*Oh well, welcome to the plotting place - here our differences go away, and we all become one big crew with the same desire of making the Storybook even more awesome than it already is.

Please introduce yourselves and choose different colours - I shall remain black, for I’m evil--er, I mean, for my iPad is giving me hard time with formatting. Oh, and it’s Aria speaking :3*

This is Reddy...I'm on an iPad as well, so I'm stuck with black as well :P So yes, let us discuss plot points that should come up in the SB!

*I shall talk between the stars, then (me being Aria again). I don't know if Alvarin or Shadowlight contacted you about the plans the three of us had together ~ in short, Gray needs to get captured on the Syren, he and Imogen get close. He's in the prison and all lost because of the dark and stuff, but knows of the way the ship moves even though he doesn't even see the sea, so she is curious about that - and he hears her sing and figures she's really a girl. The details were thoughts of, but I'm not sure how much Shadow or Alv want everyone to know, so I'll stop here :p

When do we get to know about what the Curse really is about? :3

 Also I'm posting the link to here in the DT, since I'm not sure if anyone else knows of this place besides us, lol*

Alvarin in red :) Yo! Oh, good. I should probably add all that here.. Including the mermaid thingy.

Shady is here  in  this green-blue color. xD Hey ALvarin!  So- plotting ideas? anything new? Btw I am perfectly alright for you to use Tommy in the posting idea you had.  go got it.

Oh Just a note for whoever comes on- Tommy has a phobia, but PLEASE don’t

  make is too over the top- he’s an adult man, not a little teenybopper. xD Mermaid?  Welcome Niteowl!  You post was lovely :3  trust me it takes a few posts to get into the swing of SBing but you get the hang of it pretty quick. <3

niteowl here in purple...new to all this SB/plotting stuff...was my first post okay?

*It was good, Nite, and I'm glad that you joined the SBing - it will get addictive, though. Take it from me (insert maniacal laughter) ehm.. Feel free to ask me if you need anything, though other people here are all good SBers so really you can fire away with questions anytime xD*

- Both ships are headed for the same harbor, but the Syren will arrive an hour or so earlier than the Llorona. John doesn't know who he's looking for, so he'll go to some tavern and ask for someone who has seen the Marie Celeste. A big part of the crew (NPCs, unless anyone is willing) will stay there and drink. He’ll find out that the person he is after is in the Royal Navy, and will got there (together with Tommy and anyone else who wants to come along) just to discover that the person has already been kidnapped by the crew of the Syren. John will instead head for the home of this person and find his/her spouse. The spouse also knows where to find the Marie Celeste and is willing to join them to find the person that was kidnapped. He'll then head back to the tavern where he started, to gather up his crew, but he'll instead find them brawling with the Syren's crew.. And then we could all interact for a bit before setting sail again

- There will be a race towards the Marie Celeste. John is going to make the Llorona take a shortcut over an area that is infamous for its many mermaids. Because of the lock of hair that he carries the mermaids will treat him like a merman and let his ship pass. When the Syren then tries to go after them they'll get some serious mermaid problems.

That’s all I have so far xD Well.. There is the triangle thingy xD I’m not sure how much I’m allowed to say :P No, not the Bermuda triangle xD

*oh look there went my black -.- someone please change colour for me, or I shall be the chameleon - in any case, Aria here xD Alvarin is referring to the certain love triangle, which sounds more cliche than anything, so we shall just call it the Triangle from now on. Ok? Ok.*

Triangle thingy? O.o 

Yeah I’m dumb lol

But what about the Mermaids?! TELL Me about the mirmaids!  Oh.... XDD Sorry- I’m excited. Welcome Aqua! <3 Well you all have something on me... I have yet to post. XD  Oh I am planning on it. it’s just work-- I work with dogs so at the end of a day I am wiped..... 25 dogs for 8 hours does that to me. XD BUT- I am working on a post now. :3  Love Triangles. >:3  Love me some Love drama.

OH! Also- I have dyslexia so please forgive any gross breaches of spelling or grammar. :3 Still- i like to warn people. …. Lord my fingers aren’t working! XD Do you Type with your feet? XD  *Dies laughing*

Haha, we won’t care. XD Uh-uh. My feet aren’t working. :\ Maybe... XD Naw, I just came back from a training session in tennis. My feet kill. O.o Anyways, what’s this about a love triangle? Is that it or is it something else?

What Alvarin said... I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say. XD Alvarin me and Aria are involved in it- and Aria isn’t here.

But its Dramatic and awesome. XD  Oh- Also- if anyone wants to use tommy for something I’m totally open for plot ideas involving him. hell- lets throw him off  the ship. XD  He can swim. ….sorry- I’m a bit giddy. XD ….. Hell lets throw him off a cliff into the sea! XD  Lord- then have him have a run in with octopus. >:3  No- just overtired. and I had apple crisp. Sorry. Well lets be honest- the man needs something more happen to him... he’s at risk for just petering out. True. >:3 Angry tommy will be delightfully wonderful.

*Aria is here. GUYS. THE TRIANGLE THING. Did that get attention? Oh, well. In any case.. Gray, John and Imogen. Plan so far (because I'm evil like that) include Gray sacrificing himself for the two of the others sometime at the end of the SB. Probably. That is, unless I come up with a way better fate than getting killed. Reddy needs to tell us more about the Marie Celeste before I plot that one properly.*

It is indeed very awesome. Phantoms.. Just saying.

I feel sorry for Tommy xD That makes two of us. I slept three hours last night xD Oh, don’t worry. He’ll get to fight with the phantoms soon enough ;)

Wahh, I thought you were gonna say cliff. XD But ship is nice. *nods* O.o Bit excited, are we? XD lol. That explains it. And me too. I actually slept two hours last night. XD Um... sorry for shifting the topic, but I really have no idea what to do with Nailah. ^^” Hm... I figured I’d have to talk to you guys on that. I really do expect some romance for her, though. XD Haha, well, I’ll do that. And I’d like her to get really... ill maybe? Big plot twist that can affect everyone on Syren cause she IS the cook. Ooh... O.o Alvarin... I can see that... XD

Bwaha, they’re not all gonna die! XP No! XD Alvarin... *shakes head* Yeah! The storybook would be dead by then. ;D  

In what sense? Like how to keep her in the plot? What happens to her? Well... XD Start matchmaking then. XD Look at the single men then contact their writers. XD  True, But romance with oneself can be a little boring.  it’s nice to have someone else to play off.  It’s a character who isn’t a main- what Alvarin is typing. XD  Oh god.... Everyone getting ill....

ALvarin is evil to her characters- she does this. XD  Yes ALlie love but one of MINE  is on that ship!! And it happens to be the one you are interested in! Alvarin be nice- you can’t wish death on have the cast of this SB. Well tommy will be bare fisted when John starts getting too friendly. >;3 Lord... TOmmy might REALLY hit him.... Tommy is okay with that. both of them are crippled in their legs- well tommy it’s his foot but still.

If that doesn’t work you can always create a NPC.. Non Player Character ;) Ooh, yes please make the Syren’s crew sick *evil cackling* My character isn’t on the Syren ;) Eh.. She could’ve gotten of by then xD Yaaay! Death to the Syren! Oh, one can always wish :3 But yeah, John needs someone to fight.. Or I won’t get to torture him enough.. Poor man. John won’t just stand there and take it so.. Yaay, fight! Oh, that makes it kind of even :P Though John will probably try to talk some sense into him instead :P Haha, that would be hilarious! Though he would dive in after him xD

*Did anyone notice me coming back, failing with colours and talking about Gray maybe dying? Just asking xD*

*Looks like a yes, since I'm back in black, heh*

Yeah, I noticed. I changed color for you up there..Haha, that would be wonderful xD Though John can’t drown though. Mermaid hair and all that xD So feel free to hold him under the surface. Maybe John can fake drown, just to make Tommy stop xD

True that.  Tommy lost toes so he’s off balance on the one leg.  Tommy might be past sense- OH! maybe John accidentally pushes him off the ship then! XDD Lord can you imagine it!? the two of them swimming around the ship shouting at one another and arguing?!  *dies laughing* OH Aria! No I didnt see you! WELCOME! <3  Well of course no drowning!

 Okay now- Tommy won’t try to kill him! Goodness no- Johns his friend, he would just beat the crap out of him- Lord Tommy would panic. XD

*I'd very much like someone to mention something about Gray - because, see, there IS this legend about him, which people know, and it's no secret that he works on Llorona (no secret among pirates at least) so.. :p*

I’ll try to work that into my next post. Together with a line. Remember the lines!

*I forgot to put it in my last post >.< I felt so bad.. I'll put two in my next xD Also I'm planning on having Gray thing to a random (what's the nice name?) hooker in the port xD She'll be young and remind him of his sister or something, but no more than talking. I just want him to be charming a little xD*

Yeah, I’ll have to put two in my next one as well xD

True- the curse. >:3 Muhahaha The crap who keeps stealing my colors?! XD Sorry- Alvarin Aria and I have been PMing Plot ideas for a few days.  None of it is actually solid in the timeline- I just came up with the fight. XD No idea when it happens. not for a while anyway. Well- Tommy is single. XD But there are LOTS of single boys. :3 Well This is SHady- I write for Tommy and Imogen, Red is Alvarin and the black is Aria. :3   Wait... whose this below me?  you have the same color.  May I suggest we all skip to the bottom of the page so we’re not all over the pages? So we are in a line so it is more organized?

Yes please.

*Reddy? Is.. Wait. What did I want to ask? >.< oh. What's the rating of the SB? XD*

XD Sorry! Um... I’m a bit lost here, as to when or exactly WHERE this all happens. The fight, the dying, even though it’s still the works.Oh, okay. Well, I’ll have to PM someone who’s still single or maybe make an N.PC, but I have to go now, so, laters. XD I know! But I’m just confused as to who’s with who, cause we were typing all over the place. Uh, i already know THAT! XD Rating? Oh... I guess that depends on what happens in the storyline next. Haha, I agree. XD


*Rating, as in is it 12+, or 16+ or what.. As for connections (my sentences get deleted here for some reason), Shadow's character Imogen will be in the triangle with John (Alvarin) and Gray (me).. That's all we have on love so far, I think.*

Yay! Epic fight scene! lol. XD I guess it would be a good twist. *ponders* XD

Question...what is NPC? Okay got it thanks. Man I have no idea how to work Brent into any of this....

Okay... never used Google docs before, so... ^^” Aqua here, btw! My post was a bit... XD lol. Hi! xD


Oh, no problem, really. Whenever you get time.

There, now. So.. Anything we should be discussing? xD Well, it’s a normal harbor isn’t it? And the Royal Navy has some building there too.. Probably heavily guarded. Oh, and they should have a reserved place in the harbor. And some taverns and houses here and there. Hrm.. Aria just reminded me what time it is, so I should get some sleep as well. Goodnight! :)

Blue here. Wait, Alvarin, type on top of me. That way my previous blue and this blue won’t get mixed up. XD Shady, you just look black to me. There. Nice and organized. xD

Hm.. what about how San Juan looks like? Bueno, Shady. xP Hm... Okay. Well, just know I wont be the one to post, describing the port! XD The person who has the clearer idea should lead us off. True. Oh well. ^^” That’s a good idea. ^u^ Especially on the more... IDK bad side of town? There could be like good side and a bad side? Sorry Shady, I have to go. I’ll PM! Sorry! ^^” Night, actually. Want me to tell you something? I actually live in the Caribbean. Oh, where? In what island? I see. *nods* Well, TTYL. My mom’s calling me to dinner. Bye. XD

Well.... I like Alvarins idea, and probably a few houses of no good reputation.... Maybe where grey meets his Lady of the night? A flipside to every harbor town.  those poor sailors at sea for MONTHS at end.... those Ladies would have booming business. And now I’m done before I say something I regret. Night! <333 Or morning.... depending on where you are. XD  OOOH! I”ve always wanted to visit. :3  My uncle used to work down there. I’m not sure..... his company had him going all over- he wasn’t really stationed on one in particular.  Night!

*Gray will call his Lady of the night to the ship xD They sneak around the docks, the ones who don't get payed much, and will jump on the sailors when they see them. The others can be found in the houses in the streets, more expensive and cleaner as you move towards the city's centre. I know a bunch on those subjects, I needed it for a novel once xD*

*Well, I can chat no more, it's 2:22 am here and I have school in less than six hours, soooo.. I will come back tomorrow, hopefully to find something I'll actually get xD also the post coming up tomorrow, some time in the afternoon. See you, and stay awesome :3

(Also join the Ink Puppeteers club #shamelessselfpromotion)*

*The Navy wouldn't quite have its HQ in the port, btw.. Perhaps some small place, but not really, the ports of the time weren't very clean or civilized, so they'd probably be on their ships or somewhere more towards the town's centre. I have a VERY clear idea of the port, but alas, Gray won't leave the ship xD he could describe it, though, but I think some of you will surely post before me anyway.*

This is SHADY in GREEN ....there, now no one steal my color. XD  I assume normal post- like the normal seedy caribbean port with navy posts.  

Nite claiming a spot and Shady, your color doesn’t look very different, I’d change it. Well looks like a lot of people are leaving and I have work to do so...see you guys later. Hey janika. Don’t have much time to chat right now but I might be game for inter-ship romance...my character’s male...not sure if they’d like each other much though...:/

{{{{{{{ heyyyy it's laminated! Can't claim

a color because I'm on an iPod :( but awesome plotting, guys! Do we have any inter ship lovin?}}}}}

Is anyone still here? Its me janika. I would like someone for my character to have *relations* with ^^

{{{{{what is the gender of your little dear?}}}}


{{{{perhaps we can arrange something... I shall take a look atcho character!}}}}

{{{{hmmmm... She seems a bit too spirited for Felix. He's more into the quiets.}}}

{{{okay, so I think Felix should be Brent's wingman. They were basically destined to be besties. Thoughts? }}}}

Laminated-I’m fine with that.

I don’t know what to say to that

Chiridawn here, I’ll be this green-yellow (vomit) colour. Since Bernie’s a cabin boy, I’m not sure if he’ll have much to do with the big events of the story, but I hope it’ll be something interesting! I was thinking he might have relations with Imogen... is that alright? xD

*Aria here, and no xD Imogen is taken, twice so - Grey and John will both be in relationship with her. Scroll a bit up and read the whole Doc from the beginning, I suggest :)*

And will they be chasing the ghost ship?

Does the ghost ship have treasure on board?

Why are they after it?

How will it be resolved - will the two crews get over their differences or will they have an unsteady peace?

What is the curse?

How/when will the crews clash?

I think that’s all of my questions for now :D

I wouldn’t know how to answer any of those questions, though most of them can be answered from common sense of by reading the posts, I guess. They’re looking for the treasure because they want whatever it is. The rest won’t be known until the SB is further in.