding radiance. Courage of the heart is very rare. The Stone has a power when it's there.

MRS BRISBY: Look! An inscription. "You can...unlock any door...if you only have the key." Oh, oh thank you. I will treasure it, always.

NICODEMUS: Jonathan couldn’t tell you about NIMH because the injections slowed the aging process. You see, you would have grown old while he remained young.

JUSTIN: Nicodemus? The boats are ready and waiting. We can leave any time.

NICODEMUS: Good. My child, shall we journey to your home?


NICODEMUS: Tonight we must move your house to the protected side of the stone.

MRS BRISBY: The lee of the stone!


SULLIVAN: I don't get it, Jenner.

JENNER: With Nicodemus out of the way, what's to stop us from taking over?

SULLIVAN: Jenner, you can't kill Nicodemus!

JENNER: No taste for blood, huh? They've taken the animal out of you.

SULLIVAN: What if we're discovered?

JENNER: Ach, listen. The Brisby house is a large cement block. In the moving, what if it should fall?

SULLIVAN: An accident?

JENNER: Of course! Cut the lines, and the weight of it will crush his bones!

SULLIVAN: It's risky...

JENNER: Once rid of Nicodemus, the Plan will die. We can stay here as long as we like!

SULLIVAN: What...what about Justin?

JENNER: Leave him to me…(to me…)

JUSTIN: Sometimes, when we have a long project that takes us into the open, Mister Ages makes up a sleeping powder to give to Dragon.

MRS BRISBY: How do you get him to take it?

JUSTIN: Someone must go into the farmhouse kitchen and put it in his dish. The only way into the (1)kitchen is through a tiny hole in the floor. Ages tried it yesterday. That's how he broke his leg.

MRS BRISBY: Broke his leg.

JUSTIN: Right. That was close.

MRS BRISBY: What's up there?

JUSTIN: The (2)mill. It's falling apart. Hope it stays up there, at least until we've done with the Plan.

MRS BRISBY: Plan...what is the (3)Plan?

NICODEMUS: Why, to live without (4)stealing, of course.

JUSTIN: It's wrong to take electricity from the (5)farmer.

NICODEMUS: My child, we can no longer live as (6)rats. We know too much.

JUSTIN: We're almost there.

MRS BRISBY: Um...your Majesty? I-I should go prepare the children, for tonight.

NICODEMUS: We shall wait here until (7)dark...

MRS BRISBY: Um....About Dragon, maybe...Oh nothing. Good bye! I (8)volunteer! For Dragon.

JUSTIN: Oh no, Misses Brisby! Nicodemus, this is no job for her!


NICODEMUS: As you (9)wish.

JUSTIN: All right. I'll meet you at the west side of the farmhouse at dusk.

MRS BRISBY: Thank you. Oh I must be crazy. Good bye!...I must be (10)crazy...