To Secretary Lonnie Bunch, Undersecretary Kevin Gover, and Acting Director of the Asian Pacific American Center (APAC) Yao-Fen You:
As partners and co-organizers of the 2023 Asian American Literature Festival (AALF), we are writing to condemn the cancellation of this year’s festival and call on the Smithsonian to be accountable for the harms this cancellation has caused.
On July 5, only one month out from the festival scheduled for August 4-6, some of us received a brief message from Acting Director You, stating that AALF had been canceled “due to unforeseen circumstances.” When we reached out in shock, confusion, and distress to APAC staff on the festival planning team, we were told that staff were not allowed to speak to us about the cancellation.
The next day, on July 6, we sent a letter to you, the Smithsonian Secretary, Undersecretary, and Acting Director of APAC, asking that the cancellation be overturned. We cited the lack of basis for this decision, the immense costs incurred, and the significance of the festival to our community during this unprecedented time. We received no response.
On July 13, we began receiving individual offers of partial honoraria from the Acting Director, still with no explanation for the cancellation.
On July 14, The Washington Post reported on the cancellation, including an official statement from the Smithsonian alleging that the festival was canceled due to failures in preparation by the planning team. We must rebut this immediately: from the partners' perspective, everything was on track; we had no concerns with putting on our programs in a month’s time. In fact, many of us have participated in AALF in years past and have returned due to our confidence in working with this planning team. The article itself confirms that the allegations are false.
In the days following the publication of The Washington Post article, there has been much public outrage in support of the festival and its organizers. However, the cancellation has also been taken up and co-opted by anti-affirmative action agendas—we must rebut this immediately as well. We denounce such efforts as deeply racist and anti-Black, and reaffirm the festival's foundation in solidarity with all communities of color.
As of today, July 17, we still have not directly received any explanation for the cancellation from the Acting Director or Smithsonian leadership.
We want to be clear: for the organizations planning the festival and the 130+ participating artists this year, the cancellation causes real damage, both immediate and long term. The immediate financial costs are immense, as outlined in this growing document. The festival in previous years has created an unprecedented opportunity for Asian American and Asian diasporic writers to build community and reach new audiences; the cancellation is detrimental not only to the careers of these artists and the futures of these organizations, but also to the wider literary community and the Asian American community as a whole. Since the previous festival in 2019, the Asian American community has experienced increased anti-Asian violence, with trans and nonbinary Asian Americans in particular under siege. The cancellation of the festival compounds the violence our community has experienced. The Smithsonian is not only dismissing our work; it is eliminating the opportunity for our community to come together to grieve and heal. The material losses resulting from this cancellation are significant, but the losses to our spirit are just as meaningful.
The way the cancellation has been executed—unilaterally, hastily, unprofessionally, callously—is also completely unacceptable. In this decision and its execution, there has been a flagrant lack of accountability for the harm caused.
We also want to be clear that the Asian American Literature Festival does not belong to the Smithsonian. Started as a collaboration between Smithsonian APAC, the Library of Congress, and Kundiman in 2017, AALF has grown into a collective of arts organizations, publishers, and individual artists devoted to stewarding Asian American literature as art form and communal ecosystem, grounded in an ethos of co-governance and care. It is the only festival of its kind, and it belongs to the entire collective, as well as the communities to which we are accountable.
The Smithsonian’s unilateral decision to cancel the festival, withdrawing its funding and logistical support, is antithetical to the festival’s core values and abandons its ethical foundation. The decision is a costly reminder of the wide-reaching damage one institution and one person can do when allowed to make unilateral decisions, and that no one person or institution should have the power to harm so many people.
That includes harm to APAC staff. We are deeply concerned that the Smithsonian’s statement unfairly blames the festival planning team and deflects attention away from the true problems here: the Smithsonian’s unilateral decision-making and the harm it has caused. Blaming the festival planning team also compounds the ongoing hostile and abusive labor conditions that APAC staff face, first brought to many partners’ attention by a Change the Museum post in January and then privately confirmed by staff. While we don't know if the most recent Change the Museum post about the Smithsonian on July 14 refers to APAC, the conditions are strikingly similar. We are outraged that these labor conditions have not been meaningfully addressed by Smithsonian leadership.
Additionally, we are deeply troubled to discover that a driving factor behind the festival’s cancellation might have been the Smithsonian’s desire to censor trans and nonbinary programming. A program intended to celebrate trans and nonbinary authors, as they face unprecedented levels of violence, book bans, and anti-trans legislation, was set to take place at the festival. The Washington Post article reported that the Acting Director instructed the planning team to submit a report under Smithsonian Directive 603 to identify potentially sensitive or controversial content, which she received on July 5. The timing of the cancellation, hours after the submission of that report, which noted the trans and nonbinary program, raises disturbing questions. We condemn in the strongest terms any attempt to censor any part of our community, especially our deeply vulnerable trans and nonbinary members. There is no Asian American community without its trans and nonbinary members; there is no Asian American literature without trans and nonbinary writers.
The Smithsonian and the Acting Director have broken our trust. We have worked with the Smithsonian in this partnership to create AALF because of long-running, mutually respectful and caring relationships with APAC staff. The Smithsonian has taken advantage of those relationships and the trust built from them. We no longer have faith that the Institution will be ethical in its partnerships. This cancellation communicates to us that the Smithsonian does not feel accountable to partners and community, does not work collaboratively, and does not care about how it harms people, particularly communities of color. The cancellation, its unprofessional execution, Smithsonian’s bad-faith public statement, and APAC’s egregious labor conditions make it clear that we cannot work with APAC under its current leadership, nor can we work with the larger Smithsonian with current APAC leadership in place.
We make the following demands to begin any process of repair:
- Retraction of the public statement blaming festival planning staff, and a real explanation for the festival’s cancellation.
- Full honoraria to all organizations and artists as promised, and housing at the Eaton DC hotel as promised for those who must keep their plans to travel to DC for the days the festival was scheduled.
- Immediate resignation by Acting Director Yao-Fen You and immediate implementation of a staff-driven search for a new permanent director who can begin to repair trust with community and partners.
Update 7/25/23: We are aware that a search was opened on July 21; we demand staff inclusion on the committee as well as new interim leadership between now and the start of a permanent director.
- Under new APAC leadership, AALF rescheduled for a future date in 2024, with full funding and logistical support promised for this year’s canceled festival.
Update 7/25/23: The Smithsonian is now claiming the cancellation was in fact a “postponement”—if this is true, we demand a clear timeline and immediate MOUs put in place with festival partners in good faith.
- Under new APAC leadership, adoption of more transparent and collaborative decision-making processes for AALF as a community-oriented program. Any major decisions, including especially cancellation, must involve good-faith consultation with central partners.
- Assurances that the Smithsonian supports trans and nonbinary writers in the form of providing funding and logistical support to hold the Trans and Nonbinary Reading Room as a stand-alone event at a later date in 2023.
2023 Asian American Literature Festival Partners and Participants
Rasha Abdulhadi, Writer & Cultural Organizer
Andrea Abi-Karam, Poet
George Abraham, Poet
Fuad Ahmad, Writer, Musician, Artist
Tanzila Ahmed, Campaign Strategist, Writer
Kamil Ahsan, South Asian Avant-Garde Anthology
Kazim Ali, Professor and Chair of Department of Literature, University of California, San Diego
Hari Alluri, Poet, Co-Founding Editor at Locked Horn Press
Bryant Apolonio, Writer
Fatimah Asghar, Writer
Neelanjana Banerjee, Managing Editor, Kaya Press
Regie Cabico, Publisher, Producer Capturing Fire Press, Capturing Fire International Slam Busboys & Poets Literary Curator and Open Mic Host
Wo Chan, Poet
Jennifer Chang, Associate Professor, University of Texas in Austin
Cathy Linh Che, Executive Director, Kundiman
Ching-In Chen, Curator of the Trans and Nonbinary Reading Room; Assistant Professor, University of Washington Bothell
Curtis Chin, Writer and Co-founder of AAWW
Noah Arhm Choi, Poet
Serena Chopra, Writer, Dancer, Filmmaker, Teacher, Assistant Professor, Seattle University
Chrysanthemum, Poet
Gina Chung, Programs Manager, Kundiman
Sarah Park Dahlen, Youth Literature Programming Team, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
River Ying Dandelion, Poet
Sayantani DasGupta, Invited author (Scholastic), Senior Lecturer Columbia University
Hannah Oliver Depp and Christine Bollow, Co-Owners of Loyalty Bookstores
Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, Senior Poetry Editor, AGNI Magazine; Professor and Chair of English, St. Olaf College
Kate Hao, Former Project Coordinator, 2023 Asian American Literature Festival
Jeremy Holt (nonbinary, Korean adoptee), Author
Mai-Linh Hong and Ma Vang, Co-Directors, Asylum for the Arts, University of California, Merced
Hasib Blaik Hourani, Writer and Editor
V. Jo Hsu, Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin
Matt Huynh, Artist
Sabrina Imbler, Writer
Nathan Joe, Creative Director, Auckland Pride
Zeyn Joukhadar, Author
Adib Khorram, Author
Gowri Koneswaran, Poet and Literary Arts Programs Director at Split This Rock
Sunyoung Lee, Publisher, Kaya Press
Yoon Ha Lee, Writer
Janine Lim, Writer
Alvina Ling (invited participant for Book Friends Forever podcast with Grace Lin) Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Aline Lo, Co-chair, The Circle for Asian American Literature; Assistant Professor, Colorado College
Rose Lu, Writer
Wing Tek Lum, Bamboo Ridge Press
Devyn Mañibo, Poet and Deputy Director, Asian American Writers’ Workshop
Sally Wen Mao, Poet
Leah Jing McIntosh, Editor, Liminal Magazine
Leah Milne, Associate Professor, University of Indianapolis
Jyothi Natarajan, Writer & Program Manager, Haymarket Books
Sham-e-Ali Nayeem, 2022 Leeway Transformation Awardee, Author, Poet, Musician and Multi-Disciplinary Artist
Vandana Pawa, Director of Programs and Partnerships at the Asian American Writers’ Workshop
Oliver de la Paz, Associate Professor, College of the Holy Cross
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Writer, Poet, Curator, 2020 US Artists Disability Futures Fellow
William Pierce, Coeditor, AGNI Magazine
Jhani Randhawa, Poet & Community Worker
Bushra Rehman, Writer, Coeditor Colonize This! Young Women of Color on Today’s Feminism
Seema Reza, CEO of Community Building Art Works
Noreen Naseem Rodríguez, Assistant Professor, Michigan State University
Trish Salah, Poet and Associate Professor of Gender Studies, Queen's University, Canada
Shuchi Saraswat, Associate Editor, AGNI Magazine
Sasaki Family Zines
Saraid de Silva, Writer
Bishakh Som, Artist & Author
Cher Tan, Reviews Editor, Meanjin Quarterly
Rosabel Tan, Director, Satellites
Truong Tran, Poet
Chris Tse, New Zealand Poet Laureate
Saymoukda Duangphouxay Vongsay, Mellon Foundation National Playwright in Residence
Joe Wei, Indiana University Bloomington
Kyle Lucia Wu, Deputy Director, Kundiman
Yanyi, Poet
Joanne Yi, Youth Literature Programming Team
Paula Yoo, Writer
Timothy Yu, Martha Meier Renk-Bascom Professor of Poetry and Professor of English and Asian American Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison
From the community:
We the undersigned support this letter in its condemnation of the cancellation of the 2023 Asian American Literature Festival and the Smithsonian’s failure to be accountable.
Sign the letter here.
- Simi Kang, Artist & Collaborator; Assistant Professor of Gender Studies, University of Victoria
- Alyssa Lo, Poet
- Ryan Bautista
- Khôi Nguyên Trinh, Artist and Former APAC Intern
- Lauryn W., Kaya Press
- Anita Mannur
- Henry Mills, Poet, Teacher
- Mimi Thi Nguyen, Associate Professor and Chair, Gender and Women’s Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Heidi Amin-Hong, Assistant Professor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Literature, UC Santa Barbara
- Natalie Illum
- Mike Jung, We Need Diverse Books, Allida Books, Levine Querido, Scholastic
- Sharron Nelson, University of Minnesota
- Betina Hsieh, Professor, Department of Teacher Education; Affiliate Faculty, Asian American Studies, California State University, Long Beach
- Oscar Ivins, The Opportunity Network
- Hossannah Asuncion, Writer, Educator, Kundiman Fellow
- Alex Marzano-Lesnevich
- Sueyeun Juliette Lee, Writer
- Maryam Ivette Parhizkar, Poet, Tierra Narrative member & Ph.D. candidate in Dept of American Studies, Yale University
- Laurel Flores Fantauzzo, Author
- Rei Magosaki, Associate Professor of English, Chapman University (CAALS)
- Ellen Oh
- Lisa HK
- Muriel Leung, California Institute of the Arts
- Marsha Ungchusri
- Lara Atallah
- Serena Qiu, Former SAAM Fellow
- Namita Gupta Wiggers, Writer, Educator, Curator
- Jiaqi Kang, Editor-in-Chief, Sine Theta Magazine
- Chaitali Sen
- Claire Tran
- S.M. Sukardi
- Saifa Khan, Kundiman
- Hannah Kim
- Christine Hou
- Carol Zoi, Cultural Worker and Organizer
- Jo Wu
- Alexis Gordon
- Sara Son
- Raina J. León, Founder of The Acentos Review
- Colleen Nika, Writer
- Keva X. Bui, Assistant Professor of Asian American Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Julie Lee
- Tanya Thamkruphat
- Sonam Wangmo
- Alison B Hart
- Jay Gao, Poet
- Mai Tran, Writer
- Kasia Nikhamina
- Caroline Mao, Print Designer, Sine Theta Magazine
- Brandon Shimoda, Writer, Assistant Professor of Creative Writing and Japanese American Literature, Colorado College
- Maw Shein Win, Author
- Prageeta Sharma, Henry G. Lee '37 Professor of English, Pomona College
- Alannah Hensley, Mudroom Mag
- Wendy Oleson
- Iris Hyon, U.S. News & World Report
- Nirali Sheth
- Kimberly Wong
- Joseph O. Legaspi, Board President and Co-Founder, Kundiman
- Mary Carman
- Jami Nakamura Lin, Author, The Night Parade (Mariner/HarperCollins)
- Ira Sukrungruang, Kenyon College
- James McMaster, Assistant Professor of American Studies and English, George Washington University
- Katherine Reymann, Angry citizen
- Temim Fruchter, Writer
- Jennifer Crystal Chien
- K Ho
- LeeAnn Marhevsky
- Ryan Lee Wong, Author, former AA Lit Fest Participant
- Brian V. Sengdala, Cornell University
- Tiffanie Hoang, Kundiman Fellow
- Eugenia Leigh, Poet
- Alexander Chee, Professor of English and Creative Writing, Dartmouth College
- Hana Rivers
- Fred Lee, Democratic Socialists of America
- Maggie Weng, Writer & graduate student, Georgetown University
- Angela Penaredondo, Assistant Professor, California State University San Bernardino
- Crystal Mun-hye Baik, Associate Professor, Gender & Sexuality Studies, UC Riverside
- Emily Lu
- Veasna Has, Writer
- Andrea Wang, Author
- Stephi Cham
- Jameson Fitzpatrick
- Raissa DeSmet, Associate Teaching Professor at the University of Washington, Bothell and Adjunct Curator of Asian Culture at the Burke Museum, Seattle
- Deanna Pineda
- Mimi Wong, Editor in Chief, The Offing
- Suhasini Yeeda, writer
- Jennifer
- Eleanor Winkler
- Doris W. Cheng
- Kristine Chung Salcedo
- Jamel Brinkley
- Hana Maruyama
- Czaerra Ucol, Luya Poetry
- Joshua Nguyen, Tufts University
- Ariel Aberg-Riger
- Julia Chen, The Offing (Assistant Editor, Fiction)
- Victoria Cho
- Tamiko Nimura, Writer and public historian
- Sarah de Sa Rego
- Christine Mok, University of Rhode Island
- Bonnie Chau, Writer
- Kino Hsu
- E. Mirna Mohanraj MD
- Kimberly McKee, Associate Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Studies, Grand Valley State University Grand Valley State University
- noam keim, Writer
- Misa Sugiura
- Seo-Young Chu, CUNY
- Nandini Singh
- Jeannie Wong
- Mimosa Shah
- Jon Han
- Fid, DC resident, writer and artist
- Anuradha Vikram, Author, Curator at UCLA Art Sci Center
- Viviane Eng, Former World Voices Festival Coordinator at PEN America
- Susan Muaddi Darraj
- Othelia Jumapao
- Emily Williams
- Aria Pahari
- Zoe Leonard, Writer, Kundiman Fellow
- Glenda Nelms
- Jan-Henry Gray, Kundiman
- Leah Shlachter, Mountain West Chair, Kundiman
- Pearle Lun
- feras hilal, RAWI / PYM / USPCN
- Jessica Stone-Weaver
- Jack Jung, Davidson College
- Audrey Fong, Soapberry Review
- Ryan, Columbia University
- Grace Jahng Lee
- Gina Apostol, Novelist
- Beka Yang
- Carolyn Lau
- Ben Mauk
- Jieyi Cai, PhD candidate, University of Minnesota
- Laurie Olson
- Rahul Mehta, Writer
- Debbi Michiko Florence, Author
- Daniel Obrien, American booksellers association
- Dawn Weleski, Artist
- Lille Allen
- Mordecai Martin, Writer, Candidate at Randolph MFA
- Jasmine Guillory
- Zeena Yasmine Fuleihan, PhD candidate, Duke University
- Drue Denmon
- Sylvie Bernhardt
- Angie Sijun Lou
- Jeffrey Pethybridge, Chair of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics and Director of the Summer Writing Program, Naropa University
- Cinelle Barnes
- Paulina Sanchez
- Lyn Li Che
- Lining Wang, University of Maryland
- Kyung-Sook Boo, Professor, American Culture & English; Director, The Sogang Institute of American Studies; Chair, The Critical Global Studies Graduate Program, Sogang University
- Seo-Young Chu, CUNY
- Annie Weinberg
- Leah Haejin Carrier, Student, Dartmouth College
- jason venzor, private supporter
- Peter Kim
- Erica Kanesaka, Emory University
- Shromona Mandal
- Stephanie Cariaga, California State University Dominguez Hills
- Karen Mok
- Melanie Conklin, author
- Nay Saysourinho, writer and Berkeley Fellow at Yale
- Richard Lee, PhD, Director of Asian American Studies, University of Minnesota
- Sophia Cheng
- Lara Stapleton, BMCC of CUNYA
- Dr. Tom Cho
- Victoria Lopez
- Cristy Yeung
- Renee Christopher
- Angela Maeda
- Julia Lee, UC Irvine
- Elina Zhang
- Dr. Arany Uthayakumar, Physician-Writer
- James Kyung-Jin Lee, University of California, Irvine
- Michelle Sui, Artist
- Lindsay Hood
- Crystal Han
- Tom Armbruster, PhD, San Marino High School, Emeritus
- Manuel Aragon
- Joseph Han
- Alexandra Chang, Rutgers University-Newark
- Rachel Connor
- Misha Ponnuraju, Kundiman
- Ragini Tharoor Srinivasan, Rice University, Department of English
- Evan Chen
- Amy Guan
- Marina Tinone, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Sophia Deng
- Glenn Shaheen, Radius of Arab American Writers
- Emily Anderson, Writer, Teacher
- Ramona Puchalski-Piretti, Conard High School/West Hartford, CT, CEA, NEA
- Katie Devine
- Zachariah Claypole White
- Karen Siu, PhD Candidate at Rice University, Advisory Board Member of CAALS
- Cynthia Wu, Professor of Gender Studies and Asian American Studies, Indiana University
- Traci Huahn, Author
- Crystal Middlestadt
- Yvette Yasui
- Tory Moulder
- Evelyn Wang, AALF 2019 Volunteer
- Lisa Robinson, Writer-SCBWI
- Kimberly Alidio
- Seema
- Chris Karnadi, Writer, Editor
- Nicole-Anne Bales Keyton
- Jenny Xie, Bard College
- Dean Gloster, Writer
- Marie Hodgkinson
- Lesley Wheeler
- Natalie Green, National Book Foundation
- Janna Añonuevo Langholz, Caretaker of the Philippine Village Historical Site, St. Louis, MO
- Fargo Nissim Tbakhi
- Toni Hays, University of California, Irvine
- Katie Yee
- Soudabeh Tahmassebipour, Wachusett Area Social Justice Alliance
- Cynthia Zhang, University the Southern California
- Emily Carpintero, Artist
- Susan Chang
- Kristina Wong, Pulitzer Prize Finalist in Drama
- Sheela Jane Menon, Assistant Professor of Global Anglophone Literature, Dickinson College
- Theresa Tan
- Eugenia Beh, Former president of the Asian Pacific American Librarians Association (APALA)
- Karen Lue
- Ray Pun
- Ryan Buyco, Assistant Professor of Ethnic Studies, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
- Ally Ang
- Chris Santiago, University of St. Thomas
- Michelle N. Huang, Assistant Professor of English & Asian American Studies, Northwestern University
- Kelly Hoffer, Poet, Helen Zell Visiting Professor in Poetry at the University of Michigan
- Jillian Heise, NBCT, MLIS
- Darius Phelps, Teachers College, Columbia University
- May-lee Chai, Writer and Acting Chair of the Creative Writing Department at San Francisco State University
- Ricco Villanueva Siasoco, Writer & Advisory Board Member, Kundiman
- Clé
- Aurora Masum-Javed, Macalester College
- Lisa Lowe, Yale University
- Charlotte Geater, Poet
- Karen Adjei, Former Smithsonian Institution Intern and Fellow
- Alison Feuerwerker
- Jennifer Ho, CU Boulder Professor and former President of the Association for Asian American Studies
- Kimberly Alberts
- Nancy Hightower
- Joy Holley
- Alice Tsoi
- Bo Yang
- Angus Reid, UC Berkeley Department of English
- Howie Tam, Brandeis University
- Esther Allen, City University of New York
- Tracey Wang, University of Virginia
- Eileen Huang
- Viniyanka Prasad, Executive Director, The Word, A Storytelling Sanctuary
- Fei Bi Chan
- Christine Kitano
- Angelique Palmer
- Linda Sue Park
- Professor David Palumbo-Liu, Stanford University
- Keiko Sanders
- Dao Rong Gong, Michigan State University
- Mario Colella
- Anna Dobben, San Antonio Book Festival
- Vivian Lee
- Jigna Desai, Professor, UC -- Santa Barbara, Department of Asian American Studies and Department of Feminist Studies; Director of the Center for Feminist Futures
- Ian Wang
- Cara Healey, Assistant Professor, Wabash College
- Michael Sakamoto, Performing Arts Curator and Asian and Asian American Arts and Culture Program Director, University of Massachusetts Fine Arts Center
- Lee Zhu
- Timothy K. August, Stony Brook University and The Circle For Asian American Literary Studies Co-Chair
- Neil Kepoʻo Ordinario, APALA
- Diana K. Wakimoto, Cal State East Bay
- Jenn Fang, Reappropriate
- Dr Tina Makereti, International Institute of Modern Letters
- Ryan Rivas, Publisher, Burrow Press
- Jonathan Dresner, Associate Professor of Asian History
- Emily Yamauchi
- Arihia Writer
- Chae Dalton, Kundiman Mentorship Lab Fellow
- Harriti Shah
- Hannah Bae
- Amarin Young
- Mark John Sanchez, Vanderbilt University
- Nick Walker, Professor, California Institute of Integral Studies
- Taylor Michael
- Marcella Tam, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Ashley David ,Arts Manager
- Andrew Way Leong, Assistant Professor of English, UC Berkeley
- Hilarie Ashton
- Lauren Bullock, Poet
- erin Khue Ninh, Professor and Chair Dept of Asian American Studies, UC Santa Barbara
- Soyeon Kim, Texas A&M University
- Anne-Marie Angelo, Centre for American Studies, University of Sussex, UK
- Iwalani Kim
- Linda Luu, NYU
- Chris A. Eng, Washington University in St. Louis
- Abigail
- Donatella Galella, University of California, Riverside
- Sheila Black, Zoeglossia
- Jazzmin Marie Gourdin
- Rajesh Parameswaran, writer
- Javeria Hasnain
- Alaina Lavoie, We Need Diverse Books
- Samina Najmi, Professor of English, CSU Fresno
- Abigail Greenwood
- Haolun Xu, Writer
- Megan Sohar
- Xochitl Frausto
- Seulghee Lee, University of South Carolina
- Jen Mutia Eusebio, Writer
- Andy Field, Writer, artist and co-director of Forest Fringe (UK)
- Rebecca H. Hogue, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University
- Ronak K Kapadia, Associate Professor, University of Illinois Chicago
- E. Gall
- Sharon Kim
- A Leahy Writer, Professor
- Jade Alburo, UCLA
- Marilou Mariko Carrera
- Robin L. Turner, Butler University
- Melissa Weiner, College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, MA)
- Linda Ueki Absher, Portland State University
- Lizabeth McCuen
- Preeti Simran Sethi, 2023 Carter Center Mental Health Journalism Fellow + Ferriss-UC Berkeley Psychedelic Journalism Fellow
- Elana K. Arnold, Author
- Peggy Kyoungwon Lee, Georgetown University
- Sun Park
- Sarah Browning Poet, Co-Founder & Past Director, Split This Rock
- roberto rodriguez
- Mary Chapman, University of British Columbia
- Claire Mabey, Verb Wellington
- Bryn Pernot
- Melissa Moorer
- Dow Phumiruk
- Angela Chen
- Mengyin Lin
- Melissa Eriko Poulsen, Assistant Professor, Menlo College
- Daniel W.K. Lee
- Jennine Capó Crucet, Writer
- Rob Haney
- Noelle Mrugalla-Paraan
- Mike Fekula, Retired staff Univ. of Maryland
- Matthew R Deroo, University Professor
- Alyssa Harad, Writer
- Alycia Pirmohamed, Poet
- Nick Domich, Metropolitan Arts Institute (Phoenix, AZ)
- Elizabeth (Lizzie) Tran, Kundiman
- Tricia Lawrence, Senior Agent, Erin Murphy Literary
- Grey Yeoh, Former International Development Consultant at the Australia Council for the Arts
- Ren Jender, critic
- Nora Stone
- Gemma Henderson
- Karen Mok
- Eshani Surya, Novelist
- Cynthia Arrieu-King, Professor of Creative Writing, Stockton University
- William Alexander, Author
- Holly M. Wendt, Associate Professor of English & Creative Writing at Lebanon Valley College
- Annie Drechsler
- Mia P. Manansala
- Erin Entrada Kelly, Newbery Medalist
- Nellie Wong, Poet
- Éireann Lorsung Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, University College Dublin (Ireland)
- Eugene Myers
- Debbie Reese, American Indians in Children's Literature
- Kathleen Escarcha, University of Washington
- Joe Milan, PhD, Waldorf University
- Devon Webb, Writer & performer
- Elijah Patterson
- Swati Rana, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Karen
- Keillan Cruickshank
- Kate Bredeson, Professor of Theatre, Reed College
- Ari Laurel
- Susan Nguyen, Poet
- Monique Truong
- Quentin Ring, Executive Director, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center
- Xine Yao, Associate Professor, University College London
- Aaron Chandler, Stevenson University
- Victoria Loucks
- Kirsten Tan
- Elyse Haire
- Steve Fujimura
- Jess Hong
- Catherine Romatowski
- Kaitlin Heller, Center for Transformational Play, Carnegie Mellon University
- Shirley Cai, Kundiman
- Susan Tan Author
- José Manuel Santillana Blanco University of California, Davis
- Andria Amaral, Librarian
- Kiyoko Shiosaki
- Dr Kirsty Baker, writer and curator City Gallery Wellington Te Whare Toi
- Naomi Arnold, Writer/Author
- Justin Sherwood
- Shira Pilarski, Librarian
- Emily Writes, Writer, Aotearoa
- Gemma Cooper-Novack, Writer & Literacy Scholar
- Andi Wong
- Phoebe Bui
- Taylor Ford
- Jenny Hu
- Maya Prasad, South Asian American author of Drizzle, Dreams, and Lovestruck Things (Disney) and Sejal Sinha Battles Superstorms (Simon & Schuster)
- Jee Leong Koh, Founder and Organizer, Singapore Unbound
- Frankie Huang, Reappropriate
- Chelsea Jade Metcalf
- Susan Blumberg-Kason, Writer
- Brannavan Gnanalingam
- Majda Gama, Cafe Muse Literary Salon
- Wendy Kloiber, Reader
- Faith Wilson
- Angelique Kasmara
- Maria Gianferrari, Author
- Elizabeth Ault, Duke University Press
- Kaitlin Hsu, Kaya Press
- Lawrence Sumulong, Photographer
- Soniya Munshi
- Stephanie Segura
- Liz Hernandez
- Sarah Okner, Asian Pacific American Librarians Association
- Tommy Poehnelt
- Em Dial
- Jackson Huang, University of Michigan Library
- Dot Devota, Poet and professor
- Mariam Ella Arcilla, Runway Journal
- Kah Yangni
- Kelsey Schoenemann, University of Virginia
- Kate Tindall Lum
- Stuart Chen-Hayes, CUNY Lehman College
- Stephanie Isan
- Seon-Myung Yoo, PhD Candidate, Texas A&M University
- Eileen Angulo
- Chris Cowden
- Jackie X
- Collin Thormoto, Las Positas Community College
- Sa’dia Rehman, Artist
- Crystal Choi
- David Gorin
- Jenne Abramowitz
- Susan Yu
- Paul Lai, Augsburg University
- Arnon Karnkaeng
- Carole Lindstrom, Author
- Rachael Nicoll
- Sam Snedden, Independent artist, writer and producer.
- Emilie Tumale, New York University
- Lara Marshall, Community / Artist
- Renee Tajima-Peña, Filmmaker, UCLA
- Thea Quiray Tagle, Associate Curator, Brown Arts Institute, Brown University
- Emily Kline
- Jaime Lowe
- Anna Storti, Duke University
- Ariel Courage
- Adrian De Leon
- Hieu Minh Nguyen, Poet
- Tessa Xuan, Co-Director, OPAWL - Building AAPI Feminist Leadership
- Stephanie Guerdan, Harper Union
- Jason Chang, University of Connecticut, Asian and Asian American Studies Institute
- Carole Hsiao, Community Educator
- D Trevarthen
- Swati Khurana, Artist, Writer, Flash Fiction editor, Asian American Writers Workshop
- J.A. Ruanto-Ramirez, Assistant Professor & Director of Asian American Studies, Southwestern College
- Hyeseung Song
- Brian Truong, Writer, reader (for The Georgia Review Prose Prize)
- Nozomi (Nakaganeku) Saito Assistant Professor of Asian and Pacific American Literature, Amherst College
- Jana Grohnert, NZSTI, VdÜ, New Zealand Centre for Literary Translation, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
- Christina Mullen
- Paul Peng, Artist
- Alison Benge
- Brandon
- Dora Ramírez, Boise State University
- Mandi Magnuson-Hung, Music of Asian America Research Center
- Judy Lee, University Programs Teaching Librarian, University of California, Riverside
- Chloe Martinez, Claremont McKenna College
- Maria Guzman, NYU
- Yeonhoo Cho
- Teddy Lance, Asst. Lecturer, Thematic Option, & Graduate School Fellow in English
- Susan Thananopavarn, Lecturing Fellow, Duke University
- Shebani Rao
- Jonathan Hsy, Professor, George Washington University
- Rebecca Samuelson, Writer
- Andrew Janjigian
- Cecilia Cackley
- Janine Joseph, Kundiman
- Felicia Martínez, writer, artist
- Aimee Chen
- Na Mee, Kundiman Fellow
- Kelsey Leon, University of Pennsylvania
- Mark Mullins
- Alina Grabowski
- Sophie Oberfield, Asian American Literature at Stuyvesant High School
- Ariel Chu, Writer and PhD Student, University of Southern California
- Alena
- Angie S.
- Joseph Gross, Poet
- Jill Damatac
- Booki Vivat
- Mishy Wang
- Jennifer Cho, University of Maryland, College Park
- Viet Nguyen, USC
- Elvira Edmonds
- Gregory Dubinsky
- Dr. Christina Juhasz-Wood, American University
- Priya Jain
- Rajeev Mishra
- Georgia Bellas
- Kathryn Tsui Artist
- Lisa Lee Herrick, Hyphen
- Patricia Wakida, Kaya Press
- Jessica Chung
- Emily Ecton
- Marina Sano, Amplify Bookstore
- Joy Hui Lin
- Emma
- Luisa A. Igloria, Old Dominion University
- Dr. Tineke D’Haeseleer, member of Association for Asian Studies; Assistant Prof. of History at Muhlenberg College
- Morris Young, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Sonali Gulati
- Jung Kim, Professor of Literacy, Lewis University
- Olatunde Osinaike
- Paula Mendoza, University of Utah
- Darryl Chin, Artist
- Kasia
- Ashaki M. Jackson, Ph.D., Publisher, The Offing magazine
- Natalia Zdaniuk
- Libbie Rifkin, Program in Disability Studies, Georgetown University
- Laura Kina, DePaul University
- Kit Myers, University of California, Merced
- Samuel Bender
- Amitha Jagannath Knight, author
- Danica Truscott
- Aidan Xin-he Choi, Asian America Political Alliance at Brown and Rhode Island School of Design
- Ariel Lynch
- Lisa Hsiao Chen, Writer
- Maura Finkelstein, Muhlenberg College
- Emily Miller-Sharma, RUBY
- Rachel Edelman, Author, River River Books
- Shane Jesse Christmass, Writer
- Michelle L. Nguyen
- Georgie Fooks, writer, translator
- Frank Abe,
- Kelly Tyler
- Hattie Godfrey
- Heather Fong, South San Francisco Public Library
- Emily Gullickson
- Jolie A. Sheffer, Professor of English and American Culture Studies at Bowling Green State University
- Lana Salah Barkawi, Mizna
- Kim-Hoa Ung
- Jessica Yoon
- Amber Evangelista, Curator, WoC
- Gregory Barbee, Lawyer
- Calvin Cheung-Miaw, Duke University
- Jay Guan, United Chinese American - Maryland
- Elizabeth Zuckerman
- Daniel Shao, NYU
- Rajender Kaur, William Paterson University of NJ
- Cathy Park Hong, UC Berkeley
- Soje
- Geo Quibuyen, Prometheus Brown
- Phoebe Low
- Dan S. Wang
- Dylan Goh
- Tin Nguyen
- Minh-Ha T. Pham, Associate Professor, Pratt Institute
- Pamela Kwong
- Viraj Patel
- Emily Wilson-Barnard
- Anna Lena Phillips Bell
- Iris (Yi Youn) Kim
- Jennifer Cheuk, Rat World Magazine
- Kate Appleton
- Talia Lakshmi Kolluri
- Beverly Parayno, Writer
- Stone Tsao
- Dan Hong, Kundiman Fellow
- Greg van Eekhout
- Todd Wellman, Writer
- Kathy Trieu
- Komal
- Emily Burns, Grove Atlantic
- Amanda Greenwell, Assistant Professor of English, Central Connecticut State University
- Anna Keesey, Emerita Professor, Linfield University
- Vivian Pham
- alejandro toledo acierto, Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance, Arizona State University
- Dillon Sung, USC
- Kerryanne Nelson
- Kaitlyn, Under the Umbrella Bookstore
- Abe Louise Young, Writer
- Alyssa Jocson Porter, Asian American Librarian & Writer
- Rohan Zhou-Lee, Blasian March
- Kyle Gouveia
- Shane Dean
- Charles Feng
- Mica England
- Mila Nery
- Isabel Sausjord, MD
- Freda
- Hanif
- Douglas S Ishii, Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Washington
- Andrea Simpson, Andrea Simpson Blog
- Clara Chin, UCSB
- Tasslyn Magnusson, Poet, Writer, Researcher
- Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Professor, University of Mississippi
- Cadence Chung, New Zealand Poet
- Ai Binh T. Ho
- Kainee Simone
- Ginger Jung
- Diana Liu, Teachers College Columbia University
- Hannah Kang
- Joanna J.M. Hicks, AF3IRM
- Tracy Abell, author
- Sarah Perkins Sarah Perkins, MSW
- Nguyen Khoi Nguyen, Loyola University Maryland
- Karen Gu
- Pau Abustan, Cal State LA WGSS
- Leonee Ariel Derr, Librarian
- Ashley Caranto Morford, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
- Zainab Saleh
- Lucinda Birch, Writer/reader
- Yen Ju Lee, McLaren
- Robert Santucci
- Caoimhe McKeogh
- Jina B. Kim, Assistant Professor, Smith College
- Lily Holloway
- Emily Talbot
- Shivani Manghnani, Writer
- Wenxuan Xue
- giuseppe manley
- Kenneth A. Yamashita
- Tuan Phan
- Carla Crujido, Writer
- Emily Holland, writer/editor/professor & 2023 Chair of OutWrite
- Swati Avasthi, Author, Hamline University
- Sumita Chakraborty, North Carolina State University
- Stacey Urauchi
- Hailey Lam, The George Washington University
- Emma Ng, Writer (Aotearoa)
- Aruni Kashyap, University of Georgia
- Jade Yeung, Writer
- M. Eliatamby-O’Brien, Central Washington University
- V.V. Ganeshananthan, writer and Associate Professor of English, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
- Miriam Busch, author
- Rose L. Chou
- Akhila Ananth, Cal State LA
- Jimin Han, writer
- Ellen Samuels, Professor, English and WGSS, University of Wisconsin-Madison (retired )
- Marie Myung-Ok Lee
- Sunna Juhn
- Wendy Matsumura, UC San Diego
- Hetty Lui McKinnon, Writer
- Naya Ryan Rashad
- Stephen Hong Sohn, Fordham
- Rana Tahir, Pacific University MFA, Kundiman Fellow, RAWI Member
- Sunny Huang, Former APAC Intern
- Aricka Foreman
- Jane Wong
- Todd Le
- Anna Alves, Kundiman, Rutgers-Newark American Studies Program, Ateneo de Manila University
- Ruth Sangree
- Ash Davida Jane, Publisher at Tender Press NZ and poet
- Keren Mabisi
- Catherine Killough, National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Ian Shin, Assistant Professor of History and American Culture, University of Michigan
- Joon Ae Haworth-Kaufka, Constellation Reading Series
- Martha Brockenbrough, author, co-chair of faculty, VCFA WCYA program
- Joseph Jeon, UC Irvine
- Jo Livingstone
- Jiaqiao Liu, Writer
- Kate Milford, Author
- Samuel Cohen, University of Missouri
- Eddie Kim
- Jo Ouyang
- Ansley Moon, Poet & Educator
- Nerissa S. Balce, SUNY Stony Brook
- Ruben Zecena
- Dana Isokawa, Editor, Asian American Writers' Workshop
- Amy Long, Taylor Swift as Books
- Jeff A. Cabusao, Bryant University
- Abigael Alexander
- Mya Matteo Alexice
- Yilin Wang, Writer, Translator, and Co-editor-in-chief, Tales & Feathers
- Jim Hicks, The Massachusetts Review
- Tiana Nobile, Poet
- Melanie Conklin, author
- Sarah Audsley
- Danielle Marks
- Nita Noveno, BMCC/CUNY
- Shila Soni
- Naoe Suzuki
- Nina Ha
- Jemimah Wei
- Adria Quinones, Writer
- Alyssa Trejo, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
- Claudia Chinyere Akole
- Allegra Dobson
- Jemimah Wei, Writer
- Quynh Do, Editor
- Jacqueline Mac, Northern Illinois University
- Nguyen Tan Hoang, UC San Diego
- Jon Hutton
- Geoffrey Wessel
- Kathleen Choe
- Wendy Guo
- Clare Millar, Writer/editor
- Shuo Huang
- Jody Blanco, UCSD
- Asela Lee Kemper, poet and writer, editor at Variety Pack Magazine, podcast cohost at 2 'n' Sync Podcast
- Patrick Cottrell
- Rachel Donnell
- Mary Garcia, Mission College
- Beth Nguyen
- Asha Thanki
- Eric Bliman
- Amy Meng
- Avery Campbell
- Priti Nemani
- Victoria Brogioli, Elementary School Teacher
- Sarah Walker
- Susan Li
- Elysha Chang
- Steffie Yee
- Randy Ribay
- Jared Stanley, Poet and Professor, University of Nevada, Reno
- Marian Evans, Spiral Collectives
- Tracy Holczer
- Amanda Wu, NYU
- shannon toribio, UC Santa Barbara
- Elese, Melbourne School of Literature
- Rachelle Ashour
- Rachel Trow, Aotearoa New Zealand Writer, Pantograph Punch Board Co-Chair
- Chase Berggrun, Poet
- Ashley Patrick, Editor
- Quincy Scott Jones, poet
- Irene Hsiao
- Nicky Andrews, Poet, Librarian, Asian Pacific American Librarians Association member
- Jenny Yap, Librarian & Faculty, Berkeley City College
- Maggie Mang
- Isabelle Joy Carrillo
- John Keene
- Leslieann Hobayan, Poet and Creative Writing Professor, Rutgers University
- Andrew Hsiao, Editor, Verso Books
- James, James J Frankie PLLC
- Katharine Beutner
- Ji-Young Um, Seattle Pacific University
- Cheryl Levin
- Jasmine Mahmoud, Assistant Professor, University of Washington
- Sam Wolson
- Maya Marshall, Writer/editor/prof Haymarket Books and Adelphi University
- Lark Omura
- Daphna Atias
- Tara Kennedy, Writer, DC resident
- David Woo, Poet and writer
- Sony Coráñez Bolton, Associate Professor, Amherst College
- Naseema Din, Asian American
- bj ferguson
- Shalini Singh
- Vijay Iyer, musician
- Nathan
- Claire Zhang
- Rae Hebron
- India Essuah
- Kiyo Kamisawa
- Jay
- Tina Zafreen Alam, Poet
- Arumandhira Howard, Poet, Kundiman Fellow
- Mandy Yu, MCPS
- Alana Varner
- Jasmine Sawers
- Lily Wong, American University
- Nathan Xie
- Shirley Suzuki
- Mike McClelland, Eastern Illinois University
- Scott Ross, George Washington University
- Jung Yun, Associate Professor of English, George Washington University
- Janhavi Gosavi
- Michelle R
- Alice Lee
- Eleanor Glewwe
- Rose McIver
- Gus Agyei
- Gabrielle Lim
- Normandy Sherwood, New York University
- Arman Singh, Resist Two
- Clara Iwasaki
- Ambika Trasi
- Jungwon Kim, Next Wave
- Gus Agyei
- Wayne Zhang, Chicago Public Schools
- M Evelina Galang, Writer, Professor of English, University of Miami
- Sandra So Hee Chi Kim, Stony Brook University; Asian American Justice + Innovation Lab
- Jai Dulani, Kundiman Fellow
- Amita Swadhin
- Mike Przygoda
- Marie Kim
- Alice Hsu, University of East Anglia
- Linda Wing
- Louise Kim, Harvard University, student
- Erin Antebi
- Catherine Wing
- Geoffrey Hondroudakis, Sessional Academic, University of Melbourne School of Culture and Communications
- Nuzhat Abbas, Director, trace press.
- Keely Parrack, Author
- Jenna Marco, University of South Carolina, graduate student
- Laura Anh Williams, Associate Professor, New Mexico State University
- Vuyo Sotashe, Independent african artist
- Nicole Chung
- Lynn Nguyen
- Chung Seto, Community Advocate
- Sharene Donnor, New York University
- Rob Costello, Writer and anthologist
- Mai Nardone
- Mon-Ying C Lin
- Jane Wong
- Andrea Chu, Chrysanthemum, Voices of the Taiwanese Diaspora
- Christine Tran
- Amanda Maraist
- Diane Esser
- Alisson Wood, Editor in Chief, Pigeon Pages Literary Journal
- Anne Cong-Huyen, Writer and Librarian, University of Michigan
- Samira Ahmed , Author
- Amanda Stark
- Erika Jing
- Aya Sato, Seattle Progressive Asian American Christians
- Lorie Barber, Education Director, Anderson’s Bookshops
- Maddi Rowe, Writer and poet, Aotearoa New Zealand
- Aimee
- Gustavus Stadler, Haverford College
- Andy Chen, Poet, Educator
- Joseph Blaise
- Maria Ptucha
- Wren Bonkoski
- Mackenzie Carroll
- Olidia Gonzalez
- Cassandra Stone
- MT Vallarta, Assistant Professor, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
- Brynn Saito, Associate Professor, English and Creative Writing, CSU Fresno
- Jane Kim
- Shelly Romero
- Trisha Shaskan
- Holly Christine Brown, Writer, Editor, Secretary – Iowa Unity Coalition
- Kinnari Vora
- Ramona Gupta, University of Illinois Chicago
- Anne L.
- Deborah Jones, Adjunct Professor, Victoria University of Wellington
- Nisha Atalie, Writer
- Amy Guay
- Sara Habein, Writer
- Ji Young Park
- Stephanie Cuepo Wobby
- Monica
- Ocean Vuong, NYU
- Heidi Hu
- Kathryn L. Brackney, University of Chicago
- Virginia McLure, Poet
- Steph Brown, Assistant Professor, University of Arizona
- Alexander Song
- Rosie Kar, Ethnic Studies Department, Fullerton College
- Michael Hahn
- Nancy Sin
- Ellie Kozlowski, Writer, Filmmaker, Artist
- Vyxz Vasquez, UC San Diego, University of the Philippines
- Paisley Rekdal, Writer, University of Utah, Director of American West Center
- Lois-Ann Yamanaka, Sansei Writer, Hawai‘i
- Roanna Gonsalves, Writer and educator
- Yharnet Browne
- Victor Xie
- Shan Rao, Development Manager, Kundiman
- Alexandra Perkins
- angel sutjipto, writer
- Tariq Luthun, Poet & Community Organizer
- Deborah Paredez, Writer
- J Wee
- Shakila Khan
- Sue H. Kim, PhD
- Nadia Q. Ahmad
- Holly Amos, Poet
- Jennifer Tan
- Valerie Soe, San Francisco State University
- Natasha Matila-Smith, Artist and arts writer
- John Weir, Writer; associate professor English, Queens College CUNY
- Joe Makuc
- Madeleine Mori, Writer and Assistant Director of MFA Writing at Sarah Lawrence College
- Kaela Han
- Parissa florez
- Diana Keren Lee
- Meredith Westgate
- Nora Okja Keller, Writer
- Thomas Moy
- Thien-Kim Lam, Author
- Molly Beck
- Jaena Rae Cabrera
- Laurel Chen, Kundiman Fellow
- Gabrielle Vincent
- A B Holler
- Serena Lukas Bhandar, 2023 Lambda Literary Fellow, English/Creative Writing MA student at the University of Calgary
- Kuldeep Singh, Universe of Washington, Seattle
- Annabel Shu
- R.O. Kwon
- Jaydee Lee
- Michelle Cruz Skinner
- Christopher B. Patterson, University of British Columbia
- Brendan O'Kane, Paper Republic
- Professor Tao Goffe, Cornell University
- Carrie Hunter
- Mary Ting, Artist
- Celeste Chan
- Kat
- Ariel Vallotton
- Wells Lucas Santo, University of Michigan
- Jana, Writer
- Robin Ortiz Hernández, Fordham University
- Yiyun Li, Princeton University
- Evyn Lê Espiritu Gandhi, Associate Professor of Asian American Studies, UCLA
- Wynton W
- Abbey Harrison, New Zealand Social Workers Registration Board Member
- Jason Lipeles, writer
- Miriam Gershow, Writer
- Noriko Nakada
- Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, author
- Alison Croggon, Writer, editor, critic, Melbourne, Australia
- Naya Ryan Rashad, Lover and Teller of Life’s Story
- Reginald Harris
- Asela Lee Kemper, poet and writer, editor at Variety Pack Magazine, podcast cohost at 2 'n' Sync Podcast, PNCA
- Anouk Yeh
- Poppy
- Alesha Byrne
- Q.M. Zhang
- Pitchaya Sudbanthad, Author
- Khoi Nguyen, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
- Courtney Weikle-Mills, University of Pittsburgh
- Alexander Lim
- Alana Noelle Black, Writer
- Keurim Hur
- Renee Sebeny
- Katarina Beck
- Luna de la Peña
- Thavin R.
- Stephanie Tsong
- Vince Schleitwiler, American Ethnic Studies, University of Washington
- Josephine Park, University of Pennsylvania
- Alice Canton, White_mess
- Garrett Hongo, Distinguished Professor of Creative Writing, University of Oregon
- Viola Lasmana
- Jack Foraker
- Phillip B Williams
- Paul Michael Leonardo Atienza, California State Polytechnic University-Humboldt
- Dr. Claire M Massey, University of Rostock
- Victoria Pham, University of Cambridge
- Falu Bakrania, SFSU
- kyle c
- Andy James
- Joshua Icban
- Zephyr Zhang
- Steven Nagata
- Viola Lasmana
- Jill Tan, Writer, artist, and PhD candidate at Yale University
- Terry Park, The Asian American Foundation
- Iris-Aya Laemmerhirt, TU Dortmund University
- David Ryding, Melbourne UNESCO City of Literature Office
- Celeste Chan Wolfe, Screenwriter
- Monica Youn, Monica Youn
- Colleen Maria Lenihan, Writer
- Anna
- Heather Siddiqui
- Sarah Zapola
- Essa- Rasheed
- Anna Ke
- Huzaifah Fakhrul Anuar
- Katherine Park Deakin, Songwriter, Musician, Actor, Teacher
- Madeline Wallace
- Sophia Figuereo, Met Museum
- Jestina Ricci
- Emily Ratte
- Hubert Halopé
- Sarah
- Arlo Gibson
- doe times
- Annabella Mei Massey
- Grace H. Zhou
- Prem Jayanthan
- Keioui Keijaun Thomas
- Bev Moon
- Vincent Chong, Artist
- Kate Prior
- Allison Ewing
- Léuli Eshraghi, UQ Art Museum / Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
- romesh dissanayake
- Mariana Calderón
- Maya Love
- Theresa Ronquillo, Amherst College
- Constance Collier-Mercado
- Su-Yee Lin, writer
- Sandy Shan
- Antonius-Tin Bui, Artist
- Min Hyoung Song, Boston College
- Jennifer Chou
- Brian Gresko, Writing Co-Lab, Pete’s Reading Series
- Yiwen Wu
- JJ Wiley
- Elisa Gonzalez, Writer
- James Huynh
- Porntip Israsena Twishime
- Alex Romero, Columbia University
- Tara Skurtu, Writer
- Rachel Rothenberg
- Pamela Oliver, Professor Emerita of Sociology, University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Jae Hee Han, Brown University
- Christina Chung
- Agnes Lopez
- Alec Silver Fagarang
- Valerie Hsiung, Poet, Assistant Professor at Naropa University, Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics
- Joey S. Kim
- Jeffrey Yoo Warren, Artist
- Jack Cheng
- Christine Kim
- Tony DelaRosa, CoFounder of NYC Men Teach Asian American initiative
- Golden
- Aimi Hamraie, Associate professor, Vanderbilt University
- Claire Kai-Li Mondry
- Lan Duong, Cinema and Media Studies, University of Southern California
- Panda Wong, Poet and editor
- Christa Ventresca, University of Michigan
- Maya Shanbhag Lang, President, Authors Guild
- Yvette Siegert
- Christine Montecillo Leider, University of Massachusetts Boston
- Danielle Lazarin, Writer
- Ava Kim, UC Davis and UIUC
- L. Stevens
- Kelsey Cummings
- Terri Lin
- Anthony Le, Artist
- Nancy Young Kim
- Faisal Mohyuddin, Writer, Educator
- Ezra Fitz, Translator and librarian
- Cookie Woolner, University of Memphis
- Seema Dahlheimer, Washington University in St. Louis
- Anna Do
- Azra Dawood
- Burgi Zenhaeusern
- R Lilah Buckles
- Marian Kasey Lancaster
- Emma
- Hannah Beresford
- Nick Martino
- Anthony Reed, Vanderbilt University
- Sylvia Chong, Associate Professor and Director of Asian Pacific American Studies minor, University of Virginia
- Xena Ni, Artist
- Kimberly Rooney
- Katie Machen
- Amanda Chu
- Philip Metres, John Carroll University
- Aden Weisel
- Madeline Moore
- Anson
- Paula Lee
- hannah harris-sutro, writer, Lambda Literary Fellow 2023
- Britt Billmeyer-Finn, Poet
- Mejdulene Shomali, University of Maryland Baltimore County
- Huan He, Vanderbilt University
- Nina Lin
- Amarnath Ravva
- Julie Kim, Asian American Feminist Collective
- Edith Campbell
- Tyler Meier
- Selah Saterstrom, University of Denver
- Manny De Leon, UC Davis Cultural Studies/Asian American Studies/ Bulosan Center for Filipino American Studies
- Elizabeth Chin, Editor in Chief, American Anthropologist
- Xiaole Zhan
- Crystal Fincher, Hacks & Wonks radio show & podcast
- Elle Hunt, The Guardian
- Maxi Wardcantori, Rutgers University
- Pat Allan
- Ottilie Mulzet, translator
- Cherise Fung, UW Madison
- Audrey Dahyung Oh
- Emily Lee Luan
- Michael W. Mercurio
- Jie-Ying Phua
- Mack D.
- Jamila Ahmed, Novelist & First Amendment Lawyer
- Marisa Lin, University of California, Berkeley
- Jennifer Elise Wang
- L. F. Domingo, PhD Student, University of Maryland College of Information Studies
- Sarah Doherty
- mia park, APIDA Arts
- Tina Xu
- Lisa Ko, writer
- Amy Zhang
- Tina Chen
- Shireen Madon
- Meghan Keane, Artist
- Mihee Kim
- Saoli Nguyen
- Izzy Scholes-Young
- Shom Tiwari, Prince George's County Memorial Library System
- Fin Coe
- Thanhhà Lại
- Eric Shelsy, All American Plumbing, BR Guitars
- Jane Hseu, Professor of English, Dominican University
- Ry Duncan
- Nina Victor Crittenden
- Christopher Paul Fils-Aime
- Kaitlin Fontana, Writers Guild of America, East
- Triana Kazaleh Sirdenis
- Fidelito Cortes
- Sharmin Hossain, 18 Million Rising
- Sara Rezvi, Poet, Doctoral Candidate, Program Director of Math Circles of Chicago
- Sátchel Silvette
- Sarah Clinton-McCausland, Librarian, Center for Black, Brown, and Queer Studies
- Tiffany Babb, Critic
- Val Luutran
- Amber Ying
- Edward Clifford
- Stan Yan, Author-Illustrator
- Carson Wang
- Migyeong Song
- Mitchell Lecrone
- Afeefa Iqbal
- Nora Sharp
- Jeffrey Santa Ana, Stony Brook University, SUNY
- Heather Caporaso, Musician and supporter
- Jacinda Tran
- Tiffany Chu
- Janice Boothe
- Kevin Park
- donia salem harhoor
- Michelle Dashevsky
- Rina Garcia Chua, Simon Fraser University
- K Sanchez, Student, University of California - Los Angeles
- Julia Johnson, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
- Simon Shieh, Poet
- Farnaz Fatemi
- Sabina Murray, Writer, Professor of English University of Massachusetts at Amherst
- Rick Benjamin, Poet/Teacher
- Christine Alvarez
- Nhat Ha Tran
- Emily Goldsmith, Giving Room Magazine Editor & grad student in Creative Writing at University of Southern Miss
- Jessica Jiang
- Yi Wei, Asian American Writers' Workshop
- R.A. Villanueva, Sarah Lawrence College
- Yamini Pathak
- Pelenakeke Brown
- Donald R. Maust
- Kristen J. Krier
- Diamond Forde, University of North Carolina Asheville
- Monica Ong
- Sofia Leung
- Shivani Parikh, Sadhana: Coalition of Progressive Hindus
- Li Ding, RISD student
- Qiu Fogarty, Northwestern University
- Milo Ono
- Molly McArdle
- Connie Lau
- Jamie Ho, Artist
- Erica Fisher
- Alana Balestrino, Baddies
- Brandon Som, Associate Professor, UC San Diego
- Karen M. Phillips, Words Without Borders
- Justin Quang Nguyên Phan, Assistant Professor of Global Asian Studies, University of Illinois, Chicago
- Jessica J. Lee, Author
- Eric Baker, The University of Maryland
- Claire Scheible
- Wendy Sung, Assistant Professor, Department of World Arts and Culture/Dance, UCLA
- Jennifer Mathias
- Sangi Lama
- Leslie Chang
- Alissa Tu
- Ava Serra
- Audrey Wu Clark, United States Naval Academy
- Naveen Kishore, seagull books
- Suzanna Tamminen, Wesleyan University Press
- Asa Drake
- Lisa Gold, Executive Director, Asian American Arts Alliance
- Alex Zucker
- Emily Sun Li, Simmons University
- Erika Swyler
- Vanessa Chan
- Lucas Johnson, Educator
- Emily Saylor
- Genta Nishku
- Christine Barrett, Teachers College/ NYCDOE
- Allison M. Charette, Translator and writer
- Ava Yuanshun Guralnick, Wesleyan University
- Misha Choudhry, poet & PhD Candidate at UC Riverside
- Julie Wu
- Nessa Villarreal
- Nat H.N. Low, California Academy of Sciences; Asian American Justice + Innovation Lab
- Molly Meinbresse
- Susana Loza, Hampshire College
- Carter Yee
- Kate Schramm
- Sunny Yang, University of Houston
- K. Iver
- Jordan Trinh
- Melanie Tioleco Cheng
- Scott Malabarba
- Sylvia Chen
- Jeffra Bussmann, Cal State East Bay
- Joyce Kim
- Ian Dapiaoen, DJ
- Vahid Arefi
- Audrey Malek
- Swati Sudarsan, UCSF
- Nicholas de Villiers, University of North Florida
- Key K. Bird, Writer
- Semya Hakim
- James Allen Hall, writer
- Aparajita De
- Gail Giewont, Poetry Society of Virginia
- Nina Berry, Writer
- Jenzo DuQue, The Massachusetts Review
- Jeannie Park
- Junauda Petrus
- Katherine O'Hara
- Rosie Lee, Poet
- Jessica Zhou
- Monica Gong, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Undergraduate Student
- Mariela Vasquez
- Danii De La Rosa
- Jasmine Liu
- Helen H. Hsu, Psy.D., Past President, Asian American Psychological Association
- Edward Berdan, University of California, Los Angeles
- W. Martin, Translator
- Minh Lê, Author
- Emily Wojcik, The Massachusetts Review
- Geena Rocero, Author, HORSE BARBIE: A Memoir
- Amanda B Parmer, NYU, Media, Culture and Communication
- Gins Cole, Writer
- Kristen Haines
- Anne Stewart, University of British Columbia
- Chiyeung Lau
- Sulu LeoNimm
- Kaitlan Harbaugh
- H’Abigail Mlo
- Jason Bayani, Kearny Street Workshop
- Christine Han
- Hana Kimura
- Summer Kim Lee, UCLA
- Elaine Li
- Asha Nadkarni, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Cynthia Franco, Columbia University
- Cecelia Cortes
- Grace Hea Eun Han
- Pamela Glaven, Art Director, The Massachusetts Review
- T.K. Le, UCLA Asian American Studies Center, AAPI Multimedia Textbook
- Claudine Cho
- Julie McPherson, Saint Mary's College of California
- Heather Nagami, Kundiman
- T Zhang
- Preet Bhela, UMD Grad Student
- Shankar Narayan, Writer and CoChair, Pacific Northwest Kundiman
- Evelyn Wong
- Melinda Dang
- Robert Ouyang Rusli
- Julie Chen
- Stephanie Prieto, Wesleyan University Press
- Jinah rhee
- Isabelle Yan
- Nicole Perrone, Member, Ohio Progressive Asian Women’s Leadership (OPAWL)
- Beckett Schneider, Drexel University (current student)
- Mary Bly, Chair of English, Fordham University
- Shannon Gibney, Minneapolis College
- Roselie Samter
- katie bloom
- Christina Choi
- Jess Harkins McCann
- Kevin Lai
- Ingrid von Sydow
- Min Jin Lee
- Pranav Jani, Asian American Studies Program, Ohio State
- Sam Bloom
- Patrick Hopkins, Author, Editor
- Dr Angela Martinez Dy, Poet and scholar, Loughborough University London
- Charles Wells
- Natasha Francisco
- Jean Burke-Spraker
- Yangyang Cheng
- Sophia Quach McCabe, PhD, Curator and Art Historian
- Esther Tseng
- Abigail Jinju Lee, University of Oregon
- Carolina Ebeid
- Lehua M. Taitano, Artist, Writer, and Community Member
- Benson Shum, Author
- Irene B Feleo
- Malaika Fernandes
- Zequn Hareton Song, Princeton University
- Rick Bonus, University of Washington
- Hannah Waltz
- Vandana Ravi
- Sarah Cypher
- Metok Hughes-Levine
- Yolanda Wang
- Traci Sorell, Author
- Anne Liebig, Vienna Literature Festival
- Dr. Casey Catherine Moore, Poet, Georgetown University SCS Adjunct, Busboys & Poets Open Mic Host
- Dina Klarisse
- Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, Theoretical physicist and writer
- Maggie Huang
- Jonathan Cortez
- Theo LeGro
- Kasey LeBlanc
- Kylie Hargrove, Nashua Public Library
- Hilary Fung
- Jay D.
- Kat Rejsek, Academy of American Poets
- Winsome Eustace
- Hilah Kohen, University of Pennsylvania
- Riva Dhamala
- Julia Tong
- Regina Kim
- Min Kang, Kundiman
- Angela Tang
- Anjoli Roy, Writer
- Jesse Manuel Graves, Barnard College
- Rebekah Kim, California Academy of Sciences
- Jibek Azizkyzy
- devorah hill
- Geleni Fontaine, Poet
- Sheelagh Cabalda
- Karissa Murrell Myers, Artistic Director of Bramble Theatre Company
- Ari Kim, from Elsevier
- Austin Lukondi, New York University
- Raluca Albu, BOMB magazine
- Sally Bachner, Wesleyan University
- Sejal Shah, Independent writer & scholar
- Sherry Zhang , Editor of The Pantograph Punch
- Que-Lam Huynh, Professor, CSU Northridge
- Emily K. Yoon, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)
- Barbara Tran
- Jas Perry, Author & Literary Agent
- Sanzari Aranyak, former APAC intern, community organizer in NC
- Andrew Shih
- Timothy Oleksiak, University of Massachusetts Boston
- Sarah Hickman
- Shirley Ng-Benitez, Author/Illustrator
- Emma McVeigh
- cj west
- K-Ming Chang
- Michelle Lim
- Angela-MinhTu Nguyen, California State University, Fullerton
- Amanda Lin Hayes, Fellow, Helen Zell Writers' Program at the University of Michigan
- Bo, BOMB Magazine
- Kaitlin Rizzo
- Mary Ellen Gilson
- Kong Pheng Pha
- Bren Miranda
- Cindy Meyo Cielo
- Diana Khoi Nguyen, University of Pittsburgh, Writing Program
- Quynh H. Vo, American University
- Cindy Nguyen
- CK Peebler
- Emily
- Leah P.
- Jeremy S
- Susanna Jean
- Alison Murphy, Writer
- J. Mae Barizo, Kundiman, The New School
- noa Shearer
- Rebecca Gates, Artist
- joyce keokham
- Vinny Eng, Safer Together
- Stine An, Poet and Translator
- Antonia Heffelfinger
- dana middleton, University of Washington Bothell
- Danielle Ranucci, Writer
- S. Beasley
- Jonathan Hill, Author, cartoonist, illustrator
- Max Lasky
- Esther Eng
- Jericho Savage
- Hannah Chuh
- Ellin Kim, THINK & WRITE
- David R Shumway, Carnegie Mellon University
- Selena Yip, Book Harvest Philadelphia
- Rina Im
- Kelsey Chaplain
- Erin Murphy, Erin Murphy Literary Agency
- Miles Schlussler
- Amy Lin, Artist
- Dr. Ada Hubrig, Sam Houston State University
- Jenny Xu, Simon and Schuster
- Edie Tsong
- Aimee Hamilton
- Katana Smith
- Kate Brennan
- Saffron Turner
- Alyssa Lehmann
- Becky Leathersich
- Takami Nieda
- A.C. Esguerra, Cartoonist, Illustrator
- S. Moon Cassinelli, Virginia Tech
- Marjorie Antonio, University of Maryland
- Aanchal Saraf, Dartmouth College
- Amanda M. Leftwich, MCCC
- Alicia Tan
- Megan Lynch, Flatiron Books
- Niki Afsar
- Emily Chen
- Daniel Lanza Rivers, San Jose State University
- sadie spalding
- Huong Trinh
- Eliza Macdonald
- Demitra Olague
- Bea Mendoza
- Lameesa
- Kimberly Henriquez
- Louise Kay Uy
- Anna Cabe, Writer, Co-Fiction Editor at Split Lip Magazine
- Sarah R. Meiners, PhD Candidate, Department of History, Cornell University
- Sharon Mooney
- Megan Lui
- Caitlin Kelly, Duke University
- Crystal
- Juliana Chang, Professor of English, Santa Clara University
- Megan Lui
- Jennie Snow, Assistant Professor, English Studies, Fitchburg State University
- Shannon Pōmaikaʻi Hennessey, Former APAC Intern
- Wella Lobaton, The George Washington University, poet, library worker
- Angela Tang
- Anjoli Roy, Writer
- Jesse Manuel Graves, Barnard College
- Rebekah Kim, California Academy of Sciences
- Jibek Azizkyzy
- Andrey Vinogradov, University of Pittsburgh
- Mira Shimabukuro, Writer, Poet, Teaching Professor, UW Bothell
- Beverly Duran
- Sophia Pan, University of Florida
- Julia Sanches, literary translator
- Jason Wyman, Writer & Organizer
- Dana nauta
- tara jayakar, raptor editing & press
- Erina C Alejo, Artist, Researcher, A Hxstory of Renting
- Mark Flores
- Andrew Cabatian Aggabao
- Jordan Alam
- Morgan Glass
- HK Goldstein
- Ruthie Chen
- Tony Robles, Poet
- Audrey Bauman, University of Utah
- Liyen Chong, Arts Accountability Houston
- Annie Chen
- Kandi Tayebi, Sam Houston State University
- J Jose, Artist
- Jim Mccallum, OCA and JACL and JAVA
- Darshita Jain, Independent Journalist, Poet, Lillstreet Art Center,
- Christopher Phiouthong
- Jennifer Ng
- liz gonzalez
- Hua Hsu
- Mariko Whitenack
- Jeffrey Xiong
- Ken Liu
- Koomah, The Houston Intersex Society, Transgender Foundation of America
- Katrina Nye
- Lucia Tường Vy Nguyễn
- Deborah A. Miranda, Washington and Lee University, emerita
- Cloe Nichols
- Tony Wu
- Sok Svay
- Ezra Chan
- Sheena Yap Chan
- Arlene Biala
- Hua Hsu
- Jenna Smuszkiewicz
- Melissa Hung, Hyphen
- Skyler Knutzen
- Eduardo Cruz Eusebio, Sona Umbra Band
- Joss Greene, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of California, Davis
- Gerlie Collado Nonprofit administrator
- Brody Parrish Craig, Artist & Educator
- Lesley Williamson, Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts
- Gregory Jue, Northwestern University, Retired Administrator
- James Andrew Gilbert
- Iesha Mitchell
- Kylie Long
- Lindsay Hall, DC Public Library
- Chelsea Tokuno-Lynk
- Anjali Goyal
- Stanley Thangaraj, Stonehill College
- Michelle Tong, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- Sasha Sabherwal
- Elaine Wang
- Meaghan Townsend, Harvard University
- Tim Chng, Taiwanese Americans United
- Enky Bayar
- Kim Coles, University of Maryland
- Dong-Ping Wong, Food New York
- Cathleen Luo, Metropolitan Museum or Art
- Suzanne Begnoche, Concerned taxpayer
- Michelle Choi Ausman
- Edom Tesfa, PhD candidate, Harvard University
- Angel Maymi
- J. Vanessa Lyon, Professor of Art History
- Karthik Sethuraman
- Efren Bose, UC Berkeley University Health Services
- Kevin B
- Angela Ji
- Jillian Somera
- Erin Green, University of Maryland
- Jordan Nakamura
- Tiffany Beam, Former APAC Intern, UH Mānoa Grad Student
- Kenji C Liu
- Kayleigh Giorgio
- Ruthie Shek
- Teow Lim Goh Author
- Tina Bhaga, writer
- Ivan V. Small, University of Houston
- Thea Quiray Tagle, Associate Curator, Brown Arts Institute, Brown University
- Hien Nguyen, Writer
- Eric Hung, University of Maryland
- Karissa Chen, Editor-in-Chief, Hyphen magazine; writer
- Cara Duncan
- Buki Komba
- Yan Tan Danny Lam, Writer
- Nicole Sumida
- Eduardo C Corral, Associate Professor, North Carolina State University
- Joi Barrios, poet
- Liam, Writer and teacher
- Christine Nickel
- Paloma Concordia, PapaLoDown Agency
- Emily Sekine, University of Chicago Press
- maría fernanda
- Mary Canada
- Nina Swamidoss McConigley, Writer and Assistant Professor, Colorado State University
- Roger W. Tang, Pork Filled Productions
- Nahyeon Lee
- Erica Hunt
- Alexandria Eusebio
- Patricia Smith, Professor, Lewis Center for the Arts, Princeton University
- Utē J Petit
- Tausif Noor
- Rhea Rao, DC resident
- Lydia Kim
- Cassandra Xiong, Poet
- Min P
- Kristine M. Reyes
- B. Joanna Chen, Poet
- Lu Han
- Jiawen Xin
- Helen Armstrong
- Tania Perez
- Ian Barnard, Professor of Rhetoric and Composition, Chapman University
- Leah
- Kadel Adelsheim
- Jewel Pereyra
- Claire Light/Jadie Jang, Writer
- Saul Freedman
- Justina Huddleston
- Mya Worrell
- Jason Gray, Author
- Mike Keo
- Sam Bakkila, Stony Brook University
- Vandana Khanna
- Hilda Rasula
- Anida Yoeu Ali, Artist
- Amber West, UCLA, poet, co-conspirator
- Stephanie Barbé Hammer, Author and professor emerita University of California Riverside
- Ellen O'Brien
- Ed Giardina, Cypress College
- Alexis Cooney
- Nahid Khan
- Jonathan Chen
- Kiley McLaughlin, Writer
- Jason Magabo Perez, California State University San Marcos
- Edward Nadurata
- MK Hurrell
- Jenna Tang
- Meghan O’Shea, Comic artist
- Aleisha
- Ashley Sarra Mezzano, Writer, Robert Noyce Fellow at University of North Florida, Public School Teacher
- Yuki Aizawa
- Joanna Wong
- Sherrie Anne Hart
- Nitasha Sawhney
- Eva Song Margolis
- Liset Chavez, Artist
- Amanda Johnstone
- Jennifer Burcham
- Virginia Frankovich
- Gabriella Pilarski
- Soleil David, editor, Asian American Writers' Workshop
- Marcella Durand, Independent poet
- Michael Bingaman
- Aisha Abdel Gawad
- Joseph Ross, Poet
- Susan Bernofsky, Professor of Writing, Columbia University School of the Arts, and Director, Literary Translation at Columbia
- Shelley Marlow
- Felix Lecocq, writer and teacher at Chicago Asian Writers Workshop
- Melissa Fu, Writer
- Leigh-Anne Yacovelli, MSLS, Lower Merion Library System
- Clara Chan
- James Yeh, Deputy Editor, McSweeney's Quarterly; Nonfiction Advisor and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Writing, Columbia University Undergraduate Creative Writing Program
- Ann Stephenson
- Himanshu Suri
- Harron Walker
- Kyle Dacuyan, The Poetry Project
- Hege
- Frederique Dupré
- Dohra Ahmad, St. John’s University
- Frankie faul
- Laura H. Norton
- Jing Jing Tsong, Author amd Illustrator, Jing and Mike Co.
- John Lampard , Writer/Blogger
- Alison Kuo, Director of Programs at the International Studio & Curatorial Program
- Alex Orquiza, Providence College, Associate Professor
- Elena Rivera
- Evie Atkinson
- Jennifer Wong
- Sheri Dillard, Author
- Krystie Yen, Slant’d
- Jared Ontko
- Lindsay Turner, Assistant Professor and poet, Case Western Reserve University
- Alicia Jen, Columbia University
- Amy Hundley, Grove Atlantic
- Jill Khoury, Rogue Agent Journal
- Theresa, Lighthouse Writers
- Mark King
- Katherine Ingersoll
- Chris Herrmann, Public Librarian
- Rachel Fields
- Jennifer S Cheng
- Carl Phillips, Washington University
- Mari Miller
- Franklin Oliver, University High School
- Zohra Saed, Macaulay Honors College, CUNY
- Mary Grace Bertulfo, Banyan: Asian American Writers Collective
- Linda Blackaby, Cinema Projects
- Melanie Abeygunawardana, University of Minnesota
- Chen Chen, Poet
- Salvation Burnette
- Sara Mae
- Michael Crino
- Jessica Q. Stark, University of North Florida, AGNI
- Isabella Nguyen Tilley
- Alexis Almeida
- Brooke Tomiello
- Theresa Abalos
- Julii McMillan Artist
- Sylvie Shaffer, Librarian, Capitol Hill Day School Washington DC
- Ana Maria Ferreira, University of Indianapolis
- Aaron Hickman
- Karen Su, University of Illinois Chicago, Banyan: Asian American Writers Collective
- Katey Terumi Laubscher
- Amirra Malak, public school art teacher
- Lee Ann Brown, Publisher, Tender Buttons Press & Professor of English at St. John’s University in NYC
- Anna Moschovakis
- Mia You
- Rebecca McKanna, University of Indianapolis
- Meg Eden Kuyatt
- Colleen Wynn, University of Indianapolis
- Eileen Mah, University of Indianapolis
- Elizabeth Ziff, University of Indianapolis
- Haruka Aoki, Poet, illustrator
- Emily Skillings, Poet, Adjunct Professor, Arts Administrator
- Ruby Yassen, Kaya Press
- Gayatri
- Ebony Lynn Mudd
- Hilal Isler
- LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs, Poet, musician, curator
- Lacey Davidson, University of Indianapolis
- Robin Myers, poet and translator
- Candace Sanders
- Sarah Cho
- Gillian Cahill White, University of Michigan
- Jiordan Castle
- Bethany Padron
- Sarah Cho, Assistant Curator, Queens Museum
- Ruthie Dahlen, Dr. Sarah Park Dahlen's daughter
- Mohan Ambikaipaker, World Cultures & Literatures Program, University of Houston
- Alex Parker-Guerrero, Former Smithsonian Intern
- Tracy Fuad
- Christa Teston
- Elias Scheer
- Kiki Lucia
- David Roh, Professor, University of Utah
- Joyce Kwon
- Mari Christmas, Writer in Residence, Allegheny College
- Ann Marie Wong
- Kathy Chow, Kundiman
- Claudia Chern
- Saretta Morgan
- K Persinger, UC Riverside
- Karen Enomoto, Georgetown University Law Center
- Celina Su
- Rebecca Rubenstein, Writer and editor at The Offing
- Jessica Abughattas, Writer
- Nina Sudhakar
- Shayli Lesser
- Lindsey Webb, University of Utah
- Hiroshi Tomita
- Katie Freeman , Cento Lit
- David Mura, VONA Advisory Board
- Sophea Seng, California State University, Long Beach
- Tamiko Beyer, Poet, author
- Camille Roy
- Emily Ruth Rutter
- Liam Hicklin, Educator
- Bryan Thao Worra, Lao American poet
- Gayatri Sethi, PhD, Writer & co-founder desikidlit community
- Julie Avril Minich, University of Texas at Austin
- Jeffrey Wayno, Columbia University
- Lisa Jagannathan
- Taylor Masamitsu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Shelley Kuang
- Dr. Simran Kaur-Colbert, Earlham College
- Erica Hunt, Belladonna Collaborative
- Meg B
- Laura Esckelson
- Grace Shu Gerloff, Michigan State University
- Tonya Foster, Assistant Professor, San Francisco State University
- Nadia M Orozco-Sahi
- charles theonia
- Dāshaun Washington
- Tessa Cheek
- Kate Meng Brassel
- Jacob Fricke, hello hello books
- Imogen Lolos, Actor and playwright
- Nina Sharma
- C Pam Zhang, Writer
- Chanel Kim
- Andy Vidales, Librarian
- Ann
- Breanna J. McDaniel, Writer
- Kara HL Chen, Author
- Siobahn Sung
- Lloyd Wallace
- Chelsey Hartupee
- Crystal Chen
- Cheryl Werber
- Kimberly Lyons, Lunar Chandelier Press
- Nirmala Erevelles , Professor, Social and Cultural Studies in Education, The University of Alabama
- Sarah Crumb, reader
- Maria gerdyman, Ds4si
- José Edmundo Ocampo Reyes, Poet
- Tim Jones-Yelvington, Poet, Writer
- Laura Vrana, University of South Alabama, Assistant Professor of English & African American Studies
- Rebekah McFarland, Archivist
- Dale Going, Poet
- Aaron Zimmerman, NY Writers Coalition
- Shameem Rakha, Washington State University
- Nana B
- Alyssia Gonzalez, ACG Book Publicity
- Carina Licon, Editor
- Tessa Rauch
- Kat Y. Tang, writer
- Joe B
- Nicole Story
- Craige Roberts, Linguist
- Laura Chow Reeve, writer
- Jennifer Firestone, Belladonna
- Madina Tuhbatullina, UNLV
- Becca Judd
- Suzi Steffen, Writer, writing instructor
- Carolyn Ann Schweitzer
- Lila Cutter
- Allison DeDecker
- Soren Stockman
- Ishita Kent, Former bookseller, independent advance reader and sensitivity editor
- Shenwei Chang, Recent graduate, Simmons University
- Ricardo Maldonado, poet, translator, editor, arts administrator
- Todd Ayoung, Pratt institute
- Leslie Shipman, The Shipman Agency, Inc.
- Frances Nan
- Daniele Meñez
- chelsea iorlano, Poet, Youth Programs Director at Split This Rock
- Alexandra
- Barrett White
- Claire Salinda
- Monica Jahan Bose, artist and writer
- Michelle Lin
- Larissa Pham
- Maria S. Picone
- Ayoung Lee
- Chen Gu
- Paul S Ukrainets, MFA candidate at the Michener Center
- Jewel Buchanan-Boone, Poet, Author, Kearny Street Workshop
- Dure Ahmed
- Karen Huang
- Marisa P. Clark, writer
- Kien Lam
- Stuti Sharma
- Cameron Little
- monét cooper, Dancing on Desks Podcast | doctoral student, English & Education, University of Michigan
- Uesin Kim
- Matilda
- Margaret Price, Ohio State University
- Sarena Tien, PhD candidate, Cornell University
- Nina Sharma
- Julia Kuo, Author and Illustrator
- Angelica Ilagan
- Michelle Shui-lin Lai
- Amita Manghnani
- Takeo Rivera, Boston University
- Elizabeth Stanley
- Puja Maharaj, Podcaster
- David Shih, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
- Nicola Krause
- Natalie Mink
- Jacob Kahn, Poet, Publisher, Public Librarian
- Surabhi Balachander
- Ann Inoshita
- Greg Kovas
- Jan M. Padios, Chair, Asian American Studies Program and Associate Professor of American Studies, Williams College
- Barbara W. Kim, Dept. of Asian and Asian American Studies, CSU Long Beach
- Tianyu Zhang, Cornell University
- Kevin Kumashiro, Education Deans for Justice and Equity
- Jane S. Kim
- Dan Vera, Poet, Editor, Publisher
- Hannah Colen
- Vanessa
- LeiLani Nishime, Professor of Communication, University of Washington
- Sabrina Pyun, Scribner Assistant Editor
- Alexandria Petrassi, Split This Rock Communications Director
- Kelly Harper
- Patrick Fay
- Mimi Mondal
- Rita Shah, Associate Professor of Criminology and Fulbright Scholar, Eastern Michigan University
- Laura Sackton, Freelance Writer & Reviewer
- torrin a. Greathouse, Pacific Lutheran University
- Bijal Desai-Ramirez, Masalawali
- Richard Jeffrey Newman
- Daisy Levy, American University
- Monica Chiu, Professor of English and American Studies, University of New Hampshire
- Jillian Zdepski
- Lulu Yao Gioiello, FAR-NEAR
- Hannah Kao
- Rebecca Nakaba
- Juliet Way-Henthorne, Hunger Mountain Review
- Emily Yang
- Al Hoffman
- Noreen Ocampo
- Esther Huang
- Maria Bolaños, Poet, Co-Founder of Sampaguita Press
- Lune Loh, Royal Holloway, University of London
- Anna Vogt, Independent Scholar/Writer/Artist
- Michelle Har Kim
- Kyra Lisse
- Tom Pyun
- Caroline Kyungah Hong, Queens College, CUNY
- Jade Cabagnot, University of Minnesota
- erica kaufman, Bard College
- Tiara
- Katie Hanafin
- Angie Chuang, University of Colorado Boulder
- Joseph Vosti
- Surazeus Simon Seamount, Epic Poet of Astarian Scriptures
- Maria Mendoza
- Charles Oberndorf, educator, writer
- Iris (Yi Youn) Kim
- Ashley Colley
- Emily Riches, Aniko Press
- Alissa Nutting, Writer
- Azalea Dunn, Writer
- Greg Chin
- Katie Shaw
- Caitlyn Hasenfratz
- Alexandra Ashworth
- Shannon Vare Christine
- Luis Francia, Poet
- Dorsey Craft, University of North Florida and Agni
- Katherine Sanchez, Belladonna Series*
- M. Lee
- Lisa Cohen, Teacher
- Carolina Do, The Sống Collective, Writer
- Vanesa O’Hanlon, Chinatown Made
- J Chang
- Anya
- Jolene Torr, University of California Press
- Stephanie Yun, Poet
- Kimothy Ammons, Hamline University MFAC '24
- Caroline M. Mar
- Danica Li
- Vanessa Hua
- Abby Ryder-Huth, Penn State
- Corrinne Chong , Barnes Foundation
- Corrinne Chong , Barnes Foundation
- James Gumm III
- John Cheng, Binghamton University
- Mee-Ae kim, Emeritus Professor of History
- Jess X Snow
- Lanlian Szeto
- Emily Jungmin Yoon, Poet
- Jennifer Duan, Artist
- Kevin Tsai, Professor of Chinese, University of South Alabama
- Karen Chow
- Preeti Kaur
- Elliott Powell, University of Minnesota
- Kristen Lien
- Na-Rae Kim, University of Connecticut
- Indran Amirthanayagam, poet, editor, publisher, Beltway Editions
- Jared Krauss
- Pichchenda Bao, Poet
- Julie Gabrielli, writer
- Connie Wei
- Ada Vilageliu Diaz , University of the District of Columbia
- Ruth madievsky
- Shital Patel
- Dr Nat Raha , Glasgow School of Art
- The Nonbinarian, The Nonbinarian Book Bike
- Daisuke Akiba, The City University of New York: Queens College & The Graduate Center
- Lauren S
- Judy Yu
- Madeleine AKTYPI
- Mark wang, Mark wang illustration
- Amy Jo Cousins , Author
- Gabrielle Garcia, MLIS, University of Washington
- Racelle Rosett, Unreal Orchard Residency
- Rachel Kramer, Community College Librarian
- Ghinwa Jawhari, Koukash Review
- Tiffany Lytle, Performing Artist, Doctoral Candidate, Scholar of Asian American Performance
- Molly Martin, University of Indianapolis
- SH Chung
- Ryan su
- Kathryn Hargett-Hsu, Washington University in St. Louis
- Tania James
- Grishma Shah, Manhattan College
- Anne Wong
- Michele Janette, Professor, Kansas State University
- Kevin McKelvey, University of Indianapolis
- Nestor Guerrero, MLIS Graduate Student, University of Washington
- Ian Ware, American Library Association
- Jenn Northington
- Nikay Paredes, poet and arts administrator
- Olivia Tse
- Chloe Chen, Student at Emory University’s Department of English
- Andrew Migliori
- Chad Shomura, Assistant Professor of Ethnic Studies, University of Colorado Denver
- Haydee
- Katie Gee Salisbury, Author
- Kyoko Takenaka, Artist, Actor
- Amy J. Wan, CUNY
- Emmeline Kaiser
- Lisa Yee, Author
- Grace lin, Author/illustrator
- Anastasia Lin , Professor
- Centa Schumacher
- Claire Stanford
- Kavita Rajanna
- Catia Chien
- Hannah Cascio, Teacher
- Betsy Huang, Clark University
- Andy Chou Musser
- Trisha Low
- Jean Chen Ho, Kaya Press (board member); Kundiman fellow
- Samantha Suvak
- Lindsay Warren, The College of New Jersey
- Olivia Kenney
- Genevieve Hartman
- Dale McNeill, Librarian
- Maricielo Ampudia, Poet
- Yu Ying Li
- Jennifer Delgadillo
- Sojourner Davidson, Tending Verses LLC
- Johnathan Gibbs, The Black & Asian Alliance Network
- Rae Kuruhara, UCLA
- Olivia Verdick, Washington County Library, Minnesota
- Iris Afantchao
- Sofia Koyama, AAWW
- Fernando Manibog, American University
- Patricia P. Chu, Professor of English, Director of Asian American Studiesan Studies, George Washington University
- Lauren Nakamura, University of Pittsburgh; First Light Reiki
- Jeni Prater
- Preeti Chhibber, Writer
- Cayla Zhang
- Susan Scheid, Split This Rock, Board co-Chair
- Rona Luo
- Mario Gonzalez, Passaic (NJ) Public Library
- Victor
- Alisa Yang
- Kez Wang , Poet
- Alexandra Kleeman, The New School
- Joey Gould
- christina sharpe, York University
- Rich Kaminski
- Anna Zabielski
- Sandy G
- Michael Baker , Boston Asian American Film Festival
- Jackie kim
- Rina Morisawa
- Maxwell Leung, Ph.D., California College of the Arts
- Stephanie Yu
- Vivian Shaw, Mellon Assistant Professor of Asian American Studies, Vanderbilt University
- Helen, An asian american reader and community member
- John Bennett
- Genevieve DeGuzman, poet & writer
- Gary Totten
- Roma Panganiban
- Bryan Dunn
- Jennifer Snyder
- Hananah Zaheet, Los Angeles Review; South Asian Avante Garde; Univ. of MD MFA
- Mike Paxton
- Marissa Tirona
- Sháńdíín Brown, Henry Luce Curatorial Fellow for Native American Art
- Chelsea Dai
- Sam Wren Quan Sing
- Rach Crawford , Literary Agent
- Penina Roth
- Leise Hook
- Bich-May Nguyen, Doctors for America
- CE Shue, Author
- Brandon Sarmiento
- Kelly Stromberg, Helianthus Books
- Mary Grace Bertulfo, Banyan: Asian American Writers Collective
- Jane Hseu, Banyan: Asian American Writers Collective
- Isabel Garcia-Gonzales, Banyan: Asian American Writers Collective
- Karen Su, Banyan: Asian American Writers Collective
- Eduardo Eusebio, Banyan: Asian American Writers Collective
- Samina Hadi-Tabassum, Banyan: Asian American Writers Collective
- Nicole Sumida, Tina Bhaga, Banyan: Asian American Writers Collective
- Victor Yipp, Banyan: Asian American Writers Collective
- Greg Jue, Banyan: Asian American Writers Collective
- Marilou Mariko Carrera, Banyan: Asian American Writers Collective
- Jillian Somera, Banyan: Asian American Writers Collective
- Alexandria Eusebio, Banyan: Asian American Writers Collective
- Kelly Stromberg, Helianthus Books
- Tausif Noor
- Christopher O'Neill, Monash University
- Dr Grace Gassin, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
- Hariata
- Audrey Kuo
- Laura Tanata
- hong, emerging poet
- Cathryn Molloy, JMU
- Marcy Tanter
- Wendy Shang, Authot
- Jennifer Bartell Boykin, Poet Laureate of the City of Columbia, SC
- Kristen Myllek
- Daria-Ann Martineau, Poet
- Sheree Baker, Retired English Teacher, Sand Springs Schools
- Kim Ravold, Writer, Educator
- Ren Majid
- Mickee Cheung
- Sam Becker
- Ranmali Rodrigo
- Starr Sumie Miyata
- Dr. Amy Gore, North Dakota State University
- Ariel Gruzs
- Hope Villanueva, AEA, Dramatists' Guild
- Ceci Norman, Alief Art House
- Faye Bi
- Dante Micheaux, Cave Canem Foundation
- Sarah Black
- Dana Kopel
- Emi Ichimura, Seattle Pacific University
- Samuel Read
- Adrienne Nguyen
- Mae Ngai, Columbia University
- kei kai-ro, writer
- Meg Cass
- Oliver Baez Bendorf
- Layhannara Tep, NYU MFA candidate in fiction
- Jeanwon Kim
- Elizabeth Sheldon
- Chanika Svetvilas, Artist and community member
- Marisa Vito, Digital Content Manager at Copper Canyon Press
- Alexandra Lim-Chua Wee
- Vivian Yu
- Rebecca van Laer, Writer
- Mimi Pham
- Dan J. Vice, Associate Professor of English, University of Indianapolis
- Alison Feuerwerker, Writer
- E. Peritz
- Tiffanie Jan Lee
- Sue Yi
- Beenash Jafri, Assistant Professor, Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies, UC Davis
- rochelle hoi-yiu kwan
- Meera Sriram
- Joe Piette, Workers World Party
- Kelly Zhao
- Laura Seltzer
- Angela Siew, Poet, instructor
- tracey nguyen mang, Vietnamese Boat People podcast/nonprofit
- Dorian Karchmar, Literary Agent & Partner, WME Agency
- Evanka Weerasinghe
- Larry Krone, Artist and Ally
- Sean Nguyen, Stand with Asian Americans
- Addie Tsai, William & Mary
- Sung J. Woo
- Tania Rowe, Writer
- Jennifer Shikes Haines, writer
- Simona Supekar
- Lawdenmarc Decamora, Poet & Faculty Researcher, University of Santo Tomas
- Melissa Phruksachart, University of Michigan, Dept. of Film, Television, and Media
- Purvi Shah, Writer, Kundiman Fellow, & Consultant
- Susanna Horng
- Joon Lee
- Catherine Ma, City University of New York
- Erin Suzuki, University of California, San Diego
- Dorothy Kim , English, Brandeis University
- Kiku Hughes
- Natasha
- Morgan Matter
- stefa marin alarcon
- Sebastian Doherty, NYU
- Lily, Harvard Book Store, and Boston ABG
- Moe McGlashan , English Teacher
- Aditya Desai, Maryland Humanities, writer
- Laura Surynt, Individual
- Tricia Greenstein, GWU, ALA, APALA
- Angelique Tran Van Sang, Felicity Bryan Associates
- Uyen Thai
- Kat Tanaka Okopnik, Independent scholar/writer/editor
- Lauren Garces, San Diego Asian Pacific Islander Coalition
- sky lee
- Fiona Teng
- Lily Wang-Falzon
- Tina Bhaga, Banyan: Asian American Writers Collective
- Aubrey Lay
- Jackie Guataquira, Designer and Art Educator
- Rebecca Hawkes
- Ricardo Hernandez, Assistant Director, Programs & Partnerships, Poets & Writers
- Linda Thai LMSW
- Navjot Pal Kaur , Kaur Republic Media Group
- Kate and Ailsa Hermann-Wu
- Axel Valle, Editor
- Vanessa Mei, The Pantograph Punch
- Alison James
- Felicia Bartley , History Colorado
- Sophie McBride
- Dr. Barbara Moreno, poet and teacher
- Bonnie Richardson
- Sehba Sarwar, Author
- F. M. V. F. Bello, Q-Wave
- Donna Sralla
- Sarah Davis, Graduate Student at CUNY
- Erin Hill
- Clare O’Leary, Gogomedia Aotearoa
- K. Kerimian, The Nonbinarian Book Bike, NAIBA
- Adhy Kim, History & Literature, Harvard University
- Reema Rao-Patel
- Vi Hoang-Creton, VV_eird Workshops LA
- Arianne Nguyen
- Raymond La
- Sharline Chiang
- Skye
- Yang H
- Alice Stephens, Adoptee Literary Festival
- Danny Khuu, Sonoma County Library, Library Associate / San Jose State Graduate Student
- Danny Khuu, Sonoma County Library, Library Associate / San Jose State University, Graduate Student
- Simeon Man
- Paul Pfeiffer, Denniston Hill
- Anne-Marie Te Whiu
- Marina Budhos, Author & Professor Emerita, William Paterson University
- Ami Tian
- Fatema Haque
- Lisa Factora-Borchers, Writer and Editor
- SC Liu
- JoAnn Balingit
- Gail Bloom
- Fateha Hossain
- Ayana M McNair, PhD , Beautiful Flower Editorial
- Saranicole Marino, Book Influencer
- Andrew Kang and Sunnie Liu,
- Demi Pena-Chavez
- Amir Rabiyah, Poet and Librarian
- Pallavi Sharma Dixit, Writer
- Kelsay Elizabeth Myers, Writer, Expressive Arts Practitioner & Transformative Coach
- Danielle Du
- Beth Roberts, University of Surrey
- S. Nam
- Tara Averill Nelson
- Jess Row, Writer and Clinical Professor of English, NYU
- Camille Fraser
- Rachel Nussbaum
- Gabriel
- Tiago Quintana, Ph.D.
- Sebastian Suarez-Solis, California Institute of the Arts
- Shanna Salinas, Associate Professor of English and Critical Ethnic Studies, Kalamazoo College
- Breylan Martin, PhD Student, UC Berkeley
- Mariko Hewer
- Prama Neogi
- Alex Fitzpatrick, PhD, Science Museum
- Nancy Ukai , 50 Objects
- Lynnette Ramsay, Boston Poetry Slam
- Belinda Hu
- Gloria Sun
- Alexander Wong, PhD
- Cindy Lu, Artist
- Michelle Young
- Shantel Forrest
- Sue Shon, Emily Carr University of Art + Design
- Emily Rutherford
- Sarita See, Professor, University of California Riverside
- Jon Tjhia
- Jenny Xie
- Winniebell Xinyu Zong
- Jen Soriano, Writer
- Tanya Konerman, Author
- Camisha Jones, Poet
- Brendan Farrell Ryan
- Nur Ibrahim, South Asian Avant-Garde Anthology
- Colleen Ho, PhD
- Heather Blatt, Florida International University
- Tammy Tao
- Monica Divane
- Sharon L. James, UNC Chapel Hill
- Anna Cabe, Co-Fiction Editor at Split Lip Magazine
- Vicky Song, PGA (Producer’s Guild of America)
- Arianna Ross, Story Tapestries
- Joe Hsy, Concerned Citizen
- Noelani Piters
- Carolyn Wong
- Koua Yang
- Vani Natarajan
- Cassie Mira Nicholson
- Tracy Floreani, President, Society for the Study of the Multiethnic Literature of the U.S. (MELUS)
- Laila Mai-Nguyen
- Jennifer Baker , Bay Path University
- Veronica Liu, Word Up Community Bookshop
- David Jauss
- Aaron Timm, Poet member of Union of table scraps
- Lisa Bickmore, Professor Emerita, Salt Lake Community College
- Mary Ting
- DaVid Mitchell , George Washington University
- Maritza Montanez, Greenlight Bookstore Union
- Eileen Chong, Poet and teacher
- Sarah Aziza, Palestinian Writer
- JR "Nexus" Russ, Public Affairs Specialist, DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities
- Jerry Rapier, Plan-B Theatre
- Pong Louie
- Josen Diaz, University of San Diego
- Juliet Huynh, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Rachel Goldstein
- Cortney Yee
- Ama Codjoe
- Sunny Hu
- Donald Mason
- Angelo Parodi, DC Public Schools
- Sarah Gambito, Kundiman | Fordham University
- Kim Yasuda, Dept. Of Art, UC Santa Barbara
- Steven Hou
- Micah Li, n/a
- Jieying Cai
- Will Giles, Kundiman
- Lance Cleland, Tin House Workshop
- Brent Nakamoto, Artist and Writer; Faculty at Carnegie Mellon University School of Art; Brew House Arts
- Mandy Shunnarah
- Alison Minami
- Kumar Jensen, MAZU
- Jinki Cambronero
- Jefferson Chen
- Kate Lu Sedor
- Kelsey Ford
- Sasha Francis and Achille Segard, 5ever Books
- Arielle Walker
- Rosemary Peppermint
- Jenne Hsien Patrick, Artist and Writer
- Madeleine Mironuk, Poet
- Natalie Scenters-Zapico
- Rani Neutill , Tufts University
- Denise Calvetti Michaels, cascadia college
- Denise Calvetti Michaels, poet, Social Science Faculty, Cascadia College, Bothell, WA
- Mandy Moe Pwint Tu, Poet
- Yani Widjaja, Librarian, Aotearoa
- Megan Fernandes, Associate Professor of English, Lafayette College
- Sonia Min, Individual
- Michelle Lê, Ph.D Student, UIUC for Asian-American Kidlit
- Dilruba Ahmed, Writer
- Chye-Ling Huang, Proudly Asian Theatre
- Tahirah Walker, Point Park University
- Mat Tyrrell, None
- Lil O’Brien
- Jake Eduardo Vermaas, Poet
- Alana McBride, Oberlin College
- Eric Tanyavutti, Writer
- Catherine Vo
- erin Khue Ninh, Professor & Chair, Asian American Studies, UC Santa Barbara
- Lela Ni, Vanderbilt University
- Kavita Das, Author, Craft & Conscience, Freelance Writer
- AJ Espinoza
- Mark Rifkin, Professor, UNC Greensboro
- Alex Belardo Kostiw
- Kim Park Nelson, Ph.D., Director of Ethnic Studies, Winona State University
- Jaclyn Sakura Knitter, Former APAC Intern
- Val Wang
- Emma Ishida
- Tiffany Do
- Drew Anderson, Teaching Artist, Host, DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities Fellow
- Sahar Muradi, Poet & Educator
- Christopher Fox, Newman University
- Jackie Kim
- Lorienne Beals, Story Tapestries, Inc.
- Richard Chen, Stop AAPI Hate
- Willy Palomo, Plumas Colectiva
- Melissa Moreno, Ethnic Studies faculty
- Jasmyn Choi
- Rajiv Mohabir, Writer
- Preeti Parikh, Kundiman
- Denise Khor, Northeastern University
- Alison Roh Park
- E. J. Koh, University of Washington
- Mark Tseng-Putterman, Brown University
- Irene Villaseñor, 2022 and 2023 Lambda Literary Fellow
- Samantha Puc
- Jess Yuan
- Jennifer Natalya Fink, Georgetown University
- Sharon Suzuki-Martinez
- Candice Wing-yee Mack, Past President, Asian Pacific American Librarians Association
- Vikas Menon, Poet & Playwright
- Kelly King, The Movement Movement
- Anthony Yooshin Kim, Ph.D., Digital Curator, American Documentary
- Deborah Clemons, RISD Museum
- Bao Phi, poet and children's book author
- Jade Elyssa Cariaga, Cariaga Consulting
- Nicole W. Lee, Poet, Four Way Review Associate Poetry Editor
- Karen Kosasa, Museum St/American St, University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa
- Alexa Patrick, Shout Mouse Press
- Troy Osaki, Kundiman
- Miliann Kang, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Anastasia Chiu, Asian Pacific American Librarians Association
- Monika Cassel, Poet, MFA candidate, Warren Wilson College
- Michelle Lee, Stand with Asian Americans
- Sandra Beasley, Poet
- Liang Luscombe, Writer
- Kat Lawrie
- Heidi Rabinowitz, The Book of Life Podcast
- Anna Wilson, Assistant Professor, Harvard University
- Hannah Park, Asian Pacific American Librarians Association
- Samuel Gerald Collins, Towson University
- Yasmine Yu
- Uyen Sophie Nguyen, PhD Candidate, Fordham University
- Heidi Eichbauer
- Lori Lopez, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Kathleen Hellen
- Joyce YU, Asian Women Giving Circle Member
- Sunu P. Chandy, Poet
- Kathryn Harding
- Jen/Eleana Hofer , Poet, translator, interpreter, language justice advocate, Adjuct Professor at Otis College of Art & Design
- Erin Shigaki, Artist
- Sharon Yamato, Writer/filmmaker
- Jenny Tinghui Zhang, Writer
- Adele Yiseol Kenworthy, Artist
- Donna Maeda
- Kai Curry
- Mimi Lok
- Shinae Yoon, Korean American National Museum
- Jade Lacy
- G Jung
- Naveen Rao
- Christina Hsu Accomando, Departments of English and Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Cal Poly Humboldt
- Janelle Adsit, Cal Poly Humboldt
- Steve Dickison, Director, The Poetry Center, San Francisco State University
- Valerie Matsumoto, University of California, Los Angeles
- Moto daniel, Revacam
- Max Yeh, Writer
- Ernie Brill, lifetime member of the Southern Poverty Law Center, member of Poets and Writers
- Nabil Shah, DRUM
- Rev. Mark M. Nakagawa, The United Methodist Church
- Carolina Oh
- Stepfanie Aguilar
- Joanna Howard
- Zoe Tuck, Poet & Teacher
- Alicia Mountain, PhD, The Writer’s Foundry MFA at St. Joseph’s University
- Catherine Bresner
- S. Brook Corfman, Writer
- Harold Abramowitz, writer, editor, teacher
- Kevin Chen, MPP candidate Harvard Kennedy School
- Vicki Toyohara Mukai, Retired Judge, Bellevue, WA
- Don Mukai, Retired Corporate Telecommunications Attorney
- Alyson Mukai, Kindergarten Teacher, Mukilteo, WA
- Anna Elizabeth Mitchell
- Guilliean Pacheco, Writer, Poet, & Editor
- Ash Brown, University of Michigan Law Library
- Eileen Markert
- Phoebe Canagarajah
- Isabel Garcia-Gonzales, Banyan: Asian American Writers Collective, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
- Larissa Lai, University of Toronto
- Matthew O'Donnell
- Franny Choi, Bennington College, Curator of APAC's Queer Check-Ins Series
- Michelle Ji-Yeun Kim
- Alex Tretbar, University of Missouri–Kansas City
- Michelle Peñaloza
- Karen Yin, Writer
- Tiffany Chang, Dartmouth College
- Sangeeta Mehta, book editor
- Stacie Marinelli, Individual
- Minseo Jeong
- Anthony Thai
- Kris Cervantes
- Philomena Polefrone, Advocacy Associate Manager, American Booksellers Association
- Kieran Fendt
- Wiley Wei-Chiun Ho
- Steven Wakabayashi
- Jessica Sarles-Dinsick
- Catherine Ma, Professor, City University of New York
- Samina G. Ali, Kean University
- Rita Wong, Associate Professor, Faculty of Culture & Community, Emily Carr University of Art and Design
- June Pen
- Sylvia Brownrigg, Writer
- Meng Jin
- Miko Yoshida, The New School
- Beheroze Shroff, University of California, Irvine
- Andrew Eng
- Yoko Kan, Artist and Educator
- Sean McNally
- Ryan Nhu
- Kristen Sze-Tu
Sign the letter here.