Snorkel Mask 4 Life -
Snorkel Mask 4 Life
Working towards emergency personal protection equipment against COVID19 virus
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Contributors: Pieter van Boheemen, Henk Buursen (Waag), Christine van den Hoorn (Waag), Bart Bakker (MiniFabLab), Caroline van Boheemen MD, Melanie Peters, Jaap Dekker
Main Inspiration: ISINNOVA (Grazie Mille!!!) & Stanford Prakash Lab PneuMask
As a result of the COVID19 pandemic there is a shortage in personal protection equipment (PPE) around the globe. In response to this global problem, our deepest concerns about situations in low-income countries, and the situation in The Netherlands we present the development of an emergency mask here. The goal of this document is to enhance collaboration and create a platform for sharing the progress of the project to the benefit of anyone in the world.
None of the work that is presented here is certified medical grade equipment. This is a work-in-progress open notebook. Use the information in this document at your own risk. We do not recommend the use of any of the information in practice until it is fully validated and peer-reviewed by independent experts.
In case you are interested in a Snorkel Mask 4 Life prototype for testing, validation or demonstration purposes, please contact
FFP2 masks are running short all around the globe. In The Netherlands alone approximately 4,5 million masks are used every week. The world market has gone bonanza, corrupted with fraud and greed. As a result the many medical workers in The Netherlands are equipped with just a surgical masks or no protective equipment at all. Surgical masks do not protect against sub-micron COVID19 virus particles.[1] This problem concerns us deeply.
There are also many issues with the equipment that is available. For example, the currently used goggles are often regarded as uncomfortable and can cause bruises.
Under ideal conditions this project would follow a clear path from start to end. The truth is that we currently operate on a go-with-the-flow basis. In this part of the document we try to list what we are working on and see as our next steps.
Below we discuss several options and engineering challenges for each part of the project.
The Snorkel Mask 4 Life PPE that is project aims to develop consists of three parts:
Several types and brands of snorkel masks could be used for making an emergency mask. Whereas the Prakash Lab Pneumask project focuses on the Dolfino Frontier and Ocean Reef ARIA mask, here we focus on the use of the Decathlon Subea Easybreath V1.
There are a number of standards that apply to PPE, that might be relevant to this project:
The Decathlon Subea Easybreath snorkel mask comes in several shapes and sizes. Three different sizes exist: XS, S/M and M/L.
We currently have two different models in our possession:
Since the Easybreath 500 is only on sale since March 2020, we focus on the Easybreath V1. The V1 also comes at slightly lower price point than the V500 (€ 19.99 vs 24,99). From other snorkel mask initiatives we have learned that the Easybreath 500 is also less suitable for PPE purposes, as it seems of lower quality.
Another type snorkel mask might also be a possibility, in the future. One snorkelmask initiative ( received instantly 20.000 masks. This indicated that snorkelmasks are still available in large amounts.
Eye - Chin distance:
Figure 3: Recommended use of variety in sizes by Decathlon |
Figure 4: Easybreath V1 (left) and Easybreath 500 (right) front and back |
Figure 5: Easybreath V1 connector with rubber ring. The center channel is for inhalation, the two outer channels for exhalation |
Since we expect the health care sector to be confronted with shortages in filters, we include as many filters as possible in this project.
In this project we focus on FFP2-masks/FFP1-masks that have to comply to NEN-EN 149 + A1 standard. (Source: NHG)
Gas mask filters seem to be a very logical choice, since they were designed for filtering virus particles and to protect the users breath. Moreover, there are many different brands, so many supply chain options. So far we have included 3M, Draeger, Honeywell, Climax and Spasciani filters in this project.
Figure 6: 3M filter connector and replacement filters |
Acquired on March 27th and currently in evaluation by @Pieter
Acquired on March 27th, but not delivered due to export restrictions from Germany
Figure 8: product picture, and pictures of RD40 40mm 1/7” connector |
Acquired on March 27th and currently in evaluation by @Pieter
Figure 9: product picture and pictures of the connector |
Product specification needs better link
Acquired on March 27th and currently in evaluation by @Pieter
Figure 10: product picture and picture of the connector |
Product specification needs better link
Acquired on March 27th and currently in evaluation by @Pieter
There seem to be many snorkel mask PPE projects in development that are based on HME filters, but there is also discussion on whether these filters are suitable for this kind of application. In this project we are not interested in this type of filters.
In case you are interested in HME filter approaches in The Netherlands, take a look at COVID Life Saver Mask.
The main engineering challenge is to create a coupler between the mask and the filter. This is a typical challenge for which 3D printing can be used to create prototypes.
All couplers in this project are currently produced by 3D printing in PLA material.
In a future stage we will evaluate the use of other materials:
Sterile 3D printing material that withstand sterilization techniques
Since pretty much every brand of filter comes with its own connector, thus we need a different coupler for each brand. The RD40 standard seems to be the most widely used, which is why the Snorkel Mask 4 Life project starts with focussing on this coupler.
Also, there are many Easybreath couplers to be found on the web, but only few designers share the CAD source files, but most of the time in proprietary formats. This limits the number of potential users and contributions. This is why this project present fully Open Source designs.
Printed by Pieter on April 13th
Designed in OpenSCAD, fully parametric and open source. It can be easily modified to account for the tolerances of your 3D printer
Figure X: Snorkel Mask 4 Life Universal Open Source Easybreath V1 coupler |
The parameters in the OpenSCAD code correspond to the following dimensions indicated in the figure above:
Printed by Pieter on April 7th and fits great. No CAD file available
Figure 13: Pictures of assembly and broken clip |
Printed by Pieter on a FlashForge Adventure 3 on April 1st
Figure 14: Pictures of print and assembly |
This Universal thread allows anyone to easily design your own couplers for RD40 filters.
Figure X: Universal RD40 thread |
It has been designed with the help of the SS-EN 148-1:2019 standard.
Snorkel Mask 4 Life RD40 coupler
Printed on April 13th
Figure X: Snorkel Mask 4 Lfie prototype |
Printed by Bart Bakker and Henk Buursen on March 31st
Ordered at 3Dhubs on March 27th
Figure 15: pictures of print and assembly |
These adapters are meant to be used with filters with a 40mm 1/7” connection.
There are also adapters that convert a 40mm 1/7” into a 3M connector and vice versa.
see above
Currently the couplers are out of scope of this project.
Printed by Bart Bakker and Henk Buursen on March 31st
Figure 17: 3D model and prints |
We are NOT testing HME filter based PPE, nor recommending to use these.
Once a prototype satisfies all requirements we will need to switch to mass production.
This production method seems most suitable for large scale production.
In this section we gather information on how to use the Snorkel Mask 4 Life equipment.
Initial test showed that it can be hard to communicate by voice when wearing the mask. A microphone / speaker setup might solve this issue.
Wireless clip on microphone
Jam Hang Up speaker with 3.5mm line in - CoolBlue MediaMarkt
Example NHG Persoonlijk Beschermingsmiddel Werkafspraak
We aim for reusing the snorkel mask. The couplers are probably going to be single use disposables.
works according to references from Prakash document:
[13] Darnell, M. E. R., & Taylor, D. R. (2006). Evaluation of inactivation methods for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus in noncellular blood products. Transfusion, 46(10), 1770–1777.
[14] Rabenau, H. F., Cinatl, J., Morgenstern, B., Bauer, G., Preiser, W., & Doerr, H. W. (2005). Stability and inactivation of SARS coronavirus. Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 194(1–2), 1–6.
Tests by Parkash lab on the Ocean Reef mask look promising, but to our knowledge no such tests have been conducted on Easybreath masks
Tests by Parkash lab on the Ocean Reef mask look promising, but to our knowledge no such tests have been conducted on Easybreath masks
Tests by Parkash lab on the Ocean Reef mask look promising, but to our knowledge no such tests have been conducted on Easybreath masks
This section is about the regulatory aspects of the project and focuses on the required steps for use and approval in The Netherlands.
Full face masks can be tested in a qualitative and quantitative manner.
The qualitative face fit test was passed, tested on one female subject with Denatonium.
An independent biosafety expert is conducting a quantitative Fit Test with a TSI Portacount 8038 on a SM4L prototype, using the Quantitative Face Fit Test Method (QNFT) following the OSHA protocol. The test resulted in an overall Fit Factor of 146 (full report in image below). The test was repeated on a second male subject, resulting in a Fit Factor of 110. The publication of the results has led to a discussion on the method and threshold value. Some argue a fit factor of less than 500 or 1000 is the minimum. So although the diagram below shows the prototype passed the test, we await further testing before we conclude that the prototype passed
Figure X: Prototype that has been delivered to independent expert for Portacount validation and results |
Identified issues:
A shortage in Decathlon Easybreath masks could seriously limit the impact of this project. This is why we are evaluation whether used, second hand masks could be refurbished. This effort serves two goals. On the one hand we are considering whether it makes sense to conduct a large scale collection, on the other hand we would like to know what happens to masks when they are used for a prolonged period of time.
Based on a first batch of collected masks we are establishing criteria for evaluating second hand masks. These include:
Common defects
In the masks donated to Waag were in a surprisingly good state. Some masks were more than 2 years old and were used for several weeks of snorkeling. Here are a few pictures of common (minor) defects:
Early signs of rapture in the elastic strap - Nose valve missing
Scratches on the visor Dirt / sand stuck in between rubber and visor
(Source: Toelating zonder CE-markering)
Modified Full-Face Snorkel Mask as COVID-19 Personal Protective Equipment: Quantitative Results
Presymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infections and Transmission in a Skilled Nursing Facility >>
Virus detected in pre- and asymptomatic patients, also high viral load found in those cases
Personal protective equipment for preventing highly infectious diseases due to exposure to contaminated body fluids in healthcare staff. Cochrane Systematic Review 2020 >>
Evidence is low to very low. The sample sizes should be much bigger. There is a need for collaboration between organisations serving epidemic areas to carry out this important research in circumstances with limited resources, and during the throes of an outbreak.
Aerodynamic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 in two Wuhan hospitals
Recognition of aerosol transmission of infectious agents: a commentary
Aerosol transmission is often underestimated
Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2: The world should face the reality
Discussion on whether transmission via air is likely or not
Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions
COVID19 possibly travels 8 meters in the air when a patient sneezes
A list of news items related to snorkel mask PPE initiatives:
Overheid kocht bijna tien miljoen ongeschikte mondkapjes
World market still wild wild west
Tegenlicht: The Bigger Picture. To put things into perspective… we should improve globalisation.
Hoofd IC Amsterdam UMC: 'Opschalen naar 3000 IC-bedden is een fata morgana'
Nog steeds tekort
Hoog spel in een louche wereld: hoe Nederland faalde in de jacht naar mondkapjes
Mondkapjes bereiken thuiszorg en verpleeghuizen niet ondanks nieuw verdeelmodel (translated from dutch) Dutch expert prof dr A.D.M.E. Osterhaus stated “with some expiration maneuvers droplets ánd aerosols are formed”.
Vloeistoffysicus: virusdruppels vliegen veel verder dan anderhalve meter
‘Onderzoek is de hand aan de kraan’
A call for more grass roots approaches in The Netherlands
crowd funding, they raised over 2.000.000 milion US dollars!
Brandbrief KNOV aan minister De Jonge over PBM verloskundigen
Midwives need PPE!
‘Zorgverleners grootste risicogroep’
Clearly health care workers are at risk and need more protection
Duikmasker Decathlon omgebouwd tot mondmasker
Example from Brussels - Albert De Beir, based on different kind of filter approach
Decathlon snorkeling mask: Use Cases in Covid epidemics explained.
Overview of several Decathlon Easybreath initiatives in the world, take not of the warnings!
Met dit simpele snorkelmasker kunnen coronapatiënten zuurstof krijgen
Waiting for approval by Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd
Makers van snorkelmasker tegen corona zoeken filters
Call for donating Damen Air-Wave filters
⚠️ WARNING: We do not endorse or suggest to use any of the work presented on the following websites. This list is intended to gain an overview of other (more or less) related snorkel mask PPE initiatives only.
Kennis Alliantie 3DQ
PneuMask - USA
COVID Mask Project status update
MedShield19 - Germany
Filip Kober - Poland
COVID19 Emergency Face Mask - USA
ARTA - Italy
CovMask - Czech Republic
PezyGroup - Netherlands
… - India
ISINNOVA Easy COVID 19 - Italy
Project Open Air - Netherlands
UTwente Best vs COVID - Netherlands
Easybreath PPE solutions were pioneered by the Yellow Vest movement, as shown in this design by FrenchCivilian
[1] Van der Sande, 2013 Plos One