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051314 kpaxtonpftexas
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Email, Anthony Holm, consultant to Ken Paxton campaign, May 13, 2014

3:38 p.m.

May 13, 2014

1. Go to


2. On the top towards the right click on "public documents"


3. On the right in a box click on "lobbying disclosure filing search"


4. Top left put bullet in "paper" for the old years you're looking for. Later years would be "electronic"


5. Above bullet saying "paper" scroll down "search field" to "lobbyist name


6. In "criteria " next to "search field" put in "branch, dan"


6. Hit search and all of his lobbying from the early years will come down at the bottom of the page. On some you will see his name, and the others that have a different name than Branch, scroll down on the other names and his name will come up on all of them.