drybones6402’s Side/Response To Everything.

Heya, everybody. It's me, dry! Most know me as drybones6402 if that’s either through discord, seeing me in your GW2 lobby, or through Youtube.

Some of you may not be aware of this but, there is a document, AND a video made about me of drama.

The document written against me is here:

While the video Mr. JT created is here:

And I’m writing strictly to explain my side of the document, and the video since I’ve never explained to the public my side.

I will be going down in order of the document first, afterwards will be going down the order JT mentioned in his video.
With everything in mind, and you hopefully caught up with everything, let’s get into it!


The first topic to talk about is the “manipulation”

Told in the document the first thing is a scenario with a user named “Harrison.” This situation was the following:
One of his friends named, “Total” sent a joke on another server about “Harrison” which I told “Harrison” of.
I told “Harrison” this since it was someone talking behind his back, so I felt the need to show “Harrison” that one of his friends was simply talking negatively of him for no reason. Granted, the screenshot of whatever “Total” mentioned is unprovided, and not included in the document written against me so I don’t even know what “Total” wrote of “Harrison.”
I asked why “Harrison” and another person of their friend group “gdyup” why they’re friends with “Total” even though he was talking bad of “Harrison” behind his back.

Of course as the document states, this was just a joke in the end written by “Total” which I had no idea it was at the time, hence me reporting it to “Harrison” to let him know his friend was talking bad about him.

A really messy situation started by me without knowing that “Total” was joking.

The Allyjax situation consists of him having a “PvZGW1 Frosty Profile.” For anyone not knowing what this is, this is a tool that allows for modding on PvZGW1 which is impossible without. Allyjax’s tool. Allyjax at the time this was happening was sharing it with people he highly trusted in his friend group. With me being Allyjax’s good friend at the time, and us sharing tons of information regarding modding, I questioned to myself why he wouldn’t share this tool with me. Especially since he shared this tool with one of his friends named “Natalie” who was going online as a Scientist on the plants team using the tool.

Allyjax knew very well, or anyone who knows me in general knows I’m super against cheating which I will get into more later. With Allyjax knowing this about me it left me in question yet again, why wouldn’t he give this to me, but his friend was cheating on line with the tool.

I took offense to this, so I asked Allyjax for the tool constantly which I got a no for. Granted, this was SUPER petty of me to do since if he didn’t want to give me the tool, he had every right to not give me the tool. But at the time I was super confused again, why he would allow his friend to cheat online, but not allow me to just mod in my cosmetic mods.

So in summary of this situation, Allyjax had a tool to mod PvZGW1, supplied it to some people who asked for it, when I asked for it, I was told no which got me mad simply from the people he gave the tool to were cheating online with it while Allyjax very well knew at the time I would only go online with mesh imported cosmetics (cosmetics that I could only view on my screen) rather than cheating with weapons, or anything along those lines.

This was one of our conversations regarding the topic.

Leafy-Flanders Incident

At the time of this document, I had a bestfriend who was named “leafythepea.”
Leafy, who I will be calling him, got himself into a rough situation at the time. He was dming a person named “Flanders” messages he wasn’t too comfortable with. Flanders ended up contacting one of the “Zombpolis” server admin team which was the right thing to do from him not feeling comfortable in the situation, and reporting what leafy was doing.
This situation didn’t concern me until Leafy told me in my dms that he was banned from a discord server called “Zombpolis.” As soon as I heard this, I went into the server without knowing much of the situation, nor what was happening since that was all I was told from Leafy. Since I just went into the server without knowing anything, I wasn’t thinking in the slightest, and just typing out of anger in the server. I will provide the images of me typing in the server below this segment, but that was this situation as told in the document.

Just for a summarize: “leafythepa” was dming “Flanders” messages that “Flanders” wasn’t too comfortable hearing. Flanders contacted an admin of the server “Zombpolis,” Leafy was banned, told me he was banned with no context of the situation which lead me to type in the server with anger, and not thinking at all. This situation could’ve been handled MUCH better from, leafy giving me context of the scenario, me contacting one of the admins of the situation privately, and thinking for a second before typing.


During this situation, the creators of this document, and supporters never messaged me regarding the situation, but instead were contacting my publicly good friend, GoldenUngy.
In general, this wasn’t a good option on their part. The reason for this would be, GoldenUngy didn’t fully know the full scenario, so questions asked towards him, he didn’t know the full situation but he did know most of it. Instead of contacting GoldenUngy, they could’ve contacted me about the situation asking for my side, which was never done.

With this in mind, GoldenUngy, and lostdoge08 had a conversation regarding a situation between me and him which I will explain later on since again, I am going in order of the document.
GoldenUngy suggested lostdoge08 should’ve gone to me, telling me anything he was uncomfortable with during our friendship so it could be resolved. However, lostdoge08 didn’t feel comfortable doing this from what I would explain to Allyjax.

Just so we’re all on the same page, me, (drybones6402), Allyjax, lostdoge08, and Cosmic Chad we’re a friend group together. Meaning, we would all hangout together via discord.
During our time together, me and lostdoge08 got closer as friends, meaning we would talk a lot more, call a lot more, and more!
During me and lostdoge08’s friendship, he would block me most times if I would do something that he didn’t approve of. Granted, lostdoge08 might have been going under a lot during our friendship that I may not have known of which have led him to blocking me for small actions.
With this in mind, I would tell another friend in our group, Allyjax, this simply from him being my closest friend at the time, and I needed someone to talk to about the situation. Since me and doge hung out more and more, it felt like one small mistake could lead to a block at any moment which eventually grew an unhealthy mindset which I implied with my other friends.

There will be more to talk about lostdoge08 later though which will explain more between me and him.
Here are screenshots of the dms between me, and Allyjax regarding the scenario.
(These screenshots are Allyjax’s which is why the theme is black, and betterdiscord is being used.)

This screenshot was with GoldenUngy, as he was talking with one of the Admins of the “Zombpolis” discord server we mentioned earlier since he didn’t know anything regarding my side of the situation, but only lostdoge08’s.

One more thing to mention for me, Allyjax’s, lostdoge08’s, and Cosmic Chad’s friend group days were, one day I explained to doge of the PvZGW1 Frosty situation which was mentioned in the Allyjax section of this document. I explained this to doge, which gave doge the mentality that Allyjax was a bad person. This resulted in lostdoge08 not talking to Allyjax, and if I remember correctly, blocking him entirely. As time went on though, lostdoge08 unblocked Ally, and left him with this message.
This screenshot is him apologizing to Allyjax
(Apologize for this message being so small, I don’t know why this picture is either.)


During the “leafythepea, and Flanders” situation, I ended up speaking to an admin of the “Zombpolis” server about the situation after I without thinking went straight to the Zombpolis server.

During me and Soundwave’s conversation, I was mentioning sentences such as:
how would you feel if your best friend came to you…”
“I was panicking when Leafy told me he was banned!”

The reason for me saying these things to Soundwave would be me yet again, not knowing what was going on at all but leafy stating to me “I was banned from Zomboplis.” I knew nothing else besides that from Leafy which is why I was typing so angry, and without thinking since leafy provided me with no context of the situation prior.

The document states me saying these as an act of manipulation, but no, I was just typing these since I didn’t know any context of the situation, or anything in general but that Leafy was banned. If I knew the context from Leafy, this situation may have gone much differently since I wouldn’t have been typing as mad.


The document states that I was targeting a user named “steelcity” on one of his livestreams. No other evidence, or anything at all is given regarding this statement. This was assumed from me being in steelcity’s PvZGW2 TurfTakeover lobby, and vanquishing him a high amount of times. I was not targeting this user, but was just playing the game, nor did I even know he was livestreaming. PC PvZGW2 has very few lobbies, and we were put into the same one that day.
The assumption I was targeting is false, and there is no evidence provided by any party that I was targeting steelcity on stream.


Me and a user named “serahdee60” were good friends at the time! He was an inspiring Youtuber who uploaded PvZBFN content on his Youtube channel! I noticed his videos had no thumbnails, so I brought up the fact that I’m decent at Youtube thumbnails, and I could make them for him!
So I was his thumbnail artist for a long time!

One day though, a user named “HonorPhoenix ” , another good friend of Serahdee60, made a thumbnail for one of his videos. I noticed this, and contacted Serahdee60 right away. The reason for HonorPhoenix making the thumbnail for one of his videos was Serahdee60 not wanting to be too forceful on me, and plus it was taking me four days to make the thumbnail, which was my fault in the end.
This situation was pretty messy on both parts from me not going to Serahdee60 at the time, but instead me going to someone else to vent my frustrations. This was my fault entirely since I could’ve told Serahdee60 that I was upset at this factor, but looking back at it now, this situation was totally my fault in the end for making such a big deal about it, and taking too long for a thumbnail. These are the messages from the situation showing Serahdee60 in the right here. Again, I was FULLY wrong in this situation.

Then here’s me being in the wrong of the situation going to someone else instead of telling Serahdee60 how I felt. This is not my screenshot, and I even forget who this was I spoke to.

Cosmic Chad

When me, Allyjax, lostdoge08, and CosmicChad had a friend group, we would stay up late on vcs, and we would talk most nights!
One of these nights on a call, we were on the topic of LGBT, and Chad stated he wasn’t a fan of LGBT people. Granted, this was in 2021, meaning this was A LONG time ago, and as of 2023, I know for a fact that Chad is perfectly fine with whoever anyone is, and wants to be.
This information is being told from me without context, and is to be taken with my word and nothing more, but this is being brought up to explain the screenshots I will provide below.

Basically, when this drama was first starting, Allyjax, and lostdoge08 informed Cosmic Chad that I remembered this night of Chad’s LGBT statement, and told Allyjax, and lostdoge08 of it. Again, this was all in 2021, so it was just explained to them lightly, and we never spoke of it again.

Fast forward to 2022, Allyjax, and lostdoge08 informed Cosmic Chad of this information, which he contacted me when he was told by them.
This is an assumption on my part, but this may have been explained to Chad to make me look worse during the start of the drama, but again just an assumption backed up with no evidence whatsoever.

Here are the screenshots of the situation from me, and Cosmic Chad’s dms.

AllyJax Part 2

The document states the following:
“He also said that Ally abandoned him only because Ally refused to VC with him, although Doge said this was on a VC.”

Even though this was said on vc, this was true, yes I did mention this to doge.

At the time of this situation, I was 14 and to be honest I was a little clingy. But in summary, me and Allyjax used to vc every single day, pretty much every second. But when 14 year old me noticed we were vc’ing less and less, this led me to think that allyjax slowly started to hate me, which was why I assumed that.
Again, looking back at this when I’m currently 16, turning 17 as I’m writing this, this was so petty of me.
Just because someone isn’t vc’ing you, or messaging you everyday, that does NOT mean they hate you at all. 14 year old me had the opposite of this mindset, which led to this situation happening, nothing else beyond that. I’m sorry, Allyjax. That was totally just… my fault.


Before I even type anything,
I was 15 at the time of this situation, “lostdoge08” was 17, “ExoticArrow” was 15, and “The Anonymous Person” was 17, with me at the time for him being 14.

Just wanting to make sure the ages were listed before anything is explained, let’s carry on.


Lostdoge08, age of 17 at the time of this situation, me being 15 at the time we were very good friends!
We would talk very often, vent to each other about our problems to help each other, talk daily, friendly banter, just the things you would expect out of a good friendship.

The document states that I would do “sexual jokes” with lostdoge08. These jokes that I would state we would both make, tell, and laugh at in our dms strictly. Not once at all would doge EVER state to me that he wanted to stop with these jokes in the slightest since again, we would both laugh and from a view was a good time between us!

This part is super important but, during me and lostdoge08’s close friendship, we would screenshot our dms with each other that were SUPER out of context for fun! He even had a folder of me called “dry out of context” on his ipad! Lostdoge08 would even tell me “make a folder of me please, I feel bad LOL” which I would usually state “nah, don’t worry about it XD”

With this folder in mind, most of the images doge shown are again, from this folder, but framed as “grooming” or “being weird” since it’s just out of context dms between us, and nothing more beyond that! Nothing Sexual, nothing at all.

Here is one of the images from the folder.
The context was, at the time I was very well known in the PvZ community, and everyone thought I was super cool, and a talented Gw2 player! So I said this regarding that since in the end, I’m just a goofy person. Again, me stating this sentence was just for a joke, which lostdoge08 did laugh at in the end, but just SUPER out of context since it’s from that folder we laughed at a lot which lostdoge08 knows very well, but still used these as evidence of me “grooming” not telling the full side/story.

The document states this as well:
“Drybones would also constantly send Doge porn, and it’s pretty clear Doge wasn’t comfortable with it”

This is just.. Not true at all. Me and lostdoge08 would NEVER send each other porn, ever. The most “porn” we had in our dms was lostdoge08 had a gif of a girl on a pogo stick, yes an actual pogo stick which we laughed at a lot of the time.

There is no evidence of me sending this “porn” at all, and the most is this image which again, came from that folder lostdoge08 has on his ipad.

If you’re asking “why can’t you show us the updated dm from this?”
Sadly, lostdoge08 deleted this discord account, and moved to a new one.
But again, this image is HEAVILY out of context, but just being framed as me sending “porn.”

With all of this in mind with lostdoge08, none of this is “grooming” in the slightest, and lostdoge08 knows this.


At the time of this incident being August of 2021, I met a user named “leafythepea” who I explained a little about earlier! After meeting this user, I was overly excited when meeting him since we had SOOO much in common, some would say a little… too much…

The reason for me saying “a little too much” since we shared our “fetishes” and turns out they were also the same!
From me being overly excited, this led me to telling Allyjax about leafy, which I asked if he was fine with hearing of it, and he said himself he was! This was not included in the document however, and only showed the worst part of the dms. Thanks ally.

The document also states that “How come both Leafy and Drybones are actually into the same fetish, and have sexually roleplayed constantly in their private server?”

People could have the same fetish, it wasn’t some rocket science experiment that got me and leafy to have the same fetish, we just do.
And the “sexually roleplayed CONSTANTLY in their private server” is just false, and told without any proof in the document.

These were the images shown in the document:

And here was the actual dm list that was not shown.

Right after this whole dm convo, we would just call like we normally would in our group chat that we had.
Again, it wasn’t like Allyjax said himself not to send anything regarding the situation, which was why I kept on going.

And yes, I was still 14 at the time, meaning obviously hearing the word “I love you” from someone who wasn’t family made me freak out as much as I did.

This situation was just mentioned in the document for seemingly no reason.

Lostdoge08 Group Chat

When this drama situation was first happening, my main friend group was first to hear of it, and my side of the story.
This all happened when we were on a call one night, which lead to one of my friend’s on call “ARandomMarker” to make a groupchat with if I remember correctly:
-Me (drybones6402)
-ARandomMarker (Creator of gc)

I might be missing a user, but this groupchat is deleted meaning I can’t see who was here.

Anyway, with this groupchat created, with these users, ARandomMarker was the lead talker mostly just messing around with the situation entirely knowing that lostdoge08 is trying to frame me as a “Groomer.” And with no way for me to speak with lostdoge08 from being blocked, and no way for me to explain the situation to him privately, I was just watching as this unfolded.

With this in mind, ARandomMarker kept pinging people with random questions, mainly to lostdoge08.
With this happening, lostdoge08 kept leaving the groupchat since he saw no point in it if he was just getting pinged with stupid questions, fair on his part.

At the same time though, lostdoge08 wouldn’t respond to anything given to him, and wouldn’t speak to me at all during the time of the drama, aka getting my side as well.

With that in mind, we left these messages in the groupchat:

The reason for this was again, lostdoge08 showing fake evidence and marking me as a “groomer" when in theory he himself knew they were out of context messages.

The document states this as:
“They also added Doge to a group chat to mock him with the intention to harass him and called him a pussy for not staying in the group.”

Which lostdoge08 responded privately to an admin of zombopolis with:
“So I’m a pussy for not wanting to talk with the friends of a groomer.”

Our intention was to not harass lostdoge08, nor was my idea to make the groupchat.
And with doge’s response being that, and not allowing for my side to be told at all from this drama just shows he really didn’t want my side to be explained.


This user needs a lot of explaining regarding this situation.

ExoticArrow at the time of this scenario being 2022, he was going through a lot with his online life.
His friend group on Xbox was super toxic towards him being made fun of constantly, had a lot of emotional issues, and me, drybones6402 was his only online friend.

With this in mind, I was placed in a role, and situation to basically make sure he was having a fun time around me anytime he messaged, or called me!
With us messaging, we learnt a lot about each other, and became pretty good friends regarding the situation he was going through.

As our friendship went on, I’m assuming Exotic felt comfortable sharing his “hornyness” with me. What I mean by this, he would tell me when he was “jacking off.” I don’t have screenshots regarding this part due to them being deleted but:
-I was on blender one day, and he was texting me about him jacking off. Due to the situation he was going through, him not being fully emotionally stable, and me being his only friend at the time being, I felt like if I were to do anything else beyond encouraging him, it would upset him, or cause more problems for him.
With this in my mind, I encouraged him to “finish” which I remember he ended up doing.

The document mainly highlights me saying to an admin of the situation:
“I just wanted to see him smile” and mainly highlights this as grooming…
We were both 15 years old at the time, and there isn’t any grooming happening besides two people messaging each other. Yes, it was VERY WEIRD, but there is still no grooming taking place during the scenario.

Exotic at the time also felt incredibly close to me, shown by the following screenshots:

Again, this was due to the time, and circumstances happening with Exotic, and leaving me to just go along with the situations with him. Even if it was saying the word “I love you” towards him as a straight male such as myself.
Since if I were to leave Exotic, or push him away, it would’ve made things a lot worse for Exotic from currently his friend group leaving him, emotional issues, and maybe even more I didn’t know about him.

The Anonymous Person

Of course, I do know who this user is, but from the document they chose to remain under this title, so I will respect their privacy and mark them as Anonymous. The only thing I will reveal is at the time they were 17, and I was 14.

This user though at the time was depressed, and was venting to me which was perfectly fine of both parties.
We were around 40 minutes into Anonymous venting to me, so things were toning down, and we were starting to just talk afterwards.

This led me to attempt to make Anonymous laugh, so I told a joke towards him. The joke being me telling him to jack off. Of course, I didn’t mean this, and was stating this as a joke. I recall the conversation going normal right afterwards showing Anonymous wasn’t offended with the joke telling him to “jack off.” Regardless, this joke wasn’t… the greatest looking back at it, but there was no offense being shown. Of course, he could’ve kept it to himself, but if he really was offended by the joke, he could’ve stated it.

The document states all of this as grooming yet again, but no grooming is performed, plus me at the time being a 14 year old, and Anonymous being 17 does not check out for grooming in the slightest.


Okay, so this part of the document is by far my favorite from just… how poorly it’s explained, so let’s get into it XD

Wall Nut Hills Targeting

The document first starts the cheating segment by explaining to me hard targeting users using a WNH mod.
For context, some users have developed a mod for PC that allows for the new classes to be used on WallNutHills, which is a map created for only the four base classes. Personally, I see this as HEAVY cheating from using classes that aren’t supposed to be on the map. Even if Popcap’s reason was stupid being Mech can't fit in the slide, they still aren’t supposed to be played on this map. Even if this mod is public, there will always be users in the lobby without the mod, hence the cheating.

Instant Respawn

Now for a new user reading this, PvZGW2 on PC has two sides of online modders. You have skids. Skids are marked as cheaters who use anything such as, instant damage cheats, using AI online, using Bosses online, or just anything that falls under not supposed to be used are marked as skids.
The other side are “SkidHunters.” These users have mods equipped to counter a skid if they’re in the lobby, but will only be used if the skid/cheater is cheating in the lobby! So for an example, I was known as the biggest SkidHunter in GW2 at the time with the best mods. I had as well Instant Respawn equipped to counter skids that would freeze me, or softlock me with any of their mods, but never used it while playing normally.

So while I was playing, I was vanquishing a player normally, until I saw a “Zombot Drone” in the sky shooting me. For those unfamiliar, this ability is not in the game normally, and has to be modded into the game to use it. Since I saw this shooting me, I insta respawned from not wanting a cheated ability to kill me as seen in this clip.
Click this blue thing, lol

Upon watching the video, you will see me, the plasma pea killing Allyjax. After killing him, I notice the drone, Zombot Drone in particular, and respawn to avoid being killed by a cheated ability.
The document tried to justify the action of this by saying
“An unused drone that is almost worse than most other drones.”

Even if it’s unused, it’s still something you have to apply manually, and already have on. And I don’t think this was being used as skidhunting.

The document also states that
“Then why did he have the mod applied already?”
Well, why did lostdoge08 already have the zombot drone applied? I see this as a win for dry.

The document also states that there was another incident regarding me targeting a user named Silverina with instant respawn, but no evidence, or proof by any party to showcase this action being done with again, no proof of me performing this.
Stated as:
Other than that, there’s also another incident where he used insta-respawn to target people. One of Luarlo’s and Silveira’s friends mentioned that Drybones would target Silveira with insta-respawn for no reason when Luarlo and Silveira had many problems, and as it may be known, Luarlo and Drybones were really close at that time. So Drybones uses that mod mainly to target people he extremely dislikes. “


Now this, this is my favorite part of the entire document XD
So for context, I was playing on my alt, “TheFriendlyCamo” just using CamoRanger in multiplayer.

While I was casually playing, I joined the same lobby as some friends by accident, and thought nothing of it, so kept on playing.
While I was playing, I saw in the discord chat they thought “TheFriendlyCamo” was using aimbot! (me)

So I was like… “what… XD”
After seeing that, I kept on playing, and while playing, I was being shot by a camo cactus, and noticed I was being shot, so I turned my head to the wall to avoid a shot.
Upon doing this, this was clipped, and being framed as using an “aimbot”

Aimbot is crazy.mp4 ← Their Aimbot Proof + Showcasing their friend cheating

Aimbot moment.mp4 ← My Point Of View of the “aimbot”

From their perspective, it was just me snapping to the wall, which was somehow proof of aimbot..?

Meanwhile in my clip, you can see I’m just casually playing, my taskbar showing nothing opened, missing shots on a vampire flower, and just snapping to the wall to avoid being shot, that’s it!

This has to be my favorite part of the document since it just shows them cheating from using a zombot drone, and having a spectator mode to watch me at all times.
So in the end, who really cheated? Oh that’s right, not dry.

JT’s Video

Now, I won’t be going over anything repeated in the document shown in JT’s video, but will be talking about anything not shown in the document, but in the video itself.

Me Actually Cheating

As JT shows in the video, I did cheat ONCE. My one time cheating was my first day on PC, and the first day of me cheating I was caught by a player named “HeyImJay.”

This was my one time only cheating, and upon me doing this, I was banned from the FBModding discord server.
The reason for me cheating online the first day of me on pc was simply, me being a 14 year old, and after playing on PS4 for so long, AND finding out I could use mods, I instantly wanted to use them online. But after realizing that this sucks, I never cheated again.
After this day, I never cheated online again, and became a SkidHunter right after this day.

Here is the image of me being caught cheating:

More Lostdoge08 Screenshots

More screenshots are here, which are again out of context by lostdoge08 from the out of context folder.

Here they are:

There’s not much to go over here besides again, these are just extremely out of context images, and lostdoge08 is even shown sending a “weird” image to me.
Which again, the both of us would send things like this, but his account is now deleted which means I cannot show any dm list between me, and lostdoge08.


JT’s video show’s my good friend, GoldenUngy using instant respawn. To be honest, I don’t have much to say besides yes, he did instant respawn before dying, and for no reason.
I’m assuming he was just having a rough day..?
But yes, he did instant respawn.

“Leaking” RoundEnder, and AntiSkid

This part is super important to go over, and pretty easy to do as well.

If you’re new here, there are two powerful mods known as “RoundEnder” and “AntiSkid”

These are two of the most powerful mods, with RoundEnder having the power to skip the entire match with the click of a button.
The only people in possession of the “RoundEnder” mod were:
Anyone who was GoodFriend’s with AllyJax

Anddd, that was it. Since I was a good friend with Allyjax at the time, I was allowed the possession of this mod!
But to be honest, I just kind of had it, and never really used it.

However, the community thought differently from framing ME to share these mods to the cheaters/skids.

There is NO PROOF whatsoever that I was the one who shared these mods to them besides a “drybones did it.”

There is no image of me sharing it, screenshots at all or anything besides a “drybones did it.”
So in summary, I was HEAVILY framed of sharing these powerful mods for simply no reason. To my knowledge, it’s still unknown the real user who shared these mods, but I know for a fact it wasn’t me, and clearly the skids know that too due to not having any sort of screenshots, or evidence of me “doing so.”

Their way of me saying I sent it was through Origin private messages through a google drive, then deleting it afterwards. Which is just…. What… XD
Also there is no proof of this either, and it’s clear they take screenshots of everything, so why not take a screenshot of me doing this? It doesn’t follow up.

Here is their “proof”


And there you have it!
That is my side of everything in the document, and JT’s video!

I don’t believe I missed anything, but if I did then please contact me so I could explain through discord!
Discord: drybones6402

If you have any other questions, then simply add me again, through my discord.

Thank you for reading if you made it this far, and… yeah that’s about it!
Cya guys!!!