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Research into Autism Notes
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Research into Autism Notes


Jurriaan Plesman BA(Psych), Post Grad Dip Clin Nutr

Source: Green Info Part 1,2,3.


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Acupuncture may help, 19761113, 17926617, 19761113, 17722829,

N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) medication to treat paracetamol overdose and irritability among ASD , 22342106

Acetaminophen[1]: use in children has been associated with increased autism risk. Recent evidence suggests that acetaminophen's analgesic actions result from activation of the endocannabinoid system, and activation of this system can have neuromodulatory consequences during development. This investigation was performed to determine if there is evidence to support the hypothesis that acetaminophen use can trigger autism by activation of the endocannabinoid system.  20628445,  20030462,

Allergies 12378124

Aluminium vaccine and autism. Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are serious multisystem developmental disorders and an urgent global public health concern. Dysfunctional immunity and impaired brain function are core deficits in ASD. Because children represent a fraction of the population most at risk for complications following exposure to Al, a more rigorous evaluation of Al adjuvant safety seems warranted. 22099159,

Antioxidant capacity, reduced in ASD , The endogenous antioxidant capacity may be deficient without altered urinary HEL and 8-OHdG levels in individuals with ASD. The plasma superoxide dismutase (SOD) (Sources) levels may be related to reduced endogenous antioxidant capacity. 27554335

B12 + folic acid 19056591,

Bisphenol-A[2] (BPA). (employed to make certain plastics and epoxy resins). BPA-based plastic is clear and tough, and is made into a variety of common consumer) The results suggest there is an association between BPA and ASD. 25641946

Bee pollen It is now well documented that postnatal exposure to certain chemicals has been reported to increase the risk of autism spectrum disorder. Propionic acid (PA), as a metabolic product of gut microbiota and as a commonly used food additive, has been reported to mediate the effects of autism. In conclusion, bee pollen demonstrates anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic effects while ameliorating the impaired neurochemistry of PA-intoxicated rats. 27107819 

Bovine milk. Proteins in bovine milk are a common source of bioactive peptides. In vitro the bioactive peptide beta-casomorphin 7 (BCM-7) is yielded by the successive gastrointestinal proteolytic digestion of bovine beta-casein variants A1 and B, but this was not seen in variant A2. neurological disorders, such as autism and schizophrenia, seem to be associated with milk consumption and a higher level of BCM-7. Therefore, careful attention should be paid to that protein polymorphism, and deeper research is needed to verify the range and nature of its interactions with the human gastrointestinal tract and whole organism. 17666771

Breast feeding, The results of this preliminary study indicate that children who were not breastfed or were fed infant formula without docosahexaenoic acid/arachidonic acid supplementation were significantly more likely to have autistic disorder. 16978397, 27386975,

Camel milk. The present study demonstrates that camel milk could be very promising therapeutic intervention in ASD. Further wide scale studies are strongly recommended. 26577969, 24375082, 24069051, 24349886, 26767108,


Cannabinoids and autism some research at Pubmed. (generally not positive) The current review presents an update of the neurological adverse effects resulting from the use of cannabis for medical purposes, highlighting the need to weigh the benefits and risks, when using cannabinoid-based treatments. 28412919

Carnosine (mainly found in meat) + Vitamin C, 15624347,

Cholesterol sulfate deficiency. (See article at Mercola involving Vit D from sun), Autism is a condition characterized by impaired cognitive and social skills, often associated with compromised immune function. There has been considerable concern recently that the incidence of autism is alarmingly on the rise, especially in Western nations, and environmental factors are increasingly suspected to play a role. We hypothesise that main contributory factors are insufficient sun exposure and insufficient dietary sulfur, (sources) for both the mother and the affected child. A novel contribution is the theory that endothelial nitric oxide synthase[3] produces not only nitric oxide but also sulfate, and that sulfate production is stimulated by sunlight. We further hypothesise that the sulfur shortage manifests as an impaired immune response, including an increased susceptibility to eczema and asthma. Proposed corrective measures involve increased dietary sulfur intake for both the mother and the child, and increased sun exposure. 22098722,

Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) 20171592

Curcumin, The major finding of the study is that curcumin restored the core and associated symptoms of autistic phenotype by suppressing oxidative-nitrosative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, TNF-α and MMP-9 in PPA-induced autism in rats. Therefore, curcumin can be developed as a potential neuro-psychopharmacotherapeutic adjunct for autism spectrum disorders (ASD). 26407474


Exercise 27656625,

Face recognition 22764354

Fatty acids,  (Sources also here) or Choline, These results are consistent with the only other study to measure dimethyl acetals in children with autism, and suggest that the function of peroxisomes and the enzymes of the peroxisome involved with fatty acid metabolism may be affected in autism. 19307110, 19307110, 19307110,

Folic acid, in pregnancy protective 27875541, 19056591,

Genes: Our study indicates that genes in 16p13.11, 16p11.2, 1q21.1, 2q2l.1q21.2, and 8p23.1 loci are potential predisposition and new suspicious regions for primary autism. Deletion's in these regions should be investigated in further studies to understand pathogenesis of primary autism. 26084120, 26364046,

Ginkgo biloba, 19274699, 23781271

Gluten free diet (because of possible link) 15106205, 19664354, 16685183, 20406576, 20406576, 15526989, 22564339, 23823064, 27957319, ASD & Epilepsy, 23666039, 15825133, 25433099, See also Non-gluten sensitivity below.

Glutathione[4] deficiency (sources) 15585776,

Heavy metal intoxication[5] 21755304, 21763301,


Gut-brain axis, microbiom The human intestine houses an astounding number and species of microorganisms, estimated at more than 10(14) gut microbiota and composed of over a thousand species. For instance, altered microbiota has been linked to neuropsychological disorders including depression and autism spectrum disorder, metabolic disorders such as obesity, and gastrointestinal disorders including inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome. Fortunately, studies have also indicated that gut microbiota may be modulated with the use of probiotics, antibiotics, and fecal microbiota transplants as a prospect for therapy in microbiota-associated diseases. This modulation of gut microbiota is currently a growing area of research as it just might hold the key to treatment. 25834446, 26306709, 26372511, 28301775, 27773355,

Hyperbaric treatment, 19284641, 18788696, 18005455, 17141962,

Hypothyroidism during pregnancy. The current surge of autism could be related to transient maternal hypothyroxinemia resulting from dietary and/or environmental exposure to antithyroid agents. Additional multidisciplinary epidemiological studies will be required to confirm this environmental hypothesis of autism. 17651757 

Inflammation This review will highlight the role of inflammation in the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders, such as MDD, BD, schizophrenia, and autism. More specifically, the role of microglial[6] activation and associated molecular cascades will also be discussed as a means by which these neuroinflammatory mechanisms take place, when appropriate. 25981208, 27840741,

Influenza vaccine during pregnancy, 27893896,

Iron deficiency[7] and Scholarly Articles

Ketogenic diet (KD) and autism. Taken together these results add to the growing number of studies suggesting that ketogenic and related diets may provide significant relief from the core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder, and suggest that in some cases there may be increased efficacy in females. 27836684, 27594980, 28166277, 27594980, 28166277, 22509165, 22101998, 27841033,


Magnesium + vitamin B6 16846101,

Massage may help enhance bond between parent  and child 16275663,

Measles vaccination, 12849883, 10759242, 12145534, 12145534,

Melatonin + Coenzyme Q10 Study evaluates the association of altered brain lipid composition and neurotoxicity. Melatonin and coenzyme Q were effective in restoring normal level of most of the impaired fatty acids in propionic acid (PA)-intoxicated rats which could help suggest both as supplements to ameliorate the autistic features induced in rat pups. 26945230,

Mercury levels prevalent among autism. 17885929, 12773696. 15764492, 16807526, 12773696, 15764492, 16807526, 20628441, 20626635, 21623535, 24354891, 18353703, 23843785, 18817931, 18404135, 17497416, 17674242, 18006963, 16782144, 12933322, 12933322, here, 21058170, 14534046, 16870280, 28031551, 28031551, 27406246, 25461563, 17454560, 25688267, 19357975, 17454560, 21225508, 15184908, 18771903, 24235069, 24675092, 19205900, 19043939, 19043938, 10648110, 12710897, 20628444, 25708367, 11339848, 26945727,  vested interest, 26507205, 23965928, 25377033, 16264412, 27473827, 15082108, 12045734,

Music therapy 12959424, 18592368, 18592368, 19256729, 18592368,

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is a syndrome diagnosed in patients with symptoms that respond to removal of gluten from the diet, after celiac disease and wheat allergy have been excluded. The present case-report confirms that psychosis may be a manifestation of NCGS, and may also involve children; the diagnosis is difficult with many cases remaining undiagnosed. Well-designed prospective studies are needed to establish the real role of gluten as a triggering factor in neuropsychiatric disorders. 26184290

Omega-3 Fatty Acids, 19702497, 16920077, 19702497, 19995470, 19838534, 17597498, 16920077,

Oxytocin administration during labour associated with disease prevalence 15288368,


Pesticides, insecticides, pollutants, environmental toxins 27385285, 27984170, 27722929,

Poly Viral infection, Also polyviral infections tend to occur more frequently in the brains of autistic patients compared to controls (40% versus 7.7%, respectively; P = .08). Follow-up studies exploring vertical viral transmission as a possible pathogenetic mechanism in autistic disorder should focus on, but not be limited to, the role of polyomaviruses. 20345322

Pregnancy and maternal intrauterine environment in ASDs.  23959427, Maternal vitamin D deficiency may increase risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but direct evidence is lacking. 27703770

Probiotic Treatment[8], Maternal obesity during pregnancy has been associated with increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), in offspring. Our findings causally link maternal diet, gut microbial imbalance, VTA plasticity, and behavior and suggest that probiotic treatment may relieve specific behavioral abnormalities associated with neurodevelopment disorders 27315483,

Pyridoxal-5-phosphate 15673999, See also conversion from Vitamin B6

Resveratrol[9], Our results suggest that autism is associated with dysregulation of transcription factor signaling that can be corrected by resveratrol treatment. 27578011, Resveratrol alters gut microbiota and influences stem cell proliferation and differentiation. These pleiotropic actions of resveratrol may explain the multitude of its actions and benefits. 26706021,

Rubella and autism at Scholarly Articles.

Qigong Massage, 17597498, 17597498, 19708471, 17597498,

Salt (hyponatremia),  Salt cravings in ASD. Because boys are four times more likely than girls to develop autism, the role of male hormones (androgens) has received considerable scrutiny. Elevated vasopressin level causing hyponatremia. (See also lack or excess vasopressin)  Taurine[10] -was the amino acid most wasted or depleted in urine of autistic children. Several interventions offer promise: (a) taurine to suppress vasopressin and replenish astrocytes; (b) glutamine as fuel for intestines and brain; (c) arginine to spare glutamine, detoxify ammonia, and increase brain blood flow; and (d) oral rehydration salts to compensate dilutional hyponatremia. This hypothesis appears eminently testable: Does your child crave salt? Is his urine deep yellow? 21925797 

St John’s Wort, 19274686,

SSRIs (prenatal exposure). Prenatal SSRI exposure was associated with increased rates of depression diagnoses in early adolescence but not with ASD or ADHD. Until confirmed, these findings must be balanced against the substantial adverse consequences of untreated maternal depression. 27126849, 26660917

Sulforaphane[11] (sources): Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), characterized by both impaired communication and social interaction, and by stereotypic behaviour, affects about 1 in 68, predominantly males. Dietary sulforaphane, of recognized low toxicity, was selected for its capacity to reverse abnormalities that have been associated with ASD, including oxidative stress and lower antioxidant capacity, depressed glutathione synthesis, reduced mitochondrial function and oxidative phosphorylation, increased lipid peroxidation, and neuroinflammation.25313065,


Tetanus[12] infection and autism, Autism is a severe developmental disability believed to have multiple etiologies. This paper outlines the possibility of a subacute, chronic tetanus infection of the intestinal tract as the underlying cause for symptoms of autism observed in some individuals. Some children with autism have also shown a significant reduction in stereotyped behaviors when treated with antimicrobials effective against intestinal clostridia. When viewed as sequelae to a subacute, chronic tetanus infection, many of the puzzling abnormalities of autism have a logical basis. A review of atypical tetanus cases, and strategies to test the validity of this paper's hypothesis, are included. 9881820

Topoisomerases (Any of several enzymes that affect the topology of DNA, especially ones that relax supercoiling) Transcriptional inhibition of neuronal genes during critical stages of brain development may be responsible for pathology of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism. In this review we aim to outline the role of topoisomerase in neurodevelopment and its possible linkage to neuropathology of autism. 26456455

Toxic exposure, We argue that scientific research does not support rejecting the link between the neurodevelopmental disorder of autism and toxic exposures. 20628440

Toxoplasma gondii. (Common parasites especially among cats) Gluten sensitivity may affect disease pathogenesis in a subset of individuals who have schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or autism. Exposure to Toxoplasma gondii is a known risk factor for the development of schizophrenia, presumably through a direct pathological effect of the parasite on brain and behavior.  These findings support a gastrointestinal basis by which two risk factors for schizophrenia, T. gondii infection and sensitivity to dietary gluten, might be connected to produce the immune activation that is becoming an increasingly recognized pathology of psychiatric disorders. 23209841

 Touch Therapy, 12224834, 16005835,  

Tryptophan and tyrosine:  The high rate of tryptophan and tyrosine deficiency in this group is also of concern given their role as neurotransmitter precursors. 12959424, 12959424

Tyrosine.  12959424

Vaccines 21993250, MMR vaccine,15804954,

Virus induced autoimmune response and mercury 12933322,

Vitamin C 15673999, 15673999

Vitamin B6[13], 15673999, 16494569,

Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) + Folic acid 19056591, 20804367,

Vitamin E, 19623831,

Vitamin D3, Vitamin D deficiency might contribute to the aetiology of ASD. Supplementation of vitamin D3, which is a safe and cost-effective form of treatment, may significantly improve the outcome of some children with ASD, especially younger children.  26783092,  27703770, 27868194. 28316773, 18377099,

Yoga therapy, 20948898, 20948898, 28050484,

Zinc deficiency 22355646, 25182223,    

Google search for "Articles written by Plesman."

Also look at Drug/Herb Interactions at index


[1] Acetaminophen: an analgesic drug used to treat headaches, arthritis, etc., and also to reduce fever, often as an alternative to aspirin. Proprietary names include Tylenol.

[2]Bisphenol-A a synthetic organic compound used in the manufacture of epoxy resins and other polymers.

[3]Nitric oxide synthase: an enzyme that catalyzes the linking together of two molecules, especially without the direct involvement of ATP.:"nitric oxide synthases".

[4] Glutathione: There are many potential benefits of glutathione and among the chief advantages of this protein is its ability to boost the immune system, making the individual less prone to develop illnesses. Patients who have liver diseases, increased cholesterol levels, heart problems, and those who have just undergone surgery have greatly benefited from the effects of increased glutathione levels in the body. Elderly individuals, with diseases such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease have also experienced the benefits of glutathione. Wisegeek

Food source of glutathione: Fruits and vegetables containing the most glutathione per serving include: asparagus, potatoes, peppers, carrots, onion, broccoli, avocados, squash, spinach, garlic, tomatoes, grapefruit, apples, oranges, peaches bananas and melon.

[5] List of heavy metals in body

[6] glial cells derived from mesoderm that function as macrophages (scavengers) in the central nervous system and form part of the reticuloendothelial system.

[7] Food rich in iron are: While iron is better absorbed from heme (meat) sources, non-heme (plant) iron is better regulated causing less damage to the body. High iron foods include clams, liver, sunflower seeds, nuts, beef, lamb, beans, whole grains, dark leafy greens (spinach), dark chocolate, and tofu.

[8] What is a probiotic  treatment. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for your health, especially your digestive system. We usually think of bacteria as something that causes diseases. But your body is full of bacteria, both good and bad. Probiotics are often called "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy. WebMD

[9] Resveratrol food sources at  Linus Pauling Institute

[10] Taurine source: Other good natural sources of taurine include beef, lamb, dark chicken meat, eggs, most dairy products, seaweed, krill and brewer's yeast. Raw meat is fairly rich in taurine, comparable to fish, but cooked varieties typically have only 10 milligrams of taurine per ounce.

[11] Sulforaphane and Scholarly Articles and at PubMed

[12]Tetanus;  1)a bacterial disease marked by rigidity and spasms of the voluntary muscles. 2) the prolonged contraction of a muscle caused by rapidly repeated stimuli.

[13] Vitamin B6 converted to its active form by a zinc dependent enzyme. See here.