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Religion: 3/31/14 - 4/4/14
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Teacher’s Name Mrs. Fundora           Subject _Religion_______          Grade Pre-K1      Week of _3/31/14 - 4/4/14___________                            

Unit ___________                                                                            Unit Title Bible Stories        Essential Question What did jesus wanted people to do?







(Lesson Focus)

What will the students know or be able to do at the end of the lesson?


How will the students demonstrate that they have accomplished the desired outcome? Please state the question that will be asked during your formative assessment.


In what activities will the students be engaged to accomplish the desired outcome? Please list in the

order that you will implement.


e.g. one should be on knowledge, one on application, and one on synthesis or evaluation.









A Short Story about Zacchaeus

Luke 19

The children will learn how Jesus changes the life of cheater. 

What would you do if you had too many toys to play with?


  1. The teacher will ask the children if they sought that Jesus would speak to them even if they did something wrong and why.
  2. The teacher will read the Bible story “A Short Story about Zacchaeus.”
  3. Review vocabulary words.
  4. Discuss Bible story with the children.
  5. Ask the following questions: Who climbed the tree? Why did he climbed the tree? Why did Jesus stayed in Zacchaeus’ house? Do you agree with what Zacchaeus was going to did with his money? How did Jesu felt about that? What would you do if you had too many toys to play with? 
  1. Who climbed the tree?
  2. Why did he climbed the tree?
  3. Why did Jesus stayed in Zacchaeus’ house?
  4. Do you agree with what Zacchaeus was going to did with his money?
  5. How did Jesu felt about that what Zacchaeus did?
  6.  What would you do if you had too many toys to play with?









First Palm Sunday

Matthew 21; Mark 11


How did the people greeted Jesus? 

  1. The teacher will ask the children if they have seen how the people greet the president, their pastor, and our principal. (With respect and honor)
  2. The teacher will ask the children what would they do to welcome Jesus in our neighborhood.
  3. The teacher will read the story “The First Palm Sunday.”
  4. Review vocabulary words.
  5. Discuss Bible story with the children.
  6. Have the children answer the following questions:Where did Jesus headed to? How did the people greet Jesus? Why did the people greeted Jesus this way? Why did the people choose to greet Jesus this way? 
  1. Where did Jesus headed to?
  2. How did the people greet Jesus?
  3. Why did the people greeted Jesus this way?
  4. Why did the people choose to greet Jesus this way?









  Dirty Feet

Jhon 13

The children will learn that Jesu the King of Heaven was a very humble men

What did Jesus do to his Disciples?


  1. The teacher will ask the children what special things their parents do for them and why. (Cook, wash their cloth, bath them, take them to the doctor, bring them to school, clean their room.
  2. The teacher will read the Bible story Dirty Feet.
  3. The teacher will discuss vocabulary words with the children.
  4. Discuss Bible story with the children.
  5. Have the children answer the following questions: What did Jesus do to his disciple? Why did Jesus did Jesus washed the disciples feet? What did Jesus wanted the disciple to do to each other? Why? What is Jesus letting us know? (We are not better than others) What should we  to others? (Serve and help others) 
  1. What did Jesus do to his disciple?
  2. Why did Jesus did Jesus washed the disciples feet?
  3. What did Jesus wanted the disciple to do to each other? Why?
  4. What is Jesus letting us know? (We are not better than others)
  5. What should we  to others? (Serve and help others)










The Last supper

Matthew 26

The children will learn how one of Jesus’ disciple betrayed Jesus and act out the story. 

What sad new did Jesus tell his disciples? 

  1.  Ask the children how they feel when one of their friend do something bad to them.
  2. Discuss the answers with the class.
  3. Read aloud the Bible story “Jesus’ Last Supper.”
  4. Discuss story with the children.
  5. Ask: What sad news did Jesus tell his disciples? Who was going to betray Jesus? How did Jesus felt about what judas was going to do? After Judas left, what did the disciples do? What did Jesus give the disciples? What did Jesus do before giving the bread and wine? (Thank God)
  6. Discuss that we see the distribution of bread and wine at mass during communion.
  7. Discuss how we prepare for communion.
  8. Have the children act out the story.
  1. What sad news did Jesus tell his disciples?
  2. Who was going to betray Jesus?
  3. How did Jesus felt about what judas was going to do?
  4. After Judas left, what did the disciples do?
  5. What did Jesus give the disciples?
  6. What did Jesus do before giving the bread and wine? (Thank God)








Bloom’s Taxonomy

 (HOTS Questions)







School Grade Weighting Scale:

Tests (40%):

Quizzes (20%):

Classwork/ Participation (15%):

Homework (5%):

Projects/ Portfolios (20%):


Vocabulary words for week:

1.  serve                              6.

2.  Last Supper                              7.

3.  betrayed                              8.

4.  Palm Sunday                              9.

5.  palm                             10.

Use of Technology:

   ____ Smartboard

   ____ Student Response System