The Green Party supports scientific investigation and research. We support scientific studies that lay out their biases clearly; try to avoid them where they can, and ensure that the groups most affected by the findings are best represented. We support setting reasonable expectations for studies- and not dismissing scientists from other countries, or who write in languages other than English.

The Green Party supports voting at sixteen. We know that by sixteen, most young people are capable of making serious decisions- about their lives, about their futures, and about what those futures look like- and are legally enabled to make choices about their own healthcare. We support young people, who deserve to make those choices. We support Gillick Competency for anyone under the age of sixteen, for all medical treatments.

The Green Party supports a fully funded, nationalised NHS with more support in place for all. Mental health support, support for those with chronic illnesses, support for those with cancer. Support for every member of our society who needs medical care at any level.

The Green Party supports trans people. Trans women are women, trans men are men, and non-binary identities exist and are valid. We support self-ID, legal protections for trans people, and the support and guidance to be in place for all to transition who desire to- including trans youth.

The Cass Review does not fully reflect these values. There is inexcusable bias; trans people ignored and transphobes platformed. There is infantilisation- saying that young people, even young adults, are not capable of making decisions about their lives. There are calls for the further medical segregation of trans people, of reducing public access to GICs, and removing access entirely to certain life-saving medications. There is an ignorance of what trans people’s lives look like now, and how those lives could be improved.

We call for an unbiased review- not conducted on the behalf of a government who oppose trans lives existing, not conducted by people who support transphobic hate groups, not conducted for people who already think trans people shouldn’t exist.

We call for a review into the impacts of segregated healthcare, of the danger of ‘trans broken arm syndrome’ and the wider stigma trans people face in healthcare, and of the violence done to trans people and their rights- rights that trans people have fought for, alongside the rights of women and the wider LGBTIQA+ community.

We continue to stand for, and with, trans people everywhere. We see you, we know you, and we will fight for you.

Cade Hatton, LGBTIQA+ Greens Co-Chair

On behalf of the LGBTIQA+ Greens Committee