DLA166-0034  Transcription


Please return [in another hand]


49, Mount Street,

W. 1.


Oct 26. 1917


Dear Mrs de László


I am dreadfully disappointed at the result of the enquiry and feel most deeply for your husband and yourself. It is something to hope for that the case will be reviewed in December,


[Page 2]


but that does not alter the bitterness of the decision for him & for you and for his friends.


When Mr. de László is able to receive visits from friends I hope that you will let me know and that he will permit me to go & see him.


Yrs sincerely



Editorial Notes:

William Waldegrave Palmer, 2nd Earl of Selborne (1859-1942); for biographical notes, see [6965].

The envelope presumably did not contain the letter as the dates do not align.

