Jessica Bregant

Indiana University Maurer School of Law

211 S. Indiana Ave., Bloomington, IN 47405



University of Chicago, Ph.D. 2018

Booth School of Business, Center for Decision Research (Behavioral Science Area)

Department of Psychology (Developmental Area)

Dissertation: “The Intuitive Jurisprudence of Social Transgressions and Punishment”

Committee Co-Chairs: Eugene Caruso & Alex Shaw

Cornell University Law School, Visiting Scholar - Fall 2017

University of Chicago, M.A., Psychology - 2017


University of Illinois College of Law, J.D. - 2009

Magna Cum Laude, Order of the Coif

Lincoln Law Scholarship

University of Illinois Law Review, Lectures Editor


University of Illinois, B.S. - 2006

Psychology and Political Science

Clerkship & Fellowships

Jerome Hall Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Law, Society, and Culture

Indiana University Maurer School of Law (August 2018-Present)

Judicial Clerk, Illinois Supreme Court

Honorable Justice Rita B. Garman (August 2009-August 2011)

Research Fellow, Illinois Program on Law, Behavior, and Social Science

University of Illinois College of Law (August 2011-August 2013)

Teaching Interests

▪ Criminal Law ▪ Alternative Dispute Resolution ▪ Property ▪ Contracts ▪ Psychology for Lawyers ▪

▪ Torts ▪ Empirical Methods ▪ Criminal Procedure ▪ Criminal Justice ▪ Professional Responsibility ▪

Selected Works in Progress

Jessica Bregant & Katherine Kinzler, Intuitive Jurisprudence: New directions in psychology and law (revise & resubmit).

Jessica Bregant, Alex Shaw, & Eugene Caruso, Expressing What? Evaluating the Expressive Function of Punishment (submitted).

Jessica Bregant, The “Not Guilty” Project: Wrongful Convictions, Innocence, and the Meaning of Exoneration (in prep).


Jessica Bregant, Katherine D. Kinzler & Alex Shaw, Beyond Retribution: Intuitive Jurisprudence and Early Reasoning About the Functions of Punishment, 13 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 693 (2016).

Young H. Kim, C-Y Chiu, & Jessica Bregant. Unskilled and Don't Want To Be Aware of It:  The Effect of Self-Relevance on the Unskilled and Unaware Phenomenon, PLoS ONE 10(6) (2015).

Arden Rowell & Jessica Bregant, Numeracy and Legal Decisionmaking, 46 Arizona Law Journal 13 (2014), available at

Jessica Bregant & Robert Bregant II, Cybercrime and Computer Crime, Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice (Blackwell, 2014).

Jessica Bregant & Jennifer K. Robbennolt, Statistical Significance in Court, Monitor on Psychology, Jan. 2012, available at

Jessica Bregant & Jennifer K. Robbennolt, Public Trials, Private Lives, and Jury Questionnaires, Monitor on Psychology, June 2012, at 23, available at  

Jessica Bregant & Jennifer K. Robbennolt, Intellectual Property Law and the Psychology of Creativity, Monitor on Psychology, Jan. 2013, available at

Jessica Bregant & Jennifer K. Robbennolt, Neither Admit nor Deny, Monitor on Psychology, Sep. 2013, available at  

Jessica L. Bregant, Note, Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About: An Empirical Evaluation of Predeliberation Discussions, 2009 University of Illinois Law Review 1213, available at

Teaching Experience

Psychology and Law (PSYC 24680)

Instructor, University of Chicago

Summer Session II, 2016

Introduction to Negotiation

Instructor, University of Chicago Summer Seminar (Business & Economics Program)

Graham School of Continuing Liberal and Professional Studies, Summer 2016

Valuation & Compensation; Negotiation & Contract

Instructor, University of Chicago Summer Seminar (Law & Economics Program)

Graham School of Continuing Liberal and Professional Studies, Summer 2014 & Summer 2015

Psychological Issues in Eyewitness Testimony

Guest Lecturer, LAW 7251: Psychology, Law, and Culture

Cornell Law School, September 2016

Introduction to Negotiations (lecture) 

Lecturer, Language & Concepts of Business, myCHOICE Series

University of Chicago, July 16, 2016

Processes & Strategies of Negotiation

Teaching Assistant, University of Chicago Law School, Professor George Wu, Fall 2014, Winter 2016, and Winter 2017

Teaching Assistant, Booth School of Business, Professor Eugene Caruso, Summer 2014

Teaching Assistant, Booth School of Business, Professor Thomas Talhelm, Spring 2016

Advanced Negotiations

Teaching Assistant, Booth School of Business, Professor George Wu, Spring 2014

The American Jury

Teaching Assistant, University of Illinois College of Law, Professor Rebecca Szyna, Spring 2013


Recipient, Katherine Dusak Miller Endowed Ph.D. Fellowship, University of Chicago Booth School of Business (2016-17).

Awardee, Law and Society Association's 2017 International Meeting Graduate Student Travel Subsidy.

Talks (Peer-Reviewed)

Jessica Bregant, Isabel Welberry & Alex Shaw, Crime, But Not Punishment? Children are More Lenient When the 'Spirit of the Law' is Unbroken, 2017 Conference on Empirical Legal Studies (Ithaca, 2017).

Jessica Bregant, Alex Shaw & Eugene Caruso, Expressing What? Evaluating the Expressive Value of Punishment (Poster), 2016 Conference on Empirical Legal Studies (Durham, 2016).

Jessica Bregant, Katherine Kinzler & Alex Shaw, Beyond Retribution: Intuitive Jurisprudence and Early Reasoning About the Functions of Punishment, 2016 Midwest Psychological Association Meeting (Chicago, 2016).

Jessica Bregant, Katherine Kinzler & Alex Shaw, Beyond Retribution: Intuitive Jurisprudence and Early Reasoning About the Functions of Punishment, 2016 Law and Society Association Annual Meeting (New Orleans, 2016).

Jessica Bregant, Katherine Kinzler & Alex Shaw, Beyond Retribution: Intuitive Jurisprudence and Early Reasoning About the Functions of Punishment, 2016 AP-LS Annual Conference  (Atlanta, 2016).

Jessica Bregant, Katherine Kinzler & Alex Shaw, Beyond Retribution: Intuitive Jurisprudence and Early Reasoning About the Functions of Punishment (Data Blitz Talk), Social Psychology and Law Preconference, 17th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (San Diego, 2016).

Jessica Bregant, Katherine Kinzler & Alex Shaw, Beyond Retribution: Intuitive Jurisprudence and Early Reasoning About the Functions of Punishment, 2015 Conference on Empirical Legal Studies (St. Louis, 2015).

Arden Rowell & Jessica Bregant, Numeracy and Legal Decisionmaking, 24th Annual Meeting of the American Law and Economics Association (Chicago, 2014).

Additional Experience

Legal Intern

Champaign County Public Defender (Fall 2008)

Law Clerk

National Transportation Safety Board, Office of General Counsel (Summer 2008)


Judicial Extern

Illinois Appellate Court, Fourth District, Honorable Justice Sue Myerscough (Summer 2007)


Executive Intern

Illinois Office of the State Fire Marshal (Summer 2006)


Parliamentary Intern

House of Commons, London, United Kingdom (Summer 2005)


Admitted to practice law in the State of Illinois (Inactive Status as of Jan. 1, 2019)