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Software Engineer

Marco Montagna


University of California Berkeley / B.A. Computer Science

May 2015,  Berkeley, CA


Python, Sklearn, AWS (Lambda, Redshift, ECS, Autoscaling, ELB, EMR, S3, SNS, SQS), Spark,

Node.js, React, Docker, BigQuery, Data Engineering,  MySQL, Postgres, Cluster Analysis,

Hadoop/MrJob, Redis, Route53, Item Recommendation Systems, Flask, Cassandra, Kubernetes

Basic Familiarity:  

Ruby, Rails, Golang, Java, Android, Ionic framework, jQuery Mobile, OpenCL, OpenMP, Rackspace,, Python NLTK, Mustache Templates, Mrjob, Elasticsearch, Algolia Search,


MightySignal / Senior Software Engineer (November  2017 - Current,  San Francisco, CA)

Aclima / Senior Software Engineer (May 2016 - November 2017,  San Francisco, CA)

  • Designed and built scalable systems to support the ingestion, storage, and analysis of time series data (Python, BigQuery, Cassandra).
  • Built and maintained APIs to support frontend team using Python/Flask.
  • Worked to identify and eliminate performance bottlenecks (strace, cProfile, MySQL logging)
  • Transitioned the company's build environment to CircleCI.
  • Setup logging systems with loggly., Inc. / Software Engineer (May 2015 - Feb 2016,  Oakland, CA)

  • Migrated the company’s existing LAMP stack into docker containers, running on ECS, included building a continuous integration and testing pipeline.
  • Transitioned the frontend template rendering system from handlebars.js to a native php version (included substantial regression testing).
  • Created several ETL and log processing pipelines using AWS Redshift as a reporting database.
  • Built reports and performed analysis, primarily focused on item recommendations, and order attribution tracking.

Recon Advisor / Lead Developer (January 2014 - July 2015,  Lakewood, CO)

  • Developed a successful automated workflow management application for auto dealerships.
  • Worked with the product team to integrate client feedback and improve the application.
  • Created a data feed import/ingestion pipeline for auto dealership inventory feeds.
  • Implemented a chat service in Node.js and integrated it with the main application.
  • Hired and trained a junior developer.

UC Botanical Garden/ Student Web Developer (September 2010  - August 2012,  Berkeley, CA)

  • Maintained and updated the garden’s website (HTML, PHP, jQuery).