In the usually quiet city of Avalonia, where nothing much ever happened, an unusual event unfolded. The sky crackled with energy, showering the unsuspecting children of Elmwood Primary School with shimmering sparks of power. Within days, news spread of ordinary children exhibiting extraordinary abilities. Tamati, the loud joker, found him able to manipulate the elements with a flick of his wrist. Violet, one of the dancers, discovered her ability to bend her body, creating super flexibility captivating  her friends. Together, they formed the Guardians of Avalonia, a superhero team determined to protect their city and stop Tamati.

Let me explain, today started like a normal day. I was walking with my friends Maia, Violet and Thea. We were all gossiping like we normally do. When Thea looked away from us and stopped talking, I thought we must have said something to upset her. “Are you okay?” I asked, but no reply. “Thea” said Violet, “are you okay?” but no answer again, so we just started walking again. This time with no talking.

When we got to school Violet did the same thing as Thea, she looked away and stopped talking too. Me and Maia asked if she was okay. But no answer like Thea. They were both completely out of it, like they were away with the fairies. Then Thea started to turn pale like she was going to faint. RING! RING!! RING!!! The bell rang.

When we walked into class Thea dropped to the ground, it looked like she was having a seizure. The teacher ran to her and had to give her medical attention. I walked up to Violet and started talking about how weird it was that it happened to Thea when she was fine 15 minutes ago. When I noticed she was quite pale too, and that's when I remembered she was also out of it. And that's when she dropped to the ground too. Kids had to go get other teachers for help and that's when I noticed that Maia was also out of it too.

In a few more minutes sure enough Maia dropped to the ground too.

At morning tea everyone was normal again. Until we started playing, on the playground we were playing on the monkey bars. When Thea jumped off the top of the monkey bars, but instead of landing onto the ground she flew. She was flying, like actually flying. She flew around and around the playground.

A few minutes later we went onto the grass. Violet and I were practicing our tricks. We did our front handsprings, our headstands and our walkovers. Violet's walkovers were looking really good. We started practicing our chest stands, Violet's feet were on the ground, then she started rolling around in her chest stands. “Woahhhh” I exclaimed “You are really flexible, more flexible than normal!” Violet has super flexibility. Maia and Thea came running over to us. “Maia has super powers too,” Thea said. “Yeah, I can move things with my eyes! Replied Maia. “Cool” Violet mentions, “I also have powers.”

After the bell rang all of the boys were telling everyone that Tamati also got super powers! He could change the elements with a flick of his wrist. And that’s how the news spread fast. Kids in Avalonia are getting powers! But Tamati wanted to destroy the world, and that's when we knew we had to stop him.    

Before the teacher got to class Tamati ran out of the class room and we followed. He started jumping higher and higher moving forward, jumping off of his elements. I followed him jumping off of his elements, Thea flew behind me. Maia moved her own objects with her eyes, to make a path for her. While Vivi (Violet) did back walkovers the way there!

Tamati ran for almost an hour, but then he stopped and looked behind him. He looked at me, “It doesn’t have to be this way,” Tamati whispered to me. I didn’t answer. I just looked away, then walked. Untel BOOM, The fight began!    

Thea flew over to Tamati with Vivi on her back,  Crack, Crack!! “Ahhhhhhhhh” Tamati Shouted because Vivi was making him do contortion poses. BANG!! Maia threw a fridge at him. Then I picked him up while he was in a chest stand and squeezed him into the fridge.  Then Thea shut the fridge door closed. Then we left him there while walking away looking at our mess we made. We went back to school like nothing just happened.

“Abby wake up you're going to be late for school!” My mum yelled.

I woke up and it was just a dream,  Or was it?