DLA007-0064  Transcription 

[illegible notes in the artist’s hand across the top of the page]

April 6. [19]13

Dear Monsieur de László

I was so delighted to hear from Mother that you will paint her at the end of May.[1] It is such a joy to me that I have at last persuaded her to sit for the portrait, which I have for so long been wanting to possess.

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I have asked her to beg you to let me know what I should be indebted for the sketch on cardboard, the same size as mine [10003]. She told me the answer was £10.000! - Alas! I cannot run to that - but do tell me really so that I may see my way with my new little budget! I feel it is only you who could preserve for me what I love in my

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Mother’s beautiful face.

With love to Mdme de László (& the “new baby”[2], I hear he is lovely!) whom I hope to see in London soon.

Yours very sincerely

Irène Vernon Harcourt




[1] According to the 1901 census, the sender’s mother was born in Hungary in 1864; her name was possibly Alexandrine.

[2] John Adolphus de Laszlo (1912-1990) [11622], fifth and youngest son of Philip and Lucy de László, born on 20th October 1912