Princess Auguste Viktoria von Hohenzollern, later Queen of Portugal 1910

Head only, in three-quarter profile to the left, hair pinned up, wearing pearl drop earrings

Graphite and charcoal on paper, 43.5 x 27 cm (17 ⅛ x 10 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed lower right: P.A. László/1910/21 Aug. Lermoos

Fürstlich Hohernzollernsche Sammlungen und Hofbibliothek, Sigmaringen, Germany


In the late summer of 1910 the de Lászlós spent a holiday in Bavaria.[1] A letter of 7 August 1910 reveals that during their stay, the artist and his wife Lucy were invited by Princess Auguste Viktoria von Hohenzollern’s grandmother, Mathilde Countess of Trani [7363] to come to the Austrian village of Lermoos in the district of Reutte, Tyrol, which is situated a few kilometres from the Bavarian border.[2] It was there that the artist made this drawing of the twenty-year old Princess Auguste Viktoria.

This drawing shows similarities to another one, also in three-quarter profile to the left, which the artist had made of the princess four years earlier [13560].  The artist commissioned quality lithographic reproductions of both these drawings, which were circulated to close friends and family of the sitter.

For biographical notes on the sitter, see [13560].



•Rutter, Owen, Portrait of a Painter, London 1939, pp. 224, 243, 270             


•DLA011-0077, letter from Nelly von Schmidt to de László, 7 August 1910

AG 2011

[1] Rutter, op. cit., p. 270

[2] DLA011-0077, op. cit.