Iran Living Document – WLF


This is a living document created and managed by volunteer members of the Iranian Diaspora Collective.  Special thank you to Middle East Matters and From Iran for advising on the creation of this living document. This document was started in October 2022.

The Iranian Diaspora Collective was formed as a response to the overwhelming demand from Iranians in Iran to amplify their voices. The Iranian Diaspora Collective 501(c)(3)  is a non-partisan, queer-led, multi-faith group of leaders who possess expertise in modern cultural and business practices. Our impact driven strategy mobilizes our expertise in storytelling and culture through a broad network of taste-makers, provocateurs, thought-leaders, and industry experts.  Our intersectional and inclusive approach reflects our dedication to achieving freedom of expression and equity for women and all marginalized groups in Iran.

The Iranian Diaspora Collective supports the demands of Iranians inside Iran who want a free, secular democracy, a new constitution and an end to theocracy. We are not affiliated with any political organizations or lobbying groups. We support the vast majority of Iranians on the ground who do not believe that the current regime, the Islamic Republic, can be reformed.  Instead, we support their fight for a revolution, and the formation of a new, non-theocratic, democratic government.

Table of Contents:

Current Headlines - IRAN

Current Headlines - USA & International Community
September 2022 Protest & Uprising Stats

Background on the Current Movement

“Woman, Life, Freedom” (About the Slogan)

Understanding the structure & bodies of IR forces

Journalism Best Practices

Source/Who to Follow

Earthquakes in Khoy, Iran; Syria; Turkiye – Please see below for fundraisers for each region

Insights - IRAN

A (Brief) Timeline of Women's Rights in Iran under the Islamic Republic

Understanding Women’s Rights in Iran through the lens of Conservatorship

CTA/Calls to Action

About Iranian Diaspora Collective 2022 Billboard Campaign

IDC in the Press

Current Headlines - IRAN

For Daily Updates on Human Interest stories, please see our instagram:

  • 11/19/23 Prominent Iranian actress, Hanieh Tavassoli, has been sentenced to six months in prison after posting content on her social media channels in support of protests spearheaded by Iran’s youth. Source, Source, Source, Source 
  • 11/18/23 Eshaq Jahangiri, vice president of the Islamic Republic of Iran during Hassan Rouhani’s administration, has been sentenced to one year in prison for “false accusations against the parliament speaker.” It has been reported that the sentence is related to complaints filed by Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, the speaker of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s parliament. Source
  • 11/18/23 Dissident rapper, Toomaj Salehi, has been released on bail. Source, Source, Source
  • 11/18/23 Oil workers in Ahvaz organized a rally to demand better wages and benefits. Source
  • 11/17/23 Kurdish activists and artists were summoned by intelligence agencies in Khorasan and warned not to wear traditional Kurdish clothing. Source
  • 11/17/23 Reports claim that there has been an increased presence of morality police in Tehran’s metro stations. Source
  • 11/16/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran deployed armored vehicles and increased the presence of military forces in Sistan and Baluchistan in anticipation of weekly Friday protests in Zahedan. Source
  • 11/16/23 Today marks the anniversary of the murder of 9-year-old Kian Pirfalak. Source
  • 11/15/23 Prominent human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, who was recently arrested while in attendance at the funeral of Armita Geravand, has been freed on bail. Source & Source
  • 11/15/23 A report by the International Atomic Energy Agency claims that Iran has increased its stockpile of uranium to almost weapons-grade levels. Source
  • 11/15/23 Schools and offices moved to remote operations in Tehran, Karaj, Arak, and Isfahan due to unhealthy air quality. Source
  • 11/15/23 Nobel Peace Prize laureate and prominent imprisoned human rights activist, Narges Mohammadi, was once again denied medical care for refusing to comply with modesty/hijab laws. This comes days after Mohammadi was briefly transferred to a hospital in Tehran after going on a hunger strike. Source
  • 11/14/23 300 people were arrested by authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Semnan Province for attending a mixed-gender party. Source & Source
  • 11/14/23 Prominent activist and human rights lawyer, Nasrin Sotoudeh, has won the Alice Schwarzer Foundation's 2023 Heroine Award. Source
  • 11/13/23 National Steel Industrial Group workers in Ahvaz staged a protest to demand their grievances be heard for the third consecutive day. Source
  • 11/12/23 The families of those murdered by the Islamic Republic of Iran during protests have canceled anniversary ceremonies after being pressured by the IR. Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 11/11/23 Ali Mohammad Tahmasbi, an Iranian official claimed that the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Taliban have reached an oral agreement concerning the Hirmand River, which has been a cause of tension between Iran and Afghanistan. Source
  • 11/10/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Guardian Council disqualified eight members of parliament from running for reelection. Source
  • 11/9/23 Prominent imprisoned dissident rapper, Toomaj Salehi, continues to be denied medical treatment including a surgical procedure for injuries he sustained after being tortured while in custody. Source & Source
  • 11/9/23 The Center for Human Rights in Iran released a video depicting an elementary student in Sistan and Baluchestan province undergoing extreme corporal punishment carried out by his teacher. Source
  • 11/9/23 Parents in Zahedan gathered outside a prison in the city to inquire about their children (many under the age of 18) who were detained after Friday prayers. Source
  • 11/9/23 A memorial was held for Kian Pirfalak at his burial site. It has been reported that individuals were arrested after attending the memorial. Source, Source, Source
  • 11/9/23 A group of students at the Qom University of Medical Sciences were suspended for allegedly being involved in a mixed-gender party. Source
  • 11/8/23 Prominent imprisoned human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Narges Mohammadi, ended her hunger strike and was reportedly able to seek medical treatment at a hospital without adhering to compulsory hijab/modesty laws. Source & Source
  • 11/7/23 Three women have been arrested for allegedly assaulting an enforcer of compulsory hijab/modesty laws in the Tehran Metro. Source
  • 11/7/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran’s parliament has approved measures for the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance to create an online monitoring system to surveil civilians. Source
  • 11/6/23 Prominent imprisoned human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Narges Mohammadi, has begun a hunger strike to protest mandatory hijab laws and the denial of medical care for inmates. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 11/5/23 A 30-member Taliban delegation arrived in Iran to discuss economic matters, water rights, and Afghan migrants in Iran. Source
  • 11/5/23 The spokesperson of the Teachers' Association of Tehran, Mohammad Habibi, will stand trial starting in January 2024 for his alleged involvement in protests against the poisoning of schoolgirls in Iran. Source
  • 11/3/23 Manouchehr Bakhtiari, the father of Pouya Baktiari, who was killed during the 2019 Aban protests, has been given an additional six-month prison sentence for “insulting the Supreme Leader of Iran.” He was previously sentenced to three years and six months in prison in 2021. Source & Source
  • 11/2/23 Mehdi Rajabian, a dissident Iranian composer has won the United Nations International Art Contest for Minority Artists and is the first musician to have won. Source, Source, Source
  • 11/2/23 Mehdi Chamran, the head of Tehran’s city council reportedly offered to support reconstruction efforts in Gaza. Source
  • 11/2/23 Mojahed Korkor, who was falsely accused of killing Kian Pirfalak, has been admitted unconscious to a hospital after being severely beaten while in custody. It has been reported that he suffered broken ribs and stomach lacerations. Source
  • 11/1/23 Former president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hassan Rouhani claims that the United States and Islamic Republic of Iran were on the brink of war three times during the presidency of Donald Trump. The three instances include when the Islamic Republic of Iran shot down a U.S. surveillance drone over the Persian Gulf in 2019, when the IR and Houthis were believed to have been behind missile and drone attacks in 2019 on an oil facility in Saudi Arabia, and finally when the United States carried out an air strike that killed Qassem Soleimani in 2020. Source
  • 11/1/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Ministry of Health barred the CEO of CinnaGen Company (a pharmaceutical company), Haleh Hamedifard from attending a meeting at the ministry because of non-compliance with modesty laws. Officials claim that her monteau was too short. Source & Source
  • 11/1/23 Sadegh Ghasemi Zilaei, a rapper from Ahvaz was arrested by authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Source & Source
  • 11/1/23 A report by the Iranian Customs Authority claims that Iran suffered an $8 billion dollar trade deficit during a seven-month period ending on October 22, 2023. Source
  • 11/1/23 Friends of Armita Geravand spoke to Iran International about their murdered friend who they say was adamantly opposed to mandatory hijab/modesty laws imposed by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Source
  • 11/1/23 Around 150 members of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s parliament volunteered to serve in the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel. Source
  • 11/1/23 The United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, said in a new report that the Islamic Republic of Iran executed at least 419 individuals in the first seven months of 2023 which is a 30% increase compared to the same period in 2022. Guterres claimed that of the 419, 219 were executed for drug-related offenses. Source & Source
  • 11/1/23 The Hengaw Organization for Human Rights reported that the Islamic Republic of Iran executed at least 78 prisoners and detained at least 303 individuals solely in the month of October. Source,  Source, Source
  • 11/1/23 The Hengaw Organization for Human Rights reported that at least 30 Kurdish Kolbars have died or were injured in the month of October. 28 of the 30 were killed or injured because of direct shooting by forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Source
  • 10/31/23 Prominent activist and human rights lawyer, Nasrin Sotoudeh, who was arrested at the funeral of Armita Geravand, is on a hunger and medicine strike in prison. Source & Source
  • 10/31/23 Female students in Sanandaj are being pressured to participate in a government-sponsored anthem ceremony that will take place during Ebrahim Raisi’s visit to the city. Source
  • 10/31/23 Prominent imprisoned human rights activist, Narges Mohammadi, who has won the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize has been denied medical care. Source & Source
  • 10/30/23 Mahsa Yazdani, the mother of a slain protestor who was killed by forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2022, has been sentenced to 13 years in prison. She was charged with insulting sacred entities, endangering state security, and insulting the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic. Source, Source
  • 10/30/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran’s chief justice, Gholahossein Mohseni Ejei, called on the Ministry of the Interior and law enforcement to punish those who oppose the Chastity and Hijab bill. Source
  • 10/29/23 Ali Khamenei has appointed Parviz Fattah, an ex-IRGC member and former minister of energy under Ahmadinejad to head the Execution of Imam Khomeini's Order which is a large conglomerate under Khamenei’s control. Source
  • 10/29/23 Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran detained and assaulted dozens of people at the funeral of Armita Geravand. Source, Source, Source
  • 10/29/23 Prominent human rights lawyer, Nasrin Sotoudeh, was beaten and arrested while attending the funeral of Armita Geravand. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 10/28/23 16-year-old Armita Geravand who fell into a coma after being assaulted by the morality police, has died. Source, Source, Source 
  • 10/27/23 A female doctor in Mazandaran had her medical license suspended after she appeared at a public ceremony without wearing a hijab. Source
  • 10/25/23 Iran is facing a shortage of teachers. It has been reported that at least 10,000 classrooms do not have instructors and the shortage of teachers is estimated to be somewhere from 250,000-300,000 thousand. Source
  • 10/25/23 A 15-year-old protester, Amir-Arsalan Ejdehakosh, died by suicide on the one-year anniversary of his detention. Ejdehakosh was arrested and detained for two months in 2022 after engaging in protests following the murder of Jina Mahsa Amini.  Source
  • 10/25/23 Eight members of the teachers' union activists in Fars province have been sentenced to prison for 37 years collectively. One group has been ordered to live in exile in Khorasan for five years while others face restrictions on their online activities and have had their passports revoked. Source
  • 10/25/23 Zia Nabawi and Hasti Amiri, two university students at Allameh Tabatabai University had their year-long prison sentences upheld. The two were arrested after engaging in a peaceful rally on March 7th protesting the poisoning of schoolgirls in Iran. Source, Source, Source
  • 10/25/23 Imprisoned dissident rapper, Saman Yasin’s trial has been postponed for the third time. While in detention, Yasin has been denied medical treatment. Source 
  • 10/24/23 Prominent political prisoner, Fatemeh Sepehri, who was forced to return to prison following her open heart surgery, has been rushed to a hospital in Mashhad due to chest pains. Source
  • 10/24/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence has arrested 10 Baha’i women in Isfahan after forces of the IR raided their homes. Source
  • 10/24/23 Seventeen workers at Ahvaz National Steel Group have each been sentenced to 74 lashes and a 2.5 million toman fine ($610) after engaging in peaceful protests. Source
  • 10/24/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran’s education minister has mandated K-12 schools to have 30 minutes of group prayer. Source & Source
  • 10/23/23 The family of Armita Geravand is being pressured by the Islamic Republic of Iran to relocate her from Tehran to Kermanshah. Source
  • 10/22/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran shut down at least 14 businesses associated with people of the Baha’i faith. Source
  • 10/22/23 There was an explosion at the Parand Power Plant in Tehran which left two dead and others injured. Source
  • 10/22/23 The two journalists who broke the news of Jina Mahsa Amini’s death, Niloofar Hamedi and Elahe Mohammadi, have been sentenced to 13 and 12 years in prison respectively. They were charged with allegedly collaborating with a hostile government (the U.S.) and acting against national security. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 10/21/23 Hassan Nourouzi, a lawmaker in the Islamic Republic of Iran, said that Iran may close the Strait of Hormuz and “go to war against Israel to support the resistance” if the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues. Source
  • 10/20/23 The organization, Iran Human Rights, reported that the Islamic Republic of Iran executed at least 10 men in Qezel Hesar Prison in Karaj for drug-related charges. Source & Source
  • 10/20/23 At least 50 people, including 13 children were arrested during anti-regime protests in Zahedan following Friday prayers. Security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran also used tear gas and fired gunshots to disperse hundreds of the protestors. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 10/20/23 It has been reported that at least a third of K-12 students in Sistan and Baluchestan province have had to discontinue their education due to economic hardships. Source
  • 10/20/23 A 31-year-old woman by the name of Roya Zakeri, also known as “Tabriz girl” has been detained by forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran and forcefully admitted to a mental hospital after yelling “death to the dictator.” Source & Source
  • 10/20/23 Prominent dissident and imprisoned activist, Fatemeh Sepehri, was sent back to prison a day after being granted home leave following her open heart surgery on October 1. Source & Source
  • 10/19/23 Jina Mahsa Amini has been awarded the Europen Union’s top human rights prize- the Sakharov Prize. Source, Source, Source
  • 10/18/23 Crowds at the funeral of Dariush Mehrjui and his wife, who were stabbed to death in their home, chanted anti-regime slogans. Source
  • 10/17/23 The parents of Armita Geravand, the 16-year-old in a coma who was physically assaulted by the morality police, have allegedly been pressured to sign documents promising they will not file a lawsuit. Source
  • 10/17/23 The attorney representing Jina Mahsa Amini’s family, Saleh Nikbakht, has been sentenced to one year in prison on charges of "propaganda activities against the system." Nikbakht has also been forbidden from taking part in ‘online activities.’ Source
  • 10/17/23 Iranian pensioners across the country including in Ahvaz, Kermanshah, and Sanandaj organized peaceful protests. Source
  • 10/17/23 The uncle of Jina Mahsa Amini, who was detained has been released on bail. Source
  • 10/16/23 Hundreds have been hospitalized in Sistan and Baluchistan Province due to severe sandstorms. Source
  • 10/15/23 Farmers in Isfahan have been protesting to demand the reopening of the Zayandeh-Rud River which is crucial for the agricultural industry. Source
  • 10/14/23 Prominent Iranian film director, Dariush Mehrjui and his wife were stabbed to death in their home by an unknown attacker. Source & Source
  • 10/14/23 An employee at the Parsian Gas Refinery in Fars Province has died. Source
  • 10/12/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, will visit Lebanon and Iraq. Source
  • 10/12/23 The president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammad Bin Salman, reportedly spoke about “the ongoing military escalation in Gaza.” Source
  • 10/12/23 More than 32,000 lecturers and professors at Islamic Azad University were dismissed. Source & Source
  • 10/11/23 Prominent imprisoned human rights activist, Narges Mohammadi, who has won the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize was denied a meeting with her lawyer after refusing to comply with hijab/modesty laws. Source
  • 10/9/23 The uncle of Jina Mahsa Amini, Safa Aeli, has been held in detention for over a month with no updates or information on his well-being. Source
  • 10/9/23 The Human Rights Activists News Agency released their annual report on executions in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The report claims that since last October, 659 convicts were executed by hanging which is up 24%. Source & Source
  • 10/8/23 The president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, spoke with leaders of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad after Hamas launched attacks on Israel. Source
  • 10/7/23 There has been a new round of poisonings of schoolgirls in Iran following the return of the school year. Source
  • 10/6/23 Prominent imprisoned human rights activist, Narges Mohammadi has won the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize. Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 10/6/23 An Iranian war veteran of the Iran-Iraq war has been sentenced to 13 years in prison for conspiracy against the Islamic Republic of Iran, collaborating with a hostile government, and insulting the supreme leader. Source
  • 10/6/23 Numerous international human rights groups and the EU foreign policy chief have expressed concern for Armita Geravand and expressed the need for an investigation into the matter. Source, Source, Source
  • 10/6/23 The mother of Armita Geravand, Shahin Ahmadi, has been released after being in detention for 24 hours. She has allegedly been transferred to a hospital in Tehran after pledging to not engage in press activities. Source
  • 10/5/23 The mother of Armita Geravand, Shahin Ahmadi, has allegedly been arrested by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Source & Source
  • 10/5/23 Authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran arrested at least 9 civilians in Zahedan in connection to protests in the city. Source
  • 10/4/23 Armita Geravand, a 16-year-old is now in a coma after being physically and violently assaulted by morality police at a Tehran Metro. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 10/3/23 The sons of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s first deputy head of the Judiciary have been implicated in a $400 million money laundering and corruption case. Source
  • 10/2/23 An Iranian journalist, Maryam Lotfi, has been arrested after reporting on the physical assault of 16-year-old Armita Geravand by the Islamic Republic of Iran’s morality police. Source
  • 10/2/23 The Hengaw Organization for Human Rights reported that at least 463 individuals have been detained by the Islamic Republic of Iran in September 2023 alone. Source
  • 10/1/23 Authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran ordered two bookstores in Tehran to shut their doors due to women not adhering to hijab/modesty laws while in the bookstores. Source
  • 9/30/23 A Taliban delegation arrived in Iran to take part in the 37th International Islamic Unity Conference. Source
  • 9/29/23 Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran opened fire on civilians in Zahedan during a peaceful anti-regime protest following Friday prayers. The IR deployed military forces to Zahedan ahead of the anniversary of the 2022 Zahedan massacre on September 30. At least 23 people were injured. Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 9/28/23 A fire broke out at a factory in Tehran owned by the Islamic Republic of Iran’s defense ministry. Source
  • 9/28/23 Four members of the Teacher’s Trade Association (teacher’s union) were sentenced to prison and have been banned from teaching for a period of time. Source
  • 9/27/23 Prominent imprisoned activist, Fatemeh Sepehri, has been hospitalized due to worsening health. Source
  • 9/27/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran claimed it was able to launch an imaging satellite into space. Source
  • 9/27/23 Three Kurdish Kolbars were severely injured by direct fire from forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran near the border city of Baneh. Source
  • 9/25/23 A dental conference in Mashhad was shut down by authorities of the Islamic Republic because a number of women in attendance did not adhere to compulsory hijab and modesty laws. Source
  • 9/25/23 Authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran have approved a plan to allow foreign tourists in Iran to have access to special SIM cards that will enable them to have access to the internet and telephone applications without restrictions. Internet and social network access is severely restricted for Iranians. Source
  • 9/26/23 60-year-old Faramarz Javidzad died while in Iran’s notorious Evin Prison after being denied medical treatment. Source
  • 9/22/23 Continuing the trend of mass protests after Friday prayer in Zahedan, hundreds demonstrated and chanted anti-regime slogans. Source, Source, Source
  • 9/22/23 There was a fire at a storage facility of an Iranian Defense Ministry factory in Tehran. Source & Source
  • 9/22/23 There was a blast at an oil refinery in Bandar Abbas which left one person dead and four others injured. Source
  • 9/22/23 The Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ravina Shamdasani, condemned the “Chastity and Hijab Law” which was recently passed by the Islamic Republic of Iran’s parliament. Shamdasani said, “Our Office urges the Iranian authorities to take steps to eliminate this and all other forms of gender-based discrimination, and to repeal all associated laws and practices. We also call on the authorities to abolish all regulations and procedures whereby specifically women’s behavior in public is monitored, and to introduce laws and policies that enable women and girls to exercise their human rights, including their right to fully participate in public life, without fear of retribution and discrimination.Source, Source, Source
  • 9/21/23 Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran surrounded and raided the home of Javad Heydari’s family just days before the anniversary of his murder by the IR. Members of his family were beaten, arrested, and tear-gassed- including the children in the house. Source, Source, Source
  • 9/21/23 Heavily armed forces of the Islamic Republic were deployed to Kurdistan Province. Agents of the Islamic Republic also blocked routes to Jina Mahsa Amini’s gravesite and family home. Source
  • 9/21/23 The Office of the Special Envoy for Iran released a statement after the harassment of journalists by Ebrahim Raisi’s entourage, saying, “We condemn the apparent harassment and intimidation of several journalists on U.S. soil. Such behavior is unacceptable.” Source
  • 9/21/23 The entourage of the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, harassed, attacked, and insulted journalists covering Raisi’s activities in New York. Source & Source
  • 9/20/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran’s parliament passed the “Chastity and Hijab Law” which awaits approval from the ‘Guardian Council.’ The bill intensifies punishments against women in Iran who do not adhere to modesty laws. The new bill is said to also include vague language- likely to make it easier for the IR to unjustly charge individuals. Source
  • 9/19/23 It has been reported that internet speed in the Islamic Republic of Iran has reached its lowest point this year. Source
  • 9/19/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran has summoned at least 50 people to court for posts they made on social media channels. Source
  • 9/19/23 The five United States citizens who were imprisoned by the Islamic Republic of Iran and involved in the recent U.S.-Iran deal arrived on U.S. soil. Source & Source
  • 9/19/23 In his UN General Assembly, the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi said, “The surgical use of terrorists by certain Western governments as a political tool will be overcome by the collective will of the people of the region.” Raisi also claimed that Western powers meddling in the region is the root of instability, saying, “As non-Western powers have emerged, there is a collective hope for a novel and equitable world order.” Source & Source
  • 9/18/23 Cristiano Ronaldo is in Tehran for an AFC Champions League match against Persepolis Football Club. Ronaldo’s presence coincides with the anniversary week of Jina Mahsa Amini’s murder and has led to massive crowds in front of his hotel. Source
  • 9/18/23 The president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi arrived in New York City for the United Nations General Assembly. Source
  • 9/18/23 Two female journalists, Saeedeh Shafiee and Nasim Soltanbeigi have been sentenced to over three and a half years in prison on trumped-up national security charges. Source
  • 9/18/23 The chairman of the Central Bank of Iran, Mohammad-Reza Farzin, claimed that 5.73 billion Euros were transferred to six Iranian-held accounts in two Qatari banks. Source
  • 9/18/23 A 17-year-old from Ilam Province was unjustly taken into custody to an undisclosed location by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Source
  • 9/18/23 Mohammad Mehdi Karami’s father, Mashallah Karami has been in unjustly detained for over a month at an IRGC Intelligence Detention Center in Karaj. Source
  • 9/18/23 The five U.S. citizens involved in the recent U.S.-Iran deal which will release $6 billion in frozen funds to the Islamic Republic of Iran, have arrived in Doha, Qatar. Source & Source
  • 9/17/23 A gunman opened fire on a group of Basij forces in Nourabad, killing one person and injuring three. Source
  • 9/17/23 Prominent Iranian actress, Hanieh Tavassoli, was detained for posting an image of Jina Mahsa Amini with the caption "... A hero was born. Mahsa is immortal” on her Instagram page. Source
  • 9/16/23 Today marks the anniversary of the murder of Jina Mahsa Amini. Source, Source, Source
  • 9/16/23 There have been numerous protests inside Iran on the anniversary of the murder of Jina Mahsa Amini. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source 
  • 9/16/23 Shopkeepers and merchants in Iran’s Kurdish cities have gone on strike. Source & Source
  • 9/16/23 Security forces were deployed to a women’s prison in Qarchak to quell protests. It has been reported that special guards carried out lethal violence and torture. Source 
  • 9/16/23 Images have emerged of child soldiers being used by the Islamic Republic. Source & Source
  • 9/15/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran has threatened the families of murdered protesters with arrest if they attend memorial services as the anniversary of the murder of Jina Mahsa Amini arrives. Source
  • 9/15/23 A group of women prisoners in Evin Prison carried out a sit-in to protest the oppressive Islamic Republic. Source
  • 9/15/23 The family of Hadis Najafi who was killed during the WLF protests were arrested by forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Source
  • 9/15/23 In a letter, the prosecutor general's office of the Islamic Republic of Iran disclosed a recent ban on male medical personnel attending to female patients in operating rooms. Source
  • 9/15/23 It has been reported that at least 292 peaceful protesters and civil activists have been arrested in Iran over the past 50 days. Source
  • 9/15/23 The family of Jina Mahsa Amini has been warned not to visit her gravesite on the anniversary of her murder. Source
  • 9/15/23 Continuing the trend of mass protests after Friday prayer in Zahedan, hundreds demonstrated and chanted anti-regime slogans. Source
  • 9/15/23 Six exiled Iranians based in France have filed a criminal complaint against three senior officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The plaintiffs are accusing IRGC commander Hossein Salami, Intelligence Minister Esmail Khatib, and Quds Force commander Esmail Qaani of issuing/promoting death threats and justifying terrorism. Source
  • 9/14/23 The Islamic Republic is ramping up car checks of vehicles entering and leaving Saqqez, Kurdistan Province, in light of the upcoming anniversary of Jina Mahsa Amini’s murder. Source
  • 9/14/23 The Islamic Republic has sent forces to be heavily deployed around Jina Mahsa Amini’s family home in light of the upcoming anniversary of her murder. Source
  • 9/14/23 A 15-year-old from Sanandaj was unjustly taken into custody by agents of the Islamic Republic. Source
  • 9/13/23 The Council of Global Unions condemned and denounced the increasing repression in the Islamic Republic, “targeting teachers, journalists, trade union activists, student activists, and women's rights defenders, especially in light of the approaching anniversary of the extrajudicial death of Jina Mahsa Amini…” Source
  • 9/12/23 Antony Blinken, the U.S. Secretary of State signed a sanctions waiver to release the funds involved in the anticipated U.S.- Islamic Republic of Iran deal. The countries reached an agreement earlier to release five U.S. citizens currently held in the Islamic Republic of Iran in exchange for access to about $6 billion. The $6 billion comes from the Islamic Republic’s frozen assets currently held in South Korea. Source
  • 9/11/23 Prominent imprisoned human rights activist, Narges Mohammadi has allegedly been beaten and verbally abused while in Evin Prison’s hospital. Source
  • 9/7/23 Zeinab Kazemi, a female Iranian engineer who defied the mandatory hijab laws at a conference for engineers in Tehran has been sentenced to 74 lashes for "offending public decency." Source
  • 9/6/23 Imprisoned journalist, Nazila Maroofian says she was sexually assaulted during her most recent arrest. Maroofian notoriously interviewed Jina Mahsa Amini’s father after Amini was murdered. Source
  • 9/6/23 The father and sister of Mohammad Hassanzadeh, who was killed during the WLF protests were arrested and taken to an undisclosed location. Source
  • 9/5/23 The uncle of Jina Mahsa Amini was arrested ahead of the one-year anniversary of her murder. Source
  • 9/5/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council suspended the news outlet, Entekhab, for producing content deemed to be "beyond legal boundaries, contrary to national interests, and against the fundamental policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran in foreign policy." Source
  • 9/5/23 A series of videos have emerged of Mohammad Bagher Bazrafshan- the commander of the Basij base in Tehran's Evin district, allegedly engaging in sexual acts with other men. Same-sex relationships are illegal and punishable by death in the Islamic Republic. Source
  • 9/4/23 The mother of Erfan Rezaei (who was killed during WLF protests), Farzaneh Barzekar was arrested after attending a memorial ceremony for Javad Rouhi. Source
  • 9/2/23 The Islamic Republic has reportedly welcomed a new Russian-made YAK-130 combat trainer aircraft to its Air Force. Source
  • 9/2/23 Students in Iran collected over 13,000 signatures to protest the expulsion of a professor from Sharif University. The professor, Ali Sharifi Zarchi, had been summoned by the Islamic Republic earlier for comments made about the Islamic Republic’s alleged plan to integrate more pro-regime academics in Iranian universities. Source 
  • 9/2/23 Prominent Iranian activist, Sepideh Qolian has once again been sentenced- this time to 15 months in prison. This comes after Qolian’s court hearing was canceled after she refused to comply with mandatory hijab/modesty laws. Source
  • 9/1/23 The Islamic Republic has arrested the relatives of Jamshid Mokhtari Junaghani, who was killed during last year's protests. The relatives who were arrested are his 17-year-old nephew, Meysam Mohammadian, and his 34-year-old cousin, Saadat Mokhtari. Source
  • 9/1/23 The Islamic Republic’s foreign minister met with Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, and others involved in the group in Lebanon. Source
  • 8/31/23 A 35-year-old man, Javad Rouhi, was killed by the Islamic Republic while in custody after being arrested last year. Rouhi was arrested after peacefully participating in the Woman, Life, Freedom protests, during which he took to the streets dancing. While detained, Rouhi was subject to gruesome torture and was forced to falsely confess to burning a Quran. After spending months in prison awaiting an alleged resentencing, he died under suspicious circumstances. Source, Source, Source
  • 8/31/23 Twenty-eight protesters from Ilam Province who were previously arrested and released have been called to appear before the Islamic Republic’s judiciaries. Their cases were considered ‘closed’ but are being resummoned as the anniversary of the murder of Jina (Mahsa) Amini looms closer. Source
  • 8/30/23 The president of the Islamic Republic, Ebrahim Raisi claimed that his government will provide free water, electricity, and gas to low-income households. Source
  • 8/28/23 The Islamic Republic and the government of Iraq reached an agreement “to disarm the armed terrorist groups stationed in Iraq’s territory by September 19, and then, evacuate and transfer them from their military bases to camps designated by the Iraqi government.” The group is the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran (KDPI). Source
  • 8/28/23 An Islamic Republic-affiliated newspaper published what it claims to be a United States government memo detailing the reasons for suspended Iran envoy, Rob Malley’s suspension. Source
  • 8/28/23 The Islamic Republic’s foreign ministry spokesman said that the “United States government must respond to the Iranian government and people regarding the individual who is recognized and condemned in court for terrorism." The spokesman was referencing Jamshid Sharmahd, an Iranian-German citizen who has been sentenced to death. Source
  • 8/27/23 There has been an oil leak in a pipeline connecting Kharg Island to the mainland port of Genaveh. The environmental repercussions are yet to be assessed. Source
  • 8/25/23 Thousands in Sistan and Baluchistan province engaged in peaceful anti-regime protests after Friday prayers. Source
  • 8/25/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran reportedly launched exercises to test its “electronic warfare” capabilities against mock enemy drones, fighter jets, and helicopters. Source
  • 8/24/23 The mother of Siavash Mahmoudi, a 16-year-old who was killed by the Islamic Republic during peaceful protests, has been summoned to court after her home was searched and her mobile phone was confiscated. Source
  • 8/22/23 The lawyer for Jina (Mahsa) Amini’s family, Saleh Nikbakht, is facing trial on charges of "propaganda activity" against the Islamic Republic. Source
  • 8/21/23 A military delegation from the Islamic Republic of Iran traveled to Moscow to allegedly discuss cooperation between ground forces of the Islamic Republic and Russia. Source
  • 8/19/23 A new video implicating a regime official has gone viral on social media channels inside and outside of Iran. In the video, Mohammad Masoudianfar, a high-ranking state broadcaster (IRIB) official was seen engaging in sexual acts with a married woman in his office. Adultery is illegal in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Source
  • 8/18/23 The crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammad Bin Salman met with the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in Jeddah. Source & Source
  • 8/17/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign minister, Hossein Amirabdollahian, went on an official visit to Saudi Arabia, making it the first trip to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by a top IR diplomat in years. Source
  • 8/17/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran will no longer issue permits for the production or imports of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) and free beta human chorionic gonadotropin (Beta-hCG) test kits. These kits are instrumental in screening for congenital anomalies. Source
  • 8/16/23 According to a post on her social media accounts, Nazila Mourafian has been released from prison. She writes that she was asked if she regretted posting the photo of her release, and she said, “No, I haven’t done anything wrong.” Source.
  • 8/15/23 Over 260 cities are facing severe water shortages across Iran. Source
  • 8/15/23 Prominent Iranian filmmaker Saeed Roustayi has been sentenced to six-month in prison on charges of "anti-regime propaganda activity." Source
  • 8/15/23 IR forces re-arrested journalist Nazila Mourafian for her social media post. Source.
  • 8/14/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran arrested nine members of the Baha’i faith on the trumped up charges of smuggling medicine and financial wrongdoing. It is important to know that information surrounding these arrests cannot be independently verified and that detainees in Iran are rarely granted due process. Source
  • 8/13/23 Iranian Journalist Nazila Mourafian was freed from Evin Prison after posting bail. Upon her release, she published a photo to Instagram that said, “you deserve the best of things, so don't accept slavery.” According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, Mourafian was detained multiple times between 2022 and 2023: for covering the protests and uprising in Iran, and for interviewing the father of Jina Mahsa Amini. Source.
  • 8/11/23 An Islamic Republic regime ‘insider’ claimed that the IR will have full access to its funds when they are released from South Korea following the current hostage deal. Source
  • 8/10/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States reached an agreement to release five U.S. dual citizens in exchange for access to about $6-7 billion. The $6-7 billion comes from the Islamic Republic’s frozen assets currently held in South Korea. Source
  • 8/7/23 The German engineering firm Bosch allegedly aided the Islamic Republic of Iran by assisting with and potentially providing facial recognition technology in 2017 and also delivered thousands of street cameras. Source
  • 8/6/23 The Islamic Republic’s chief justice appointed Mohammad Movahedi-Azad as the country’s new prosecutor general. Movahedi-Azad has a track record of upholding extremely harsh sentences, especially targeting those of the Baha’i faith. Source
  • 8/6/23 Iranian actor, Mohamad Sadeghi, has been charged with “encouraging people to commit prostitution and corruption” and “inciting people to commit violent acts.” Source
  • 8/5/23 Civilians and activists in Kurdistan Province have been putting out wildfires allegedly intentionally started by the Islamic Republic. Videos have surfaced of IRGC helicopters spraying water on non-burning areas but avoiding fire-stricken regions. Source, Source, Source
  • 8/5/23 The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps unveiled a new range of enhanced missiles including cruise and ballistic missiles powered with “electronic warfare systems and artificial intelligence.” Source
  • 8/4/23 Many gathered to chant revolutionary/anti-regime protests in a religious procession in Qazvin province. They chanted, “we must ask you, where are the Mahsas? Where are the Nikas?” Source
  • 8/4/23 Prominent imprisoned activist, Narges Mohammadi’s prison sentence has been extended by a year, making her total sentence 10.9 years and 145 lashes. Source
  • 8/4/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran sent messages to millions of Iranian civilians encouraging them to run in the upcoming parliamentary election. It is important to note that elections in the Islamic Republic of Iran are neither free nor fair. Source
  • 8/4/23 A water crisis has hit the city of Tabriz, leaving many unable to access clean water. Source
  • 8/3/23 The spokesperson for the Islamic Republic’s judiciary claimed that from March 21 to July 22, 2,251 individuals have been subject to legal action for violating hijab/modesty laws. It is important to note that information surrounding these events comes from the Islamic Republic, and cannot be independently verified. Source
  • 8/3/23 According to the Norway-based Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO), 423 people have been executed since the beginning of 2023. Source
  • 8/2/23 Prominent dissident rapper, Saman Yasin who is currently in custody was transferred to Evin prison. Source
  • 8/2/23 The Islamic Republic’s Revolutionary Guard launched a surprise military drill on disputed islands in the Persian Gulf. Source
  • 8/2/23 Five people in Hamedan were detained after a confrontation with someone who was harassing a woman over her dress code which was deemed improper according to the Islamic Republic’s laws. Source
  • 8/2/23 The mother of Nika Shakarami, who was murdered by the IR during peaceful anti-regime protests made a post on Instagram saying: “As we approach the [protests] anniversary... I ask everyone, instead of mourning, to turn our sorrow and pain into a hopeful motivation to build a prosperous and free Iran." Source
  • 8/1/23 According to the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, a total of 20 Kolbars lost their lives or suffered injuries in the month of July 2023 on the borders of Kurdistan. Source
  • 8/1/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran has ruled to amputate four fingers on Hadi Rostani's right hand within the next few days. Rostami was convicted of theft. Source 
  • 8/1/23 Prominent dissident rapper, Toomaj Salehi’s lawyer claimed that his 6.3-year prison sentence will be reviewed by the IR’s Supreme Court. Source
  • 8/1/23 Over the past few weeks, a series of videos and other media have been leaked, implicating IR officials in acts that civilians in Iran are punished, arrested, or executed for. In the first video, a male City Council member of Bandar Anzali in the northern province of Gilan, was seen smoking opium and masturbating. The second video showed an official engaging in sex with a young man, and the third, released two days ago, shows a cleric engaged in sex with the husband of his wife’s sister. Source
  • 8/1/23 The Islamic Republic ordered a nationwide two-day holiday because of increasing temperatures. In recent days, cities and towns in Iran saw temperatures around 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit), and in Ahvaz, temperatures even reached 50 C (122 F). Source Despite this, the Islamic Republic refuses to confront the climate crisis, and even intentionally deprives certain regions in Iran (Sistan & Baluchistan) of clean drinking water or access to affordable air conditioning. Source
  • 7/31/23 There were mass protests in Divandareh, Kurdistan province amid prolonged drinking water supply outages. IR authorities used tear gas to try and disperse the protesters. Source, Source, Source
  • 7/31/23 In Gilan Province, two bank managers face legal action for providing banking services to female customers who don’t adhere to hijab/modesty laws. Source
  • 7/31/23 A new bill has been forwarded to the IR’s parliament that would further restrict the rights of women as it relates to hijab/modesty laws. Source & Source
  • 7/29/23 Two women journalists, Saeideh Shafiei and Nasim Soltanbeigi, have been sentenced to 4.3 years in prison on trumped-up national security charges. The Islamic Republic used the journalists’ articles and writing as "evidence" of producing "propaganda against the system." Source
  • 7/29/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran has introduced a parliamentary bill to approve sending the case of $7 billion frozen by South Korean banks to arbitration. Source
  • 7/28/23 A religious procession marched to the home of murdered protester, Ghazaleh Chalabi. Members of the procession chanted the revolutionary anthem, “Tulips grew from the blood of the homeland’s youth" instead of standard religious chants. Source 
  • 7/27/23 At least 122 students in Iran have been suspended or expelled by university disciplinary committees for allegedly participating in anti-regime protests. Source
  • 7/27/23 Labor activist, Reihaneh Ansarinejad, has been sentenced to four years in prison and has also been banned from leaving the Islamic Republic of Iran. Source
  • 7/27/23 Popular actress, Shohreh Ghamar was arrested on charges of publishing "offensive content and unsubstantiated claims" on social media. Source
  • 7/26/23 Four prisoners currently held in a facility in Ilam province have started a hunger strike. Source
  • 7/26/23 Amnesty International released a new report detailing the intensifying oppression of women and girls in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Read the report here.
  • 7/26/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran’s supreme court overturned the death sentence of Mohammad Ghobadlou, who was arrested for engaging in peaceful anti-regime protests. Source
  • 7/25/23 Arshak Qeysarbeygi, a 15-year-old boy from Ilam province was temporarily released on bail after one month of detention. His bail was one billion Tomans. Source
  • 7/25/23 The Islamic Republic carried out a raid on residents in the province of Ilam. Several residents sustained injuries, and six individuals were detained by the authorities. Source
  • 7/25/23 Prominent imprisoned activist, Sepideh Qolian’s new court hearing is to be held on August 6, 2023. Source
  • 7/25/23 The Islamic Republic’s Navy has acquired a new fleet of long-range cruise missiles with a range of 1000 km. Source
  • 7/24/23 Iran International reported that Hossein-Ali Nayyeri, the Iranian judge behind the 1988 mass executions, has fled the medical center in Germany where he was reportedly receiving treatment. The report also claims that his files have been erased from the hospital’s systems.
  • 7/24/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Parliamentary Research Center has recommended that women who appear in public in without hijabs be fined approximately between $1,190-3,571 USD and/or additional punishment including arrests, detainments, and beatings. Source
  • 7/24/23 The Islamic Republic shut down an e-commerce company and launched judicial action after it published pictures online showing female employees not wearing the mandatory hijab. Source & Source
  • 7/23/23 A video showing a cleric in Iran assaulting and beating an elderly woman has prompted global attention. Local judicial authorities said the case would be referred to a provincial court and also claimed the incident resulted from a family dispute over property. Source
  • 7/23/23 Four police officers were killed in an attack in the city of Zahedan. Source
  • 7/23/23 Hossein-Ali Nayeri, one of the judges involved in the mass execution of Iranian prisoners in the 1980s is receiving medical treatment at a hospital in Germany. Source
  • 7/21/23 The morality police detained female athletes in the city of Bandar Abbas during their morning workout. Source
  • 7/21/23 Anti-regime protests carry on to their 44th consecutive week in Zahedan. Source
  • 7/21/23 An audio message from imprisoned Iranian-Kurdish rapper, Saman Yasin was released. In the message, he details the status of his case and the negligence of the judge and public defender assigned to his case. Source
  • 7/21/23 The Iranian regime has allegedly detained another American citizen whose identity is being protected. Source
  • 7/20/23 Workers at the Dehloran Petrochemical Complex in Ilam province went to strike to protest the dismissal of employees. Source
  • 7/20/23 Leila Ziafar, who quit her job at Iranian state radio to protest the Islamic Republic’s violent repression of peaceful anti-regime protests, was arrested for allegedly defying compulsory hijab/modesty laws. Source
  • 7/19/23 Former chief of the IR’s parliament's national security and foreign policy committee Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh claimed that “What exists between Iran and the United States now is similar to the 'red telephone line' that existed between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.” Source
  • 7/19/23 Prominent Iranian activist, Sepideh Qolian's court hearing was canceled after she refused to comply with mandatory hijab/modesty laws. Source
  • 7/19/23 A Kurdish Kolbar was severely injured by direct fire from the Islamic Republic’s forces while working in the border heights of the Nowsud district of Paveh, Kermanshah province. Source
  • 7/19/23 A yoga studio in Gilan was forced to close after the Islamic Republic accused the owners of not abiding by gender segregation laws. In addition, five of the yoga studio’s patrons were arrested. Source
  • 7/18/23 Former president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mohammad Khatami said “controversial police behavior, security measures and unconventional judicial rulings regarding social matters, particularly pertaining to women” could pose a threat to the stability of the Islamic Republic. Source
  • 7/18/23 At least 50 female students at the University of Tehran were summoned to the university’s disciplinary committee after being accused of not complying with mandatory hijab/modesty laws. Source
  • 7/18/23 Three teacher rights activists who are currently in prison refused to appear at their court hearing to protest the lack of due process. Source
  • 7/18/23 Prominent Iranian actress Leila Bolukat has been sentenced to four months in prison in addition to a two-year ban from working for appearing in public without the compulsory hijab. She is also facing a five-year ban on social media activities. Source
  • 7/17/23 Anti-forced hijab campaigners, Souri Babaei Chegini and her husband Mohammad Reza Morad-Behrouzi were arrested at their home in Qazvin despite being released on bail earlier. Source
  • 7/16/23 The father and brother of Mahsa Mogouei, who was killed by the Islamic Republic of Iran during a peaceful anti-regime protest, have been arrested. Source
  • 7/16/23 Large crowds protested in Rasht- northern Iran after security forces tried to arrest three women over hijab law violations. Onlookers intervened and rescued the women. Source
  • 7/15/23 A woman in Iran was ordered by a judge to wash corpses in a mortuary for one month for violating mandatory hijab/modesty laws. Source
  • 7/14/23 The internet has been cut off in the city of Zahedan, Sistan and Baluchestan province. Source & Source
  • 7/13/23 Summons have been issued for 54 lawyers in the city of Bukan, West Azerbaijan province, for signing a statement defending the family of Jina (Mahsa) Amini, against pressure from the IR to be silent. Source
  • 7/12/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran summoned Russia’s ambassador to the country after Russia released a joint statement with Arab countries challenging Iran’s claim to disputed islands in the Persian Gulf. Source
  • 7/12/23 The Islamic Republic has detained at least 7 associates of Mowlavi Abdolhamid, the Sunni Friday prayer leader in Sistan and Baluchestan province. Source
  • 7/12/23 Teachers’ rights advocate Hashem Khastar, who is currently serving a 16-year sentence was given another 2.5 years for “insulting” Ali Khamenei and spreading “propaganda against the state” in his open letters from Vakilabad Prison in the city of Mashhad. Source
  • 7/12/23 The sons of death-row protester Abbas Deris plead for his life in a newly released video. Abbas was sentenced to death for “waging war” in connection with protests in Khuzestan province, in November 2019. Source
  • 7/11/23 Two men were publicly hung in Isfahan province on charges of moharebeh (enmity against God). Source
  • 7/11/23 Imprisoned political activist, Sepideh Qolian, was given an additional 2-year prison sentence for “insulting” Ali Khamenei. Source
  • 7/11/23 The Islamic Republic set fire to the grasslands around an army base in Marivan, Kurdistan province. As a result, a significant amount of the people's fields in nearby villages were set on fire. Source
  • 7/10/23 Prominent imprisoned human rights activist, Narges Mohammadi, has been summoned by the Evin Security Court for the fifth time in the past six months. Source
  • 7/10/23 At least 60 female students in Iran have reportedly been barred from university for not complying with hijab/modesty laws. The students were allegedly given sham disciplinary ‘hearings’, suspended from classes, and threatened with ‘zero grades.’ Source
  • 7/10/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran has sentenced dissident rapper, Toomaj Salehi, to to six years and three months in prison. He has been subject to ill-treatment and torture while in custody. Source, Source, Source
  • 7/9/23 Tehran University officials announced that members of Iraq's Shiite Hashd al-Shaabi militias and other proxies of the Islamic Republic can study at Iranian universities. Source
  • 7/9/23 Zahra Saeidianjoo, the sister of murdered protester Milad Saeidianjoo, was arrested by the Islamic Republic after leaving her place of work. Source
  • 7/8/23 The Islamic Republic used tear gas and violence to disperse a group of Iraq-Iran war veterans who were protesting in Tehran. Source
  • 7/7/23 The people of Sistan and Baluchestan continued with their weekly anti-regime protests after Friday prayer. Source, Source, Source
  • 7/7/23 Internet connectivity was disrupted in Sistan and Baluchestan province during the anti-government protests after Friday prayers. Source
  • 7/7/23 Iran International released a report claiming that Iranian-Kurdish rapper, Saman Yassin, has been severely tortured in prison. Source
  • 7/6/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran reportedly seized a tanker holding 900 metric tons of "smuggled fuel" and 12 crew members from the southern port of Bandar Abbas. Source
  • 7/5/23 14 followers of the Bahá’i faith in Mazandaran province were sentenced to serve prison sentences simply for practicing their faith. Source
  • 7/5/23 200 Kurdish Kolbars have been surrounded by border guards of the IR in the border region near Nowsoud, Kermanshah province for two days. Source
  • 7/5/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran has sentenced Sadegh Zibakalam, a prominent professor at the University of Tehran to one year in prison in connection with the poisonings of schoolgirls. Source
  • 7/5/23 Young girls in Tehran are allegedly being forcefully taken and having their hair cut if they do not wear a hijab in public. Source & Source
  • 7/5/23 Iran allegedly attempted to seize two oil tankers near the Strait of Hormuz, opening fire on one of them. Source
  • 7/4/23 12-year-old Melika Borji died three and a half months after being struck by at least two bullets in the back of her head during protests in Karaj. Source
  • 7/4/23 The Islamic Republic reportedly searched the residence of journalist, Nazila Maroufian, confiscating some of her personal belongings. Maroufian was detained after conducting an interview with Jina (Mahsa) Amini’s father. Source
  • 7/1/23 A group of workers and pensioners gathered to protest changes in the pension fund in Kerman. The protest coincided with Ebrahim Raisi’s visit to a copper plant in the province. Source
  • 7/1/23 A member of the Islamic Republic’s clerical establishment, Ahmad Khatami, recently said in a speech, “I’m telling those who are unveiled that their defiance of hijab will never become a norm, because it was, is and will be against norms.” He also told the congregation to attack women who do not adhere to compulsory hijab laws. Source
  • 7/1/23 Imprisoned rapper, Toomaj Salehi, allegedly underwent a secret trial last week. Source
  • 6/30/23 Prominent dissident, Narges Mohammadi, wrote a letter from inside Evin Prison in which she pleas to stop violence against Iranian students. Source
  • 6/30/23 The Hengaw Organization for Human Rights released a report that revealed that at least 168 citizens have been arrested by the IR in the month of June alone, with arrests increasingly targeting Kurdish and Baloch Iranians. Source
  • 6/30/23 Mehdi Taj, the president of the Iranian Football Federation, has announced that the Supreme National Security Council has apparently approved a resolution permitting women to attend football matches in multiple stadiums. Source
  • 6/29/23 Three death-row inmates, convicted of drug-related crimes, have been transferred to solitary confinement in Karaj. Source
  • 6/28/23 A letter by prominent Iranian political prisoner Narges Mohammadi, written in her cell in Tehran's Evin Prison, was read during a screening of "White Torture," her documentary based on interviews with 16 former prisoners in Iran who have been subjected to white torture in state custody, at the EU Parliament. Source & Source
  • 6/28/23 Niloofar Hamedi and Elahe Mohammadi, the two journalists who broke the news of Jina (Mahsa) Amini’s death have been awarded the World News Association of News Publisher’s Golen Pen Award. Source
  • 6/28/23 Three people, including two teenagers, were reportedly wounded by police who opened fire on protesters in the town of Sarbaz. Source
  • 6/28/23 Imprisoned journalist Niloofar Hamedi, who was one of the journalists that broke the news of Jina (Mahsa) Amini’s murder, has been denied her right to meet with her legal counsel. Source
  • 6/27/23 Iranian swimming champion Parham Parvari started a hunger strike in Tehran's Evin Prison to protest his 15-year prison sentence in connection with WLF protests. Source
  • 6/27/23 A member of parliament representing Khorramabad said that hundreds have been arrested, detained, and interrogated in connection with the poisonings of schoolgirls. Source
  • 6/26/23 A video depicting a university security guard assaulting a peaceful student at Allameh Tabataba’i University in Tehran was captured and widely distributed. Source
  • 6/26/23 Seven civil activists were arrested for participating in political discussion on the Clubhouse platform. Source
  • 6/26/23 Five transgender Iranians were arrested following an interaction with a religious individual who confronted them. The footage of their coerced confession has recently been released by security-affiliated media. Source
  • 6/26/23 Female vocalist Hana Kamkar sang solo with her hair uncovered at a memorial in Tehran for the late Iranian film director Abbas Kiarostami. Source
  • 6/25/23 Kian Pirfalak’s mother participated in an exclusive interview with IranWire. Source
  • 6/25/23 Gholamreza Gholami, a board member of the Iranian Teachers Trade Association in Fars province, was sentenced to 6 years in prison on charges of “assembly and collusion against national security” and “propaganda against the state.” Source
  • 6/25/23 Prominent dissident, Fatemeh Sepehri, is in need of urgent medical care in Vakilabad Prison in Mashhad. Source
  • 6/25/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran conducted mass arrests of Baloch Iranians. Six of the 19 arrested were minors. Source
  • 6/25/23 Setayesh Amiri, a seventeen-year-old, has been held in Adelabad prison, Shiraz, for over two months following her arrest in connection with the poisoning of schoolgirls. Source
  • 6/24/23 Prominent Iranian-Kurdish journalist and human rights activist, Jina Modarres Gorji, was charged with collaborating with an enemy state. Gorji was not afforded due process. Source
  • 6/24/23 Milad Zohrevand, an inmate in Malayer City, Hamedan province is at imminent risk of execution. Source & Source
  • 6/24/23 Forests in Marvian, Kurdistan province have been burning for four days without efforts to contain them from the Islamic Republic. Source
  • 6/23/23 Anti-regime protests continue in Sistan and Baluchestan province. Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 6/23/23 Four human rights lawyers in East Azerbaijan province were charged with “propaganda against the state” and “violating their oath.” Source
  • 6/22/23 Negar Korkor, the sister of Mojahed Korkor, who was falsely accused of killing Kian Pirfalak, has reportedly gone missing after a raid on their family home in Izeh, Khuzestan province. Source
  • 6/22/23 Nazila Maroofian, a journalist who interviewed Jina (Mahsa) Amini’s father was assaulted by security agents of the Islamic Republic in Tehran’s Daneshjoo Park after receiving threats. Source
  • 6/22/23 Clashes between two Kurdish parties in Iran left at least two dead and three wounded. Source
  • 6/21/23 In an open letter, members of Parliament in the Islamic Republic of Iran warned that southeastern Sistan and Baluchistan province’s water reserves would be exhausted by mid-September, leaving its population of about 2 million with little choice but to leave. Source & Source
  • 6/21/23 Shadi Alipoor lectured at a university in Tehran and did so while publicly defying forced-hijab laws. Source
  • 6/20/23 The Islamic Republic forcefully closed a dairy store in the city of Abardeh Oliya, Khorasan Razavi province because the owner offered free milk to customers who danced in his store as a way of peaceful resistance against the IR. Source
  • 6/19/23 The hashtag #نه (No) is trending among Iranians on Twitter in a show of solidarity with students facing persecution for protesting increasingly stringent hijab laws. Source
  • 6/19/23 Telecommunication Company pensioners rallied in several cities across Iran, urging the company to address their grievances. Source & Source
  • 6/19/23 An assassination attempt on Mowlavi Abdolhamid, the leading Sunni cleric of Sistan and Baluchestan province, was allegedly thwarted. Source
  • 6/19/23 Prominent civil rights activist Golrokh Iraee who was sentenced to seven years in prison refused to appear at an Appeals Court to protest the denial of due process. Source
  • 6/18/23 At least 10 students were rounded up by agents of the Islamic Republic at Tehran University of Art while peacefully protesting the tightening of forced-hijab rules. Source
  • 6/18/23 Three individuals working as kolbars in Kermanshah province suffered severe injuries due to direct gunfire from the Islamic Republic of Iran’s forces. Source
  • 6/18/23 Hashem Saedi, the father of slain protester Sarina Saedi, has been arrested after visiting her grave in Sanandaj, Kurdistan province. Sarina was just 16 years old when she was killed. Source
  • 6/18/23 The Court of Appeals in Karaj issued a combined sentence of 40 years and seven months, and other additional punishments, for 13 Baha’i citizens. Source
  • 6/18/23 Today marks the 40th anniversary of the mass murder of Bahá’i women in Shiraz by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Source
  • 6/18/23 The mother of Kian Pirfalak was summoned to the Intelligence Ministry's office in Izeh, Khuzestan province for refusing to be silent about the murder of her son by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Source
  • 6/17/23 Eleven teachers were put on trial in Ahvaz, Khuzestan province, for engaging in peaceful activism. They were charged with acting against national security and propaganda against the state. Source
  • 6/17/23 Relatives (sister, father, and uncle) of slain protester Abolfazl Adinehzadeh were arrested at a cemetery while celebrating what would have been his 18th birthday. Source & Source
  • 6/17/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran sentenced six teachers to five years in prison and ordered two others to wear an electronic ankle monitor for two years in Shiraz. Source
  • 6/17/23 Security has attempted to prevent girls from leaving their dormitories without a hijab at the Tehran University of Art. Source
  • 6/17/23 There were clashes between the IRGC and members of PJAK in Kurdistan Province, Iran. Source, Source, Source
  • 6/17/23 Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran vandalized the grave of Kian Pirfalak. Source
  • 6/17/23 There were clashes between the IRGC and members of the PKK in Maku, West Azerbaijan Province. Source
  • 6/16/23 Continuing the trend of mass protests after Friday prayer in Zahedan, hundreds demonstrated and chanted anti-regime protests. Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 6/16/23 Athletes at Ferdowsi University in Mashhad refused to play their final matches during competitions to protest authorities banning women spectators from entering the Bahman Stadium. Source
  • 6/16/23 Iran is shipping the most crude in almost five years. Source
  • 6/15/23 The Police chief of Iran's Mazandaran province was heard telling his subordinate the following: “Break the neck of anyone who may seek to break the (hijab) norms, and I'll take responsibility for it." Source
  • 6/15/23 Prominent and outspoken Sunni cleric, Mowlavi Abdolhamid, has been told he can't leave the country for a pilgrimage to Mecca. Source
  • 6/15/23 Kian Pirfalak's mother, Mahmonir Molaei, has been under house arrest since June 11, 2023. Source
  • 6/15/23 Journalist Nazila Maroofian, who conducting an interview with Jina (Mahsa) Amini's father, has been fired from her position. Source
  • 6/15/23 A new parliamentary bill has emerged in the Islamic Republic of Iran, intensifying discrimination against women who choose not to wear the hijab, while also undermining fundamental rights such as freedom of expression, belief, religion, and association. Source
  • 6/14/23 Artillery from the Islamic Republic of Iran shelled the Kosalan Heights in Kurdistan province. Source
  • 6/14/23 Tahereh Naghiei, secretary general of the Iranian Teachers Organization, was tried on charges of “assembly and collusion against national security” and “propaganda against the state” in Tehran for engaging in peaceful activism. Source
  • 6/14/23 A medical student at Qom University of Medical Sciences, has been suspended for 4.5 years for allegedly attending public protests. Source
  • 6/14/23 At least 40 female students have been temporarily barred from attending classes at Tehran's Art University for "failure to fully observe the hijab." Source
  • 6/13/23 Islamic Republic forces attacked a Lur village in Kermanshah with heavy artillery. There were reported clashes between residents and IR forces. Source
  • 6/13/23 The people of Saqqez went on strike & closed their shops to support the justice-seeking victims’ families held in custody. Source
  • 6/13/23 Iranians are continuing to protest by destroying symbols of the state. Banners of leaders of the Islamic Republic were set on fire over Saeidi Highway in Tehran. Source
  • 6/12/23 Alireza Zakani, the mayor of Tehran and IRGC affiliate has traveled to Brussels for a summit. Zakani was the former head of the Basij Student Organization. Source
  • 6/12/23 Kamal Lotfi, the father of slain street protester Reza Lotfi, is on the 26th day of a hunger strike in Kamyaran Central Prison, Kurdistan province. Source
  • 6/12/23 Hip-hop artist Toomaj Salehi has been held in a highly secured cell at Dastgerd Prison for over seven months without proper due process. Source
  • 6/11/23 Ali Khamenei said that “there is nothing wrong with” the nuclear agreement as long as the country's nuclear infrastructure remains intact. Source
  • 6/11/23 Pooya Molayi Rad, the cousin of Kian Pirfalak's mother, was killed by the Islamic Republic. The 21-year-old was shot six times on what would have been Kian Pirfalak’s birthday. Mass arrests have been carried out in the city of Izeh. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 6/11/23 Access to drinking water has been cut in several parts of central, western, and northern Tehran. Source
  • 6/10/23 Kian Pirflak's parents and relatives gathered around his grave to commemorate his 10th birthday in the Iranian city of Izeh, Khuzestan province. Source
  • 6/10/23 More than 30 family members of those killed during the WLF uprisings in Kurdistan Province have been forcibly disappeared. Source
  • 6/10/23 Iranian military units in the city of Marivan, Kurdistan Province have been put on high alert, and Islamic Republic forces in the region have been mobilized. Source
  • 6/9/23 Prominent activist, Narges Mohammadi, who is currently incarcerated announced that she will not attend her trial which is set for June 11, 2023. Source
  • 6/9/23 Reports regarding the women’s ward at Ilam Prison reveal poor conditions and frequent abuse. Overcrowding remains a significant problem, forcing many inmates to sleep on the floor. In case of illness, access to the prison infirmary and necessary medication is severely restricted. Some issues highlighted include limitations on phone calls and family visitations, intrusive surveillance, neglect of prisoners’ concerns, and verbal abuse by male prison guards toward female inmates. Additionally, prisoners who refuse to participate in religious ceremonies are subjected to harassment and threats, often with the support of staunchly religious inmates. Source
  • 6/9/23 On the 36th consecutive week of protests in Zahedan, the capital of Iran's Sistan and Baluchestan province, protestors shouted anti-regime slogans and held up pro-democracy signs. Source & Source
  • 6/8/23 The burial site of Abolfazl Adinezadeh, a teenager killed by Islamic Republic forces during the WLF protests has been broken and vandalized, according to one of his relatives. Source
  • 6/8/23 A Sukhtbar (worker carrying fuel across borders) was fatally shot in Rask County. Source
  • 6/7/23 The grave of Majid Kazemi was burned, allegedly by agents of the Islamic Republic as reported by his cousin. Source
  • 6/7/23 Iranian actress Shaghayegh Dehghan was sentenced to 10 days in prison for appearing in public without a hijab. Source
  • 6/7/23 Pensioners from the Social Security Organization rallied in front of the offices in Shush and Ahvaz, demanding improved living conditions. Source
  • 6/7/23 Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Islamic Republic’s former Foreign Minister, appeared on the social media platform Clubhouse to speak on the Iran Nuclear Deal and other Iran-related topics during which he makes several bold claims. Read a breakdown here and here.
  • 6/6/23 In the past few days, several banners of the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Khomeini, were destroyed on the anniversary of his death. Source
  • 6/6/23 According to a report by Haal Vash, the Zahedan Revolutionary Court has handed down sentences of 13 years in prison (Moharebeh charges) to Hossein Kashani Asl, Adel Gorgij, and Ali Ahmad Barechi. Source
  • 6/6/23 According to reports received by 1500 Tasvir, the internet in some areas of Shiraz has experienced temporary interruptions which is especially worrying given that Vahid Afkari’s visit has been canceled today without any explanation. Source 
  • 6/6/23 Telecommunication company pensioners rallied in several cities nationwide to protest the failures to address their demands. Source & Source
  • 6/6/23 The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Office is hosting an exhibition of Iranian contemporary women’s fashion design combined with performative elements and electro-acoustic Iranian music despite the IR’s brutality against Iranian women. Source
  • 6/6/23 The Islamic Republic claims it has created a hypersonic missile capable of traveling at 15 times the speed of sound. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the head of the paramilitary Revolutionary Guard’s aerospace program, unveiled what appeared to be a model of the missile on state TV. Source
  • 6/5/23 18-year-old Mansoureh Sagvand, a former honorary member of the Islamic Republic’s Law Enforcement in Khorramabad, Lorestan, and a law student living in Abdanan, Ilam was allegedly killed by the Islamic Republic, Sagvand left the police force in light of the WLF protests and posted the following on her Instagram: “As someone who has been active within the law enforcement, I tried as much as I could to reveal the reality to those who are ignorant. We had seen the crime with our own eyes and told the facts. This revolution will happen sooner than what you may think. They try to scare us with death as if we were alive. Forever, every day, I will sacrifice my life for the motherland, long live Iran.” Before her death, she texted her friend the following: “Intelligence constantly threatens me with death. If something happens to me, I want everyone to know that I didn’t commit suicide.” Source
  • 6/5/23 In a letter from Evin Prison, Iranian activist Narges Mohammadi has urged United Nations Human Rights Council President Václav Bálek, to take "an urgent and meaningful step to defend the foundation of human rights" by removing the Islamic Republic from its leadership position at the UN HRC's Social Forum. Source
  • 6/5/23 Documents hacked from Iran's presidential office show that the regime is keen to highlight discord among opposition figures abroad to weaken domestic dissent. Source
  • 6/4/23 To mark the anniversary of Khomeini's death in Iran, videos are circulating of Iranians celebrating. Source
  • 6/4/23 Football player and national hero Voria Ghafouri, a supporter of Iran's anti-regime protests, was trying to bid farewell to his fans in Tehran before his retirement when he was arrested outside the stadium on charges of incitement against the regime and transferred to Evin Prison. Source & Source
  • 6/3/23 Kamran Ghaderi, an Austrian-Iranian businessman who the Islamic Republic imprisoned for seven and a half years has been freed. Source & Source
  • 6/3/23 More ammunition and artillery equipment were transferred to the borders of largely Kurdish-populated provinces. Source, Source, Source
  • 6/3/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran has ordered police to seize the cars of women who do not wear a hijab. Source
  • 6/2/23 Continuing the trend of mass protests after Friday prayer in Zahedan, hundreds demonstrated and chanted anti-regime protests. Source, Source, Source
  • 6/2/23 According to a report by Amnesty International, the Islamic Republic has executed three times more people this year than last year for drug-related charges. Executions for drug-related offenses have predominantly impacted people from marginalized and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Source
  • 6/1/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran has been elected a vice president of the United Nations General Assembly for the 78th Session. Source
  • 6/1/23 People in Abdanan, Ilam province held mass protests in which anti-regime slogans were chanted. IR forces were sent to brutally suppress protests in response. Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 6/1/23 At least seven people in Iran are at risk of execution after trials without due process. Source
  • 6/1/23 According to a report released by the Center for Human Rights in Iran, university students and professors in Iran are facing arrests, banishments, and expulsions in a renewed state crackdown on their right to peacefully criticize state policies. Source
  • 6/1/23 Mona Bakhtiari, the sister of Pouya Bakhtiari, who was killed by regime forces during the November 2019 protests, has received a summons to appear before the Public and Revolutionary Court of Zanjan. Source
  • 5/31/23 1500 Tasvir tested samples of clothing worn by students who suffered from nationwide poisonings. The tests revealed traces of molecular masses including molecular mass 99, which is a sign of the structure of fluoromethyl phosphate. This agent group is the common agent among many nerve gases, including sarin, cyclosarin, soman, and other gases from this family. Source
  • 5/31/23 The Islamic Republic has allegedly been allowed to repay gas debts to Turkmenistan using its dollars held in Iraqi banks. Source
  • 5/31/23 Hossein Mortazavi, the former head of Evin Prison confirmed that Ebrahim Raisi was heavily involved in the mass executions of thousands of political prisoners in 1988. Source
  • 5/30/23 A Revolutionary Court in Iran began the trial of female journalist, Niloofar Hamedi behind closed doors on charges linked to her coverage of the murder of Jina (Mahsa) Amini. Source
  • 5/30/23 Ammunition and semi-heavy guns were transferred to largely Kurdish-populated provinces. Source & Source
  • 5/30/23 In Isfahan, traders and shopkeepers united in a general strike, closing their shops to protest the charges faced by protestors arrested during the WLF protests. Source
  • 5/29/23 Iran's Interior Minister, Ahmad Vahidi downplayed border clashes with the Taliban saying, “the issue was resolved after negotiations were held with the Taliban.” Source
  • 5/29/23 Telecommunication company pensioners rallied in several cities nationwide to protest the failures to address their demands. Source
  • 5/28/23 Oman’s ruler arrived in Tehran for talks with Ebrahim Raisi and other top officials. Sultan Haitham is said to have headed a large delegation including the ministers of defense, foreign affairs, economy, and investment. Source & Source
  • 5/27/23 Heshmatollah Tabarzadi, a prominent secular opponent of the Islamic Republic, has been sentenced to 45.5 years in prison by the Revolutionary Court in Isfahan. Source
  • 5/27/23 Prominent activist, Sepideh Gholian appealed to German parliamentarians in a letter from Evin Prison, to stand against the Islamic Republic of Iran’s “killing machine.” Source
  • 5/27/23 The Taliban and the Islamic Republic of Iran exchanged heavy gunfire on the Iran-Afghanistan border, killing and wounding troops and further escalating rising tensions between the two countries. The dispute comes after tensions over water rights and recently released videos of Taliban officials threatening to ‘conquer’ Iran. Source, Source, Source
  • 5/27/23 A member of Tehran’s City Council reported financial irregularities worth nearly 400 million dollars within the municipality. Source
  • 5/27/23 Kamal Kharrazi, a foreign policy advisor to Ali Khamenei, went to Doha to attend an Iranian-Arab dialogue conference in Qatar. Source
  • 5/26/23 Abolfazl AmirAtayi who was shot in the head by forces of the Islamic Republic on September 21, 2022, in Shahr-e-Rey for participating in the WLF protests, died. The 16-year-old  lost half of his skull after being shot and had to undergo several major surgeries which led him to be in and out of a coma for eight months. Though he had recently briefly regained consciousness, he ultimately could not fight any longer and passed away. Source
  • 5/26/23 Belgian aid worker Olivier Vandecasteele was released after 455 days of unlawful detention in Iran. Source
  • 5/26/23 Continuing the trend of mass protests after Friday prayer in Zahedan, hundreds demonstrated and chanted anti-regime protests. Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 5/25/23 Behrooz Behzadi, the managing editor of Etemad newspaper, was sentenced to six months in prison. Source
  • 5/25/23 People in Isfahan peacefully protested against mining operations in the Karkas and Kolah Qazi regions which are supposed to be protected regions. Source
  • 5/25/23 A Kurdish Kolbar from Baneh and two other Kolbars from the border of Nowsud were severely wounded by direct fire from Islamic Republic forces. Source
  • 5/24/23 Families of death row prisoners accused of low-level drug crimes protested outside the judiciary’s central office in Tehran. Source & Source
  • 5/24/23 Forces of the Islamic Republic wounded at least seven Kurdish kolbars after opening direct fire. The IR also killed horses used by the kolbars and set them on fire. Source & Source
  • 5/24/23 According to a report received by IranWire, a group of woman political prisoners staged a protest in the courtyard of Tehran's Evin Prison in response to the spree of executions. Source
  • 5/23/23 Ebrahim Raisi met his Indonesian counterpart, Joko Widodo, on Tuesday on a visit aimed at strengthening economic ties.
  • 5/23/23 Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs appointed Alireza Enayati as the country’s new ambassador to Saudi Arabia. Source
  • 5/23/23 Iranian protester Mohammad Ghobadlou, 22, is at risk of imminent execution after his death sentence was upheld by the Islamic Republic’s hardline Supreme Court. Source
  • 5/23/23 Tehran’s all-female Shariati University students protested the state's strict forced-hijab enforcement on campus after a security official assaulted a student. Source
  • 5/23/23 Detained journalists Niloufar Hamedi & Elaheh Mohammadi have been informed they will be tried in less than a week but have not been allowed to meet with their lawyers. The two journalists are responsible for breaking the news of Jina (Mahsa) Amini’s murder. Source
  • 5/22/23 A group of inmates went on hunger strike in Ghezel Hessar Prison in Karaj, Alborz province to condemn escalating executions in Iran. Source & Source
  • 5/22/23 Iranian singers Mohsen Yeganeh, Reza Sadeghi, Amir Maghare, Babak Jahanbakhsh, and Omid Hajili have been banned from working in Iran for peacefully expressing support for the country's protests. Source
  • 5/22/23 Ali Shamkhani, Iran’s top national security official and one of the most powerful men in the country was ousted after he came under scrutiny over his close ties with a high-ranking British spy. Source
  • 5/21/23 Five Iranian border guards were killed in a clash with an unknown armed group trying to enter the country near the Pakistani border. Source
  • 5/21/23 An ethnic Baluchi cleric in Iran, Mowlavi Ebrahim Hassan-Zahi, 25, was arrested by Islamic Republic agents on his way home from Makki Mosque in Zahedan. It is alleged that he has been tortured and held illegally for more than 80 days. Source
  • 5/21/23 Iran’s foreign ministry summoned Switzerland’s envoy in Tehran for a social media post showing Jina (Mahsa) Amini. Source
  • 5/21/23 In Isfahan, Islamic Republic agents raided the home of recently executed street protester Majid Kazemi, and after assaulting his brothers, father, and mother, they arrested Majid's two brothers. Source & Source
  • 5/21/23 Around 70 lawyers in Iran were summoned to Evin prison's Security Court after being accused of peacefully expressing solidarity with protesters. Source
  • 5/20/23 Students and teachers protested against surging executions in Iran at various academic institutions. Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 5/20/23 Protesters blocked the streets in the city of Abdanan, Ilam province to protest against the execution spree of youth by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Source
  • 5/20/23 A major water dispute between Iran and the Taliban continues. The halt in the flow of water from Afghanistan has seriously affected the lives of hundreds of thousands in the province of Sistan and Baluchestan. Source 
  • 5/19/23 The Islamic Republic executed Saleh Mirhashemi, Saeed Yaghoubi, and Majid Kazemi in Isfahan. Source & Source
  • 5/19/23 The families of prisoners who are under imminent threat of execution gathered in front of Ghezel Hesar prison in Karaj to prevent the execution of their family members. Peaceful protestors were attacked by security forces. Source, Source, Source
  • 5/19/23 Continuing the trend of mass protests after Friday prayer in Zahedan, hundreds demonstrated and chanted anti-regime protests. Source, Source, Source
  • 5/19/23 People across Iran protested in response to the execution of Saleh Mirhashemi, Saeed Yaghoubi, and Majid Kazemi. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 5/18/23 Mothers of killed street protesters in the city of Sanandaj expressed support for the mother of Saeid Yaghoubi, one of the protesters facing imminent execution in Isfahan. Source
  • 5/17/23 Pensioners in Ahvaz protested the government’s inability to meet their demands. Source
  • 5/16/23 Prominent critic of the Islamic Regime, Fatemeh Sepehri, has lost more than 30 pounds in the city of Mashhad’s Vakilabad Prison. Source
  • 5/16/23 Eight inmates were executed in Karaj, Fereydunkenar, Minab and Bandar Abbas for alleged murder and drug-related crimes. Source
  • 5/16/23 Manouchehr Bakhtiari, a political prisoner was denied medical treatment while at Qazvin Prison despite his urgent need for treatment. Source
  • 5/15/23 IR Security forces used violence to disperse hundreds of protesters gathered around the Isfahan Central Prison, including tear gas. Source
  • 5/15/23 In a recorded phone call with a relative, Majid Kazemi, one of the men in danger of being executed in Isfahan, described being subjected to horrific torture to force him to falsely confess to killing members of the Basij and a police officer. Source
  • 5/15/23 Imprisoned Iranian writer, journalist and human rights activist Narges Mohammadi has been named the winner of PEN America’s Freedom to Write Award. Source & Source 
  • 5/15/23 Enayatollah Naeimi, a Baha’i citizen, has been sentenced to 15 years in prison. Source
  • 5/15/23 The poisoning of schoolgirls in Iran continues. Source
  • 5/15/23 In the early hours of 5/15, protestors gathered in front of Isfahan Central Prison to prevent the executions of Majid Kazemi, Saleh Mirhashmi, and Saeed Yaghoubi. Source
  • 5/14/23 Iranians in Isfahan packed highways and protested to try and stop the executions of Majid Kazemi, Saeed Yaghoobi, and Saleh Mirhashemi. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 5/14/23 Human Rights Watch raises alarm over dramatic surge in Iran executions. At least 60 people have been executed across the country since late April after unfair trials or for charges that under international law should not result in the death penalty. Source
  • 5/14/23 3 Iranian Prisoners, Majid Kazemi, Saleh Mirhashemi and Saeed Yaghoubi, are at extreme risk of imminent execution. The 3 have been sentenced to death despite no evidence of committing any crimes. Source, Source
  • 5/14/23 Sepideh Rashno, 28 has been suspended from Alzahra University in Tehran due to "non-observance of the Islamic hijab." Source & Source
  • 5/12/23 The United Nations called for an end to the death penalty in Iran, where it is being used disproportionately against minorities, and to silence dissent. Source & Source
  • 5/12/23 Ali Mojadam, Moein Khanfari, Mohammad Reza Moghadam, Salem Mousavi, Adnan Ghobeishavi and Habib Deris – from Iran’s persecuted Ahwazi Arab minority face imminent execution. A Revolutionary Court used their false confessions which were extracted under torture to sentence them to death in February after a grossly unfair trial. Iran’s Supreme Court has upheld their convictions and sentences, meaning they could be executed at any time. Source
  • 5/12/23 Two French citizens detained in Iran on spurious spying charges have been released and are on their way back to France. Source, Source, Source
  • 5/12/23 Continuing the trend of mass protests after Friday prayer in Zahedan, hundreds demonstrated and chanted anti-regime protests. Source, Source, Source
  • 5/12/23 Iran's most prominent Sunni cleric, Molavi Abdulhamid, said that the Iranian people want "free and fair elections, not the type that is being advertised by some government media for [next year's] parliamentary elections." Source
  • 5/10/23 Hundreds of municipal workers took to the streets of the Persian Gulf port of Khor Mousa (Bandar Imam) in Iran to demand higher wages and benefits. Source
  • 5/10/23 Iranian authorities shut down a clinic in East Azerbaijan province after they said a “volunteer force” has been established to identify doctors and clinics who carry out abortions. Source
  • 5/9/23 Iran's judiciary confirmed the death sentences of three more Iranian protesters, Majid Kazemi, Saeed Yaghoobi, and Saleh Mirhashemi. Source
  • 5/9/23 Petroleum dealers have flagged a surge in the smuggling of Iranian fuel to Pakistan, saying that up to 35% of diesel sold in Pakistan has arrived illegally from Iran. Source
  • 5/9/23 Rallies across Iran were held to advocate for teachers' rights, especially the rights of teachers who are unjustly imprisoned and detained. Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 5/9/23 The Tehran Revolutionary Court sentenced former political prisoner Arash Sadeghi to four years and three months for assembly and collusion against national security and eight months for propaganda against the regime. Source & Source
  • 5/8/23 Iranian actresses Baran Kosari and Shaghayegh Dehghan are facing legal action for posting pictures without wearing a hijab. Source
  • 5/8/23 Pensioners across Iran rallied to protest against the failure to address their demands. Source & Source
  • 5/8/232 Social media users Yousef Mehrad and Sadrollah Fazeli Zare have been executed by the Islamic Republic authorities for “insulting the prophet.” Source
  • 5/8/23 Over 2,000 students at Iran’s Tabriz University signed a petition against the regime’s punishment of students as it continues to quash dissent. Source
  • 5/8/23 Iranian authorities have arrested striking contractors working in the development of the South Pars gas fields project. South Pars in the Persian Gulf is the world’s largest gas field. Source
  • 5/7/23 The poisoning of students in schools leading to hospitalizations continues across Iran. Source
  • 5/7/23 The head of Iran's Athletics Federation resigned Sunday after some women ran a marathon in the city of Shiraz without the hijab on Friday. Source
  • 5/7/23 Iran's Foreign Ministry databases were hacked. One of the documents that was posted shows that Foreign Minister Abdollahian has been a member of the Basij. Foreign Ministry websites were separately defaced with pro-MEK messaging. Source
  • 5/5/23 Prominent lawyer and activist Nasrin Sotoudeh said a referendum in Iran is the only path to establishing a secular democracy in the country. Source
  • 5/5/23 The Islamic Republic has expelled four Azerbaijani diplomats. Source
  • 5/5/23 Civil rights activist Sepideh Gholian has been sentenced to two years in prison, according to her brother Mehdi Gholian. Source & Source
  • 5/5/23 Anti-regime protests ensued in Zahedan. Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 5/4/23 A report was published that details organ trafficking in Iran. Organ trafficking has become a major problem with people selling kidneys, liver, cornea, bone marrow, sperm, and ovum out of poverty. Some middlemen send prospective donors to neighboring countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, and Iraq to sell their body parts for $7,000 to $15,000. Source
  • 5/3/23 The poisoning of students in schools leading to hospitalizations continues across Iran. Source, Source
  • 5/3/23 The Managing Editor of Hamshahri newspaper faces legal action for publishing a cartoon picture of the Iranian Police Special Units commander. Source
  • 5/3/23 Nineteen historical sites, including the second-largest mudbrick citadel globally, have been put up for auction by Iranian officials. Source & Source
  • 5/3/23 Hossein Afkari, Navid Afkari’s father, was arrested by security forces and transferred to Chubin Dar Prison in Qazvin. Navid Afkari was a renowned wrestler who was executed on September 12, 2020. Source
  • 5/3/23 The presidents of Iran and Syria signed a series of long-term cooperation agreements on oil and other sectors to bolster economic ties between the two allies. Source
  • 5/2/23 The poisoning of students in schools leading to hospitalizations continues across Iran. Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 5/2/23 Prominent Iranian actresses Afsaneh Bayegan and Fatemeh Motamed-Aria have been summoned to court for appearing at public events without the mandatory hijab. Tehran’s prosecutor Ali Salehi accused them of “behavior outside Islamic norms and values." Source & Source
  • 5/2/23 Niloofar Hamedi, Elaheh Mohammadi and Narges Mohammadi, three imprisoned Iranian journalists, have been named laureates of the 2023 UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World PressFreedom Prize. Source5/1/23 The poisoning of students in schools leading to hospitalizations continues across Iran. Source 
  • 5/1/23 On International Worker’s Day, pensioners protested across Iran. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 5/1/23 Petrochemical project workers continue to strike. Source
  • 5/1/23 Ata Babakhani, a board member of the Tehran bus drivers’ union, was arrested by security forces on International Worker’s Day. Source
  • 4/30/23 The death sentences of six Baloch prisoners were carried out in the past two days. Source
  • 4/30/23 The poisoning of students in schools leading to hospitalizations continues across Iran.  Source
  • 4/30/23 Hossein Ronaghi, a journalist imprisoned in the early days of the current uprising, has been summoned to Evin prison for questioning. Source & Source
  • 4/29/23 Ebrahim Raisi and Ali Khamenei met with the president of Iraq during his visit to Iran. In their respective meetings, both Raisi and Khamenei allegedly expressed dissatisfaction with the presence of American forces in Iraq. Source & Source
  • 4/29/23 Nationwide strikes which include energy, petrochemicals, and steel industries have continued across Iran. Source 
  • 4/29/23 The poisoning of students in schools leading to hospitalizations continues across Iran.  Source & Source4/28/23 Mass anti-regime protests ensued in Zahedan. Source, Source, Source
  • 4/27/23 Two children from Sanandaj were severely injured after a landmine exploded. Source & Source
  • 4/27/23 Three journalists: Saeedeh Shafiee, Mehrnoosh Zarei Hanzaki, and Nasim Sultan Beigi, have been summoned to appear at the Evin courthouse to present their final defense and closing arguments. They are accused of “propaganda against the regime.” Source & Source
  • 4/27/23 Today marks the 180th day of rapper Toomaj Salehi’s detention in solitary confinement. It is reported that his health is declining and he is in need of medical attention. Source & Source
  • 4/27/23 Defense lawyer Mohammad Seifzadeh announced he wouldn't appear at the Revolutionary Court on April 29 to face charges for writing a letter to the UN Secretary-General. Source
  • 4/27/23 Nationwide strikes have continued across Iran. Source
  • 4/27/23 The United States is imposing new sanctions on groups in Russia and Iran accused of taking Americans hostage. Source & Source
  • 4/27/23 Today marks the 1000th day of Jamshid Sharmand’s detention in solitary confinement. Sharmahd was abducted by Iranian officials in the United Arab Emirates in July 2020 and forcibly transferred to Iran. He is at imminent risk of execution. Source & Source
  • 4/27/23 United States senators urged President Biden to enable a federal government agency to seize Iranian oil and gas shipments. The letter they sent to the president said that the Department of Homeland Security's Homeland Security Investigations office has not been able to seize an Iranian oil shipment for more than a year, and that enforcement has been curtailed by policy limitations within the Department of Treasury's Executive Office for Asset Forfeiture. Source
  • 4/26/23 The poisoning of students in schools leading to hospitalizations continues across Iran. Source 
  • 4/26/23 Nationwide strikes which include energy, petrochemicals, and steel industries have continued across Iran. Source, Source, Source
  • 4/26/23 Iran's Supreme Court has upheld the death sentence of Iranian-German national Jamshid Sharmahd on charges of "corruption on Earth." Sharmahd was abducted by Iranian officials in the United Arab Emirates in July 2020 and forcibly transferred to Iran. He is now at imminent risk of execution. Source & Source
  • 4/26/23 Ayatollah Abbasali Soleimani died in the hospital after being shot at a bank in Babolsar, Mazandaran province. Soleimani was one of 88 clerics on the Assembly of Experts, which appoints the Supreme Leader and also served as the former representative of the Supreme Leader in Sistan and Baluchistan province and Kashan. Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/26/23 Iran’s foreign minister, Amir Abdollahian met with his Omani counterpart Badr Albusaidi in Muscat where they allegedly discussed the status of Iran’s nuclear talks as well as regional issues. Source
  • 4/26/23 The Iranian judiciary announced charges against detained journalists, Elaheh Mohammadi and Niloofar Hamedi who have been incarcerated for seven months for covering the events surrounding Jina (Mahsa) Amini’s death. They are accused of "collaborating with the hostile American government, colluding against national security and engaging in propaganda activity” against the regime. The accusations could carry the death penalty. Source & Source
  • 4/25/23 The poisoning of students in schools leading to hospitalizations has continued in Iran. Source
  • 4/25/23 Human Rights Watch released a report detailing the Iranian regime’s targeting and violence towards children and minors. Source
  • 4/25/23 Nationwide strikes which include energy, petrochemicals, and steel industries have continued across Iran. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/25/23 The Iranian regime announced that they have filed a legal case against two female actors, Katayoun Riahi and Panthea Bahram, who recently appeared in public without a mandatory head covering. Bahram attended the premiere of ‘The Lion Skin' without wearing a hijab while Riah recently attended a funeral ceremony without wearing a headscarf. Source, Source, Source
  • 4/25/23 Lord Tariq Ahmad of Wimbledon who is the Minister of State for the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, and United Nations at the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office met with Vahid Beheshti who is currently on a hunger strike. Source & Source
  • 4/25/23 The government of Ukraine has proposed a series of sanctions against Iran that will prevent residents of Iran from moving capital outside Ukraine, and prohibit the transfer of technology, rights to intellectual property, and investment to Iran and its residents. They would also include a ban on servicing electronic payment instruments, including transfers, payments, and cash withdrawals, issued by residents of Iran. The sanctions will take effect after NSDC, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and the Ukrainian parliament all sign off on the decision. Source & Source4/24/23 The poisoning of students in schools leading to hospitalizations has continued across Iran. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/24/23 Telecommunication company pensioners rallied in several cities nationwide to protest the failures to address their demands. Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/24/23 Eight individuals who were arrested during the anti-regime protests in Izeh in 2022 have been indicted on charges of “enmity against God” and “spreading corruption on earth.” It is important to know that detainees in Iran are rarely granted due process. Source
  • 4/24/23 A woman in Kerman died after a fistfight erupted between security forces and a group of people opposed to mandatory hijab regulations. Source
  • 4/24/23 Those working in Iran’s energy sector continue their nationwide strike, and those in other industries such as the steel and healthcare industries have joined them. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/24/23 The second day of the virtual conference called “Dialog To Save Iran” took place. The conference included more than 40 political, social, and human rights activists inside and outside Iran. Source4/23/23 Workers in Iran’s energy sector continue their nationwide strike. Source, Source, Source
  • 4/23/23 Iran's foreign minister announced that an Iranian interest section will be opened in Albania through Turkey. Source
  • 4/22/23 1500 Tasvir announced that they will be taking a break from posting. 1500 Tasvir is a leading source of citizen journalism from Iran. Source
  • 4/22/23 Oil, gas, and petrochemical workers have gone on strike across Iran. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/22/23 An Iranian prosecutor announced that a ‘special force’ will be formed to deal with those who refuse to comply with hijab/modesty laws. Source
  • 4/22/23 Over 40 political, social, and human rights activists from inside and outside Iran facilitated a virtual conference called “Dialog To Save Iran” in which eight detained activists sent messages from inside prisons in Iran. Source
  • 4/21/23 More than 400 Iranian political and civil activists issued a statement demanding the “immediate and unconditional” release of imprisoned activist, Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraei. Source & Source
  • 4/21/23 The manager of Lotus Cinemas was fired after Iranian actress, Pantea Bahram attended the premiere of ‘The Lion Skin' without wearing a hijab. Source
  • 4/21/23 The police chief of Golestan Province issued a warning to female drivers who do not follow Hijab rules, saying they will have their vehicles seized after receiving a second warning. Source
  • 4/21/23 Protests took place in the city of Zahedan in Iran's Sistan and Baluchestan province in which protesters chanted popular slogans against Ali Khamenei. Source & Source
  • 4/21/23 Security forces have arrested three female teenagers and two men from Fars province over their alleged involvement in chemical attacks on schools. It is important to know that information surrounding these arrests cannot be independently verified and that detainees in Iran are rarely granted due process. Source
  • 4/21/23 Molavi Abdulhamid, the Sunni Friday prayer leader of Zahedan openly criticized the regime, saying that “the majority of Iranian citizens are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs, including government officials and employees and even the armed forces. The economy is crippled, and the pressure is being felt by everybody.” Source & Source
  • 4/21/23 Regime forces were deployed to Aychi Cemetery in Saqqez while people gathered to honor those killed in anti-regime uprisings. Source, Source, Source
  • 4/21/23 Regime forces conducted a mass killing of horses belonging to Kurdish Kolbars in Sardasht. Source
  • 4/20/23 Amnesty International called for an independent investigation into the poisoning of students across Iran. Source
  • 4/20/23 The Iranian Writers’ Association marked its 55th anniversary by renewing its commitment to freedom of expression in the Islamic Republic, saying, “Freedom of expression is the gateway to other freedoms, and hope for change does not fit within the framework of tyranny.” Source
  • 4/20/23 Political activist and the editor of Iran Farda Magazine, Keyvan Samimi, was arrested by security forces and taken to an undisclosed location. Source & Source
  • 4/20/23 The poisoning of students in schools leading to hospitalizations, has continued across Iran. Source
  • 4/20/23 Iranian actress, Pantea Bahram posed for photos without a headscarf at the screening of the last episode of the dramatic series, “The Lion’s Skin,” in Tehran. Source & Source
  • 4/20/23 The Qazvin prosecutor announced that a woman has been arrested for disseminating pictures of students affected by recent poison attacks. This woman has been jailed and accused of 'spreading falsehood' and 'propaganda against the regime.' It is important to note that information surrounding this arrest comes from the Iranian regime and cannot be independently verified. Source
  • 4/20/23 The police chief of the West Azerbaijan Province announced that 80 businesses in the province were closed for breaking hijab rules. Source
  • 4/19/23 Twenty political and civil rights activists issued a statement condemning the imprisonment sentence against Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraei and asked for her unconditional release. She was recently sentenced to seven years in prison and has been banned from leaving the country for two years on charges of "gathering and collusion" and “propaganda against the regime.” Source
  • 4/19/23 The poisoning of students in schools leading to hospitalizations has continued. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/19/23 Bahar Zangiband, a professor at the Azad University of Sanandaj who was previously arrested for participating in peaceful anti-regime protests has been banned from teaching. Source
  • 4/19/23 Residents in Abdanan, Ilam province were attacked with tear gas and subject to poisonings. Source
  • 4/19/23 Zahra Saeidianjou, the sister of killed protester Milad Saeidianjou, was fired from her job in Izeh, Khuzestan province for seeking justice. Source
  • 4/19/23 Mohammad Najafi, a persecuted human rights lawyer has been ordered to return to prison by April 24, despite being on medical furlough. He is still in need of more medical treatment, including for heart disease. Source
  • 4/19/23 The Supreme Court ruled that Halkbank, which is owned by the government of Turkey, is not immune from prosecution in New York federal court under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976 for allegedly violating U.S. economic sanctions on Iran. Source
  • 4/19/23 Farmers in Isfahan protested against the government’s water distribution policies. Source & Source
  • 4/19/23 Millions of Iranians received text messages warning them to properly observe modesty and hijab laws. This is part of escalated enforcement efforts. Source
  • 4/18/23 The poisoning of students in schools leading to hospitalizations, has continued across Iran. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/18/23 Belgium’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hadja Lahbib announced to her Iranian counterpart, Amir Abdolahian that Belgium would submit a transfer request for Olivier Vandecasteele. Vandecasteele is a Belgian aid worker who was arrested in Iran in 2022 and sentenced to 40 years of prison. Source & Source
  • 4/18/23 IranWire released an exclusive report including images of regime intelligence agents such as Masoud Momeni preventing and disrupting the burials of people of the Baha’i faith. Source
  • 4/18/23 Iran’s president, Ebrahim Raisi reiterated threats against Israel while marking the country’s annual Army Day. Source & Source
  • 4/18/23 Ali Khamenei ruled out the possibility of referendums on state policies amid widespread anti-regime sentiments. He claimed that people are not capable of making important decisions, saying “do all the people who have to participate in the referendum have the ability to analyze that issue?” Source & Source
  • 4/17/23 Reza Pahlavi made an official visit to Israel, where he met with President Isaac Herzog, Intelligence Minister Gila Gamliel, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Source, Source, Source, Source 
  • 4/17/23 The Iranian regime released a report claiming that there are at least 120,000 minors are working as child laborers, though the real figure may be higher as it information from regime entities cannot be independently verified. Source
  • 4/17/23 Abdullah Badawi, an Iranian Kurdish prisoner from Urmia died after being deprived of medical care while in custody. Badawi was originally arrested in 2014  on the charge of "acting against national security." Source
  • 4/17/23 The poisoning of students in schools leading to hospitalizations has continued. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/17/23 Nayeb Askari, an Iranian-Kurdish political prisoner from Urmia was sentenced to death. Source
  • 4/17/23 The spokesperson for Iran’s Ministry of Health announced the criminalization of abortion and stated that the Ministry of Health plans to remove abortion medications from the market. Source
  • 4/17/23 The Iranian regime officially invited King Salman of Saudi Arabia to Iran. Source & Source
  • 4/16/23 Four Iranian-Kurdish political prisoners from Dehloran, Ilam province have gone on a hunger strike to protest the extension of their detention. Source
  • 4/16/23 The poisoning of students in schools leading to hospitalizations, has continued across Iran. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/16/23 The Association of Families of Flight PS752 Victims released a statement regarding the recent ruling by the Islamic Republic’s military court in which they issued prison sentences to a few low-ranking officers. Included in the statement was that the “court did not prosecute the commanders and main perpetrators of this crime, introduced ten accused low-ranking officers with total obscurity of their backgrounds and identities, held sessions in private, flouted the families who attended the hearings, and ultimately issued a sham ruling to end this show in keeping with their predetermined scenario without conducting any full, impartial investigation.” Source
  • 4/16/23 David Shoebridge, an Australian politician and former barrister wrote to the Iranian Ambassador to Austrailia, announcing his political sponsorship of Toomaj Salehi. Source
  • 4/15/23 People in Isfahan staged protests to voice their concern and opposition to chemical attacks on schools. Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/15/23 The poisoning of students in schools leading to hospitalizations, has continued across Iran. Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/15/23 Students groups organized a nationwide day of protest to oppose the state's mandatory hijab-law. Source, Source, Source
  • 4/14/23 Prominent political prisoner, Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraei has been sentenced to seven years in prison and has banned from leaving the country for two years on charges of "gathering and collusion" and “propaganda against the regime." Source
  • 4/14/23 Setayesh Darugheh, a 16-year-old student from Fars province, who has been in the custody of regime forces for more than a month, is under severe mental and physical pressure to falsely confess to participating in chemical attacks on schools in Larestan county. Sourc
  • 4/14/23 Niloofar Hamedi and Elaheh Mohammadi, the journalists who broke the news of Jina (Mahsa) Amini’s death, and Shervin Hajipour the singer and writer of ‘Baraye’ have been included in Time Magazine’s list of the 100 most influential people of 2023. Source & Source
  • 4/13/23 The managing editor of the Didban Iran news outlet, Saeed Seyf-Ali, was arrested by security forces and taken to an undisclosed location. Source
  • 4/13/23 The Ministry of Sport and Youth in Gilan announced that a sports club was closed for allegedly "breaking Islamic dress code." Source
  • 4/13/23 Prominent Iranian political prisoner Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraei has been sentenced to seven years in prison and banned from leaving the country for two years. Source
  • 4/13/23 In an open letter to Ali Khamenei, prominent female Islamic scholar Sedigheh Vasmaghi, strongly challenged his recent edict over hijab mandates and warned Khamenei that he will remain personally responsible for all the “financial, physical, social, ethical, psychological and political” consequences of enforcing compulsory hijab rules. Source
  • 4/13/23 Recent flooding in Iran has left at least three dead. The provinces of  East Azarbaijan, West Azarbaijan, Ilam, Kordestan, Kermanshah, and Lorestan have been in need of rescue services. Source4/12/23 Officials in Borujerd, Lorestan province announced the arrest of several suspects in serial poison attacks on schools in the city. It is important to note that information surrounding these events and arrests comes from the Iranian regime and cannot be independently verified. Source
  • 4/12/23 Prominent human rights lawyer, Nasrin Sotoudeh and her husband Reza Khandan met with the family of Mohammad Mehdi Karami, who was executed by the Islamic regime for his participation in peaceful anti-government protests. Source
  • 4/12/23 A delegation from Iran arrived in Saudi Arabia to prepare for the reopening of Iran's embassy in Riyadh and its consulate general in Jeddah. Source
  • 4/11/23 Protests ensued in front of Amol’s Department of Education following poison attacks on schools in the city. Source
  • 4/11/23 Ebrahim Raisi has replaced his budget chief amidst skyrocketing inflation and poor economic conditions. Source
  • 4/11/23 Russia's biggest airline, Aeroflot, has sent one if its planes to Iran for maintenance for the first time ever as sanctions have made it incresingly difficult for Russia to access replacement parts. The Airbus A330-300 will be repaired by technicians from Mahan Air. Source
  • 4/11/23 Sepideh Gholian, one of the most prominent labor activists who was re-arrested after criticizing Ali Khamenei following her release from Evin Prison last month, is facing new national security charges, according to the Islamic Republic’s judiciary news service. While in custody, she has been subjected to physical abuse and threatened with rape. Source & Source
  • 4/11/23 The poisoning of students in schools leading to hospitalizations has continued. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/11/23 Welders went on strike for higher wages at the Salman Farsi petrochemical project at the Imam Khomeini Port in Khuzestan. Source
  • 4/11/23 Journalist and women’s rights activist Jina Modarres Gorji has been arrested by regime forces in Sanandaj, Kurdistan province. Source
  • 4/11/23 Meysam Pirfalak, the father of Kian Pirfalak, recorded a video saying he does not hold Abbas (Mojahed) Kurkuri responsible for the death of his son. Kurkuri has been accused of killing Kian by regime forces, and has been sentenced to death after being forced under torture to falsely confess to the killing. Meysam Pirfalak also said that he saw security forces under General Eidi Alipour’s command fire at his car, wounding him and killing his son. Source, Source, Source, Source4/10/23 Ali Nesaei, a public and revolutionary prosecutor said that people should report their neighbors to the police if they see them violating hijab/modesty laws. Source
  • 4/10/23 There have been reports of the Islamic Regime pressuring Iran’s Jewish minority to participate in Quds Day. Source & Source
  • 4/10/23 State TV broadcaster, IRIB, aired forced “confessions" by three jailed teenagers who were arrested in January 2023 in connection with peaceful protests in the city of Zahedan. The teens are Benyamin Kouhkan (17), Elias Kouhkan (19), Yasin Kabdani (19) and Mohammad Darvish Narouie (18). Source
  • 4/10/23 Omid Shahmohammadi, a member of the Teachers Trade Association in Kurdistan province, has begun a one-year prison sentence on national security charges. Source
  • 4/10/23 The poisoning of students in schools leading to hospitalizations, has continued across Iran. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/10/23 In Saqqez, Kurdistan Province, merchants, and shopkeepers went on a general strike to protest poison attacks on schools. Source & Source
  • 4/9/23 Protests ensued in Kurdistan province after the poisonings in schools. Regime forces retaliated violently in response. Source, Source, Source
  • 4/9/23 The poisoning of students in schools leading to hospitalizations, has escalated across Iran. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/9/23 Karo Pashabadi, a 16-year-old originally from Kamiyaran (Kurdistan province) passed away as a result of a chemical attack on his school in Tehran. Source
  • 4/8/23 The poisoning of students in schools leading to hospitalizations, has continued across Iran. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/8/23 Iranian authorities have begun installing cameras in public places to identify women who violate the country’s hijab/modesty laws. Source & Source
  • 4/7/23 The Iranian Statistics Center released a report asserting that more than 20,000 girls under the age of 15 got married in Iran during the nine-month period ending in January and that as many as 1,085 underage girls became mothers. Source
  • 4/7/23 A video of men and women beating women who do not fully abide by hijab/modesty laws with a rosary has gone viral. Source
  • 4/7/23 An Iranian court has ordered the execution of Abbas Kurkuri, who is accused of killing seven people during anti-regime uprisings including 9-year-old Kian Pirfalak. It is important to note that Kurkuri was not granted due process, and the details of this case are still unclear. Source
  • 4/6/23 Members of Iran's National Library staged a sit-in at the library's courtyard in Tehran to protest the suspension of some fellow members for not observing the compulsory hijab. Source
  • 4/6/23 The head of Iran’s judiciary, Gholamhossein Mohseni-Ejei, said that measures will be implemented to "tackle social deviance," referencing those who challenge hijab/modesty laws. He also mentioned "the importance of distinguishing between those who are unaware of hijab regulations and those who collude with foreign spy agencies in this regard," insinuating that violators of the mandatory hijab law are ‘colluding’ with foreign spy agencies. Source
  • 4/6/23 French-Irish national, Bernard Phélan, who has been imprisoned for half a year is in poor physical condition and is at risk of going blind. Source 
  • 4/6/23 Saudi, Iranian Foreign Ministers Agree to Resume Flights after Beijing Meeting Source 
  • 4/6/23 Imprisoned dissident rapper, Toomaj Salehi is facing possible execution and is being denied proper medical treatment. Source
  • 4/5/23 Schools in Ajabshir, Borujerd, Mazandaran, Tabriz, Sarvestan, Naghadeh, and other cities were chemically attacked. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/5/23 Regime forces arrested a 2-year-old, Delvan Heydari, the nephew of Javad Heydari who was killed during an anti-regime protest. Source
  • 4/5/23 Crowds of people gathered and protested to commemorate the birthday of Hamidreza Rouhi. Rouhi was killed during an anti-regime protest. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/5/23 Renowned Iranian filmmaker, Kyumars Pour-Ahmad took his own life at the age of 74. Source
  • 4/5/23 Mohammad Habibi, a teachers' rights activist, and former political prisoner who was recently released from prison has been rearrested and placed in a ward known to be controlled by the Intelligence Ministry. Source & Source
  • 4/4/23 The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted resolution A/HRC/52/L.3. which is in regard to the "situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran." The resolution denounces the rising number of executions in Iran and extends the mandate of UN special rapporteur on Iran’s rights situation. Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/4/23 Teachers across several cities protested to demand higher pay. Source & Source
  • 4/4/23 The poisoning of schoolgirls, leading to hospitalizations has continued across Iran. Source, Source, Source
  • 4/3/23 Regime officials announced that universities will bar female students who refuse to wear the hijab from education services. Source & Source
  • 4/3/23 Five schoolgirls were hospitalized following a poison attack on a school in Naqadeh, West Azerbaijan province. Source
  • 4/3/23 Iran’s Minister of Education Yousef Nouri resigned and was replaced with Reza Morad Sahraee, the current president of Farhangian University and former security agent. Source
  • 4/3/23 Businesses across several cities are being closed for allegedly violating the Islamic dress code and modesty rules. In Mazandaran for example, 338 businesses were closed in recent weeks for breaking Hijab rules. Source, Source, Source4/2/23 OPEC, which includes Iran, announced that they would cut production by more than 1.2 million barrels of crude a day, or more than 1 percent of world supplies, in an apparent effort to increase prices. Source
  • 4/2/23 Regime forces cracked down on Sizadh Bedar celebrations. Source, Source, Source
  • 4/2/23 Iran’s navy claimed that it warned off a US Navy EP-3E aircraft after it entered the country's border close to the Gulf of Oman. Source
  • 4/2/23 Iranians across the world observed Sizdah Bedar which is a celebration that takes place 13 days after the Iranian New Year (Nowruz). Originating from ancient Zoroastrianism, this celebration symbolizes the victory of spring over winter and it’s believed that being outside on this day helps to protect against evil spirits that are said to wander the earth on this day. A custom during Sizdah Bedar is to knot the stems of the sprouted greens (sabzeh) that were a part of the haft-sin display during Nowruz and throw the sabzeh in a moving body of water. Source & Source
  • 4/2/23 People in Iran warmly welcomed the reopening of a grocery store after it was forced to close when the owner defended a young girl and her mother after they were attacked with yogurt for not abiding by the country’s hijab/morality laws. Source
  • 4/1/23 Iran’s chief justice, Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei warned of even stricter punishment for those who do not abide by hijab/modesty laws. In his announcement, he said that “unveiling is tantamount to enmity with (our) values. [Those] who commit such anomalous acts will be punished and prosecuted without mercy.” Source
  • 4/1/23 Iran’s ambassador to Iraq claims that Iraq owes the Iranian regime 11 billion dollars for the import of Iranian gas and electricity. Source
  • 3/31/23 A video of a man attacking a young girl and her mother with yogurt for not abiding by the country’s hijab/morality laws has gone viral. The incident occurred in Mashad, and the store owner who intervened in support of the women was ordered to close his store. Source & Source
  • 3/31/23 Four Iranians have filed suits to seek damages for being shot and badly injured by Islamic republic forces during recent protests. Source
  • 3/30/23 Elnaz Rekabi, an Iranian climber who competed abroad with her hair uncovered in October of 2022 has been barred from leaving the country. Source
  • 3/30/23 Iranian journalists Niloofar Hamedi and Elahe Mohammadi, who broke the news of Jina (Mahsa) Amini’s murder won the Lyons Award for Conscience and Integrity in Journalism at Harvard. Hamedi, a reporter for Shargh Daily, and Mohammadi of the newspaper Hammihan were arrested in September for covering the events surrounding Amini’s death in police custody. Source & Source
  • 3/30/23 69 Afghan seminary students from the Dar al-Oloum Makki Sunni seminary school in Iran are on hunger strike. The students were arrested by regime forces for participating in recent anti-state protests. They are being held under inhumane conditions in Al-Ghadir Camp and pressured to “confess” to crimes. Source
  • 3/30/23 Azerbaijan denounced what it called "slanderous" comments by senior Iranian military commander, Kioumars Heydari. The remark was made after Azerbaijani security forces announced they were investigating "a terror attack" after a lawmaker with strong anti-Iranian views was shot and wounded at his home. Heydari made the claim that members of the Islamic State militant group had fought for Azerbaijan and were still based in the country, insinuating a link to the attack on the Azerbaijani lawmaker. Source 
  • 3/30/23 Crowds gathered at the burial place of Jina (Mahsa) Amini and chanted anti-regime slogans. In response, armed regime forces were deployed. Source, Source, Source3/29/23 Zaniar Tondro, an 18-year-old Iranian-Kurdish protestor who was shot, injured, and blinded is at risk of deportation. He fled Iran initially by boat from Turkey to Greece, but the Greek government barred him and his family from entering the country and forced them to return to Turkey. Source & Source
  • 3/29/23 Four Iranian-Kurdish men from West Azerbaijan province were sentenced to a total of 10 years and 6 months in prison and 50 lashes by the Iranian judiciary. Source
  • 3/29/23 Sajjad Moradivandan continues his hunger strike to protest against his continued detention. Moradivandan was arrested two months ago for participating in anti-regime protests. Source & Source
  • 3/28/23 Dissident rapper Toomaj Salehi has been imprisoned for 150 days. He’s been held in solitary confinement and is considered to be at extreme risk of torture and the threat of execution.
  • 3/28/23 1500 Tasvir reports that the IR’s cyber army continues disinformation campaign to coverup the fact that the IR forces poisoned protestors. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 3/28/23 Eight businesses in Lorestan province were closed for breaking Ramadan rules, namely serving food during the daylight. Source
  • 3/28/23 Azad Rezaei, an Iranian-Kurdish and Yarsani man from Kermanshah was shot and killed by security forces. Source
  • 3/28/23 Teachers in several cities and provinces rallied and protested for higher pay. Source & Source 
  • 3/28/23 A high-ranking commander of the IRGC warned protesters in the province of Sistan and Baluchistan against crossing the regime's "red lines" in anti-government rallies that have been taking place weekly after Friday Prayers. Source
  • 3/27/23 A member of Iran’s parliament announced the regime’s new strategy to enforce the compulsory hijab. The new plan includes a financial penalty of up to 30 billion Iranian Rials ($60,000) and additional penalties that consist of revoking a person's driver's license, canceling their passport, and prohibiting Internet access for those women who do not adhere to the hijab requirement.
  • 3/26/23 A group of teachers protested in front of the Education Department in the Iranian city of Saqqez, Kurdistan province, demanding freedom for their colleague Soleyman Abdi from the Intelligence Ministry’s detention center. Source
  • 3/26/23 The website Hal Vash which covers events in Iran’s Balochistan released its annual report. The report asserts that 628 Baloch citizens were killed directly or indirectly by Islamic Republic agents in the past Iranian year. Source
  • 3/25/23 Iran's security council warned the United States against further attacks on its proxy bases in Syria, claiming that any strikes would be countered immediately. Source
  • 3/24/23 Shilan Kurdestani one of the women's rights activists from Sanandaj was sentenced to 40 months in prison by the revolutionary court. Source
  • 3/24/23 The 18-year sentence against civil rights activist and dissident, Fatemeh Sepehri was upheld on appeal. Source
  • 3/24/23 Three Iranian women were arrested after getting into an altercation with another woman who was attempting to enforce rules on wearing a head scarf in the city of Yazd.
  • 3/24/23 Consistent with every Friday since September 2022, there were mass anti-regime protests in Zahedan. Source & Source
  • 3/22/23 A leaked document on a meeting of senior IRGC commanders and clerics with the Supreme Leader has revealed contention about the role of Khamenei’s son Mojtaba and his potential succession as ‘supreme leader.’ Source
  • 3/23/23 Five Iranians, four men and one woman, in the northwestern Iranian city of Urmia have been sentenced by a court to death for allegedly engaging in intelligence cooperation and espionage activities that benefited Israel. Source
  • 3/23/23 Hossein Al-e Ali, a 31-year-old protester died from his sustained injuries after being thrown from the fourth floor of a building when security agents stormed his residence. Source
  • 3/21/23 On Nowruz (the celebration of new year in Iran), people in Iran took the streets to protest, many shouting ‘death to Khamenei.” Source, Source 
  • 3/20/23 Iranians and many others celebrated Nowruz, the celebration of the new year rooted in Zoastrian culture. Nowruz marks the first day of spring and is celebrated on the day of the astronomical vernal equinox. It is celebrated as the beginning of the new year by more than 300 million people all around the world and has been celebrated for over 3,000 years. Source
  • 3/20/23 UN rapporteur on Iran, Javaid Rehman, said the scale and gravity of Iran’s violations of human rights amount to a crime against humanity. Source
  • 3/19/23 Senior revolutionary guard officers have warned Ali Khamenei of possible defections within security forces and also of an extinguished plot to attack Khamenei’s offices/house. Source
  • 3/18/23 An Iranian court handed death sentences to two men over an attack on a Shi'ite shrine in Iran that killed 15 people in October and was claimed by the Islamic State (IS). It is important to note that information surrounding these events and arrests comes from the Iranian regime. Source
  • 3/18/23 Iranian rapper and hip-hop artist, Toomaj Salehi, has been in solitary confinement for 140 days thus far. Source
  • 3/17/23 Several families of death row prisoners gathered in front of Urmia Prison urging officials to halt any planned executions. Source
  • 3/17/23 After Friday prayer, Iranians in Zahedan took to the streets en masse chanting anti-regime slogans and imploring Ali Khamenei to leave the country. Source
  • 3/17/23 Prominent Sunni cleric, Molavi Abdolhamid delivered a speech during Friday prayer in which he said, "one ethnic group and one religion cannot rule the country.” Source
  • 3/17/23 Kurdish-Iranian political prisoner Mohyeddin Ebrahimi was executed this morning. Source
  • 3/16/23 Kurdish-Iranian political prisoner Mohyeddin Ebrahimi is at imminent risk of execution. Source
  • 3/16/23 United Nations experts expressed outrage at the deliberate poisoning of schoolgirls in Iran and also expressed concern that a journalist who was covering these attacks was arrested in Qom. Source
  • 3/16/23 Amnesty International released a report detailing the horrific torture and abuse children and minors have endured by the regime to quell their involvement in nationwide protests. Source
  • 3/16/23 An exclusive report by the Wall Street Journal alleges that Iran will stop arming the Houthis in Yemen as a part of the recent China-brokered deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Source
  • 3/16/23 Opposition leader and activist, Masih Alinejad met with Prime Minister Mark Rutte of the Netherlands. In the meeting, Alinejad urged the prime minister to:
  • isolate the Islamic Republic and instead of meeting with regime officials, meet with the coalition of opposition forces
  • enforce sanctions against the Islamic Republic
  • expel the ambassadors of the Islamic Republic of Iran from the Netherlands
  • list the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization
  • cut diplomatic ties with the regime
  • lead the investigation of crimes committed by the Islamic Republic, including brutal chemical attacks on schools
  • push for measures to form international fact-finding committees to investigate the crimes of the Islamic Republic.  Source

  • 3/16/23 Max Lucks, a German politician and political sponsor of Sepideh Gholian sent a letter to the Iranian Ambassador, Mahmoud Farazandeh, urging for Gholian’s immediate release. Source & Source
  • 3/15/23 Naval forces from China, Iran and Russia will be staging joint drills this week according to China’s Defense Ministry. U.S. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said U.S. leadership was not concerned by this. Source
  • 3/15/23 Naval forces from China, Iran and Russia will be staging joint drills this week according to China’s Defense Ministry. U.S. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said U.S. leadership was not concerned by this. Source
  • 3/15/23 Ali Shamkhani, Iran’s secretary of the Supreme National Security Council will lead a delegation of security and banking officials for a visit to the United Arab Emirates tomorrow, March 16, 2023. During this trip, Shamkhani also plans to meet with his Emirati counterpart, Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed Al Nahyan in Abu Dhabi. Source
  • 3/15/23 Nobel Laureate Shirin Ebadi addressed European Parliament in a ceremony marking International Women’s Day. Source & Source
  • 3/15/23 Over 110 people have been arrested thus far over the recent poisoning of schoolgirls in Iran. It is important to note that information surrounding these arrests comes from the Iranian regime and cannot be independently verified. Source 
  • 3/15/23 Shirzad Ahmadinejad, a 41-year-old Kurdish-Iranian was tortured to death while in the custody of security forces. Source & Source
  • 3/15/23 Sepideh Gholian, one of the most prominent female activists held in prison in Iran for four years and seven months was re-arrested after being briefly released. She was originally arrested alongside 20 other activists, protest organizers, and workers during the Haft Tappeh Sugar Factory strike in November 2018. Source & Source
  • 3/14/23 Women across Iran burned their head scarves amid the annual fire festival known as Chaharshanbeh Suri. Source
  • 3/14/23 Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejehi, Iran’s chief justice claimed that a total of 82,656 prisoners and those facing charges had been pardoned. He also claimed that of those, some 22,000 had been arrested during the demonstrations. This announcement made by Ejehi indicates that the regime feels secure enough to admit the scale of unrest. Source
  • 3/14/23 The U.S. Department of Commerce announced that they will release rules to limit  companies’ activity in “countries of concern” including China, Russia, North Korea and Iran should they receive some of the $52 billion that the U.S. is providing to boost its semiconductor industry. Source3/14/23 France accused the Iranian regime of breaking an international treaty defining consular relations between states and said the regime had demonstrated publicly that it was holding foreign nationals arbitrarily. Source
  • 3/14/23 Iranians across the world are celebrating Chaharshanbeh Suri, an ancient Iranian and Zoroastrian holiday that occurs on the last Wednesday of the year in accordance with the Iranian calendar. The holiday represents the triumph of light over darkness, and the shift from winter to spring. A part of the celebration includes jumping over fire and repeating sorkhi-ye to az man, zardi-ye man az to, literally translating to, "let your redness be mine, my paleness yours." It’s considered a purification practice. Source
  • 3/14/23 Anti-regime protests ramped up across major cities in Iran on the occasion of Chaharshanbeh Suri. Homemade grenades and fireworks were used to combat regime forces in some cities. Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 3/14/23 The Islamic regime has banned at least 52 artists from working in Iran because of their support for anti-regime uprisings. Among the banned are actress Taraneh Alidoosti, film director Asghar Farhadi, and musician Kayhan Kalhor. Source
  • 3/13/23 Habib Asyoud, a Swedish-Iranian and Ahvazi political activist is at imminent risk for execution. Asyoud, also known as Habib Farajollah Chaab was kidnapped from Turkey by Islamic Republic forces in collaboration with international drug gangs in October 2020 and forcibly taken to Iran. Source
  • 3/13/23 The five girls who posted a viral video of themselves dancing on International Women’s Day in Iran were detained and forced to give a public apology. Source 
  • 3/13/23 Iran’s judiciary amnesty commission rejected Saman Yassin’s amnesty request. Saman Yassin is a Kurdish rapper who was arrested in early October of 2022 for criticizing the regime. Source 
  • 3/13/23 Telecommunication Company pensioners protested over their conditions in several cities across Iran. Source
  • 3/13/23 Workers at the Haft-Tappeh Sugar Factory went on strike for the second day in a row. Source
  • 3/12/23 Groups of social security pensioners protested poor living conditions and the dismissals of their demands in Ahvaz and Kermanshah. Source & Source
  • 3/11/23 Hengaw’s research team released a report claiming at least 134 Kurdish citizens have been killed by government forces in various cities since the beginning of the revolution. Source
  • 3/11/23 Samaneh Asghari, a university student and children’s rights activist has been sentenced to 18 years in prison. Source
  • 3/11/23 The Association of Families of Flight PS752 Victims held global rallies in condemnation of the poisoning of schoolgirls in Iran. Source
  • 3/10/23 The Alliance for Democracy and Freedom in Iran (ADFI) announced the publication of “The Charter of Solidarity and Alliance for Freedom” called the “Mahsa Charter.” The charter covers democratic governance, human rights/dignity, justice, peace and security, environmental sustainability, and economic transparency and prosperity. Initial signatories include Masih Alinejad, Nazanin Boniadi, Shirin Ebadi, Hamed Esmaeilion, Abdulla Mohtadi, and Reza Pahlavi. Source
  • 03/10/23 Saudi Arabia and Iran announced that they reached a deal to restore diplomatic ties and plan to reopen their embassies within the next two months. This deal was brokered by China. Source
  • 3/09/23 The U.S. imposed sanctions on 39 entities constituting a “shadow banking” network aiming to evade existing sanctions. Source
  • 3/09/2023 Siamak Namazi, a U.S. citizen who has been in Evin prison since 2015 spoke to Christiane Amanpour from prison. He made a plea to the White House and President Biden to secure the release of himself and other foreign nationals. Source
  • 03/08/23 Coalition of Iranian and Afghan women call for gender apartheid to be crime under international law. Prominent Afghans and Iranians say current laws do not capture the systemic suppression of women. Source, view open letter here 
  • 03/08/23 Rallies across the globe are being held on International Women’s Day in support of Iranian women and girls. Source
  • 03/08/2023 On International Women’s Day, First Lady Jill Biden awarded the new Madeleine Albright Honorary Group Award to the women and girls of Iran. Source
  • 03/08/23 The European Parliament will debate the poisoning of students in Iran on March 15th followed by a resolution. Source
  • 03/08/23 Protests broke out in the city of Khash in response to the arrest of Sunni cleric, Maulvi Abdul Majid Muradzahi who is a relative of one of Iran’s top Sunni leaders, Maulvi Abdul Hamid. Source
  • 03/08/23 UNESCO expressed concern regarding the poisoning of schoolgirls in Iran and called for investigations into the matter. Source 
  • 3/7/23 Dr. Hamed Esmaeilion announces resignation from Flight PS752 Victims association; resignation will allow Esmaeilion to pursue formal role in Iran’s revolution. Source
  • 3/7/23 Medics, teachers, parents accuse IR of silencing victims of suspected poisoning attacks. Source
  • 3/7/23 Following the call of Iranian Teachers Union against organized chemical gas attacks on schools & poisoning of students, protest rallies were held today in front of the Ministry of Education in various cities, incl #Kermanshah & #Sanandaj, @KurdistanHRN reported. Source
  • 3/7/23 Poisoning cases top 5,000 Source
  • 3/6/23 Iranian activists and civil rights groups are calling for nationwide rallies this week to denounce the authorities’ failure to prevent the poisoning of hundreds of schoolgirls across the country over the past three months. Source
  • 3/5/23 1500 Tasvir has confirmed at least 198 Schools exposed to chemical attacks on March 5: Source here with cities/number of schools.
  • 3/2/23 Protests in Tehran following the poisoning of schoolgirls. Source
  • 3/2/23 Christian Amanpour challenges IR Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian on torture, sexual abuse allegations lodged by imprisoned protesters. Source
  • 3/1/23 Ambulances arrive at a girls’ high school in Tehran, Ferdous Blvd, where students were poisoned. Source
  • 3/1/23 102 prisoners were executed in the first two months of 2023 in Iranian prisons. Of the 102, Kurdish people constituted the largest group to be executed, and Balush were second largest. (Note: these executions are not related to ongoing protests). Source
  • 3/1/23 Near bomb-grade level uranium found in Iranian nuclear plant, says IAEA report Source
  • 3/1/23 About 1200 School girls poisoned in Qom and Borujerd. Chemical poisoning attacks have been targeting young school girls. Source
  • 3/1/23 Video of the brutal way Islamic Republic security forces interact with Iranian mothers protesting the poisoning of their daughters. Source
  • 3/1/23 The Guardian reports that dozens of school girls in Iran have been taken to hospital following poisoning at school. Hundreds of cases of respiratory distress. Source
  • 3/1/23 Videos of young school girls crying “I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe” Source
  • 3/1/23 Parents protest outside of schools where their daughters have been poisoned. Source
  • 2/28/23 37 School girls hospitalized in Pardis, Tehran province. Source
  • 2/27/23 Hundreds of girls poisoned in Iran to stop them from going to school. Iran’s deputy health minister Younes Panahi on Sunday said that “certain individuals sought the closure of all schools, especially girls’ schools”, without providing further details. Source
  • 2/26/23 Iran’s currency hits new low amid anti-government protests; Iran’s currency fell to a new record low on Sunday, plunging to 600,000 to the dollar for the first time as the effects of nationwide anti-government protests and the breakdown of the 2015 nuclear deal continued to roil the economy.  Inflation reached 53.4% in January, up from 41.4% two years ago, according to Iran’s statistics center. Source
  • 1500 Tasvir shares comments from people in Iran on the impacts of economic situation:
  • “Poverty, Corruption, Inflation means that a simple toothache or broken electrical appliance can destroy your life.” Source
  • “One of my dear friends committed suicide this month due to economic pressure and I still can't believe that he is gone. It seems like my life is over with his.” Source
  • “Poverty, Corruption, Inflation means that our basic needs were turned into dreams. It started with buying a house, then buying a car, a laptop, a phone, and little by little it has even reached putting food on the table.” Source
  • “One effect of the poverty and rising prices is that we don't have enough income to become independent. We can't buy a house or even pay rent, start a family, buy any important household items,…All our dreams and needs are canceled at the peak of our youth.” Source
  • “Every day feeling your hands freezing and your heart rate increasing because of Poverty, Corruption, Inflation in the prime of your youth; Something that non-Iranian people of the same age do not understand at all. Damn you Corrupt Islamic Republic.” Source
  • 2/26/23 Iran & Russia sending top envoys to UN’s human rights council. Source
  • 2/24/23 Today, February 24, 2023, widespread beatings and arrests around Maki Mosque, deployment of snipers in different parts of the city, and severe disruption in Zahedan's Internet, warn of another Bloody Friday. Let's not leave Zahedan alone with the Islamic Republic. Source
  • 2/21/23 CNN Special Report: How Iran used a network of secret torture centers to crush an uprising. Source
  • TEHRAN: Iran’s capital, Tehran, was convulsed with protests during the Zhina Mahsa Amini uprising, prompting a proliferation of black sites around the city, according to sources.
  • MASHHAD: According to dozens of testimonies from survivors of torture as well as legal experts, the torture used on protesters in these off-grid sites was “unprecedented” in its severity. These clandestine jails exist outside of whatever due process the Islamic Republic affords, seemingly enabling unfettered cruelty.
  • CNN has identified more than three dozen black sites across Iran. Many are undeclared jails inside government facilities such as military and Revolutionary Guards bases, known to rights groups and lawyers for years.
  • SANANDAJ: The Kurdish-majority western city of Sanandaj was a flashpoint of the crackdown on protesters where thousands were rounded up and protesters were gunned down with live ammunition.
  • ZAHEDAN: Dozens of protesters were killed in the city of Zahedan on a particularly deadly day in September last year. One female protester told CNN she was detained that day and sent to a black site where she was held for over a month and repeatedly raped.
  • 2/21/23 Iran sentences German-Iranian dissident, Jamshid Sharmahd, to death. Source
  • 2/21/23 Calls for change in Iran reach even Shiite heartland in Qom. Source
  • 2/20/23 Economic shock in Iran as USD rises to 500,000 Rials; Iran’s rial fell to a new low on Monday, breaking a crucial threshold despite repeated government promises of “soon” strengthening the battered national currency. Source.
  • 2/20/23 Four kurdish political prisoners have been held for seven months with their whereabouts unknown; their names are Vafa Azarbar, Mohamad Faramarzi, Mohsen Mazloum, Pezhman Fatihi Source
  • 2/18/23 Munich Security Conference invites opposition leaders Masih Alinejad, Nazanin Boniadi and Reza Pahlavi to attend in lieu of the Islamic Republic. Marking the first time in the history of the conference that the IRI has not been invited. Source
  • 2/16/23 On the 40th day following the executions of protesters Mohammad Mehdi Karami and Mohammad Hosseini, national protests erupted. The 40th day following death, also known as the “Chehelom,” is a day for mourning in Iranian culture.
  • 2/15/23 EU to Sanction Iran entities involved in Russian War on Ukraine - Von der Leyen Source
  • 2/15/23 US forces shoot down Iranian-made drone circling troop housing in Syria Source
  • 2/15/23 Husband of prominent Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh summoned by Judiciary. Reza Khandan has been asked to report to the judiciary within 30-days to begin serving out the sentence. This comes days after his wife, Nasrin Sotoudeh, spoke to CNN’s Christiane Amanpour from her home in Tehran. Source
  • 2/14/23 Suspected Iranian Weapons seized by US Navy May go to Ukraine, Source
  • 2/9/23 No EU members other than Hungary and Poland had representatives present in Islamic Republic’s ceremony today for the so-called Islamic Revolution Day. Source
  • 2/8/23 #BoycottIRIDay: Some families of victims of decades of the Islamic Republic's rule over Iran, asked the people of Iran to join, by using the hashtag #BoycottIRIDay, in asking different countries to boycott the anniversary ceremony of the Islamic Republic, scheduled to be held in Tehran on Feb. 9. This CTA included the families if: Nika Shakarami, Navid Afkari, Minou Majidi, Mohammad Hassan Torkaman, Mohammad Javad Zahedi, Mehrgan Zahmatkesh, Reza Shahparnia, MohammadReza Eskandari, Asghar Nahvipour, Mohammad Rasoul Momeni, Ali Seyedi, Mohsen Mohammadi, Omid Moayedi, Ameneh Shahbazifard, Ali Rouzbehani, Bahareh Karami Moghadam, Abolfazl Mehdipour, Pooria Naserikhah, Milad Zare, Mohammad Mokhtari, Javad Rezaei, Rahim Aminabadi, Negar Borghei, who have all been murdered by the Islamic Republic in recent years, alongside other Iranians, are asking officials of different countries to boycott the Islamic Republic’s anniversary ceremony which is to be held in Tehran on February 9th. Source 
  • 2/6/23 Today marks 100 days of dissident rapper Toomaj Salehi being unjustly held in solitary confinement at Dastgerd Prison in Isfahan. Toomaj is still at risk of execution.  #FreeToomaj Source
  • 2/5/23 Regime announces “pardoning of protesters” – with many caveats that will exclude most protesters. Some things to be aware of before spreading state propaganda, via Hannah Neumann, European MP, Source:
  • It is unclear how many, if any, protesters will be released.
  • The amnesty does not apply to those sentenced or facing charges of “espionage for outsiders, direct links with the foreign intelligence services, murder or intentional injuries, as well as vandalism or arson attack on governmental, military and public sites” – all charges regularly levied against protesters and foreign nationals imprisoned in Iran. Source
  • If someone is “pardoned” under the IR’s law it means that person has committed a crime; most people behind bars for protesting have not committed crimes.
  • Protesters need to “ask for forgiveness” in order to be pardoned, oftentimes leading to a forced confession.
  • Dual nationals and those (unjustly, without due-process) on death row will not be pardoned.
  • It is also important to note that the sources of “pardoning” are all Regime state-sponsored media.
  • Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) Deputy Director Jasmin Ramsey says, “This is a PR stunt that has no grounding in reality by a regime that has lost legitimacy amongst its people. The political repression, the imprisonments after sham “trials” led by kangaroo courts, the criminalization of dissent remain.” Source
  • Iranian political prisoners are NOT “pardoned.” The exhaustive list of exclusions and exceptions attached to the “amnesty” claimed by Ali Khamenei demonstrates that it is devised to make sure no one is actually released but the false pretense serves their Western propaganda. - @1500tasvir_en
  • 2/5/23 Moscow and Tehran are moving ahead with plans to build a new factory in Russia that could make at least 6,000 Iranian-designed drones for the war in Ukraine, the latest sign of deepening cooperation between the two nations, said officials from a country aligned with the U.S. Source
  • 2/3/23 Large turnout in Zahedan in anti-government demonstration. Source
  • 2/3/23 Armed attack on Kurdish activists homes continued in Abdanan Source
  • 2/3/23 Award-winning director Jafar Panahi, arrested in July and detained at Evin Prison, released on bail following hunger strike. Source
  • 2/3/23 According to Haalvsh Org, today, February 3, the senior military commanders of the Islamic Republic have gone onto the streets of Zahedan to direct the suppression of the protesters in person. The lives of the people of Zahedan are in danger. Source
  • 2/2/23 Anti-compulsory-Hijab protester and political prisoner Farhad Meysami falls seriously ill after hunger strike. Photos and a letter released from Rajaei-Shahr prison in Karaj were published on social media, alongside a list of 3 demands: “stopping the execution of protesters, releasing six political prisoners, and stopping mandatory hijab.” Source
  • 1/31/23 Women political prisoners Hasti Amiri, Bahareh Hedayat, Raha Asgarizadeh, Sepideh Qolian, Narges Mohammadi, Alieh Motallebzadeh, and Noushin Jafari issue joint statement from Evin Prison in Tehran. In their joint letter, they ask Iranians not to remain quiet. Source
  • 1/29/23 Azerbaijan to evacuate embassy in Tehran after fatal shooting. Source
  • 1/28/23 5.9 magnitude earthquake hits Khoy, West Azerbaijan Iran. At least three people killed and more than 800 injured. - Source
  • 1/28/23 Drone strikes hit IRGC ammunition manufacturing plants in Esfahan. Israeli US officials discuss new ways to combat Iranian operations.  Source
  • 1/28/23 Detained and tortured protester Armita Abassi’s “trial” begins Sunday (1/29/23) .
  • 1/27/23 IR parliament has submitted new plan that further limits freedom of speech and expression on social media; plan suggests that if a person has 400+ followers on social media, they shouldn’t be able to state their opinions freely. Source, Source
  • 1/27/23 Azerbaijani embassy in Tehran comes under deadly attack; 1 shot dead and two other staff wounded. Source
  • 1/23/23 3 women journalists, Malika Hashemi, Saeeda Shafie, and Mehrnoush Zarei, were all arrested by agent of the regime in Tehran, and reportedly transferred to Evin Prison. Source
  • 1/22/23 According to Kolbar News, two Balochs and a truck driver were killed and another Sukhtbar was seriously injured in an accident between three fuel carrier cars and a trailer on the Nikshahr-Iranshahr axis. Source
  • 1/22/23 Mehrnoosh Zarei Hanzaki was arrested at her home in Tehran and transferred to Evin Prison. The reason and the security institution responsible for her arrest are still unknown. Source
  • 1/20/23 Trending hashtags in and outside of Iran “I give power of attorney”/”I do not give power of attorney” regarding supporting Reza Pahlavi as an interim representative of the people.
  • وكالت_ميدهم#
  • وكالت_نميدهم#
  • 1/20/23 Today in Zahedan (Sistan-Baluchestan): massive turnout of thousands on-the-ground protests, with chants: “The Mullahs most go!” “Down with the dictator!”  Source
  • 1/20/23 Internet has been shut off in Zahedan
  • 1/18/23 Zahedan (Balochistan) - IRGC has laid siege to Zahedan, blocking all roads leading to it, setting up frightening checkpoints. Also, dozens of people have been arrested in this city in recent days. Balochistan has an ethnic minority population that has borne the brunt of violence, alongside Kurdish territories.   Source
  • 1/18/23 Internet blackouts planned/expected in Iran on Thursday 1/19 and Friday 1/20. Source
  • 1/18/23 At least 6 Kurdish citizens from Piranshahr were kidnapped by the Iranian Government forces; Two disabled brothers were transferred to an unknown location. Source
  • 1/17/23 HENGAW organization reports that Bukan’s Ali Abad neighborhood has been besieged by IRGC forces, who have set up a checkpoint to arrest and abduct people. Source
  • 1/16/23-1/17/23 – Protests against gas outage amidst freezing temperatures across Iran. Source
  • 1/16/23 Tens of thousands have gathered in a solidarity rally for Iran in Strasbourg, France, outside the European Parliament, to demand the EU designate the IRGC as a terrorist group. The rally starts at Palais Universitaire and speakers include Syamak Agha Babaei, Vice Mayor of Strasbourg, Alireza Akhondi, Swedish Member of Parliament, Danial Ilkhanipour, German Member of Parliament, Abir Al-Sahlani, Swedish Member of Parliament, Bart Groothuis, Netherlands Member of Parliament, Darya Safai, Belgian Member of Parliament. #IRGCterrorists
  • 1/15/23 In their second joint message, Iranian Opposition leaders, including Masih Alinejad, Ali Karimi, Golshifteh Farahani, Nazanin Boniadi, and Reza Pahlavi, issued the following statement, in both Farsi and English: “For more than four decades, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has been terrorizing and killing civilians inside and outside Iran. Our request for the international community is clear: put the IRGC on the terrorist list. Security forces who join the Iranian people will be welcomed with open arms. #IRGCterrorists.” The hashtag “IRGCterrorists” has been trending on twitter for several days. Ali Karimi and Golshifteh Farahani also drove to the website to rally support for this call to action. Source
  • 1/14/23 UK recalls ambassador from Tehran after Iran executes Iranian-British citizen. Source
  • 1/14/23 The death sentence has been canceled and removed for protest rapper Saman Seydi (aka Saman Yasin), according to an announcement from Carlos Kasper (Germany), Saman’s political sponsor. Source
  • 1/14/23 British-Iranian dual national Alireza Akbari has been executed by the Islamic Republic. Akbari, an ex-deputy Iranian defense minister, was arrested in 2019 and convicted of spying for the UK. Source UK foreign secretary James Cleverly condemned the sentencing just yesterday. Source.
  • 1/13/23 Protester Majid Kazemi has been moved to solitary confinement and is at imminent risk of execution. The 30-year-old from Isfahan is being charged with “waging war against god” based on false and fabricated crimes without proof. Kazemi has political sponsorships from Christian Durr (Germany) and Marcell Hopp (Germany). Source
  • 1/13/23 the hashtag #IRGCterrorists is gaining traction across twitter; Iranians are  sharing the ways the Islamic Republic nurtures radicalisation and violence through the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
  • 1/13/23 Domestic gas cut in areas of Iran; “Hard winter” has plagued the Islamic Republic. Due to gas shortages, schools, educational centers, and government offices will be closed on Saturday. Source
  • 1/12/23 Iran’s citizens targeted by EyeSpy spyware hidden in VPNs. Iranians trying to avoid internet blackouts could unwittingly download spyware, new research has revealed. The ‘SecondEye’ software, developed in Iran, is used as a surveillance tool, now being deployed hidden in free VPN packages. Source
  • 1/11/23 Protesters are gathering once again at Rajaei-Shahr Prison (5 AM in Tehran, 1/12/23) due to rumors that Mohammad Ghobadlou may be executed at dawn. Source, Source
  • 1/11/23 Jake Tapper and Christiane Amanpour report on Iran strengthening punishments for women violating mandatory hijab laws. Source
  • 1/10/23 Iran says Facial Recognition will be used to ID Women Breaking Hijab Laws. Source
  • 1/9/23 Following outpouring of direct action and protests and presence at Rajaei-Shahr Prison, the IR has postponed the executions of Mohammad Ghobadlou and Mohammad Boroghani. Source
  • 1/8/23 Urgent: two protesters, Mohammad Ghobadlou (22) and Mohammad Boroghani (19) have been transferred to solitary confinement at Rajaei-Shahr Prison and are at imminent risk of execution. Both were sentenced to death following sham trials, without due process or legal representation. Source
  • 1/8/23 Urgent: following news that Mohammad Ghobadlou (22) and Mohammad Boroghani (19) were at imminent risk of execution, unarmed protesters assembled at Rajaei-Shahr Prison to advocate for their lives. IR forces opened fire on the crowd. Protesters are unarmed. Source, Source, Source
  • 1/8/23 Today is a global day of action to mourn the 3-year anniversary of PS752, the passenger aircraft flying from Tehran to Kyiv, Ukraine, that was shot down by the Islamic Republic on January 8, 2020. There were 176 people (167 passengers, 9 crew members) aboard the aircraft. To find local rallies in support of this global day of action, please click here.
  • 1/7/23 On the morning of Saturday Jan 7th, before sunrise, the Islamic Republic executed two more protesters: Mohammed Mehdi Karami and Mohammed Hosseini. Source
  • 1/5/23 WhatsApp, which has been blocked in Iran, has introduced new proxy support for users around the global, which will enable Iranians to access WhatsApp during gov’t imposed internet blackouts. Source
  • 1/5/23 Bread/Gas shortages in Sistan-Baluchestan province. Source
  • 1/4/23 In the past few days, more than 110 Baloch have been arrested in Zahedan. Although they are Iranians, those detained without a birth certificate are taken to border camps to be sent to Afghanistan. Source, Source
  • 1/4/23 Local media are reporting that Iran has released prominent actress Taraneh Alidoosti after she was jailed nearly three weeks ago for expressing solidarity with a man who was executed over unrest linked to anti-government protests. Source
  • 1/3/23 Iran’s Supreme Court upholds death sentences of several protesters, increasing fears of their imminent execution. Source
  • 1/3/23 Hamid Abazari, senior commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, speaks about high-ranking IRGC commanders who stood against the IR and its leader Ali Khameinei. Source
  • 1/3/23 The IR’s judiciary says two french nationals and one Belgian have been indicted for “espionage and working against Iran’s national security,” Source.  
  • 1/3/23 Imprisoned women are facing serious health risks, from denial of medical care, to fraudulent treatment, to torture and sexual assault. Source
  • 1/2/23 IRGC forces have been breaking and entering into houses of Kurdish civilians in Javanrud. More than 50 IRGC vehicles stationed on Saadi Javanroud St. Source.
  • 1/2/23 Large crowds gather for the Chehelom (40th day of mourning) for Shamal Khedripour, a protestor who was killed by regime forces, in Mahabad, Kurdistan. Chanting in solidarity of protestors in Javanrud. Source, Source
  • 1/1/23 Regime forces attacked and targeted unarmed protesters in Javanrud. Source
  • 1/1/23 HRA organization reports 4 people in Karaj prison have been trasferred to solitary confinement to be executed. Their names are reported to be Mohammad Mehdi Karami, Reza Arya, Mohammad Hosseini, Hossein Mohammadi. Source
  • 12/31/22 Opposition leaders have come together to form a coalition and unify behind the people’s revolution in Iran. The form of the coalition is still taking shape, however all simultaneously shared a message of hope for the new year via twitter, reading: “The year 2022 was a glorious year of solidarity for Iranians of every belief, language and orientation. With organization and solidarity, 2023 will be the year of victory for the Iranian nation. The year of freedom and justice in Iran. #MahaAmini #Iran Revolution.”

                This message was shared by:

                In addition to this core group, the message was further amplified by:

  • Ammar Maleki - Iranian scholar of cross-cultural differences and comparative democratization  
  • Shirin Ebadi - exiled Iranian political activist and Nobel peace price winner
  • Abdullah Mohtadi - political analyst and secretary general of the Komala Party of Iranian Kurdistan
  • Ladan Boroumand - exiled Iranian historian and human rights activist
  • Zar Amir Ebrahimi - Iranian-French actress


  • 12/30/22 Strikes planned for Dec 31/10th of Dey
  • 12/29/22 Iranian writer and painter Mehdi Bahman has been sentenced to death, following charges of espionage and working with foreign governments due to giving an interview to Israeli TV Channel 13. Bahman was speaking on the importance of peaceful coexistence between religions.
  • 12/28/22 - NPR broadcast: a look at where Iran demonstrations are headed after over 100 days of public protests. Source
  • 12/28/22 Iranian woman competes at chess tournament without hijab in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Source
  • 12/28/22 Iranian Soccer star Ali Daei’s family is targeted after he supports protests. His wife and daughter were stopped from leaving the country. Source
  • 12/27/22 - Iran Executions Almost Doubled in 2022. Source
  • 12/27/22 - Journalist and activist Masih Alinejad sits down for an interview on Iran, protests, and executions with Shally Zomorodi. Source
  • 12/23/22 - Internet, Phone cut off in defiant Iranian Town after IRGC Attack. Source
  • 12/22/22 - Iranian Economy Minister to be Impeached Soon Source
  • 12/22/22 - US Dollar Rises Above 400,000 Iranian Rials, Signaling New Crisis Source
  • 12/19/22 - Top IR Judge wants “swift” justice for protestors. Source
  • 12/19/22 - Amidst country-wide protests, activists urge people not to use Iranian banks in order to hurt the regime. Source
  • 12/17/22 (Op-Ed) - Iran Uses Rape to Enforce Women’s Modesty. Source
  • 12/17/22 - please note our team is low on bandwidth and updates will be coming in more slowly. 12/16/22 Concern about Iran's crackdown on anti government protesters increases with reports of more people being sentenced to death and some executions taking place. Source
  • 12/15/22 WWII Danish schoolboys club that launched acts of sabotage against the Nazis has inspired the formation of similar groups among anti-regime protesters in Iran. Source
  • 12/14/22 U.N. member states have voted to remove Iran from women’s rights panel. Source
  • 12/13/22 Iranian soccer player Amir Nasr-Azadani faces the possibility of execution after campaigning for women’s rights and basic freedom in his country. Source
  • 12/12/22 Majidreza Rahnavard, 23, was hanged early on Monday in the city of Mashhad. Source
  • 12/8/12 Medical providers confirm that IR forces are intentionally shooting female protestors in face and genitals. Source
  • 12/8/22 The Islamic Republic carries out first execution of protester Mohsen Shekari. Shekari was 23 years. Source
  • 12/7/222 On Tuesday, December 6th, Iranian forces tragically opened fire on a car carrying Afghan refugees in the Sistan and Baluchestan Province, killing and injuring 17 refugees. Source
  • 12/7/22 Baha’i owned business are being marked with graffiti and forcibly sealed and kept out of commission by IR security forces. Source
  • Important context: Baha’i people are extremely marginalized and oppressed under the IR; the Baha’i faith is not recognized by the IR and does not get any constitutional protection.
  • 12/7/22 Western diplomatic sources informed Iran Intl that Islamic Republic has entered into negotiations with its foreign allies, including Venezuela, to seek refuge and shelter for their families. Source
  • 12/7/22 Sister of Ayatolla Khameini, Badri Hosseini Khameini, says brother’s a ‘despotic caliphate’ who has brought nothing but sufferent & condemns protest crackdown. Source
  • 12/6/22 Strikes continue across Iran. Source
  • 12/5/22 1200 University Students poisoned the night before planned anti-regime protests. Iranian news agency says students were struck down by ‘food poisoning’ which led to them dumping their food onto the streets  Source
  • 12/5/22 First day of strikes planned for Dec 5, 6, 7. Today was the largest strike recorded in opposition to the Islamic Republic. Source
  • 12/5/22 IRI broadcast the first episode of forced confessions of these 4 Kurdish political prisoners: Mohsen Mazloum, Pejman Fatehi, Vafa Azarbar, Hajir Faramarzi. Their lives are in danger & they are at risk of execution. Source
  • 12/5/22 HENGAW Human Rights organization reports: Over 300 students from different Kurdistan cities have been kidnapped by government troops over the previous 80 days. 130 of them have been identified so far. Source 
  • 12/5/22 Today is day 1 of a 3-day planned general strike. Over 40 cities are participating in the general strike, across many industries - petrochemical workers, truck drivers, shop keepers, merchants, and more. Video of Closed Shops (dated with today’s date), Hazarani Village of Abdanan on strike, Tehran shops strike, Truck drivers on strike, Cheragh Barq Market on strike, Shops closed in Rasht, Isfahan Grand Bazaar, (Persian dates of 14, 15, 16 of Azar)
  • 12/4/22 Iran has executed four men on charge of "cooperating with the Israeli intelligence services & kidnapping" of Mansour Rasouli, the IRGC Quds Force agent who was filmed confessing he'd been paid to kill an Israeli diplomat in Istanbul, a US general in Germany & a journo in France. Source
  • 12/4/22 Many outlets are reporting that “morality police has been abolished.” This is not true, and a misrepresentation of information. Iran’s Attorney General Mohammed Jafar Montazeri was quoted at a press conference saying that the morality police has no connection with the judiciary. Montazeri’s comments do not equal a change in policy. The Islamic Republic’s mandatory hijab laws remain in tact. IR state media has dismissed claims that the morality police has been abolished. Source, Source, Source
  • 12/4/22 General strikes are planned across the country for December 5, 6, 7.
  • 12/4/22 Student Day in Iran is a student-led, pro-democracy demonstration on campuses throughout the country. Studen78
  • 7 Iranian people in Baluchistan were executed yesterday. Baluch people are an ethnic minority in Iran. Victims include Zubair Barahui, Niaz Jadgal, Changiz Gorgij, Source
  • 11/28/22 Following Team Melli’s loss at the World Cup, protests and celebrations in the street erupted throughout Iran. In one gathering, Mehran Samak was shot and killed after honking his car horn while driving through Bandar Anzali, Gilan Province. Source
  • 11/28/22 Leaked audio of Qasem Quraishi, Islamic Republic Basij Deputy, shows IR’s interference on the ground in Qatar at FIFA World Cup. Source
  • 11/28/22 Workers strikes continue. Truckers on strike in Qom, Kashan, Khoozestan, Shiraz, Lorestan. Source
  • 11/27/22 Workers strikes throughout the country, including a strike of truck drivers. Source
  • 11/27/22 Soheila Golestani, Iranian actress and director, published a picture and video of herself without a forced hijab on her Instagram, with the statement “The show ends and the truth comes out. Our true heroes are the nameless people. We do not cross out our mistakes. We practice and learn again…. The ways are countless and the hope for a new day is strong.” Source
  • 11/26/22 Hossein Ronaghi, human rights activist and blogger, has been provisionally released from prison on bail in order to receive medical treatment. His family confirms his transfer to hospital. Source
  • 11/26/22 Dissident rapper Toomaj Salehi’s court sessions began today, behind closed doors. Toomaj is being charged with “moharebeh,” (crimes against god) and “corruption on earth.” Salehi was not given legal representation. As these charges usually carry a death sentence, he is considered to be at serious risk. Source
  • 11/26/22 Students at Industrial University of Isfahan protest food corruption and food poisoning of several students. Students have alleged to being poisoned in order to slow down protest movement. Source 
  • 11/25/22 Thousands of steel workers on strike in Isfahan. Source
  • 11/25/22 Imprisoned civil rights activist Sepideh Gholian was briefed on the charges of a new legal case following the complaint of the Bushehr General Directorate of Prisons. Source
  • 11/25/22 Baha’i citizen Sanaz Tafazoli Arrested in Mashhad. Source
  • 11/24/22 Yarsan Civil Activist Siavash Hayati Sentenced to One Year Imprisonment. Source
  • 11/24/22 Civil Rights Activist Farideh Moradkhani Imprisoned. Source
  • 11/23/22 IRGC Confirms sending Ground Forces to Kurdish Territories. Source
  • 11/22/22 via Hengaw Organization: IRGC has stationed over 700 military vehicles in the border towns of Piranshahr, Oshnovieh, and Sardasht, raising the possibility of invading KRI (Kurdistan Region of Iraq) under the pretext of attacking the headquarters of the Kurdish parties of IRI opposition. Source
  • 11/22/22 IRI forces allegedly use chemical gas in Javanroud, Kurdistan. Source, Source
  • 11/21/22 Electricity and water access have been limited/suppressed in Kurdistan. Source
  • 11/21/22 Kurdish-populated cities remain under heavy attack. The Islamic Republic authorities have brought in heavy military reinforcement and shut off power in cities like Mahabad. Source
  • 11/21/22 “How Iran’s security forces use rape to quell protests.” CNN reports on first-person accounts of sexual assault and rape at the hands of Islamic Republic security forces. Source
  • 11/21/22 World Cup: Iranian Team Melli played their first came against England in Doha, Qatar. The team abstained from singing the national anthem. Source
  • 11/21/22 Kurdish territories: the siege on Kurdish Iranian cities have spread beyond Mahabad; cities of Sanandaj, Piranshahr, Javanroud, and Kermanshah are under heavy fire. Source
  • 11/21/22 Video of violence in Javanroud, Kurdistan under siege.
  • 11/20/22 Mahabad, Kurdistan: Activists fear major crackdown in Kurdish-populated town. There has been a lot of gunfire in Mahabad’s residential areas. Source
  • 11/19/20 For the first time in 40 years, all members of an Iranian female basketball team (Canco Basketball) in Tehran removed veils and posted a photo on social media protesting forced hijab. Source
  • 11/19/22 Citizen journalist content from the scene in Mahabad, Kurdistan. See here, here, here
  • 11/19/22 Iran security forces ‘shoot dead at least three civilians.’ Rights group says forces opened fire on protesters in town of Divandarreh in western province in Kurdistan. Source
  • 11/19/22 Iran will help Russia build drones for Ukraine war, Western officials say; Moscow and Tehran are said to agree on a plan to assemble Iranian-designed weapons on Russian soil. Source
  • 11/19/22 Large demonstrations taking place in Mahabad, Kurdistan. The city is under heavy attack of Islamic Republic Regime forces. Source, Source, Source
  • 11/19/22 Reports that Islamic Republic has cut off the electricity grid in areas where protests are happening in Mahabad. Source
  • 11/19/22 In Mahabad, at the burial ceremony of Azad Hosseinpour, who was killed by the Islamic Republic, people chant “Kurd, Baluch, Azeri, Freedom, Equality!” Source 
  • 11/19/22 NY Times Reports: Hundreds of protesters in Iran have been blinded by metal pellets and rubber bullets fired by security forces over the past two months. More than 300 Iranians have been killed and thousands have been injured since mid-September when protests swept across Iran, according to rights groups. The blinding of demonstrators is among the irreversible effects of the government’s efforts to crush the uprising. Source
  • 11/18/22 Deaths of children at Iran protests stir anger among demonstrators. Source
  • 11/18/22 Five protestors were sentenced to death today. Source
  • 11/17/22 Third day of nationwide general strike and the anniversary of Bloody November. Unions that have joined the strike include: Assaluyeh Petrochemical, Bushehr Petrochemical, Gachsaran Petrochemical, South Pars Gas Co., Kangan Petro Refining Co., Mahshahr Refinery, Tehran Refinery, Bandas Abbas Refinery, Abadan Refinery, Abadan Refinery Oil Transportation, Kian Tire Manufacturing Company, Haft Tappeh SugarCane Co. Strikes have also been joined by teachers, business owners, students, and more. Source
  • 11/16/22 Islamic Republic police forces opened fire in Tehran metro station and beat women on train. Source
  • 11/16/22 Islamic Republic forces killed a 10 year old boy named Kian Pirfalak, in the city of Izeh, Khusestan, where a majority of the population are from the Lurs ethnic minority group. Kian is one of at least 56 children killed by Islamic Republic forces so far since the death of Mahsa Zhina Amini. Source
  • 11/16/22 Islamic Republic forces also killed 14 year old boy Artin Rahmani in the city of Izeh, Khusestan. At least 5 people were killed by Islamic Republic forces in Izeh on 11/16. Source
  • Re: “15,000 protestors sentenced to death.”
  • We previously shared reporting on this on November 6th:
  • 227 members of Parliament declared support of and urged the judiciary to issue death sentences. The crime is “moharebeh,” crimes against god.
  • While parliament does not issue sentences, following the declaration of support, over 15k protestors are at risk of execution. They are in grave danger.  
  • Those detained by the Islamic Republic include journalists, activists, dissidents, students, and more, and they are subject to torture, sexual assault, and other crimes against humanity while in the custody of the IR.
  • The Islamic Republic has already set a precedent for mass execution of protestors, and has done so in the past.
  • “Due process” as it's understood in the west does not exist under the Islamic Republic
  • “The accused are routinely denied legal protection [in Iran]; we have knowledge of no case where a lawyer was present in interrogation.” - Roya Boroumand, Iran Rights Org
  • Lawyers often read the case file and meet their clients just one hour before trial.
  • “Iran is the worst example of the use of the death penalty for political purposes.” - Raphael Chenuil-Hazan
  • “Close to half of those executed in 2022 [in Iran] are Baluchis and Kurds… Iranian Kurds represent 55% of those executed on political or security charges in the last ten years.” - Taimoor Aliassi, Kurdistan HRN 
  • Re: “rape of girls prior to execution.”
  • 11/16/22 3 more defendants have been sentenced to death by a Revolutionary court in Tehran in connection with ongoing protests. Source
  • 11/16/22 Second day of nationwide general strike
  • 11/15/22 Nationwide general strike planned for November 15, 16, 17.
  • 11/15/22 Footage of Tehran Bazaar during general strike. Source 1500Tasvir
  • 11/15/22 Nationwide protests and strikes are planned across Iran for the 3rd anniversary of Bloody November (also called Bloody Aban). Bloody November: during 2019 protests (in over 100 cities) against the government because of surging fuel prices, there were mass casualties. There are huge discrepancies in death counts; the Islamic Republic’s interior ministry reported 200 deaths, while Reuters reported upwards of 1500 dead and thousands injured; sources inside Iran but death toll closer to 5,000. In memory of the 2019 protests, Iranian people have called for a 3 day strike, November 15, 16, 17th. Source
  • 11/14/22 Esfahan Steel Company workers went on strike. Source
  • 11/13/22 Esteemed human rights activist Hossein Ronaghi has been transferred from Evin Prison, where he has been detained and tortured for the last month, to Dey Hospital. The Islamic Republic forces allegedly dismissed the hospital staff and brought in their own medical team. Youth in Tehran have asked people to besiege Dey Hospital to prevent IR forces from transferring Hossein to an unknown location. Police used teargas to disperse crowds. Live updates here.
  • 11/13/22 19-year-old protestor Yalda Aghafazli died by suicide following her arrest, 10-day detention, and release. She was not informed of charges against her throughout her detention. Aghafazli had been on hunger strike prior to her release on November 6. Source
  • 11/13/22 Islamic Regime issued its first known death sentence for a protester. Authorities say they have issued indictments of more than 1000 people in Tehran alone. Source
  • 11/10/22 Hengaw organization has been informed that the city of Sanandaj’s drinking water has been intentionally cut off since last night in an effort to suppress demonstrations. Sanandaj is the capital of Iran’s Kurdish province. Source
  • 11/10/22 Elham Afkari, the sister of Navid Afkari, has been detained by Islamic Republic forces, as have her husband and 3-year-old-daughter. The IR alleges that Elham is affiliated with and is an agent of Iran International media networks. Navid Afkari was executed in 2020, following his arrest when participating in the 2018 Iranian protests. Navid was forced to give a false confession while tortured and was sentenced to death. Source
  • 11/9/22 Taraneh Alidoosti, one of Iran’s most famous and prolific actresses, best known for her role in Academy Award winning film The Salesman, shared an Instagram photo without a headscarf and a sign that reads “Jin Jiyan Azadi” (the Kurdish phrase meaning “Woman Life Freedom”), in support of anti-government protests. Source
  • 11/8/22 Tomorrow (11/9/22) is the Chehelom (40 days) for “Bloody Friday,” in Zahedan. Zahedan is the provincial capital of Baluchistan and Sistan. On September 30th 2022, Islamic Regime forces killed at least 93 people in the region and injured hundreds more. Zahedan is one of the few Sunni-majority cities in Iran.
  • 11/6/22 227 Iranian Lawmakers in Parliament Urge Judiciary To Sentence Protesters To Death. At least 14K protestors have been detained since Mahsa Zhina Amini’s death. Source
  • 11/6/22 Protests erupt after death of a kurdish student in Marivan/Mariwan. Residents of the northwestern city are angered by the reported killing of 35-year old Nasrin Ghaderi, who was attacked by Islamic Republic Security forces in an anti-government demonstration in Tehran. Nasrin suffered severe blows to her head. Source
  • 11/4/22 Kurdish/Iranian journalist, Nazila Maroofian was arrested for publishing an interview with Amjad Amini, father of Mahsa Amini.
  • 11/3/22 Kurdish rapper Saman Yasin, was charged with Moharebeh (war against God), a charge that is usually punished with execution. Source
  • 11/3/22 - Throughout Iran, it has been an especially bloody day. Reporting is still coming in; footage can be found on 1500 Tasvir.
    11/2/22 - Workers in Pardis Petrochemical stopped working and went on strike in protest
  • 11/2/22 - The economy is on the decline in Iran. Currency is at a historical lowest value against the dollar. Labor unions are speaking out. Iranians are taking their money out of the market and banks. In addition to businesses and labor unions on strike throughout Iran, shoppers are also on strike, only buying essential items. This is a form of nonviolent protest against the regime.
  • 11/1/22 - Hundreds of miners in Baluchistan surrounded the Taftan gold mine in Iran. Baluchistan is populated by Baluchis, an ethnic minority in Iran, and is one of the poorest provinces in Iran due to corruption and exploitation; the area is rich in natural resources and gold. Similarities to strikes by petrochemical workers, candy factory workers, etc in the weeks since uprisings began. Source
  • 11/1/22 - In Iran Intl exclusive: A charter flight has transferred 150 forces with special military uniforms - allegedly Hashd al Shaabi and Hezbollah fighters - from Baghdad to Iran’s Mashhad province to crack down on Iranian protestors. Source

Current Headlines - USA & International Community

  • 11/19/23 The United States House Committee of Education and the Workforce is investigating the Islamic Republic of Iran’s former ambassador to Germany, Seyed Hossein Mousavian. Mousavian is currently a research fellow at Princeton University and it is alleged that he is advancing the interests of the IR. Source, Source, Source
  • 11/17/23 The United States Department of Justice has convicted two men from Texas of “attempting to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), conspiracy to violate IEEPA, and conspiracy to commit money laundering in connection with their attempt to transact in sanctioned Iranian petroleum and launder the proceeds.” Source
  • 11/16/23 German authorities raided the Islamic Center of Hamburg and are conducting an investigation regarding the center’s associations including its potential ties with Hezbollah. In a press release, Germany’s Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community said that “the activities of the IZH, which is the sponsor of the "Imam Ali Mosque" based in Hamburg, are aimed at spreading the revolutionary concept of the Supreme (Iranian) leaders, which is suspected of being against the constitutional order in Germany and the idea to violate international understanding.” Source & Source
  • 11/15/23 A court in the Netherlands ordered a Dutch company, Forafina Beleggingen, to pay compensation to five Iranians who are victims of chemical weapons attacks carried out by Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war. Forafina Beleggingen, previously known as KBS Holland is alleged to have supplied Iraq with the materials to produce mustard gas, though the company denies knowledge that the materials would used for production of chemical warfare agents. Source & Source 
  • 11/14/23 The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control imposed another round of sanctions that will designate “key Hamas officials and the mechanisms by which Iran provides support to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.” The statement by the United States OFAC also said that “Iranian support, primarily through its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), has enabled Hamas’s and PIJ’s terrorist activities, to include the transfer of hundreds of millions of dollars in financial assistance and the furnishing of both weapons and operational training.” Source & Source
  • 11/14/23 The United States extended a sanctions waiver that will allow Iraq to purchase electricity from Iran. It has been reported that the Islamic Republic of Iran will have limited access to the proceeds and will only be able to purchase humanitarian goods with the proceeds. Source
  • 11/13/23 Governor Ron Desantis of Florida signed legislation approved by the Florida House of Representatives that would strengthen sanctions against companies that do business with Iranian companies. Source
  • 11/9/23 The wife of Ebrahim Raisi, Jamileh Alamolhoda, reportedly sent a letter to the first lady of France, ​​Brigitte Macron, urging her to ask her husband, President Emmanuel Macron to press for a cease-fire in Gaza. Source
  • 11/8/23 The United States military carried out an airstrike on a weapons warehouse in Syria believed to have been used by militias backed by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Source
  • 11/6/23 The prime minister of Iraq, Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, met with Ebrahim Raisi in Iran a day after meeting with U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken. Source 
  • 11/3/23 Ambassador Michèle Taylor, the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Human Rights Council, said the United States will not participate in the Social Forum of the UN Human Rights Council. The Islamic Republic of Iran’s envoy is the chair of the council meeting. Source 
  • 11/2/23 The director of the FBI, Christopher Wray testified in front of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. In his opening statement, Wray said that the Islamic Republic of Iran has “directly, or by hiring criminals, mounted assassination attempts against dissidents and high-ranking current and former U.S. government officials, including right here on American soil.” Source & Source
  • 10/31/23 Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran met with the head of the political office of Hamas in Qatar. Source
  • 10/31/23 The U.S. Department of State released a statement condemning “the Iranian authorities’ violent assault and unjust detention of several human rights defenders during the October 29 funeral for 16-year-old Armita Geravand.” Source
  • 10/27/23 The United States Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control has issued a second round of sanctions on Hamas-linked officials and financial networks which includes “a Hamas official in Iran and members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), as well as a Gaza-based entity that has served as a conduit for illicit Iranian funds to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).” Source, Source, Source
  • 10/27/23 An Iranian envoy met with Hamas representatives in Russia. According to a statement by the Iranian Embassy in Moscow, the parties discussed the need to lift the blockade of the Gaza Strip, a cease-fire, and humanitarian assistance. Source
  • 10/27/23 The foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, participated in an interview in New York with Morning Edition. During the interview, Amir-Abdollahian said that the IR’s support of Hamas is “only political” though he later said that "if this situation continues, and women and children and civilians are still killed in Gaza and the West Bank, anything will be possible." Source
  • 10/26/23 The United States military “conducted self-defense strikes on two facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated groups.” Source
  • 10/26/23 President Biden reportedly warned Ali Khamenei against attacks on U.S. troops and personnel in the Middle East, saying, “My warning to the Ayatollah was that if they continue to move against those troops, we will respond, and he should be prepared. It has nothing to do with Israel.” Source & Source 
  • 10/24/23 The Taliban have reportedly not yet given Iran its share of water from the Hirmand River. Source
  • 10/24/23 The United States military is increasing protection of its troops due to concerns that groups backed by the Islamic Republic of Iran will ramp up attacks. Source
  • 10/23/23 The United States reportedly has intelligence that militia groups backed by the Islamic Republic of Iran have plans to ramp up attacks on U.S. forces across the Middle East. Source
  • 10/20/23 Lawmakers in the state of Florida will have a special session to impose further sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran. The governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis said, “Following the horrific atrocities committed by Iranian-backed terrorist group Hamas against Israel, I am calling on the Florida Legislature to act swiftly to ensure our state does not send a penny to the Iranian terror state.” Source
  • 10/19/23 The president of France, Emmanuel Macron, made a social media post mentioning Jina Mahsa Amini winning the Sakharov Prize and “all Iranian women who are courageously fighting for their rights.” Source & Source 
  • 10/18/23 The United States imposed sanctions on 11 people, eight entities, and one vessel for their alleged support of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s drone and ballistic missile programs. Source
  • 10/17/23 A bipartisan group of more than 100 members of the U.S. Congress wrote a letter to President Biden urging him to hold the Islamic Republic of Iran accountable for their support of Hamas and “Islamic Terror.” The letter said, “We urge the Administration to take all necessary steps to cut off Iranian funding sources. This includes maximum enforcement of all U.S. sanctions, and taking any and all steps to end Iran’s oil trade to China, which currently brings in $150 million per day in revenue…” Source, Source, Source
  • 10/15/23 United States Senator, Lindsey Graham, warned the Islamic Republic of Iran because of their support for Hezbollah and Hamas. When asked if he would declare war on Iran, Graham said he’s “poised to use military force to destroy the source of funding for Hamas and Hezbollah." Source & Source
  • 10/12/23 Qatar and the United States agreed to reject any request by the Islamic Republic of Iran to access to the $6 billion that was unfrozen during the recent deal between Iran and the United States. Source
  • 10/9/23 Sudan and the Islamic Republic of Iran announced that they would resume diplomatic relations with one another after 7-years of no diplomatic relations. Source
  • 10/4/23 The United States sent Ukraine 1.1 million rounds of Iranian ammunition that were seized in route to the Houthis in Yemen. Source
  • 10/2/23 A Saudi soccer team refused to play a match in Iran at the last minute because of the presence of a bust of General Qasem Soleimani. The players of Al-Ittihad refused to go on the field after a request to remove the imagery of Soleimani was denied. Source & Source
  • 10/1/23 The Israeli Defense force carried out airstrikes in Syria, targeting an alleged Iranian weapons shipment headed for Lebanon. Source & Source
  • 10/1/23 Syria, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and Venezuela are reportedly preparing to build an oil refinery in Homs that is anticipated to have a daily refining capacity of 140,000 barrels. Source
  • 9/28/23 The United States Department of Defense is looking into potential ties between Ariane Tabatabai, the chief of staff of Undersecretary Maier, and the Iranian regime. Source & Source
  • 9/19/23 Russia’s defense minister, Sergei Shoigu, met with officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This comes after the U.S. unfroze $6 billion to the IR as a part of the recent U.S.- Iran deal. Source
  • 9/19/23 The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned seven individuals and four entities in the Islamic Republic of Iran, China, Turkey, and Russia in connection with the Islamic Republic’s “unmanned aerial vehicle and military aircraft development.” Source
  • 9/18/23 The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control sanctioned the former president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for “having provided material support to the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), an entity concurrently designated by the Department of State…The Department of State concurrently designated MOIS for being responsible for, or complicit in, to have directly or indirectly engaged in, or to be responsible for ordering, controlling, or otherwise directing, the hostage-taking of a U.S. national or the wrongful detention of a U.S. national abroad.” Source & Source
  • 9/15/23 After being questioned about the upcoming anniversary of the murder of Jina Mahsa Amini, the spokesperson for the U.S. State Department said, “First I’d say this is reportedly the fourth time in the last two weeks that the Iranian regime has summoned Mahsa’s father for questioning. The regime continues its relentless intimidation of her family and the families of slain protesters, but the regime cannot intimidate the people of Iran into silence. The world is watching its treatment of these families and the ongoing intimidation of journalists and abuse of peaceful protesters, and we will continue to watch it closely and take whatever steps are appropriate to respond to it.” Source
  • 9/14/23 The foreign minister of Germany, Annalena Baerbock, spoke with the foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hossein Amirabdollahian about dual-nationals who are unjustly being held in Iran. Source
  • 9/14/23 The United States, France, Britain, and Germany have threatened the Islamic Republic of Iran with an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) resolution if the IR doesn’t clarify found traces of uranium in undeclared sites. Source
  • 9/12/23 The United States House of Representatives approved three resolutions targeting the Islamic Republic of Iran that sanction individuals involved in the production and exporting of missiles and drones, sanction high-ranking government officials for “human rights abuses and support for terrorism” including Ali Khamenei, and condemn the persecution of those of the Baha’i faith. Source 
  • 9/9/23 The Council on Foreign Relations has allegedly invited the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi to a meeting. Though the details of the alleged meeting are not clear, it is believed that the CFR has planned the meeting to coincide with Raisi’s visit to New York City for the United Nations General Assembly. Source
  • 9/8/23 The United States District Court for the District of Columbia found the Islamic Republic responsible for torture inflicted on former Deputy Prime Minister Abbas Amirentezam. The court ordered the Islamic Republic to pay Amirentezam’s children $3,250,000. Source
  • 9/7/23 Empire Navigation, a Greek shipping company, pleaded guilty to smuggling sanctioned crude oil from Iran. The company was caught after the United States seized about one million barrels of oil from the tanker Suez Rajan which led to an investigation. Source
  • 9/5/23 Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister, Andrey Rudenk, said that Russia and the Islamic Republic of Iran “are working on a new major treaty…which will encompass, among other things, our key areas of cooperation.” Source
  • 9/4/23 The European Union Commission and the government of Sweden confirmed reports of a Swedish national being detained in Iran. Johan Floderus, a member of the E.U.’s diplomatic corps, has been held in Iran for the last 500 days. Source & Source
  • 9/1/23 A 45-year-old Iranian woman, Raha Akhavan completed a 48.5-kilometer swim around Manhattan Island in New York City to raise awareness about the mistreatment, abuse, and lack of rights for women in the Islamic Republic. Akhavan is an open-water swimmer and university professor based in Istanbul. Source
  • 8/26/23 The United States Envoy for Iran met with the family of Jamshid Sharmahd. Sharmahd was abducted by Iranian officials in the United Arab Emirates in July 2020 and forcibly transferred to Iran where is currently in prison. Source & Source
  • 8/24/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran was invited to join BRICS- a bloc of major emerging economies. Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 8/20/23 A cargo of Iranian crude oil that was seized by the United States was unloaded despite threats from the Islamic Republic after waiting two-and-a-half months off the coast of Texas to discharge. Source & Source
  • 8/16/23 Swedish MP Alireza Akhondi launches campaign with House of Liberty to raise awareness of the 2000+ international companies doing business with the Islamic Republic of Iran. #StopDealsIRGC Source
  • 8/13/23 The United States Navy warned ships in the Persian Gulf to stay away from Iran’s waters to avoid possible seizure. This comes days after the deal that will free $6 billion in exchange for dual citizens held hostage in Iran. Source
  • 8/4/23 Turkey continues its deportation of Iranian dissidents taking refuge in Turkey. Source
  • 8/3/23 The Islamic Republic’s foreign minister, Hossein Amirabdollahian met with his Pakistani counterpart. During their meeting, Amirabdollahian allegedly urged Pakistan to complete its part of a delayed gas pipeline between the two countries. The multi-billion project that has been on hold since 2014 is opposed by the U.S. because it might violate sanctions imposed on Iran’s nuclear program. Source
  • 8/3/23 The U.S. military is considering putting armed personnel on commercial ships traveling through the Strait of Hormuz to try to stop the Islamic Republic of Iran from seizing civilian vessels. Source
  • 8/2/23 The Ontario Court of Justice again declared that the shooting down of Flight PS752 by the Islamic regime constitutes "terrorist activity." Source
  • 7/28/23 Sweden leader says "clear risk" of retaliatory terror attacks as Iran issues threats over Quran desecration during protest. Source
  • 7/25/23 The U.S. State Department announced that Oman will be the third-party country that will hold some of the funds Iraq owes Iran. The funds are to be used for “non-sanctionable goods.” Source
  • 7/24/23 The government of Argentina demanded the Bolivian government explain their new sealed defense agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran. Source
  • 7/24/23 U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken said the US is pursuing de-escalation with the Islamic Republic, declaring, “we are very clearly making it known to them that they need to take actions to de-escalate, not escalate, the tensions that exist in our relationship across a whole variety of fronts.” Source
  • 7/20/23 The European Union established a new framework for restrictive measures in view of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s military support of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. Source
  • 7/20/23 The defense ministers of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Bolivia signed an agreement to strengthen cooperation in defense and security. Source
  • 7/19/23 The United Kingdom’s foreign secretary said the country is dealing with an “Iranian regime using actions that would be more normally associated with terrorist groups…what we’re seeing is a new form of state threat.” Source
  • 7/17/23 Oman’s Foreign Minister is in Tehran for talks with his Iranian counterpart and other ranking members of the Islamic Republic. Source
  • 7/17/23 The United States sent fighter jets and a warship to the Strait of Hormuz and Gulf of Oman in the wake of the Islamic Republic’s attempts to seize commercial ships in that area. Source
  • 7/14/23 Abram Paley has taken over the @U.S.EnvoyIran handle on social media channels. Source
  • 7/14/23 There are reports that a barter of Iranian natural gas for Iraqi oil would likely violate U.S. sanctions on Iran unless the U.S. issues a waiver permitting it. Source
  • 7/13/23 Israel has claimed that Iran was behind a foiled attack on its embassy in Azerbaijan. Source
  • 7/12/23 On a trip to Uganda, Ebrahim Raisi publicly said that  Western nations’ support for homosexuality is one of the “dirtiest” episodes of human history. Source
  • 7/11/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran has reaffirmed its sovereignty over three Persian Gulf islands after Russia and the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) once again disputed Iran's rights. Source
  • 7/11/23 Indonesia's coast guard said it seized an Iranian-flagged supertanker suspected of involvement in the illegal transshipment of crude oil. Source
  • 7/10/23 The Office of the Director of National Intelligence released an assessment saying the Islamic Republic of Iran is not pursuing nuclear weapons at the moment but has ramped up activities that could help it develop them. Source
  • 7/9/23 A U.S. federal court has ruled that the Islamic Republic of Iran should pay over $3.3 million in damages to activist Masih Alinejad for detaining her brother. Source
  • 7/6/23 The UK is planning to pose new sanctions on Iran after at least 15 "credible threats" to kill or kidnap people in Britain who are deemed as a threat by the regime. Source
  • 7/6/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran’s oil exports have hit a five-year high in recent months. Source
  • 7/5/23 The United Nations Human Rights Council held its first press conference and oral report with regard to its fact-finding mission on Iran. Source & Source
  • 7/5/23 Canada, UK, Ukraine, and Sweden have officially referred the case of the shooting down of flight PS752 by the Islamic Republic of Iran to the International Court of Justice. Source & Source
  • 7/4/23 The Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of the Islamic Republic of Iran met with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s special assistant in Tehran. Source
  • 7/4/23 Brazil’s women’s soccer team arrived in Australia while showing support for the Iranian people. The team arrived on a plane bearing the pictures of Jina (Mahsa) Amini and Amir Nasr Azadani. On the body of the plane were the words: “No woman should be forced to cover her head” and “No man should be hanged for saying this.” Source & Source
  • 7/4/23 Kuwait invited the Islamic Republic of Iran for talks over their sea borders after tensions rose over a disputed oil and gas field in the Persian Gulf. Source
  • 7/4/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran has joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Source
  • 6/30/23 A Paris court reversed the French capital police’s decision to ban an upcoming rally of the opposition group, the Mojahedin Khalq (MEK). Source
  • 6/30/23 The chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Representative Michael McCaul, is demanding that the State Department produce more information about the suspension of Robert Malley. Source & Source
  • 6/29/23 The Biden administration’s special envoy for Iran, Robert Malley, has been placed on unpaid leave and had his security clearance suspended pending a review of allegations he may have mishandled classified information. Source
  • 6/28/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran filed a case against Canada at the United Nations’ top court accusing it of providing state immunity by allowing relatives of victims of terrorism to seek reparations from the Islamic Republic. Source
  • 6/27/23 Saudi Aramco and TotalEnergies have signed an $11 billion contract to build a petrochemical complex near an offshore field shared by Iran, which is currently under US sanctions. Source
  • 6/27/23 The UN’s Secretariat of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Iran announced the launch of their Instagram page (@iranffm), their terms of reference, and their oral update to the UN Human Rights Council. Source
  • 6/26/23 The European Council said it would add seven individuals in Iran to the EU's sanctions over human rights violations. Source
  • 6/26/23 Belgian’s Foreign Minister, Hadja Lahbib, is under fire for issuing visas to 14 Iranian officials, including Tehran Mayor Alireza Zakani, to attend the Brussels Urban Summit. Source
  • 6/22/23 The president of the United Arab Emirates met with the Islamic Republic’s foreign minister, Hossein Amirabdollahian. The two allegedly discussed “the importance of building on positive developments to benefit the people of the region and enhance regional stability and prosperity.” Source
  • 6/22/23 Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister, Prince Faisal bin Farhan, arrived in Iran where he was met and welcomed by his counterpart, Hossein Amirabdollahian. During the meeting, Prince Faisal said Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and King Salman officially invited Raisi to visit Saudi Arabia. Source
  • 6/21/23 Gazelle Sharmahd, the daughter of Jamshid Sharmahd, a German-Iranian citizen currently detained in Iran filed a criminal complaint with the German federal prosecutor’s office against eight high-ranking members of Iran’s judiciary and the intelligence service, alleging crimes against humanity. Source & Source
  • 6/20/23 Exiled opposition group Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) says hundreds of Albanian police officers raided the group's exile center, Camp Ashraf. The MEK announced that one person was killed while hundreds of others were injured. Albanian authorities denied any loss of life or injuries, claiming that the incident happened due to the group’s refusal to cooperate with the police. Source & Source
  • 6/19/23 France banned the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), which is affiliated with the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) from hosting a rally in the country. Source
  • 6/16/23 U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken rejected reports that the U.S. and Iran were close to deals on limiting Iran's nuclear program and releasing US citizens detained in the country. Source
  • 6/15/23 Oman’s foreign minister, Sayyid Badr Albusaidi said that the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States are inching closer to an agreement on the release of Americans imprisoned in Iran. Source
  • 6/15/23 While visiting Latin America, Ebrahim Raisi’s wife made headlines after condemning the idea of women studying, working, and living "like men,” calling it a form of violence against women. Source & Source
  • 6/14/23 Iran's Central Bank governor Mohammadreza Farzin is in Doha to meet Qatar's banking officials after visiting Washington D.C. to meet IMF officials. Source
  • 6/14/23 The US has released an alleged Hezbollah financier 23 years after he was sentenced to life in prison for funneling money to the IR-backed group. Source
  • 6/13/23 Bahrain, which cut diplomatic ties with Iran in 2016, is likely to resume them "sometime soon," according to a top U.S. diplomat for the Middle East. Source
  • 6/13/23 Prominent members of the Iranian diaspora participated in the Oslo Freedom Forum. Source
  • 6/12/23 Investigators claim that China is helping the Islamic Republic of Iran supply drones to Russia. Source
  • 6/12/23 According to the Islamic Republic of Iran's foreign ministry spokesperson, the IR and the United States could exchange prisoners soon if Washington “shows goodwill.” Source
  • 6/12/23 During a visit to Venezuela, Ebrahim Raisi said the Islamic Republic of Iran and Venezuela want to increase bilateral trade to $20 billion, up from $3 billion. Source
  • 6/12/23 Ebrahim Raisi started a tour of Latin America and is expected to visit Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua. Source
  • 6/11/23 Today marks the 9th day of the sit-in-strike in front of the US Department of State in Washington DC to protest any negotiations with the Islamic Republic of Iran. Source
  • 6/10/23 In a phone call French President Emmanuel Macron urged Ebrahim Raisi to "immediately cease" the support it is giving Russia in the war against Ukraine. Source
  • 6/10/23 Iraq has agreed to pay about $2.76 billion in gas and electricity debt to Iran after receiving a sanctions waiver from the United States. Source
  • 6/9/23 A U.S. intelligence finding released by the White House claims that Iran is providing Russia with materials to build a drone manufacturing plant east of Moscow. Source
  • 6/9/23 Taliban forces carried out a military drill near the border with Iran. Source
  • 6/9/23 An Axios report claims that U.S. and Iranian officials held indirect talks in Oman last month. Source
  • 6/8/23 Several US senators expressed support for the Biden administration's move to seize Iranian oil tankers at Panama Canal, calling for further measures to stop crude exports. Source
  • 6/8/23 The United States and Iran both denied a report that they were nearing an interim deal under which Tehran would curb its nuclear program in return for sanctions relief. Source
  • 6/8/23 Scientists at British universities helped the Islamic Republic of Iran develop technology that can be used in its drone program and fighter jets. At least 11 British universities, including Cambridge and Imperial College London, are involved, with staff producing at least 16 studies with potential Iranian military applications. Source, Source, Source
  • 6/6/23 The U.S. said it is sanctioning a group of people and firms from Iran, China and Hong Kong associated with the alleged development of Iran’s ballistic missile program. Source
  • 6/6/23 Iran reopened its embassy in Saudi Arabia, seven years after the two countries severed diplomatic ties. Source & Source
  • 6/6/23 A day after the US Navy reported that Iranian military speed boats were "harassing" a commercial vessel in the Strait of Hormuz, the IRGC claimed to have assisted the vessel. Source
  • 6/5/23 Ukrainian lawmakers presented a bill calling on Kyiv to designate Iran’s Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization. Source
  • 6/5/23 The US Treasury Department has imposed sanctions on the Iranian company Arvan Cloud and its two managers for their role in enabling internet censorship on behalf of the Islamic Republic. Source
  • 6/4/23 United States and United Kingdom Royal Navy forces responded to a distress call from a merchant vessel transiting the Strait of Hormuz as Iranian fast-attack boats harassed the commercial ship. Source & Source
  • 6/2/23 Azerbaijan closed the Islamic Republic’s cultural attaché office in Baku. Source
  • 6/1/23 The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control designated members and affiliates of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its external operations arm, the IRGC-Qods Force, who have participated in a series of terrorist plots including assassination plots targeting former United States government officials, dual U.S. and Iranian nationals, and Iranian dissidents. This action targets three Iran- and Türkiye-based individuals and a company affiliated with the IRGC-QF, along with two senior officials of the IRGC’s Intelligence Organization, who have been involved in plotting external lethal operations against civilians including journalists and activists. Source
  • 6/1/23 Militants attacked a Pakistani security post near the country’s border with Iran, triggering a shootout that killed two soldiers. Source
  • 6/1/23 Recently released U.S. Intelligence Documents suggest that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard is working to Train and Arm a Network of Militant Groups in Syria. Source & Source
  • 5/30/23 Brett McGurk, President Biden’s senior Middle East adviser, allegedly took a low-profile trip to Oman earlier this month for talks with Omani officials on possible diplomatic outreach to Iran regarding its nuclear program. Source
  • 5/29/23 The secretary general of OPEC said they welcome Iran’s full return to the oil market “when sanctions are lifted.” Source
  • 5/27/23 Iran International released an exclusive report claiming that talks between Iran and the US on the release of Tehran's frozen assets could result in a deal soon. Source
  • 5/25/23 Egypt and Iran are preparing to resume diplomatic ties. Source
  • 5/24/23 President Zelensky of Ukraine in a speech accused the Iranian people of being complicit in the Islamic Republic’s abetting of Russia. Source
  • 5/24/23 Egypt and Iran are expected to exchange ambassadors within months as a part of a process mediated by Oman to normalize relations between the two countries. Source
  • 5/23/23 Lieutenant-General Herzi Halevi, chief of Israel's armed forces raised the prospect of military action, saying that "Iran has advanced with uranium enrichment further than ever before ... There are negative developments on the horizon that could bring about (military) action.” Source
  • 5/23/23 U.S. Navy warships stationed in the Persian Gulf region have increased their patrols through the Strait of Hormuz in response to recent moves by Iran to seize two oil tankers. Source
  • 5/22/23 The European Union imposed new sanctions on Iranian officials and entities for their role in the violent crackdown on anti-regime protests. Source & Source
  • 5/19/23 The Mideast-based commanders of the U.S., British and French navies transited the Strait of Hormuz aboard an American warship after Iran seized two oil tankers. Source
  • 5/18/23 A whistleblower has leaked documents revealing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of telecommunications contracts between Iran and China. Source
  • 5/17/23 A $10 billion project has been agreed to develop a vast natural gas field shared between Qatar and Iran. Source
  • 5/16/23 U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement on U.S. Iran policy: “It’s been over six months since President Biden declared the JCPOA ‘dead’ and we’re still no closer to a more comprehensive Iran policy. Strategic ambiguity on Iran policy only serves to embolden the regime and push our partners closer to China. As Iran continues to illegally seize vessels, target Americans in the region, and support its terror proxies and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Americans deserve a policy that is more than a failed nuclear negotiation.” Source
  • 5/12/23 The United States military will work to bolster the defensive posture in the Gulf region following Iran's seizure and harassment of commercial shipping vessels in recent months. Source & Source 
  • 5/11/23 The US Coast Guard seized $80 million worth of heroin from a fishing vessel transiting the Gulf of Oman on Wednesday. The vessel allegedly departed from Chabar, Iran. $30 million worth of methamphetamine and heroin two days ago was also seized from another fishing vessel that departed the same port. Source & Source
  • 5/10/23 The Islamic Republic of Iran was appointed Chair of the U.N. Human Rights Council Social Forum. This year's theme is technology and promotion of human rights. Source, Source, Source
  • 5/9/23 The U.S. State Department condemned Iran’s mass executions. At an official briefing, spokesperson Vedant Patel said, “We condemn these executions…and these latest executions are a grave reminder of the Iranian regime’s penchant for abusing and violating the human rights of the Iranian people. All that – [all] blasphemy laws remain an affront to human rights worldwide, including in Iran. And so the United States will continue to take appropriate action in accordance with our allies and partners to continue to hold the Iranian regime accountable for its egregious human rights abuses.” Source
  • 5/6/23 Habib Chaab, a Swedish-Iranian man accused of being behind a deadly 2018 attack on a military parade was executed. He was also charged with “spreading corruption on Earth.” Habib Chaab was a founder of a group calling for independence for ethnic Arabs in Iran's Khuzestan province. He had been living in exile in Sweden for a decade when he was abducted by Iranian agents in Turkey in 2020. Source & Source
  • 5/5/23 Vahid Beheshti, who has been on a hunger strike reported a number of severe symptoms, leading him to be hospitalized. In accordance with medical advice, Beheshti has temporarily stopped his hunger strike. Source & Source
  • 5/4/23 Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs announced that Canada has sanctioned nine Iranian officials and one entity for violating human rights. Source
  • 5/2/23 Masih Alinejad spoke at the United Nations about transnational repression against journalists and citizen journalists as well as the government crackdown on civil society. Source, Source, Source
  • 4/30/23 A video was released that captured a Saudi military officer warmly welcoming an Iranian official in Saudi Arabia after the Saudi navy evacuated more than 60 Iranian citizens from Sudan. The video quickly gained attention on social media due to the vast shift in relations between the two countries since restoring relations last month. Source, Source, Source
  • 4/30/23 Reza Pahlavi was the keynote speaker for the Anti-Defamation League’s National Leadership Summit. Source & Source
  • 4/29/23 A large rally in London took place where thousands of British, Ukrainian and Iranian citizens called on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to uphold his pledge to proscribe the IRGC as a terrorist organization. Source, Source, Source, Source
  • 4/28/23 The Council of the European Union released a statement strongly condemning the Iranian Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the death sentence against German-Iranian national Jamshid Sharmahd. Source
  • 4/26/23 The MAHSA Act passed the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Source & Source
  • 4/26/23 Reza Pahlavi is in Italy to meet with members of the Italian Parliament. Source
  • 4/26/23 The Alliance for Democracy and Freedom in Iran will continue with only four of its original members after the departure of Hamed Esmaeilion and Reza Pahlavi. The current members include Masih Alinejad, Nazanin Boniadi, Abdullah Mohtadi, and Shirin Ebadi. Source, Source, Source
  • 4/25/23 The European Parliament is holding a three-day event in regard to the Iranian people’s fight for freedom and democracy. Today’s portion of the event included the Subcommittee on Human Rights, jointly with the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in association with the Delegation for Relations with Iran to exchange views on "How to support Human Rights, Freedom, and Democracy in Iran". Hamed Esmaeilion was a participant in today’s session among other activists. Source, Source, Source
  • 4/24/23 The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control announced new sanctions on four senior officials of the Law Enforcement Forces of Iran and members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Source
  • 4/24/23 The United Kingdom imposed further sanctions on Iranian regime officials (four IRGC provincial commanders) responsible for human rights violations. Source & Source
  • 4/24/23 The European Union announced that the Council of the EU decided to impose restrictive measures on eight additional individuals and one entity responsible for serious human rights violations in Iran. The sanctioned entity is Ariantel, an Iranian mobile service provider that contributed to the telecommunications surveillance mapped out by the regime to quell dissent and critics in Iran. Source & Source
  • 4/21/23 Opposition member Hamed Esmaeilion announced that he will be leaving the Alliance for Democracy and Freedom in Iran (ADFI), which many dubbed the opposition ‘coalition.’ Source
  • 4/20/23 A new bipartisan caucus in the United States Congress is condemning the Iranian regime over the recent and continuous poisoning/chemical attacks in schools. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, announced the formation of the Iranian Women Congressional Caucus with the support of nearly 20 Republican and Democratic members of the House. Source
  • 4/19/23 In a news briefing with reporters about transnational repression, FBI counterintelligence officials warned that Iran and China are using new tactics to harass dissidents and critics on U.S. soil. Source
  • 4/19/23 The United States Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control “designated one individual and six entities in a sanctions evasion network that has facilitated Iran’s procurement of electronic components for its destabilizing military programs.” Source
  • 4/19/23 125 members of the British Parliament urged Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to proscribe the IRGC as a terror group and express support for Vahid Beheshti who is on a hunger strike. Source, Source, Source
  • 4/19/23 Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Michael McCaul announced the full committee will hold a markup to consider the MAHSA Act on April 26, 2023. Source
  • 4/9/23 Russian President Vladimir Putin’s special assistant, Igor Levitin, met with Iran's Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani. The two allegedly discussed ways to find their way around sanctions among other topics. Source
  • 4/7/23 The U.S. Navy deployed a guided-missile submarine capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk missiles to the Middle East following recent attacks on American positions by Iran-aligned militants across the region. Source & Source
  • 4/7/23 United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Javaid Rehman visited and expressed solidarity with Vahid Beheshti. Beheshti  is currently on a hunger strike to demand the UK proscribe IRGC as a terrorist entity. Source
  • 4/6/23 British-Iranian journalist Vahid Beheshti enters seventh week of hunger strike, demanding UK proscribe IRGC as terrorist organization. Source
  • 3/31/23 The U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Justice convened the second meeting of the Countering Transnational Terrorism Forum. The CTTF was established in 2019 as a global forum to improve international awareness and coordination on Iran’s terrorist and other illicit activities. Source
  • 3/31/23 Rob Oliphant, a member of Canada’s parliament issued an apology to Masih Alinejad after he walked out during her speech at the Tirgan Festival. Source, Source, Source
  • 3/29/23 Speaking before the House Armed Services Committee, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told lawmakers that the close cooperation between Russia, China and Iran would be a problem “for many years to come.” Source
  • 3/29/23 U.S. Representatives McCaul, Wilson, and Kean sent a letter to Secretary Blinken urging him to impose mandatory CAATSA sanctions on Iran over claims it's on track to receive Russia's Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets. Source
  • 3/29/23 Vahid Beheshti, Iranian journalist and human rights activist in the UK, has been on a hunger strike for 35-days to demand the UK proscribe IRGC as a terrorist group. Beheshti has been camping outside the British Foreign Ministry. Source
  • 3/27/23 The Canadian government announced that it was targeting two entities and eight individuals as part of new sanctions against Iran over human rights violations and the production of drones and ballistic missiles. Source
  • 3/27/23 An exclusive report by the Wall Street Journal claimed that Russia has been helping the Iranian regime gain advanced digital surveillance capabilities after the regime sold Russia drones for use in Ukraine. Source
  • 3/25/23 The Tirgan festival was held which included the “Unity, Bridge to Freedom” conference involving the Alliance for Democracy and Freedom in Iran. The festival also included performances by artists in defiance of the injustices faced by the people of Iran as well as speeches by social, political, and human rights leaders from Canada, the United States, and Europe. Source, Source, Source
  • 3/24/23 U.S. forces in eastern Syria were targeted in a rocket attack by militia groups supported by Iran. Source
  • 3/23/23 U.S. Treasury secretary Janet Yellen said the United States was looking at ways to strengthen its sanctions against Iran, but acknowledged the sanctions had not resulted in the intended behavioral or policy changes. Source
  • 3/22/23 Neda Sharghi, the sister of Emad Shargi, an American citizen detained in Iran appeared on Amanpour & Company and shared that she asked President Biden to meet with their family. Source
  • 3/22/23 In a letter to EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell, a group of US senators urged the European Union to designate Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) a terrorist organization. Source3/21/23 The Australian government has sanctioned 27 individuals and 15 entities over human rights violations in Iran as well as Iranian support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Source
  • 3/21/23 The United States imposed sanctions on four entities and three people in Iran and Turkey, accusing them of involvement in the procurement of equipment of drones in support of Iran's drone and weapons programs. Source
  • 3/20/23 Leaders around the world including President Biden honored Nowruz. In President Biden’s Nowruz address, he expressed solidarity with the Iranian people and said that “the United States will continue to stand with them, and all the citizens of Iran who are inspiring the world with their conviction and courage. And together with our partners, we will continue to hold Iranian officials accountable for their attacks against their people.” Source 
  • 3/20/23 The European Union imposed a new package of sanctions against Iran, adding eight individuals and one entity to its list. EU sanctions now apply to 204 individuals and 34 entities in Iran. Source 
  • 3/20/23 Britain sanctioned senior officials from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Source 
  • 3/13/23 The National Union for Democracy in Iran (NUFDI) Announced its Maximum Support campaign and policy recommendation today. As detailed in the report, “Maximum Support is designed to offer policymakers strategic tools for the provision of maximum support to the people of Iran. As a complement to the policy of Maximum Pressure, Maximum Support holds the promise of creating a more complete framework for U.S.-Iran policy – one that continues to hold the Islamic Republic accountable through economic and diplomatic isolation but also engages, elevates and empowers the Iranian people, the true sovereigns of Iran, through the provision of much-needed moral, logistical and financial support.” Read the full report here: Source

The Maximum Support campaign includes 15 steps/action items which includes:

  • Formally announcing the strategic policy shift
  • ‘Do no harm’ which refers to not engaging with bad actors that don’t accept Iran’s territorial integrity as well as terrorist/insurgent groups
  • Highlight human rights abuses
  • Hold regime leadership accountable
  • Offer internet and communication solutions
  • Redirect Iran’s national resources to the Iranian people
  • Isolate the regime internationally
  • Place meaningful limitations on regime officials’ affiliates
  • Provide cyber and intelligence support
  • Develop clear communication and messaging
  • Engage the secular democratic opposition
  • Engage the Iranian-American community
  • Reform U.S. media and broadcasting
  • Review and revitalize state department Iran funding
  • Investigate regime influence operations in the U.S.
  • 3/11/23 An Iranian news website run by the Revolutionary Guard accused the British Ambassador to Iran, Simon Shercliff, of being directly involved in the poisoning of schoolgirls. This should be assumed to be state propaganda unless proven otherwise. Source
  • 03/10/23 Saudi Arabia and Iran announced that they reached a deal to restore diplomatic ties and plan to reopen their embassies within the next two months. This deal was brokered by China. Source
  • 03/09/23 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu partook in an exclusive interview with Pouria Zeraati of Iran International. During this interview, Netanyahu told Iran International that the regime in Tehran is “dangerously moving forward” in its nuclear program. He also expressed solidarity with the people of Iran. Source
  • 03/08/23 The foreign minister of Turkey, Mevlut Cavusoglu announced that the deputy foreign ministers of Turkey, Russia, Syria, and Iran will meet next week in Moscow. Source
  • 2/21/23 Ex-Diplomats say pressures mount on Iran as it challenges the west. Source
  • 2/20/23 Massive rally in Brussels calls for designating IRGC as Terror Group. Protest efforts led by Swedish MP Alireza Akhondi; speeches by Masih Alinejad and Hamed Esmailleon. Former US President George W. Bush, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Iranian Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Shirin Ebadi, member of the Chamber of Representatives of Belgium Theo Francken, Former Assistant to the US President for National Security Affairs John Bolton, Executive Director of United Nations Watch Hillel Neuer, Member of the European Parliament Abir Al-Sahlan, and member of the Hamburg city parliament Danial Ilkhanipour delivered speeches or sent messages for the Brussels rally.  Source
  • 2/20/23 6,000 Demonstrators in Brussels against Islamic Regime. Source
  • 2/19/23 Iranian Struggle for Freedom Takes on starring role at Berlin Film Festival. Source
  • 2/18/23 Center for Human Rights in Iran launches campaign to petition EU countries: Source
  • Stop detaining and committing violence against women who are calling for basic rights and freedoms in Iran.
  • End the physical and sexual violence against women detainees and protesters.
  • Cease all executions of political prisoners and annul all death sentences against protesters.
  • 2/18/23 At Munich Security Conference: Opposition figures say world a safer place without Iranian Regime. Source
  • 2/18/23 Kristen Stewart Joins Berlin Film Festival Protest Against Iranian Regime alongside Golshifteh Farahani. Source
  • 2/15/23 US and Iran Holding indirect talks on possible prisoner exchange, with the help of the UK and Qatar. Source
  • 2/8/23 Munich Security Conference (MSC) has invited Iranian opposition members instead of the governments to participate in its 59th annual meeting. Source
  • 2/7/23 Iranian Opposition leaders, including Masih Alinejad, Nazanin Boniadi, Dr. Shirin Ebadi, Dr. Hamed Esmaeilion, Golshifteh Farahani, Ali Karimi, Abdullah Mohtadi, Reza Pahlavi, moderated by Karim Sadjadpour, will hold a virtual event and forum on “The Future of Iran’s Democracy Movement” with Georgetown University. The event will happen on February 10, 12:45PM EST - 2:30PM EST. Register for the event and find more information here.
  • 2/5/23 First Lady Dr. Jill Biden presented Shervin Hajipour with the first ever “Song for Social Change” award at the Grammys. “Song for Social Change” is a new special merit award introduced this year. Source
  • 2/5/23 Shervin Hajipour, Iranian musician who wrote “Baraye,” is a nominee at today’s 65th Grammy Awards for new category, “Song for Social Change”
  • 2/1/23 Freedom House publishes an open letter and call for global solidarity and action with support from over 480 Global voices. Source, Petition here
  • 1/29/23 France: Protesters gather in Paris to support French nationals detained in Iran. Source
  • 1/27/23 US: US Justice Department announced the indictment of 3 terrorists who were contracted by the Islamic Regime of Iran to assassinate journalist and activist Masih Alinejad. Source, Source (
  • The MAHSA Act

  • *UPDATED 4/23*:
  • 1/27/23 US: US Congress re-introduced the MAHSA Act in the 118th Congress, H.R. 9203. MAHSA Act was originally introduced by Jim Banks in 2022. Source, Source MAHSA Act is co-sponsored by:

Rep. Colin Allred - D-TX, as of 3.23.23

Rep. Jake Auchincloss - D-MA, as of 3.7.23

Rep. Jim Banks - R-IN

Rep. Tony Cárdenas - D-CA, as of 3.7.23

Rep. Luis Correa - D-CA, as of 3.10.23

Rep. Jim Costa - D-CA, as of 4.14.23

Rep. Dan Crenshaw - R-TX

Rep. Issa Darrell - R-CA, as of 2.7.23

Rep. Suzan DelBene - D-WA, as of 3.8.23

Rep. Lloyd Doggett - D-TX, as of 3.17.23

Rep. John Duarte - R-CA, as of 3.7.23

Rep. Anna Eshoo - D-CA, as of 2.24.23

Rep. Pat Fallon - R-TX

Rep. Mike Gallagher - R-WI

Rep. Ruben Gallego, D-AZ, as of 2.2.23

Rep. Josh Gottenheimer - D-NJ

Rep. Mark Green - R-TN, as of 3.9.23

Rep. Michael Guest - R-MS

Rep. Diana Harshbarger - R-TN

Rep. James Himes - D-CT, as of 2.8.23

Rep. Richard Hudson - R-NC, as of 2.14.23

Rep. Ro Khanna - D-CA, as of 2.23.23

Rep. Young Kim - R-CA, as of 2.6.23

Rep. Daren LaHood - R-IL, as of 2.28.23

Rep. Doug Lamborn - R-CO

Rep. Mike Levin - D-CA, as of 2.14.23

Rep. Ted Lieu - D-CA, as of 2.28.23

Rep. Brian Mast - R-FL, as of 3.17.23

Rep. Michael McCaul - R-TX, as of 3.17.23

Rep. Tom McClintock - R-CA

Rep. Lisa McClain - R-MI, as of 2.28.23

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rogers - R-WA

Rep. Cory Mills - R-FL, as of 3.22.23

Rep. Jared Moskowitz - D-FL, as of 2.8.23

Rep. Greg Murphy - R-NC

Rep. Wiley Nickel - D-NC, as of 3.7.23

Rep. Jay Obernolte - D-NJ, as of 2.6.23

Rep. Jimmy Panetta - D-CA, as of 2.6.23

Rep. Ryan Patrick - D-NY, as of 3.3.23

Rep. Scott Peters - D-CA, as of 2.24.23

Rep. Katie Porter - D-CA, as of 2.8.23

Rep. Bill Posey - R-FL, as of 3.3.23

Rep. Maria Salazar - R-FL

Rep. Adam Schiff - D-CA, as of 2.6.23

Rep. Bradley Scott Schneider - D-IL, as of 2.14.23

Rep. Mikie Sherrill - D-NJ, as of 2.6.23

Rep. Brad Sherman - D-CA, as of 2.7.23

Rep. Michael Simpson - R-ID, as of 3.7.23

Rep. Christopher Smith - R-NJ, as of 3.10.23

Rep. Lloyd Smucker - R-PA, as of 1.31.23

Rep. Abigail Spanberger - D-VA, as of 3.7.23

Rep. Gregory Steube - R-FL, as of 2.28.23

Rep. Marilyn Strickland - D-WA, as of 3.9.23

Rep. Eric Swalwell - D-CA

Rep. Claudia Tenney - R-NY

Rep. David Trone - D-MD, as of 3.7.23

Rep. Ann Wagner - R-MO, as of 2.7.23

Rep Mike Waltz - R-FL

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz - D-FL

Rep. Randy Weber - R-TX

Rep. Jennifer Wexton - D-VA, as of 2.22.23

Rep. Joe Wilson - R-SC

Rep. Rob Wittman - R-VA

  • 1/26/23 US: US House commends Iranian protesters in bipartisan vote; the resolution is a symbolic gesture of support for freedom-seeking people in Iran. The vote passed 420-1, with Rep. Thomas Massie, R-KY, as the sole no vote. Source
  • 1/23/23 US: US Treasury sanctions the IRGC Cooperative Foundation and Senior Iranian Officials Connected to Protest Suppression. Source
  • 1/23/23 EU: High Representative of EU for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell Fontellessays that IRGC terrorist designation needs a court decision by a member state first, “you cannot say I consider you a terrorist because I don’t like you.” Source
  • 1/18/23 EU: After a vote ending with 598-9 in favor, and 31 abstentions, the European Parliament has called on the European Union and its member states to place IRGC on the bloc’s terror list. Now, individual governments must approve the resolution. Source 
  • 1/17/23 EU: EU’s Ursula Von der Leyen Backs Listing IRGC as terrorist group. Source
  • Von der Leyen expands on statements supporting #IRGCterrorists designation with Cristiane Amanpour on CNN:
  • 1/13/23 GERMANY: Iranian protesters living in Germany gathered in front of the Frankfurt Islamic Center and demanded its closure. Source
  • 1/13/23 SWEDEN: Swedish Foreign Ministry condemns recent executions of protesters in Iran. Source
  • 1/8/23 US: Meta (Facebook, Instagram) Oversight Board tells company to allow ‘death to Khamenei’ posts. Source
  • 1/3/23 - US: Sec Blinken and Israel’s Foreign Affairs Minister Eli Cohen confirm JCPOA (nuclear deal) is dead. Source.
  • 1/2/23 - UK: UK to proscribe IRGC as terrorist group. Source
  • 12/29/22 Italian Prime Minister Gioria Meloni condemns Islamic Republic’s repression of protesters and use of the death penalty. Source
  • 12/28/22 Iranian Rial hitting historic low. Source
  • 12/28/22 - US Spending Bill Includes Sanctions for Harassing, Surveilling Iranian Citizens. Source
  • 12/28/22 - US scrambles to stop Iran from providing drones for Russia. Source, Source 
  • 12/28/22 - Britain urges Iran to stop unfairly detaining dual nationals. Source
  • 12/28/22 - Canada, Sweden, Ukraine, and the UK call on Iran to settle dispute over Ukraine PS752 jet downing. Source 
  • 12/27/22 French-Iranian Mohammad Moradi, 38, died by suicide in Lyon, France; he intended to draw attention to anti-government protests in Iran through this act. Source
  • 12/25/22 US Congress passes HUNT Act. Source
  • 12/23/22 Germany joins efforts to designate the IRGC as a terror group. Source
  • 12/22/22 World Must Unite to Stop Islamic Republic’s Executions. Source 
  • 12/21/22 Ukraine’s Zelenskyy addresses US Congress and denounces Iran regarding their involvement with Russia-Ukraine conflict. Source
  • 12/20/22 - UN Appoints members of fact finding mission. Source 
  • 12/19/22 - Top Iran Judge Wants Swift “Justice” for Protestors. Source
  • 12/7/22 ‘Time’ Magazine names Women of Iran the Heroes of the Year Source
  • 12/6/22 Biden committed to preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapon; military option remains ‘last resort’ Source
  • 11/28/22 - For Freedoms & Vital Voices unveiled “Eyes on Iran,” an art installation facing the United Nations building. Iranian artists Shirin Neshat, Sheida Soleiman, Aphrodite Desiree Navab, Z, Icy and Sot, Mahvash Mostala, Sepideh Mehraban, Shirin Towfiq, and Hank Willis Thomas. Special guests and speakers at the unveiling included Hillary Rodham Clinton, Gissou Nia, Sheida Soleimani, Shirin Neshat, with special performance by Jon Batiste. Source
  • 11/24/22 Geneva, Switzerland: United Nations Special Session 35 called for a vote to trigger an investigative mechanism into human rights violations inside Iran. 25 states voted yes, 6 voted no. This will trigger a fact-finding mission. Special Session was initiated by Germany and Iceland. Source
  • 11/22/22 Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has issued a statement of support with the Iranian people. Source
  • 11/21/22 European Union President Metsola opened the 21-24 November Plenary Session in Strasbourg with a call for the protection of women's rights in Afghanistan and human rights in Iran. With death sentences imposed on arrested protesters in Iran, President Metsola urged Iranian authorities to “stop, here and now”. She welcomed the new EU sanctions and stated that in response to Iran’s sanctioning of MEPs, there will be no direct contact between the Parliament and official Iranian counterparts until further notice.  Source
  • 11/19/22 Saturday Nov 19 was a day of Worldwide Rally for Iran, organized with the support of PS752 Justice. There were rallies organized in at least 118 cities, across the US, Canada, Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, Hungary, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Norway, Czech Republic, Chile, Estonia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Portugal, Netherlands, Georgia, Japan, Turkey, Finland, Cyprus, Ireland. Source
  • 11/18/22 UN Special session to address “the deteriorating human rights situation in the Islamic Republic.” Will be held in Geneva on Thursday November 24. The meeting will be livestreamed. Source
  • Asking for the immediate stop to the killing of children in Iran. (So far 58 children have been killed in protests and uprising)
  • Warning against executions
  • 47 member states need to vote YES in order to create investigative mechanism inside Iran
  • Learn more about the UN Special Session via Gissou Nia
  • 11/16/22 UN General Assembly’s Third Committee condemned the Islamic Republic’s brutal repression and violence against peaceful protestors - and called for independent, impartial, and transparent investigations into continued human rights violations. Source
  • 11/16/22 Islamic Republic plotted to kidnap or kill at least 10 people in the UK, according to British Intelligence Reports. Source
  • 11/15/22 President Bill Clinton sent a video message of support to the Iranian people. Source 
  • 11/14/22 White House condemns death sentence for protestor in Iran. “We are deeply concerned about reports from Iran of mass arrests, sham trials, and now a death sentence for protesters voicing legitimate demands against a government that systematically denies basic dignity and freedom to its people,” Jake Sullivan said. Source
  • 11/14/22 EU sanctions 29 Iranians, three organizations over crackdown on protests. Source 
  • 11/14/22 EU & UK target senior Iran officials over protest crackdowns, including Iran’s interior minister and several senior police and military officials over their alleged roles in the security crackdown against anti-government protests. Source
  • 11/14/22 Macron vows tougher Iran sanctions amid protests crackdown. Source
  • 11/11/22 French President Emmanuel Macron met with a delegation of prominent exiled Iranian rights activists, later hailing the women-led protest movement in the country as a "revolution". Among activists he met were Masih Alinejad, Ladan Boroumand, Roya Piraei (whose mother was killed by IR forces during uprising), and others. Macron is among the first western leaders to refer to the uprising as a “revolution.”  Source
  • 11/11/22 UN human rights body to hold urgent session on Iran amid protests. Human Rights Council will hold the session in the week of Nov 21 or Nov 24. Source
  • 11/4/22 - President Biden vowed to "free" Iran and said that demonstrators working against the country's government would soon succeed in freeing themselves. Source
  • 11/2/22 - The White House announced its intention to remove Iran from the UN Commission on the Status of Women. Source
  • 11/2/22 - Due to overwhelming responses, Amnesty International has extended their petition by another week
  • 11/1/22 - A new lawsuit was filed in California against social media companies (including Twitter, Meta, and Instagram) to de-platform IRI officials. The suit is brought forward by Attorney and Entrepreneur Mohsen Parsa. Relevant social tags: #DeplatformTerrorists Source, Source
  • 10/30/22 - Vital Voices, with the support of Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Laura Bush, Oprah Winfrey, Gloria Steinem, Malala Yousafzai, and women in leadership from 13+ global countries signed an open letter to the remove the Islamic Republic of Iran from the UN Commission on the Status of Women.
  • 10/21/22 Rep Jim Banks (R-IN-3) Introduced H.R. 9203 - MAHSA Act. Source

September 2022 Protest & Uprising Stats

  • Data tracked by HRANA
  • Children Killed: 71
  • Protestors Killed: 530
  • Number of Regime Forces Killed: 70
  • Individuals Arrested: 19,763
  • Detainees identified: 5,208
  • Number of Students Arrested: 722
  • Number of Children Arrested (Under 18): 180
  • Number of Protests: 1,280
  • Number of Cities Involved: 165
  • Number of Universities Involved: 144 
  • Convicted over Protests: 789
  • Estimated Number of protestors under the threat of death sentence: 105*
    (this number has fluctuated as some sentences have been reduced following large social campaigns)
  • Number of executed protestors: 8
  • Mohsen Shekari - December 8, 2022
  • February 24, 2000 - December 8, 2022
  • 22 years old
  • First protest-related execution
  • Majidreza Rahnavard - December 12, 2022
  • June 16, 1999 - December 12, 2022
  • 23 years old
  • Mohammad Mehdi Karami - January 7, 2023
  • November 1, 2001 - January 7, 2023
  • 21 Years old
  • Iranian-Kurdish, and a karate champion. Karami had aspirations to participate in the olympics, and had a tattoo of the Olympic rings on his arm. He started competing at 11 years old, and according to his father, Karami was “the fourth ranked member on Iran’s national team.”
  • Mohammed Hosseini - January 7, 2023
  • February 21, 1983 - January 7, 2023
  • 39 years old
  • Athlete, martial arts and kickboxing champion
  • volunteered to coach teenagers and children
  • On the day of his arrest and detainment, he was visiting his parents grave, who are buried in the same cemetery as Hadis Najafi, a protestor who was killed.
  • Majid Kazemi - May 19, 2023
  • Saleh Mirhashemi - May 19, 2023
  • Saeed Yaghoubi - May 19, 2023
  • Milad Zohrevand - November 2023
  • Following Karami and Hosseini's executions, over 50 American celebrities, including Cate Blanchett, Jason Momoa, Bryan Cranston, and Olivia Wilde, participated in a campaign calling for Iran to stop executing protesters. The campaign was organized by Iranian-American screenwriter Nicole Najafi, Iranian-American director/writer/producer Ana Lily Amirpour, and Iranian-American actress Mozhan Marnò. The campaign featured the celebrities holding up a piece of paper with the caption "#StopExecutionsInIran" written across it, with a textual message onscreen reading, "We stand with the people of Iran in their fight for freedom. Thousands of protesters have been arrested. Some have already been executed. Many more are in danger. But the world is watching."

  • The above guides include lists of prisoners in Iran with a high execution risk and their political sponsors.
  • Political sponsorship for Iranian detainees can help advocate for their lives and safety.
  • Countries with political sponsees in Iran: France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia, Belgium, Austria, Canada
  • Please scroll down for recent news - both on the ground in Iran as well as international news relating to the uprisings-turned-revolution

Background on the Current Movement:

  • Iran is experiencing its largest civil rights movement since the revolution in 1979.
  • Current uprising was sparked by the death (on 9/16/22) of Zhina Mahsa Amini, a 22-year old Kurdish girl who died after trauma and violence inflicted by Islamic Republic’s “morality police”, for wearing “improper hijab”
  • Context on Zhina Mahsa Amini’s name and why you sometimes will see “Zhina,” “Jina,” or “Mahsa”
  • Zhina (also transliterated as Zina, Jina) is her given Kurdish name, and the name on her gravestone. Because Kurdish names are prohibited and discriminated against in Iran, “Mahsa” was the name given or chosen for her, and what has become most well known in the movement.
  • Non-Persian and non-Muslim citizens cannot freely choose names for their children and businesses. In some cases, the Iranian Civil Registry Office refuses to register non-Persian or non-Muslim names and people are forced to choose names from a list created by the government. Source
  • The restrictions have made it common for many Iranians to have two names — one used on legal documents and another by family and friends. Source
  • The people of Iran have unified to fight back against the theocratic, authoritarian government.  
  • This is an intersectional civil-rights movement, led by women and girls to end gender-based discrimination and state sanctioned violence against women. The people in Iran are fighting for a secular government, democracy, freedom of speech and press, and equality for all minorities subjugated by the Islamic Republic, including religious minorities, ethnic minorities (Kurds, Baluchis, and more), and LGBTQ people.
  • Youth and students (from school age to university) are also at the forefront of this revolution and many protests are taking place on university campuses (see: Sharif University).
  • More than 60% of Iran’s population is under 30 years old. They are socially and culturally savvy, educated, and want to live in a Free Iran.
  • Much of the repression by the Islamic Republic and their police forces is also happening in universities and schools - with hundreds of reports and visual documentation of police coming into university dorm rooms and highschool classrooms and beating students and taking them to prison where they are being tortured and raped.
  • The Islamic Republic of Iran sets a precedent for other dictators and totalitarian governments (Russia, China, Venezuela).  Freedom for the Iranian people, fought for by the people, will send a signal to totalitarian regimes everywhere.  Conversely, if the media and governments in the West are silent, this could mean greater repression around the world.
  • Islamic Republic of Iran has involvement & influence in neighboring countries, including Syria, Iraq, and Yemen

“Woman, Life, Freedom”:

  • The phrase “Woman Life Freedom” is Kurdish in origin, and translated from “Jin Jiyan Azadi.” The phrase is rooted in Kurdish resistance movements, and has a long history in Kurdish liberation movements and the fight against state violence. “Jin, Jiyan, Azadi” is a revolutionary sentiment and slogan used by Kurdish people throughout the SWANA region and beyond.
  • Kurdish feminism declares that women’s liberation will be the liberation of all life, hence the interweaving of the words: woman, life, freedom.
  • In Kurdish: Jin, Jîyan, Azadî, ژن، ژیان، ئازادی
  • In Persian: Zan, Zendegi, Azadi:  زن زندگی آزادی
  • To learn more about this, please read here.

Journalism Best Practices:

We’re adding this section based on feedback from journalists and reporters. This is very much a work in progress and we’ll be adding more soon. If you have suggestions or questions you’d like addressed, please send us a DM on instagram.

  • Make clear distinctions between the people of Iran versus the government. We suggest “people of Iran” or “Iranians,” when referring to civilians, and refrain from using “Iran” when referring to its government, The Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Please note that “reform” has a very specific connotation within the context of Iran and the Islamic Republic; “reform” suggests making amendments to the current regime while keeping the current government in tact. What Iranian people are asking for is not reform, but a dissolution of the theocratic Islamic Republic and a new, secular democracy.

“Freedom of Speech” in Iran: detained journalists and media:

  • Common charges brought against journalists by IR judiciary: propaganda, national security, "propaganda against the system,"  "propaganda against the state,"  “collaborating with an enemy state.”
  • The Iranian Constitution states very general rules concerning “freedom of expression.” Article 24 states: "Publications and the press have freedom of expression except when it is detrimental to the fundamental principles of Islam or the rights of the public.”
  • The government engages in censorship programs with respect to anything that diverges from national laws and regulations. The majority of Iranians - upwards of 80 percent - get their news from government-owned media.
  • According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, Iran ranked as the world's worst jailer of journalists in 2022. Overall, authorities are known to have detained at least 95 journalists in the wake of the protests following Amini's death. Source
  • August 8, 2023: Scores Of Media Workers Detained In Iran In Latest Protests Honored On Journalists' Day (SOURCE)
  • July 3, 2023: Human Rights Watch: Iran: New Charges Against Journalists Relentless Crackdown on Media, Rights Defenders, Civil Society SOURCE
  • Committee to protect Journalists:

Blocked websites and social media platforms in Iran:

These websites and platforms can only be accessed by circumventing and bypassing Iran’s internet, through VPN, TOR, and Satellite connection.

During the Jina Mahsa Amini protests internet blackout, approximately 80% of all popular websites were promptly blocked, including Instagram, WhatsApp, Apple’s App Store, Google’s Play Store, Skype, and LinkedIn. This came in addition to total internet blackouts across the country for hours per day.[130]

  • File hosting:

Following strikes, economic decline, and the negative impact on small businesses throughout the country, the IR loosened their restrictions on WhatsApp, Instagram, and Twitter – though content is still heavily filtered and monitored. Despite this, this “loosening” is a double-edged sword: it also allows regime officials to monitor posts, messages, and gather evidence from social media content.

Source/Who to Follow:

1500Tasvir -

Abbas Milani - Abbas Milani

Afshin Molavi -

Ali Karimi -

Alireza Akhondi -

Ali Rahnama -

Amir Soltani - Amir Soltani

Ammar Maleki - Ammar Maleki

Arash Sobhani -

Azadi Daily -

Baloch Activists Campaign -

Center for Human Rights Iran -

Diaspora for Iran -

Erfan Paydar -

Farzad Farhad Seifikaran -

Farzin Kadkhodaei -

From Iran -

Golshifteh Farahani -

Gissou Nia - Gissou Nia

Hadi Ghaemi (Center for Human Rights in Iran)

Hamed Esmailleon-

Homa Sarshar -

Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) -, HRANA 

HENGAW Organization - Hengaw Organization for Human Rights

Iranian Diaspora Collective

Iran Human Rights - Iran Human Rights

IranRights -, Abdorrahman Boroumand Center 

Justice 4 Iran - Justice 4 Iran

Karim Sadjadpour - ​​, Karim Sadjadpour

Kaveh Shahrooz -

Kaveh Ghoreisi -

Kurdistan Human Rights Network - Kurdistan Human Rights Network

Kurdish Peace Institute - Kurdish Peace Institute

Ladan Boroumand - Ladan Boroumand

Masih Alinejad -,

Middle East Matters -

Max Amini -

Moj Mahdara

Nazee Moinian

Nazanin Afshin Jam -

Nazanin Boniadi

Nazanin Nour -

Nina Ansari - Dr. Nina Ansary

Roya Boroumand - Roya Boroumand

Roya Rastegar, PhD - 

Saman Arbabi -

Samira Mohyeddin -,

Sarah Ramini -

Seena Ghaznavi -

Shally Zomorodi -

Earthquakes in Khoy, Iran; Syria; Turkiye – Please see below for fundraisers for each region:

        Doctors without borders: link here


        Turkey & Syria GoFundMe Hub:,

        Syria, White Helmets verified fundraiser: Syria volunteer rescue workers

        Molham Volunteering Team: donate to Molham Volunteers

        AKUT: Turkey volunteer  rescue organization

Insights - IRAN - September 2022

  • Workers strikes: Assaluyeh petrochemical plant, Bandar Abbas oil refinery, Abadan oil refinery, Abadan oil transit truck drivers, Bushehr petrochemical plant, Kangan petrochemical plant, South pars natural gas plant, Haft Tappeh sugar factory, Mahshahr pipe plant, Neyriz Ghadir steel point, hengam petrochemical plant Source
  • Some have even been kidnapped in the middle of the night. EX: Mohammed Safaei, a medical student at the Jundishapur University of Ahvaz
  • The Iran-Russia-Syria Connection
  • Iran Holds 8% of Global Resources - Petroleum, Uranium, natural gas, coal, chromium, copper, iron ore, lead, manganese, zinc, sulfur
  • Evin Prison is the primary prison where Iranian protestors and people who express any criticism of the Islamic regime are taken and held. About Evin Prison

  • On 11 January, in response to the government's admission, thousands of protesters poured into the streets of Tehran and other Iranian cities such as Isfahan, Shiraz, Hamadan and Urmia. Source

What this movement IS:

  • This movement is no longer a protest, but a revolution
  • This is a civil-rights movement & revolution; protestors are asking for total government change – NOT reform. The movement advocates for women, ethnic and religious minorities, workers, students, the environment, and more
  • Fighting against gender-based discrimination against women
  • Fighting against system oppression and violence
  • Intersectional movement: Iran is a diverse country and women, ethnic minorities, religious minorities are treated as second-class citizens
  • Minorities in Iran:
  • Women
  • LGBTQ (same-sex relationships are strictly illegal and punishable by death)
  • Baha’i (not afforded constitutional protection; extremely discriminated against)
  • Sikhs (not afforded constitutional protection; extremely discriminated against)
  • Kurds
  • Balochi
  • Lurs
  • Armenians
  • Azeris
  • Afghan
  • Zoroastrians
  • Jews
  • Christians
  • Sunni Muslims
  • & more

A (Brief) Timeline of Women's Rights in Iran under the Islamic Republic:

  • IRI has been oppressing women since coming to power in 1979.
  • Compulsory Hijab was mandated for all Iranians in August 1983
  • Disobeying compulsory hijab and Islamic dress code is a punishable crime. “Morality police” aka “Gasht-e-Ershad,” (“guidance patrol”) enforces the laws of Islamic Dress on all women and girls above the age of 7; there are no clear guidelines so the enforcement is often subjective
  • According to Iran's Interior Minister, in a three-month period in 2014, 220,000 women were taken to police stations and signed statements there promising to wear hijabs, 19,000 were given hair-covering notices, and 9,000 were detained.[8] In 2014, the police additionally gave warnings and guidance to 3.6 million other Iranians who failed to follow the Islamic dress code
  • A married woman is required to satisfy all of a man’s sexual needs and her refusal to do so could result in the loss of her “maintenance” payments, including shelter, food, and clothes.
  • Women in Iran are valued at 50% versus men:
  • Receive half inheritance
  • Brothers are entitled to twice as much inheritance as sisters
  • male widowers twice as much as female widows.
  • In tort cases, entitled to 50% of what a man would be awarded
  • Testimony in court is legally viewed as less credible because women are considered to be “half” a man
  • Systematic police oppression for segregation, and controlling public and also private spaces has been in act for four decades.
  • Women’s rights campaigns and protests have been brutally oppressed, and activists faced years of jail.
  • “White Wednesdays” movement was started in 2017 by Masih Alinejad, as a protest against the mandatory dress code
  • Some White Wednesday campaigners are still in jail.
  • Masih Alinejad was exiled from Iran

CTA/Calls to Action:

Petition to G7 Leaders: Expel Iran’s Diplomats & Demand that Political Prisoners be Freed

Supporting the MAHSA Act

Supporting the Maximum Support Legislation

IRGC Terrorists Campaign

End Gender Apartheid Campaign: Sign open letter to support the legal classification of “Gender Apartheid”

Stop Executions in Iran: 1-Click Email

About Iranian Diaspora Collective 2022 Billboard Campaign:

  • Link to Creative:
  • GFM
  • The Iranian Diaspora Collective raised $500,000 from 7K+ donors  and launched 136 media activations across Los Angeles, New York City, and Washington DC. Reach of at least 22 million impressions. Media plan includes billboards, digital ads, and wild postings. 100% of funds raised go towards media buys and further amplification.
  • Artwork was a collaboration between multiple anonymous artists including Iranians in Iran, Iranians in Diaspora, and western allies, who advised on creative direction, graphics, typography.
  • It was important to include “woman, life, freedom” in English and Farsi – our audience is not just the west, but also our friends and family in Iran.
  • Origin of this women’s movement in Iran is from Kurdish women. They original freedom slogan is “Jin, Jiyan, Azadi.” Zhina Mahsa was Kurdish and the Kurdish people have a long history of fighting against the Islamic Republic.
  • Symbolism within the artwork: circle behind Zhina Mahsa Amini represents the sun; in Iranian culture, women are called “shirzan”, “lioness,” Zhina Mahsa’s name is a code for the movement and revolution, Azadi Tower (Freedom Tower in Tehran) is depicted, silhouettes of protestors.

2022 MEDIA ADVISORY: Resources and Perspective on Women-Led Revolution in Iran

WHAT: A working, living document with the most recent headlines and most urgent talking points around the situation in Iran. This document is a resource for journalists and thought leaders who want to cover Iran, but are unable to verify information due to the Islamic Republic’s deliberate shut down of the internet and suppression of voices on the ground.   The document will also offer guidance on “actionables” around how to address the violence being committed by the Islamic Republic of Iran.


WHO WE ARE: The Iranian Diaspora Collective 501(c)(3)  a non-partisan, queer-led, multi-faith group of leaders in the media and entertainment industries who possess expertise in modern cultural and business practices. Our impact driven strategy mobilizes our expertise in storytelling and culture through a broad network of taste-makers, provocateurs, thought-leaders, and industry experts.  Our intersectional and inclusive approach reflects our dedication to achieving freedom of expression and equity for women and all marginalized groups in Iran.

Our goal is to use our resources and access to Western media and cultural industries to amplify the voices and advocate for the demands of people inside Iran. Through an intersectional, inclusive lens, our strategy promotes equity for all marginalized groups, including women and ethnic, religious and gender/sexual minorities in Iran.

The Iranian Diaspora Collective supports the demands of Iranians inside Iran who want a free, secular democracy, a new constitution and an end to theocracy. We are not affiliated with any political organizations or lobbying groups. We support the vast majority of Iranians on the ground who do not believe that the current regime, the Islamic Republic, can be reformed.  Instead, we support their fight for a revolution, and the formation of a new, non-theocratic, democratic government.


To contact our team, please email

For more information:

IG @iraniandiasporacollective

IDC in the Press:

Harper’s Bazaar, The Iranian Diaspora Collective Doesn’t Want You to Look Away

The Washington Post, Here’s what it’s like to be persecuted for your hair

Forbes, ​​Iranian-American Activist Shames The West For All Talk And No Action On Mahsa Amini Protests

MSNBC, This Regime Has to be Held Accountable

Jennifer Griffin, Angered Mourning Activists Launch Billboard Campaign in Times Square

MSNBC, People are Willing to Die to Create this Content

CNN, This Morning with Don Lemon with Hillary Clinton

Manoto, Bahar Ghandehari on the Iranian Diaspora Collective

Chris Cuomo on NewsNation, Detainments Continue in Iran over Protests

MSNBC, “A revolution, not a protest’: How the international community can support Iran

The Breakfast Club, Moj Mahdara talks the Iranian Crisis, Women's Rights, and Propaganda

MSNBC, Iranian Diaspora Turns to social media to amplify voice of protestors

MSNBC, Their Time is Up: Iranian Regime under pressure after three-day strike by protestors

NewsNation with Marni Hughes, Morality Police Abolished?

Forbes, Iranian Diaspora Collective Stands with Iranians for a Democratic Iran

Elle Magazine, Iranians Are Fighting and Dying for Their Rights

Service95 Newsletter, The Organization Amplifying Iranian’s Stories