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Notes on ideal


Cancer Prevention Tips

from John Hopkins Hospital




Choose Plant Protein. Plant-based protein like beans, flax and nuts contain

 quercetin and lignans that suppress the growth of many kinds of cancer including prostate


cause kidney stones?

Drink Green Tea. Green tea contains antioxidants

that decrease prostate cancer risk and have also demonstrated the ability

to reduce the risk of prostate disorders.

Eat Foods Rich in Omega-3. Found in some fish, Omega 3 fats fight

 inflammation that weakens the body’s immune system. Omega 3 has been shown to decrease

 prostate cancer risk.



Flax Seeds


Brussels Sprouts

high in omega-3s, low in contaminants,

and not overharvested:

• Alaskan Pollock

• Atlantic herring

• Canned light tuna 

• Farmed rainbow trout

• Farmed oysters



• Wild Alaska salmon

• U.S. farmed catfish

• U.S. Pacific sardines



Seven LEAN fish...

1. Redfish

2. Orange Roughy

3. Pickerel

4. Pike

5. Porgy

Contains selenium, antioxidant

with cancer fighting abilities...

6. Rock Cod

7. Red Snapper

Eat Whole/ Natural Foods/ high in fiber are known to lower levels of

testosterone and lower PSA results. Lowering testosterone levels cuts off the food supply

for prostate cancer growth.

Drink Water. Cutting down on surgery carbonated beverages and drinking water can

 speed metabolism and flush the body of cancer-causing substances.

Go Organic. Avoid foods with high levels of pesticide and BPA. Both substances can

 contribute to cancer risk and aggressiveness. Further, organic foods can have up to 25 percent

 more nutrients.

Eat Soy. Many Asian countries have the lowest prostate cancer death rates in the world.

Diet plays a key role in this fact. A traditional Asian diet is low in fat and rich in soy

(Tofu, Soy milk, Soy nuts). Soy contains substances that suppress the

 hormone-triggered growth of prostate cancer.

soy sause (high in sodium)

high carbs!  soybeans (44 carbs one cup)

high carbs!  soy nuts (31.2 carbs one cup)

NO US grown soy. 90 to 95% of U.S.-grown soy is genetically engineered to make soy protein isolate so that it is able to withstand high amounts of herbicide. Soy protein isolate is found in many products such as protein bars, fruit drinks, soups, sauces, cereals, supplements, and meal replacement shakes. Unfermented soy can hide under names such as boullion, textured protein, and natural flavor.


which include soy sauce, fermented bean paste, miso, and tempeh.


Jif Whipped Peanut Butter (6 carbs 2 tbsp)

Planters dry roasted peanuts (5 carbs 39 pieces)

Medford Farms pumpkin butter spread (5 carbs 1 tbsp)


particularly effective against prostate cancer...

almond milk

high carbs!  soy milk (15 carbs one cup)

high carbs!  soy yoghurt (41.8 carbs one cup)

high carbs!  soy ice cream (44 carbs one cup)

Caffeine-free coffee. The men who drank four or more cups of coffee a day had

59% less risk of prostate cancer recurrence and/or progression

than those whose coffee consumption was just one cup a week or less.


Low carbs unless otherwise indicated…



kale ugh!


brussel sprouts sort of ugh!

Cruciferous Vegetables have phytochemicals that reduce Oxidative stress or oxygen free

 radicals in the body which means a lower risk of prostate cancer and its aggression.


Spinach contains lutein and vitamin E.


high carbs! sweet potatoes (27g, one cup, low glycemic)

contain a substance called falcarinol that reduces the risk of cancer


help fight cancer by building the immune system with a supply of compounds called Beta

 Glucan and proteins called lectin which have shown to attack cancer cells


are a rich source of lycopene which attacks free radicals helping the body lower the risk of

 prostate cancer and its aggression.

AVOID Non-Organic Potatoes, Strawberries, or Apples. Organic fruits and vegetables are laden with pesticides, herbicides, and even fungicides. The “dirty dozen” –  unless bought organic:             




Cherry tomatoes                 



Hot peppers                 

Imported nectarines                 





Sweet bell peppers                 


Collard greens                 

Summer squash         

YES TO THE “CLEAN 15”. The produce with the lowest pesticide residue

– with or without the organic label -- includes:


Mushrooms  (3.7 carbs, 1 cup!)        

Eggplant (4.8 carbs, 1 cup!)

Asparagus (5 carbs, 1 cup!)

Cabbage  (5 carbs, 1 cup!)

Onions (11 carbs, 1 cup!)                        

Cantaloupe (13 carbs, 1 cup!)

Low glycemic

high carbs! Sweet potatoe (27 carbs one cup)        


high carbs! Avocados (17 carbs one fruit)

high carbs! Pineapple (22 carbs one cup)                        

high carbs! Grapefruit (25 carbs one cup)

high carbs! Mango (25 carbs one cup)        

high carbs! Papaya (25 carbs one cup)                        

high carbs! Sweet corn (29 carbs one cup)                                        

high carbs! Kiwi (29 carbs one cup)                                 

high carbs! Frozen sweet peas (very high carbs!)                        


high carbs! pomegranates (32 carbs in cup!)

particularly its juice

has been shown to slow PSA doubling time and help prevent prostate cancer

 recurrence after primary treatment

high carbs! grapes (16 carbs one cup)

contain bioflavonoids which are powerful antioxidants that work as cancer


high carbs! oranges (11-15 carbs one fruit)

lemons (only 5 carbs one fruit)

Citrus help sweep carcinogens out of the body by delivering a substance called

 monoterpene into the system



contain a chemical, capsaicin, which neutralizes certain cancer causing substances

high carbs! apples  (25 carbs one medium fruit)

contain antioxidants that sweep free radicals out of the body and some studies have

 shown a dramatic impact on cancer risk reduction


blue berries

Berries contain vitamins, compounds and antioxidants that may protect the body

against cancer


Red meat. Studies show men who eat red meat and develop prostate cancer are

 33 percent more likely to have advanced disease.

Dairy. Intake of calcium supplements and dairy products is associated with higher

 prostate cancer rates and aggressiveness.

Fast food. High fats, cholesterol and sugar and low in fiber.

Sugar. There is mounting evidence that sugar fuels cancer growth.

Acrylamide/ “burnt foods”:

french fries, potato chips, toast!

A substance found on food like French fries, potato chips and

other “burnt” foods like toast is associated with a higher risk of prostate cancer.

Grilled foods. Well-done grilled foods are exposed to carcinogens that can be


Alcohol. Regular heavy-drinking doubles the risk of developing high-grade

 prostate cancer.

Table salt. Table salt is 98% sodium chloride, which is damaging.  Avoid processed foods, which are high in sodium and low in postassium, which can affect the ratios in your body. Diabetics should limit salt intake to less than 1,500 mg per day.                                    

YES, PURE, UNREFINED SALT (e.g., Himalyan sea salt) which is about 84% sodium chloride, and it has other trace mineral in it that help nutrients to get in and out of cells, help maintain blood pressure, and help brain communicate with your muscles to help with movement.

Margarine. Margarine is filled with unhealthy fats called trans fats.

YES, SOMEWHAT, BUTTER, which has conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) that fights cancer and diabetes – but also contains saturated fat, high in calories, so limit intake.                      

NO Canned Tomatoes – anything canned! Canned tomatoes are lined with bisphenol-A (BPA), which leaches into the tomatoes due to their acidity. Other canned foods are also good to avoid because they also have BPA linings.

YES, PROCESSED TOMATOES are filled with the antioxidant lycopene, which is helpful in fighting cancer. Opt for tomatoes  in glass or other BPA-free packaging.                      

Heated oils – vegetable oil and olive oil. Vegetable oils (e.g., canola, corn, and soy) are good when uncooked, but heated, good HDL cholesterol converted into bad LDL cholesterol.

YES, COCONUT OIL (FOR COOKING). Save vegetable oil and olive oil for your salad.

Microwave Popcorn. Microwaved bag is lined with perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), which disrupts the endocrine system. system. All that in a leak-free bag.

YES, AIR POPPER POPCORN, which is a healthy fiber-rich and low-calorie snack.
