Onideus Mad Hatter, AKA Matthew Moulton’s goal is to be the coolest, loudest, most arrogant kid on the Internet without accomplishment. His exploits on the internet have backfired so spectacularly that Matthew Moulton’s name is forever linked to a sixteen year old posting history on Usenet and various Internet forums that is filled with failure, adult baby fetishism, and football stadium sized piles of disgust for anyone who cares to read it. Although time has somewhat covered up Matthew’s flailings on the Internet, there is still plenty of juicy content to document him as a fantastic failure.


        The best way to talk about Matthew is to start from a mundane occurrence and go from there into the depravity. So let’s start with a small incident.

Matthew Moulton used to run a business called Backwater Productions, a web design company he ran out of his apartment. As the sole employee of Backwater, Matthew was never afraid to put the boot to other web designers. This is Matthew in 2007, after delivering some tactless criticism to another web developer and warning him to not delete his comments or this would happen:!msg/alt.html/KF1zY05-YZY/jKy1D02YKk4J

It should probably also be noted that any such comments made on site

designs posted to Flickr that are censored by the original poster will

not only be reposted publicly to Usenet, but will also be forwarded to

the owner of the site in cases where the designer was contracted for

the work.    ^_^

Matthew’s target, one Reidman, commented that Matthew’s only picture on the Flickr account was of another web developer’s head photoshopped into some gay porn. Reidman did his homework on Onideus Mad Hatter, and decided to ignore him. Onideus then sent the (admittedly boring) email to Usenet and Reidman’s client. Nothing else happened. Then this happened: Another web designer had reported Matthew to Flickr, which resulted in this warning sent to Matthew:

You’ve been sent a Flickr Mail from nateklaiber:

:: Threats

Mr. Moulton,

Please note both and the proper authorities have

been notified as I have flagged you as:

a) A potential pedophile

b) A potential sexual predator

c) Making unwarranted threats

All information has been submitted to them, and any future

communication will be directed to them as well.

This warning was not from Reidman, but Matthew sent this to Reidman anyway:


Boy I think ya broke the irony meter on that one, Kiddo. And unless

you’re now claiming to be underage (boy won’t that be fun to tell your

clients) I don’t see where you’re coming up with these random pedo

accusations…well, I mean other than the whole angry, desperation

thing you got goin.

It’s pretty typical with your type…you go around mouthing off, then

ya get put in yer place by someone better, but oh no, yer from the lil

Johnny Flunk school of education…passed along from one grade to the

next, always getting an ‘A’ for having a positive ‘Attitude’, always

having someone there to spoon feed you and wipe your ass for you,

never once even tasting the bitterness of failure or

inadequacy…well, until you reach the real world anyway, then ya meet

someone like me who pretty much bitch slaps you eight ways to last

Tuesday with yer own stupidity. And so really, what recourse do you

have? I mean it’s not like I’m wrong, it’s not like you can actually

counter any of the arguments or points I brought up in the email to

your client…so what does lil Johnny Flunk do in a situation like

that? Yeah, that’s right…you lie…you slander…you fuck Jesus up

the ass with the business end of a steel rake and you resort to the

most pathetic, Hitler inspired, cliche of “attacks”, couching your

failed reasoning in the guise of, “Oh I read the accusation somewhere

else by a doorknob just like me so it MUST be true!”

Let me tell ya something child, I’ve seen yer lil song and dance many

times over. I’ve been on the net even before you knew what the

Internet was. I’ve been randomly accused of pretty much everything

under the sun, from being a supposed pedophile, to the polar opposite

contradiction of a pedophile (an adult baby), to even the full

embodiment of the antichrist himself. Your flailing, blind

accusations however hold no weight and unfortunately for you, you

can’t back lies up with bullshit.

So you fail…and that makes you angrier…doesn’t it? So you do it

again…and again…and again…and eventually an interesting thing

happens. You become what’s known by many as a “Hatter Addict”.

Forever trying to “get back” at me for blistering your ass over my

knee with reality, rather than simply own up to your failings. Little

Johnny Flunk can NEVER admit to failure, can you? So you get caught

in a vicious cycle, since, sad to say for you, nothing bothers

me…ever. Hell, I once had a kook like you who went so far over the

edge he actually hacked and defaced the Nambla home page with pictures

and derogatory remarks about me. Now honestly child, if THAT didn’t

bother me, do you REALLY think your lil overcompensation is even going

to give me anything more a bit of a chuckle?


You’re WAY out of yer league on this one you cl00less Webbie and we

Netters…well we don’t ever go easy on yer type. Anything you

censor, delete or try and hide will be reposted publicly on Usenet.

And no, Sparkles, you can’t get things taken off Usenet. Once

posted…posts are permanent, they can’t EVER be undone, they’re

FOREVER. And no amount of your bitching and whining to Flickr or any

other entity that has nothing to do with Usenet at all is going to

bother listening to you so long as I follow the rules on THEIR site.

The key phrase being “their site”. Anything that happens outside of

their domain isn’t their problem, no matter how much you would like to

try and make it so. I can understand the need though, lil Johnny

Flunk is looking for a new parent figure to bail him out and make him

feel all warm, protected and special…hate to break it to ya, but I

REALLY don’t think the guys who own Flickr wanna take on THAT

particular role in regards to your shitty britches. It’s high time

you put on some big girl panties and learn to wipe yer own ass, Kiddo.


Eventually, Onideus realized his mistake, and posted this to make amends:

Wait, back up, not the same kook as originally posted, the kook who

sent that "threat" email was the kook posting in this Flickr thread:

(dead link)

That kooks name is Nate Klaiber.  He's one of the original Jeff Croft

slurpers who was tryin to talk shit about me for saying Flash was the

future of web design.  Needless to say...he's regrettin that decision.


I think I'll take this picture of his wife:

(jesus christ matty)

...and do a lil dick sucking animation.  *snicker*  He, he, he...I'll

make ya famous...all ya gotta do is mouth off and post some pictures

of yerself.  `, )


Matthew likes to use various self-made terms to describe people. Here is a sampling!

A Usenet regular. See also 'Webbie' and 'RL'
I've been a Netter for 10 years, hangin mostly in teh Flonk and A26.

An World Wide Web (www) user who spends most of their time on web boards and surfing mainstream sites like Google, Amazon, Ebay, etc. See also 'Netter' and 'RL'
I was all bitch slappin teh regs of this fuckin webbie board the other day.

Another term for n00b it describes someone who has little to no experience with the Internet or net.culture.

RLs often attempt to inflict their own backwards real life values and customs onto others. They also have a tendancy to treat the Internet as if it were an alternative form of real life which is why they often get frustrated and upset because and net.culture does not reflect what they ran away from in the real world.

See also 'Netter' and 'Webbie'
There was some dumbfuck RL in here the other day whining about how we weren't "nice" to him.

Let's talk about homoseuxals for a bit, shall we? Now, you always hear people yammer on about how "unatural" homos are and how "perverted" they are, but honestly, I think that they've got it completely backward! On the contrary, faggots are *EXTREMELY* important to the survival of this planet.

To put it as bluntly as possible, on a purely genetic level, nature itself has recognized that humanity is a fucking plague upon this planet and if not countered in some way, *WILL* destroy the entire earth itself and all life upon it.

As such, as a genetic failsafe, more and more people are being born homosexual in order to prevent mass breeding and to blunt the incredible overpopulation of the human species. Simply put, the more people who are gay, the less we'll be able to breed through conventional means and the less people there will be on the planet. Tres simple, non?

Similarly, there's also an increase in people who are depressed. I believe that this depression is a completely natural occurrence and is basically another kind of genetic failsafe. Basically, on the genetic level, your body knows that you're an evolutionary dead end, so in order to prevent you from breeding and passing on your faulty genes, a trigger is kicked on in yer brain to make you feel so depressed that you'll want to kill yourself...for the benefit of the species.

Again, it's completely natural and anyone who is feeling overly depressed should be highly encouraged to end their lives as a gift to the rest of us who enjoy life and enjoy living. Their deaths will mean more oxygen for the rest of us, as well as reducing precious, wasted resources, which in turn will benefit the planet.

And honestly, isn't the continuation of the planet more important than the life of someone who is depressed who *WANTS* to die? It really makes no sense at all to try and intervene and prevent such a natural and beautiful sacrifice to mother earth.

Those that want to kill themselves should be praised and remembered throughout history as patriots and warriors in the fight to save the planet from the human disease which has infested her for so long. It is only because of selfish human PERVERSION that we try and interfere with such a natural, evolutionary design.


I could go into stuff like ‘perfect liquid websites’ and ‘Interpixel Cascade Fusion’, but that’s peanuts to space when compared to his infantalism.


The dark secret is that Matthew Moulton, for all of his blustering, is a man who is a adult baby fetishist. He pretends to be a baby and wears diapers (as evidenced by his posts on Usenet), collects pictures of babyfurs in diapers, once sold his treasure trove of diaper fetish content over the Internet, and has even published his own pictures about him being in a diaper. On the old Portal of Evil archives back in 2004, K. Thor Jensen and many other posters discovered that Onideus Mad Hatter was a secret infantalist and diaper-fetishist via the “FOR SALE” page hosted in Matthew’s webspace. It is still easy to prove that the webpage was created, published, and curated by Matthew Moulton - the email address can be put into Google, and the single result that comes up is a post from Mad Hatter in a bodybuilding forum talking about his famed ‘back building’ posting technique.

Currently I have several gigabytes worth of adult baby video material that I've collected. I'm currently selling al-a-cart video CD's for $5 a piece (shipping is included for continental US). Each CD holds 700mb of data, so if you want a CD all you have to do is go through the list below, choose the data you want and then add up all the mb to determine how many CD's it will take.

The most curious items on the page are Rugrats video clips, commercials for diaper brands, commercials with people in diapers in them, an astronaut training video, Ben Stiller drinking from a bottle, and various cartoons. The most hilarious thing on the page is a wishlist entry for fucking Night Court episodes and any Jerry Springer episode that features diapers. You know, to beat off to.

When Mad Hatter was confronted with this on the forums, he merely said that this was a troll, that he was doing this for fun. However, that evidence is not limited to that one mere webpage. The evidence is all over Usenet.

Courtesy of John Kimball (the first part) and HyperTrophy (the second part):

From: Mad Hatter©

Message-ID: <ulvcguc09g60a5af3a0sfpvpcct7ui9ffi@farfoos>

"Here's more food for though.  When you were 16 did you find other 16

year old boys/girls attractive?  Now why did getting older change your

attraction?  Oh, yeah, it didn't."

From: Mad Hatter©


"On the subject of child sex, in most of the articles it was about the

children VOLUNTEERING for the act to make a lil money.  The way you

had it worded you made it sound like the pedophiles were out there

kidnapping and raping the children against their will."

From: Mad Hatter©

Message-ID: <86ndgusehploedr1l1n550pholqpufifqo@farfoos>

"I bet that if I went through our family photo albums I could find at

least one nude shot of myself as a child.  Maybe I'll scan it and post

it all over the place, I'd like to see if I can get arrested for

distributing child porn of myself.  `, P"

From: Mad Hatter©

Message-ID: <611eguol3ubkr50r6q44nnqpavfrc10ncm@farfoos>

"I mean if you're a poor, starving child in Africa and someone offers you

say 10 American dollars for a couple nudie pics do you honestly think

they're going to say no?"

From: Mad Hatter©

Message-ID: <l0cegusanrninp0q645vbunm0ui92qbl4g@farfoos>

"Let man take pictures, get money, buy food.  Seems pretty simple to me

if you're a starving child.  I'm sure most of the starving children

couldn't really give a fuck one way or another if some sick fuck is

jacking off to pictures of them"

From: Mad Hatter©

Message-ID: <iphrgust10itur4e8gh2i0i1p1ae6mvsm0@farfoos>

I'd be willing to bet that just about all of the pictures don't have

anything to do with abuse at all." "...Just to be fair though I might see

if I can sum up enough effort/bother to go and check out a couple of the


"Hatter decides to go and try and find a picture of himself as a

child/baby in which he was semi naked so he can post it in that group"

"Personally I'd rather them have jacking off to pictures than to the

real thing."


"Having a little variety in your sex life means switching hands."

Baby Matthew AKA Mad Hatter explains his lonely

sex life in <>

(Broken link, source link of the quote)


(Source Link)

I have been incontinent all my life and would like to talk to others

who have to wear diapers and share experiences. I would also like any

suggestions on which diapers have worked the best for you if you have

ever worn them.

Matt Moulton ( AKA The Mad Hatter

Waitsburg, WA USA - Friday, May 03, 1996 at 03:43:13 (EDT)


(Source Link)

I personally am into reigns and harnesses and the like.  But then I

have also found I like a lot of other fetishes as well.  Such as cross

dressing, poney training, bondage, being submissive, as well as

others.  I'm thinking about starting some other sites dedicated to

stuff like that, reigns, harnesses, chastity belts, along with the

usual diapers.  Would anyone be interested in a site like that?  If

you want to see what my current site looks like the address is

(broken link, unsalvageable through the Wayback Machine)

And that’s not all! He also likes to use diapers as if he were a baby:

Actually if you want a REALLY powerful diuretic drink Mt. Dew.  Drink

3 or 4 cans and you'll be peeing like a race horse every 10 minutes.

Do that and wear diapers 24/7 and pee imediatly upon feeling the urge.

Eventually you'll train yourself to do this and every time you need to

pee you'll feel the urge but it'll start flowing before you really

know whats going on.  This is what I did and it worked really well.

The problem comes in that Mt. Dew is also loaded with a ton of caffine

and you can get addicted to it.  If you stop drinking it one day

you'll get massive headaches and generally won't feel to good.  (ahhh of the last truly legal drugs that doesent seem to

concern anyone, remember when no one knew smoking could kill you?)

-Baby Matthew

Wow, these posts spread out over the span of several years sure makes me believe that Onideus Mad Hatter is orchestrating some kind of massive trolling operation on fucking Usenet, totally fooling everyone with his diaper play conspiracy! The way he always sticks to a central identity of diaper play and adult infantalism while somehow managing to connect his identities through one thread or another makes me think... oh, fucking whatever.


Since 2010, the following happened:

- Backwater Productions has been closed, and here is why from 2011:

Chris Bolt, owner of DeviantArt has likely started a MASSIVE DDoS attack on all my domains/sites, which is why they're all currently down. At the height of the attack he was shelling out around 1.8 MILLION packets per second. This came after he suddenly banned my account on DA, after idly mentioning ED, claiming I was using "multiple accounts" (a lie). I then asked to get a refund of the payment I had sent the week prior, for a premium membership, which they denied me, on the grounds of bullshit. I told them that was fine and that I would just have the bank do a cancel payment against them and then report them for fraud. Afterwards I registered the domain and then within 48 of doing all that the attacks on my servers/domains took place. As I'm not currently involved in ANY other particular volatile or trolling/flaming endeavors it seems more than obvious that these attacks are being instigated by the owner of DeviantArt, Chris Bolt.

On an up note, I can fix the problem quite easily by getting a dedicated hosting account on LunarPages, the great thing about that is that it would allow me to actually put up my Data Archive site as well as put up many other sites. Part of the reason I haven't been producing many new sites lately is because I was getting close to maxing the bandwidth on my account, so switching to a dedicated server will give me tons more room to play with.

As of the beginning of April 2013, his websites aren’t back up anymore.

- He got banned from FurAffinity for insulting a dead poster

- He is currently maintaining his own user page on Encyclopedia Dramatica, including all the posts AND PICTURES (!!!) that point towards his ill-advised Usenet misadventures

- He has linked to his FUCKING FACEBOOK ACCOUNT on his user talk page on ED

- The Facebook profile is full of album content, including the following:

“Neat Stuff I Find At Walmart”

A recipe for Pizza Nachos

Stuff he bought from ThinkGeek


A Coke Rewards folder

An album full of Thomas Kinkade pictures

Actually, his Facebook page has a seeming quality of normality, certainly not that much more than your regular nerd.

Except for the fucking baby fur picture collection in the Albums section.

Fuck this. I rest my case.