Micro Report Outline

Engineering 1282.02H

Spring, 2016





Shane Riddle, Seat 21

Eric Glowacki, Seat 22

Justin Iovino, Seat 23

Jack Canaday, Seat 24


A. Theiss


Date of Submission: 3/24/2016

Executive Summary

A concise summary of the report (one page).


Thank errybody.

Table of Contents

Reference chart that shows which parts of the lab report are where. Beginning page number is included beside the section/ subsection title while Appendices are labeled by their letter and Title (exp: appendix A: Title).

List of Figures

As the title implies, create an organized, numbered list of all the figures used in the report. Include page numbers and which Appendix it is in (if applicable).

List of Tables

As the title implies, create an organized, numbered list of all the tables used in the report. Include page numbers and which Appendix it is in (if applicable).

Team Introduction

Short blurb about each member of the team to introduce ourselves. Talk about ourselves and what each of us did in the project.

  1. Introduction

Introduce the experiment and what is being tested. (Purpose statement).

Experiment Overview

Give a description of the experiment. What is done and what happens???

Hypotheses and Predictions

Present hypotheses and any predictions of the outcomes of the experiment.


Give a general outline of the report stating what it consists of and in what order.

  1. Preliminary Concepts

Fluid Mechanics

Overview of fluid mechanics principles relevant to the project.

Shell Balance & Cauchy Equation

Fluid Mechanics Program

Mercier – Bonin Paper

Brief summary of Mercier – Bonin paper and its applications in this project

Annotated Bibliography

Discussion of key findings relevant to the project while researching scientific journals.

Design Stage 1 – Brainstorming

Summary of preliminary design ideas and concepts that the group members came up with.

SolidWorks Flow Simulation

Discussion of results and implications of the tests in the SolidWorks Flow Simulation Lab.

Shear Stress

Flow Velocity


  1. Design Analysis

Microfluidics Lab

Discussion of procedure and results of Lab 2 and how they apply to the project.


Results & Discussion

Chip Redesign

Description of second stage in the chip design, including the initial problems of the design and solutions

Initial Challenges

Channel Layout and Dimensions

Preliminary Flow Simulation

Description of SolidWorks flow simulation of the isolated channel and its results.



Yeast Cell Adhesion Lab

Discussion of Yeast Cell Adhesion Lab (Lab 3) and how the results give insight to our custom chip design and experimental procedure.




  1. Preliminary Testing and Refinements

Chip Calibration

Chip calibration and whether the results indicate that the chip needed to be redesigned.

Experimental Procedure



Chip Redesign (If Applicable)

Discusses possible design modification necessary after the initial chip calibration

Problems with Original Design

Design Changes

  1. Final Design

Final Chip Design

Key features of final chip design.

Chip Holder

Chip Top & Bottom

Chip Wafer

Experimental Procedure

Final microchip procedure.

Variables Tested

Observational Methods

  1. Results and Analysis

Variables and Yeast Shearing

Data from yeast shearing experiments.

Shearing Threshold

Shearing Results


Design Analysis

Assessment of final chip design.

Design Strengths

Design Weaknesses

Experimental Procedure

Assessment of final experimental procedure

Procedure Strengths

Procedure Weaknesses

  1. Summary and Conclusions

Experimental Process

Summary of design stages, procedure, observational techniques, and acquisition of data.

Design Process


Observational Methods


Description of major findings, statistical analysis, and discussion.

Statistical Analysis


Future Experiments

Possible modifications to the design and procedure that may be beneficial to future experiments.

Design Modifications

Procedural Modification


Create a list of all the resources used in this experiment and report for data analysis, background info, brainstorming, etc… Use the formatting used in all FEH reports????

        Title of the document. Date accessed. URL.


For each appendix there must be a descriptive title page, informing the reader of what it contains. Each figure or table must be labeled an inserted into a text box with invisible border, numbered and labeled with the letter representing the Appendix.


[1]        Name of document. date accessed. URL.

[2]        Marble Carrier Write Up. 2015, August 22. www.carmen.osu.edu.

[3]        Spot Speed Write Up. 2013, August 25. www.carmen.osu.edu.


Title of Appendix


Sample Calculations



Sample Calculation for Equation 1

Sample Calculation for Equation 2

Sample Calculation for Equation B1


New Title



Engineering stress (psi)

Force (pounds)

Initial area (inches2)

Engineering strain (in/in)

Final length (inches)

Initial length (inches)