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01 Writing A 10 Minute Play Unit Plan Suggestions
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Play Writing Unit Plan Suggestions

Things to consider as you begin:

What is the “outcome” of the unit?

o Our Pen for 10 initiative is focused on 10 minute plays or 10 minutes of dialogue  from a longer work.

o Your outcome will determine a lot about the unit, but don’t forget it also determines  what you have to read, grade, and give final comments on

o Does your outcome include a performance or final share? Are looking for writing or  performing? Or both?

Are you okay with playwriting teams?

o Inevitably students will ask can work on this together.

o It’s probably best to have an answer in advance.


Are you teaching this in conjunction with something else? What might be a good match for  a playwriting unit?

o It can be really hard for reluctant writers to come into class everyday and face a  blank page.

o Writing takes time and some of that time is used walking around with a plot and  characters in your brain. Trying to speed through the process is probably harder  than balancing two units at once.

o Maybe this is the time to do some theatre appreciation and you are watching and  analyzing a film on some days and working playwriting the others? Maybe some  dialect work on the odd days and writing on the evens?

This is a great unit to do with your students.

o Challenge yourself to write along with your students.

o Or write your own 10 minutes and share with them from the beginning Do you need to have a conversation with your students about cultural appropriation v.  appreciation in writing?  

o What happens when we try to tell other people’s stories?

o Is this something you need to consider before, during, or after the unit? You know your students best.

o Please preview the links and activities provided.

o What works for one group might not be appropriate for yours.

The start and the finish will be the hardest part.

o Students will struggle to come up with or tame an idea.  

o There will be reluctant writers

o The middle of the unit will feel so easy, breezy, and beautiful.

o Committing to a date for a first draft and an edited final draft will help, but you  probably can’t do that until you get a bit into the project.

Possible Introductory Activities(1-3 Class Periods)


Some notes

Resource Included?

Read some 10-minute  plays

45-90 min; an intro activity, plays  shared with permission from Hackett  Publishing

Yes—See folder for scanned  samples

Analyze Some 10-

minute plays

Use your favorite or go to play analysis  tool, emphasize the idea that you can  use this tool with a 10 minute play just  like a full length because 10 minute  plays have all of the elements of  longer works. A great play is a great  play, no matter how long it is.

Yes- We are sure you have your  own, but just in case we have  included a document entitled  Play Analysis in our folder

Yes You Can Write(You  already do)

45-90 min; An intro activity; grounded  in improv

Yes—Yes You Can Write in folder

Share insights from  

playwrights about their  works, their process,  etc.

Highlight some of your favorite writers  through discussion, essays, or videos.

Could take place throughout the  process/unit.

**Consider finding a wide variety of  diverse playwrights so all students see  themselves as writers


Working In The Theatre:  Playwriting – from The  

American Theatre Wing 

David Henry Hwang 

The Playwright’s Voice—From  The American Theatre Wing--

Playwriting Activities (5-8 classes)


Some Notes

Resource Included?

Testing A Seed (Is this the right  format for this idea?)

Where Do Ideas Come From?  Theatre Folk Blog

Understanding Dialogue  


A good activity that allows  student choice and provides a  solid example of real dialogue

Yes—Understanding Dialogue  Activity in folder

Rich Characters

I do a values activity with my  student actors, but I think it can  work for writing as well

Yes—Values Lesson in folder


A lot of people have really  strong feelings here. A couple of  options are shared.  

Also, you and your students  could look at your favorite

Yes—Formatting Possibilities 1  and 2 in folder

plays, discuss formatting, and  come to a conclusion yourself

Getting Feedback

The handout included focuses  on the idea that we can and  should ask for specific feedback.

Yes- Asking for feedback

What to do when you get  stuck??

Encourage students to write  everyday and read/watch plays

Article about writer’s block 

Adapt activities from The  Artist’s Way

Other Playwriting Resources

Playwright’s Horizons has curated some  scenes, conversations, and essays with  writers, actors, producers

Suzan Loiri Parks—On Teaching

(Teachers get yourself inspired)

A 10- Minute play about 10 Minute Plays PG-13, Funny, good for the instructor) ADLI&list=PLFUAuU8sPwDYZ-ec9j9Blvy7r59-toABe

How to Write a 10-Minute Play EM Welsh


 Sample plays

 Rules of the road

 How to produce an evening

Playwriting Center Toolkit

Theatre Folk’s Lindsay Price’s list of books  and resources resources/