Call for an Immediate Ceasefire

UPDATED: Thank you for taking action to demand the Canadian government use their power on the international stage to advocate for an immediate ceasefire in Israel/Palestine.

As of December 12th, 2023, Canada voted in favour of an immediate ceasefire between Israel/Palestine at the United Nations. However, Canada continues to support the Israeli military by selling millions of dollars worth of weapons. To make the ceasefire real, Canada must impose an arms embargo on Israel and refuse complicity in this war.

To use this action sheet, work your way through the three kinds of actions listed below — calling, emailing, faxing, and sharing. Try to complete every action, but if there are some you need to skip then don’t sweat it!

Updated Talking points to include in your message:

  • My name is [YOUR NAME HERE], I’m a constituent [when calling your own MP], and I am calling because there is a humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza.
  • Since Hamas’s deadly attack on Israeli civilians on October 7th, the Israeli military has killed over 19,000 Palestinians – 43% of whom are children. This strategy of collective punishment is a war crime.
  • I call on you to make the ceasefire real by imposing an immediate arms embargo against Israel and end Canada’s complicity in this war. I urge you to employ all diplomatic efforts to reach an immediate and lasting ceasefire, followed by a peaceful end to the occupation of Palestine.


ACTION: Call your MP

Don’t take this action if your MP is NDP — the NDP have already endorsed a ceasefire.

If the calling tool doesn’t work, you can find your MP’s number using this link and call directly.

  • Please use the updated talking points above!

ACTION: Call 4-5 Cabinet Ministers

Refresh the page for a different Minister after each call — you might have to do this several times.

Cabinet Minister numbers (if the tool gives you trouble)

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau


Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland


Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly


Minister of International Development Ahmed Hussen


Minister of Defence Bill Blair



NEW ACTION: Email your MP to call for an arms embargo 

Customized messages are more likely to get read, so take your time tweaking the template message to make it your own.

NOTE: if your MP belongs to the NDP, or is one of the 33 MPs on this list who has signed the open letter calling for a ceasefire, use this link to email your MP instead:


ACTION: Send a fax to your MP 

Some MP and Cabinet Minister voicemails may be full, so we are also reaching them through faxes! Customized messages are more likely to get read, so take your time tweaking the template message to make it your own.


ACTION: Sign a petition targeting your mayor and city council 

Already, some municipal leaders have called on the Canadian government to support a permanent ceasefire. The more decision-makers who add their voices, the more pressure there will be on the federal government.

If you don’t see your municipality on the list, you can start a petition 


ACTION: Share our calling tool on social media

  • To share the calling tool on Facebook, click here.
  • To share the calling tool on Twitter/X, click here.
  • To promote the calling tool on Instagram, click here then reshare on your story.

ACTION: Tweet at your MP (unless they’re NDP) demanding they call for an immediate ceasefire.

You can use the template tweet below, or adapt it to make it your own. To find your MP’s Twitter/X handle, look up your MP’s name (if needed) using this link, and then see if their handle appears when you type out their name in your tweet.

.@[MP handle here] there’s a humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza. I urge you to call for an immediate arms embargo against Israel in order to realize a permanent #ceasefire now!

ACTION: Share our calling tool with three friends

You can use this template message to send to your friends via email or any messaging platform. You can even call them! Feel free to adapt the script to make it your own.

Hi [NAME], hope you’re doing well! I’m reaching out because I’m horrified by Israel’s ongoing bombardment of civilians in Gaza and the sheer loss of life that’s ensued, and have been doing what I can to push the Canadian government to take action.

I called my MP today to ask them to call for an arms embargo on Israel, in order to secure an immediate and permanent ceasefirel. Would you have a couple minutes to call your MP as well? I used this tool, which includes some talking points you can use:

Additional Resources

  • Note: this toolkit was designed for a mobilization during the week of November 13th so some information may be out of date, but you’re welcome to use it as a guide if you’d like to give your MP a visit.

Organizations to follow