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Fighting Styles and Special Moves
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Fighting Styles and Special Moves


Haymaker - A low percentage attack that uses only 25% of your brawling OO with decimals truncated. If hits, damage equals your strength attribute (the adjustment field lists total damage).


One-Two Punch - Make 2 attack rolls. If both hit, you do an extra 2 damage. You lose 4 OD defending the next attack that occurs by end of next round.

Power Punch - A stronger, but less reliable, punch. Subtract 2-4 OO. If hits, add 3, 5, or 7 damage. This move counters a double-pump thrust kick (OO penalty is reduced by 2 if the opponent's attack misses completely).


Leg Sweep - A lower body attack that flips the opponent horizontally AND is followed up by a fist hammer punch to their thrusters, grounding your opponent. This move counters a power slam (OO penalty is only 2 if the opponent's attack misses completely).

Double Pump Thrust Kick - Make 2 attack rolls. You lose 3 OD defending the next attack that occurs by end of next round.


Power Slam - Lifts the opponent high in the air and then smashes them to the ground, damaging their thrusters. This move counters a 1-2 punch (OO penalty is only 2 if the opponent's attack misses completely).

Scorpion Deathlock

Weapon Proficiency

Hip Fire - You control your aim, but the actual direction is determined by your weapon's maximum accuracy and how proficient you are with the weapon. Damage is based on the weapon's stats. Hip firing is less accurate than using iron sights. You will *not* see the possible spread due to any accuracy randomness on-screen, but you *can* use move actions during the round.

Iron Sights Fire - You control your aim, but the actual direction is determined by your weapon's maximum accuracy and how proficient you are with the weapon. Damage is based on the weapon's stats. Using iron sights is more accurate than hip firing. You will also see the possible spread due to any accuracy randomness on-screen, but you can not use any move actions during the round.