Middle School Art 

Graduation Standard

Graduation Standard

Graduation Standard

Creation, Performance, Expression

Students create, perform, and express ideas through the art discipline

Aesthetics and Criticism

Students describe analyze, interpret, and evaluate visual art.


Students understand the relationship among the arts, history and world culture; and they make connections among the arts and to other disciplines, to goal-setting, and to interpersonal interactions.

Performance Indicators

Performance Indicator

Performance Indicator

Choose suitable media, tools, techniques, and processes to create original art works. (MLR B1)

Compare and analyze art forms by applying grade span appropriate concepts, vocabulary skills, and processes. (MLR D1a)

Compare products of the visual/performing arts to understand history and/or world cultures. (MLR E1)

Performance Indicator

Performance Indicator

Performance Indicator

Use Elements of Art and Principles of Design to create original artwork that demonstrate different styles. (MLR B2)

Compare the quality and effectiveness of art works using multiple criteria from observations, print and /or non-print sources. (MLR D1b)

Explain skills and concepts that are similar across disciplines. (MLR E2)

Performance Indicator

Performance Indicator

Performance Indicator

Create artwork that communicate an individual point of view. (MLR B3)

Compare the effectiveness of selected media, techniques, and processes in communicating ideas. (MLR D1c)

Set goals related to time management, interpersonal interactions, or skill development that will lead to success in the arts. (MLR E3)

Performance Indicator

Performance Indicator

Performance Indicator

Select and prepare art works for display and articulate an artistic justification for their selection. (MLR B4)

Explain and compare different purposes of artists and art work in the context of place and time. (MLR D1d)

Explain the impact of artistic and career choices on self, others, and the natural and man-made environment. (MLR E4)

Performance Indicator

Demonstrate positive interpersonal skills and analyze how interpersonal skills affect participation in the arts. (MLR E5)

Graduation Standard

Graduation Standard

Creative Problem Solving

Description: Students approach artistic problem-solving using multiple solutions and the creative process.

Disciplinary Literacy:

Students show literacy in the discipline through understanding and demonstrating concepts, skills, terminology, and processes.

Performance Indicator

Performance Indicator

Describe creative thinking skills that are part of the creative problem-solving process. (MLR C1)

Explain and compare different purposes of artists and their artwork, in the context of time and place. (MLR A1)

Performance Indicator

Performance Indicator

Apply creative thinking skills that are part of the creative problem-solving process. (MLR C1)

Compare features of composition both within an artwork and among art works. (MLR A2)

Performance Indicator

Explain the effects of media and their associated tools, techniques, and processes, using elements, principles, and expressive qualities in art forms and genres. (MLR A3)