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Math: 6/9/14 - 6/13/14
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Teacher’s Name Mrs. Fundora           Subject ___Math______          Grade Pre-K1      Week of _6/9/14 - 6/13/14___________________                            

Unit 3 Week 3                Unit Title Measurement        Essential Question________________________________________________________                         








(Lesson Focus)

What will the students know or be able to do at the end of the lesson?


How will the students demonstrate that they have accomplished the desired outcome? Please state the question that will be asked during your formative assessment.


In what activities will the students be engaged to accomplish the desired outcome? Please list in the order that you will implement.


e.g. one should be on knowledge, one on application, and one on synthesis or evaluation.








 Explore and compare the weight of classroom objects; determine which objects weigh more, less, or about the same.

Which one is heavier and which is lighter? 

  1. The teacher will make sacale out of a milk carton, and rubber band.
  2. Hang the scale from a rule from a ruler secure by a stack of books.
  3. Have the children select two items to weight on the scale.
  4. Have each child record the weight on a their own construction paper with a crayon.
  5. Ask: Which item is heavier and which is lighter? How can you tell which item is heavier? What object in the room do you think is lighter than your heavier item? 
  6. Repeat activity with other objects.
  1. Which item is heavier and which is lighter?
  2. How can you tell which item is heavier?
  3. What object in the room do you think is lighter than your heavier item?








 Explore and compare the weight of classroom objects; determine which objects weigh more, less, or about the same. 

 Which container hold less and which container holds less?

  1. The teacher will set different pourable and several containers at each of the five tables.The teacher will explain that capacity is the amount a container can hold.
  2. The teacher will explain that they will fill different containers and explore the different materials at each table.
  3. As the children work , I will circulate, and will ask the following questions: Can you pour all the rice from the container into this one? Will that container hold as many  rice as this one? Is that container full? How many scoops can fill this container?
  4. The teacher will display two nest and two bird bath.
  5. Ask the children: Which nest holds more eggs and which holds less?  Why? Which bird bath hold more and which holds less? Why? If I gave you a large bag of rice in what container would you pour the rice? (small container or big container) 
  1. Which nest holds more eggs and which holds less?  Why?
  2. Which bird bath hold more and which holds less? Why?
  3. If I gave you a large bag of rice in what container would you pour the rice? (small container or big container)








Explore and compare capacity by filling and measuring containers: determine which container holds more and which holds less. 

Which nest holds more eggs?


  1. The teacher will display two containers one tall and one short and wide.
  2. Ask: Which container holds more?
  3. The teacher will have a volunteer pour rice in the tall container, then have another volunteer pour rice in low wide bowl.
  4. Have the children determine which one holds more.
  5. Distribute egg cutouts, glue, crayons, construction paper.
  6. Have the children draw two nest, one much bigger than the other.
  7. Have the children glue eggs to their nest.
  8. Have the children count the eggs in each nest and write the number, and circle the nest that holds more.
  9. Ask: Which nest holds more eggs? Which one holds fewer?
  10. The teacher will display two baskets one big and one small.
  11. Ask: Wich basket would you use to put the eggs of the big nest and which one would you use to put the eggs of the small nest? (demonstrate) Why did you choose that size? 
  1. Which nest do you think holds more eggs?
  2. How do you know? (demonstrate)
  3. Wich basket would you use to put the eggs of the big nest and which one would you use to put the eggs of the small nest? (demonstrate)
  4. Why did you choose that size?








 Order three containers by capacity to determine which holds the most and least. 

 To whom the bowls belong to?

  1.  The teacher will display two containers one tall and one short and wide.
  2. Ask: Which container holds more?
  3. The teacher will have a volunteer pour rice in the tall container, then have another volunteer pour rice in low wide bowl.
  4. Have the children determine which one holds more.
  5. The teacher will read aloud “The Three Bears.”
  6. The teacher will pause on specific pages to point out the relative size of each bowl of porridge.
  7. Ask: What size of bowl are mentioned in the story?  For who is the large, the medium, and small  the size bowl were intended for? Which bowls hold more and which one holds less?
  8. Have the children match spoons to the corresponding  bowl.
  9. Ask: Why is the large spoon with large bowl? (It belongs to the big bear)
  1. What size bowls are mentioned in the story?
  2. For who is  the large, the medium, and small  the size bowl were intended for?
  3. Which bowls hold more and which one holds less?








Bloom’s Taxonomy

 (HOTS Questions)







School Grade Weighting Scale:

Tests (40%):

Quizzes (20%):

Classwork/ Participation (15%):

Homework (5%):

Projects/ Portfolios (20%):


Vocabulary words for week:

1. hold                               6.

2. more                                7.

3. less                               8.

4. bigger                                9.

5. smaller                              10.

Use of Technology:

   __*_ Smartboard

   __*__ Student Response System