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(1-30 Sep 2024) MoneySmart X 中信銀行(國際) $mart Plus貸款獎賞換領計劃 條款及細則 | MoneySmart x CITIC Bank International $mart Plus Loan Rewards Redemption - Terms and Conditions
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 MoneySmart X 中信銀行(國際)   $mart Plus貸款獎賞換領計劃




成功於MoneySmart 指定連結申請並提取信銀國際 $mart Plus分期貸款,



  1. 經由MoneySmart指定連結申請貸款之前,須先關閉廣告攔截功能 (AdBlock或其他類似功能),清除瀏覽器的快取和Cookie,在按下MoneySmart指定連結後盡快完成貸款申請,不要打開其他網頁。
  2. 優惠期內獎賞名額有限,送完即止。
  3. 必須於2024年10月15日或之前登入MoneySmart Dashboard 並提交獎賞換領表格
  1. 申請人必須提交完整及準確的換領獎賞表格,否則將失去獲得禮品資格。
  2. 申請人可就同一申請提交多於一份換領獎賞表格,並以最新提交的為準。收到最終換領獎賞表格後,將不再受理任何信息的更改。
  3. 禮品金額和禮品類型是根據您申請的貸款及申請時的推廣為準。請確保您選擇的禮物是合符您的申請資格所獲得的禮物。我們保留最終更改的權利。
  1. 合資格並在推廣期成功申請的用戶,會於推廣期完結後6個月內收到獎賞(因應實際供貨安排,日子有機會更改)收到獎賞。
  2. 如有任何爭議,MoneySmart保留最終決定權。
  3. 如有任何查詢,請電郵至 。
  4. 合資格的新客戶需確保填寫正確資料。 MoneySmart 將不會負責因為客戶填寫錯誤資料而導致任何禮品兌換的延誤或遺漏。當中包括:
  1. 申請人提交不完整的換領獎賞表格將被取消獲獎資格。申請人提交錯誤或含欺詐信息的換領獎賞表格也將被取消獲獎資格。
  2. MoneySmart不會為因互聯網連接問題或其他原因而未收到的任何換領獎賞表格負責。
  3. 在申請人收到確認電郵前,換領獎賞表格將不會被視為成功提交。MoneySmart有機會要求申請人提供此電子郵件的副本以核實他們的申請。
  4. 收到換領獎賞表格確認電郵並不等同於您的申請獲批,也不能用以確認您的獲獎條件。獲獎資格由銀行決定,銀行報告將保留最終決定權。
  1. MoneySmart 不會為由銀行的任何行為或疏忽和/或不可控因素而導致的禮品派發延遲或錯誤負責。
  2. MoneySmart保留更改禮品的最終權利。如果禮品需延遲送出,MoneySmart將通知收件人並作出必要安排以發送禮品。
  3. 如果MoneySmart發現該申請是透過其他渠道提交,或在推廣期限之外完成的,和/或涉嫌欺詐,違反推廣目的,或不符合推廣條款及細則,則MoneySmart保留拒絕任何兌換禮品的權利。如有爭議,MoneySmart保留最終決定權。如果我們懷疑申請人參與任何形式的非法活動或欺詐,我們將保留向警方或有關當局報告及追究權利。
  4. 如有任何關於本次優惠的查詢,請於2025年3月31日或之前電郵至,逾期查詢恕不受理 (限期前提出查詢,正在跟進中的個案除外)
  5. 如不合資格領獎,恕不另行通知
  6. 參加活動即表示所有申請人同意受這些條款和條件。MoneySmart保留隨時修改推廣條款和條件的權利,恕不另行通知。
  7. 成功申請人將不再有權就是次推廣活動之指定貸款的同一申請獲得其他獎勵(如有)。
  8. 申請指定貸款並參與MoneySmart是次推廣的資格是由貸款機構作審核:
  9. 申請人了解並同意,所有金融產品(包括但不限於信用卡、保險和貸款)的申請均由該產品機構自行決定,並保留最終決定權; MoneySmart 不保證任何信用卡和貸款產品的審核狀況。
  10. 獲批的產品須經MoneySmart連結申請,MoneySmart將會與發卡機構核實。
  11. MoneySmart對與此推廣活動有關的所有事項保留最終決定權,並對所有申請人俱有約束力,包括確定申請人或申請是否符合這些獲獎的條件。
  12. 如果申請人被發現或合理懷疑參與任何形式的欺詐行為(包括但不限於虛假身份、篡改圖像、故意發送垃圾郵件或操控任何 MoneySmart 的流程或網站),MoneySmart 將保留取消任何參與者的資格並扣留或沒收全部或部分禮品的權利。
  13. 是次推廣不會作任何豁免,包括但不限於延長換領獎賞期限、更改條款或重發禮品等豁免要求一律不會受理。
  14. 除特別說明之情況,所有已獲批之獎賞不能兌現或更改為其他禮品。
  15. 申請者明白及接納獎賞由MoneySmart提供,中信銀行(國際)毋須對該額外禮遇負上任何責任。如有任何爭議,將交由MoneySmart 與申請者解決,並不影響申請者交還貸款予中信銀行(國際)的權責。
  16. 合資格並在推廣期成功申請的用戶,會於推廣期完結後6個月內收到獎賞(因應實際供貨安排,日子有機會更改)收到獎賞,請參閱以下的處理獎賞時間表。









階段 A



階段 B





MoneySmart X CITIC Bank International $mart Plus Loan Rewards Redemption Programme


Terms & Condition

 For successful application and drawdown of the CITIC Bank International $mart Plus Tax Loan

Repayment period of 12-24 months, and loan amount between:

・HK$100,000-$299,999, get HK$300 Apple Store Gift Card / PARKnSHOP supermarket voucher / CMF by NOTHING - BUDS Pro (retail price : $399) ;

・HK$300,000-$799,999, get HK$1,200 Apple Store Gift Card/ PARKnSHOP supermarket voucher / BRUNO BOE053-BGY hot plate (Value: $1,598) ;

・HK$800,000 or above, get HK$2,400 Apple Store Gift Card / PARKnSHOP supermarket voucher / Bose QuietComfort Headphones (HK$2,699)

Repayment period of 36 months or above, and loan amount between:

・HK$100,000-$299,999, get HK$500 Apple Store Gift Card / PARKnSHOP supermarket voucher / CMF by NOTHING - Watch Pro (retail price : HK$549) ;

・HK$300,000-$799,999, get HK$2,000 Apple Store Gift Card / PARKnSHOP supermarket voucher / Apple HomePod (retail price: HK$2,299) ;

・HK$800,000 or above, get HK$4,000 Apple Store Gift Card / PARKnSHOP supermarket voucher / AirPods Max (retail price: $4,599) ;

  1. Before the application through the MoneySmart, please first Turn off ad block; Clear the cookies; Don’t use incognito mode; Turn off the prevent cross-site tracking (Safari users) or Turn off do not track function (Chrome users). After clicking MoneySmart’s designated link, please complete the application from asap; Do not open another web page.
  2. An Eligible New Customer will only be entitled to receive one Gift, regardless of the number of Eligible Cards you may have successfully applied for.
  3. There is a limited availability of the reward.
  4. Customers must submit the redemption form on or before 15 October, 2024
  1. Applicants who do not complete the Claim Form fully, and accurately will not be eligible for the Gift.
  2. Applicants may submit more than one Claim Form for the same application, and the latest submission taken as final. No further changes to the details in the Claim Form will be entertained after the final entry is received.
  3. The Gift amount and Gift type are based on the promotional period of the card you have applied for. Please ensure that the Gift you have selected is the Gift that you qualify for, should you be eligible. We reserve the right to make changes at our absolute discretion.
  1. An Eligible New Customer whose application is approved within the Promotion Period will receive their Sign-Up Gift within 6 months after the end of Promotion.
  2. For any disputes, MoneySmart reserves the right for final decision.
  3. For any enquiries, please email to
  4. For applications who are not eligible for the gift, please note that there will not be further notice.
  5. MoneySmart shall not be liable for delay or error in Gift transfer occurring due to any acts or omissions of the banks and/or due to any reason beyond its control.
  6. MoneySmart reserves the final right to change the Gifts given. In the case of delays in the delivery of the Gifts, MoneySmart will notify the recipients and make the necessary arrangements to deliver the Gifts.
  7. MoneySmart reserves the right to reject any Gift redemption if the application is found to be made via other channels, or completed outside of the Qualifying Period, and/or fraudulent, against the spirit of the promotion, or non-compliant with the Promotion Terms and Conditions. In the event of disputes, MoneySmart’s decision shall be final. Where we suspect a participant is participating in any form of unlawful activity or fraud, we reserve the right to report such activity or suspicions to the police or relevant authorities.
  8. For any enquiry regarding this promotion, customers are to contact MoneySmart on or before 31 March 2025 at, overdue enquiry will not be addressed. (Ongoing cases which were enquired before the deadline are excluded.)
  9. By participating in this Promotion, each participant agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. MoneySmart reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions of the Promotion at any time, without prior notice.
  10. This promotion cannot be combined with any other offers. The Successful Applicant shall NOT be further entitled to receive other rewards in relation to the same application for the Eligible Loan, if any.
  11. Where eligibility for MoneySmart Promotion rewards are conditional on eligible product approval by the financial product issuer:
  12. Participants acknowledge and agree that approval on applications for all financial products (including but not limited to credit cards, insurance, and loans) are made at each product issuer’s discretion. Their decisions are final; MoneySmart does not guarantee the approval of any Credit Card and Loan products.
  13. The approved product must have been applied for via MoneySmart. MoneySmart shall consult with its product issuing part.
  14. MoneySmart’s decision on all matters relating to this Promotion is final and binding on all participants, including determining whether a claimant or claim is eligible under these terms.
  15. MoneySmart reserves the right to (at its own discretion) disqualify any participant and withhold or confiscate in full or part, any MoneySmart rewards if the participant is found to be, or reasonably suspected of participating in any form of fraudulent practices (including but not limited to false identities, doctoring images, wilful spamming or manipulation of any MoneySmart’s processes, or website).
  16. Requests for exceptions on voucher conditions (including but not limited to extending validity dates, amending conditions, or reissuing vouchers) cannot be entertained; no exceptions are possible.
  17. Unless otherwise stated, all rewards assigned for respective product approval are not strictly exchangeable for cash or other gifts / rewards.
  18. This Promotion is offered by MoneySmart and all queries about the promotion should be directed to MoneySmart. All queries regarding the Eligible Loans, including but not limited to application status and the Eligible Loans themselves should be directed to relevant Loan Providers.
  19. Applicants understand and accept that the gift is provided by MoneySmart. CITIC Bank International shall not act as, or assume any liability of, the gift supplier (or its agent). Any claim, complaint, or dispute concerning the gift must be referred to and resolved between the relevant supplier and the Applicant, which shall in no way relieve such Applicant from his/her, payment or other obligations to CITIC Bank International.

  1. An Eligible New Customer whose application is approved within the Promotion Period will receive their Sign-Up Gift within 6 months after the end of Promotion.Please refer to our fulfillment timeline as below.

Fulfillment Stage:


End of Campaign


Opening Period of the Claim Form

1-Sep-2024 till 15-Oct-2024

Awaiting Report from Bank

1-Nov-2024 till 31-Jan-2025

Stage A

Processing of Eligible Customers

1st week of Feb-2025

Stage B

Processed List of Eligible Customers Sent to Supplier

2nd week of Feb-2025

Start of Gift Delivery by Supplier

Between 3rd week of Feb
-2025 to 4th week of Mar-2025