1. Attendance

Tutors are expected to be present every time and for the entire scheduled time. Tutors are expected to adhere to the schedule they provided the tutor coordinators. By volunteering, tutors are explicitly agreeing to this responsibility.

2. Absences

If a tutor is unable to attend a session, that is okay. It is not necessary to email an officer about an absence, although messaging the GroupMe acts as a courtesy so those in need of tutoring can plan accordingly.

If a tutor is repeatedly missing a scheduled time slot, they are encouraged to contact the tutor coordinator(s) to update their available hours. Otherwise, they may be removed from the schedule for the time slot in order to maintain an accurate schedule for those in need of tutoring.

3. Signing In/Out

Tutors must sign in when they arrive and sign out when they are leaving the tutor room. If a tutor forgets to sign out, they may not receive credit for their time.

The hour log primarily operates under the honor system. However, officers reserve the right to deny hours if there are discrepancies. If a tutor has a change of schedule, they are encouraged to contact the tutor coordinator(s).

Only tutors need to sign in. Visitors and those in need of tutoring do not need to sign in.

4. Conduct

The intent of the ACS room is primarily for studying. It is fine to remain in the room to socialize, but please be courteous to others who may need a quiet environment.

Tutors are expected to attend to the needs of those in need of tutoring first and foremost. There should never be an instance where a student is in need of assistance and a tutor is idle simultaneously, except if the tutor is not familiar with the subject.

5. Answering Questions

Tutors should only answer questions they are sure about. This is expected for all classes to which tutors are assigned. We have spare books available, and it is welcome and encouraged to tutor other courses if tutors know the material.

If there are no tutors available to answer questions on a certain subject, please direct the student to the website with the tutor schedule so they may see when a tutor is available to help them.

If the room is busy, tutors should attend to the needs of everyone to the best of their ability.

6. Food and Drink

Eating is allowed in the ACS room. Please make sure to clean up after eating and throw any trash away before leaving.