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We have been learning to be Scientists

Success criteria:

  • Pose an inquiry question around plants

  • Create and and write an experiment to help find out

  • Make an hypothesis                                

  • Explain the importance of fair testing                

  • Make observational notes

  • Label a diagram

  • Make conclusions


My comment: I think I am going pretty good at my science by working in a team so it will make it quicker, I helped my group to find a qsten for our science we helped each other to finish off.


Science term 2 writ up

Experiment= for our experiment we need dark tape and a very big plastic  bag that will fit around a plant we want to find out if plants can sweat.

My group and I was seeing if plants can sweat, I thought that plants need soil so they can grow or without soil it will not grow but it did grow without soil, We rapped three seeds up in a tishoo we put it in bags and leaved it we gave it water every second day.

we were put into groups and each groups had to do a hypothisis

 the plant  did sweat it had bubbiells inside it first we put a bag around a plant and then we ducktaped it tight.

Kelly’s comment:

You have been a keen scientist this term Riya. You have learnt by exploring, experimenting, observing, comparing and contrasting and by researching and asking. You can experiment every day at home and school.