Inklop  Bunny’s  Commissions 

Last updated: 17/06/2024

Trello | ❌ Twitter | Bluesky | FurAffinity |❕ Instagram | Kofi 

 •••••  •••••  •••••

I have a progressive physical disability, FOP,  that affects my daily life; my body is in a rigid position, including both arms. I can only use one hand.

Art can aggravate my condition if I do too much, so I space work apart. My prices reflect the time and effort that my artwork requires.


My turnaround ranges from a few days, a week, then over a month for larger projects.

Complicated designs are subjective, and so they’re accepted on a case-by-case basis.

Weekends are my days off.

My timezone is UTC 9:30+, Australia.

Client’s Rights

  • You’ll receive a low resolution copy and the full sized original. You can upload the low-rez image to your accounts, with a link back to any of my galleries
  • Use your commissioned art for a personal digital wallpaper, or crop for an avatar
  • You cannot print reproductions regardless of whether profit is involved, eg prints, stickers. One print-out for your wall is acceptable, but handing out copies is not.
  • Buying a commission does not include Licensing Rights: I do not offer these. My commissions are for non-commercial use: no advertising/company logo/website/book covers/NFTs/Crypto/AI.
  • Do not edit your commission; the WIP stage is for all corrections!

Artist’s Rights

  • Australian Law dictates that I own all copyright & licenses to my artwork
  • I require credit- a link back to any of my galleries
  • I reserve the right to publish any commissions in printed or digital format. I don’t supply layered PSD files
  • I may recycle rejected poses for future art
  • Certain design elements may increase the price, ex. wings, leopard/jaguar/tiger markings, complex clothing or lots of details eg Steampunk, the Middle Ages
  • Props will increase the price by $5-10 per Small Prop (hamburger, game console) to $15-20 for Medium Props (chair, bench, campfire) and $25+ for Large Props (Vespa Scooter, tree, tent)
  • I will only provide a partial refund during the sketch phase, for work I cannot continue because of health reasons
  • I will cancel a commission in progress over rude behaviour, poor communication eg 1 message a week

Client Requirements 

✅ Flat-coloured SFW reference sheet. Non-ref art if the entire character design is clear, and doesn't require text add-ons eg ‘he has ____ markings on his back’

❗️Please include extra details into your entry, like the character’s size, species & body type, or if your character requires a specific number of spots. Some art styles and refs make it difficult to tell.

I draw character traits 'true' to their species and what is in their current reference sheet (if any).

If your character has a design trait eg larger-than-usual fox ears, grizzly bear claws then you need to specify that please.

Use the sketching phase to request corrections within reason; after this stage any edits will incur a fee.

I’ll only accept a few individual images if the details are clear and consistent. Drawing a character is easier when there aren’t several files to compare.

It is the client’s responsibility to provide up-to-date info.

photographed drawings

❌ screenshots of a videogame character

❌ certain art styles eg Sonic the Hedgehog, MLP:FiM, and chibi ala Animal Crossing

✅ Googled images of specific clothing/jewellery/props, even a general pose idea/expression! I will not draw a character based on someone else's OC.

❎ Referencing fandom-specific weapon & armour is fine as add-on references, if there is suitable material provided by the client. eg Skyrim leather armour

Multiple Characters

At this moment I’ll only accept a maximum of 2 characters per commission.

Shaded Artwork

I do not offer any shading options, sorry.

Hanna-Barbera Commissions

These are based on the early HB cartoons from the 1960s.

✅ Minimalist redesigns: simpler OC designs required

fewer colours & markings, basic shirts, hats, usually no pants

‼️ spots, stripes, unusual markings, and colours will be reduced or omitted entirely

If your character absolutely cannot lose any part of their design, then do not fill in a Retro form. What is erased or simplified is up to me, but I always explain to clients about these edits for approval before invoicing!

Reference Sheet Commissions

These are for existing characters with images already available; I am not creating a character from scratch. That said, even just one full-body picture can be enough for me to work off on, if all important details are visible. If I feel I can't work with the supplied art, I will have to decline.

The character can be clothed or nude (SFW doll anatomy).

Simpler designs preferred; at this time I’m not accepting:


‘wolf/cat/demon’ hybrid species, including alien races

Complex/detailed designs will increase the base price.

What’s included in every tier:

Character name


Colour palette + eye detail

Textured/patterned background & text

Basic: $130 USD

Symmetrical front & back views

Head/maw detail


Single Outfit: $25

Footpaw/hand detail: $10 each

Side View: $35+

Feral form: $25

Accessories, subject to individual size & available layout space: $5-10 each.

Examples: items your character often carries or is seen with, eg backpack, jewellery, a specific snack





Commission Process

I use Google Forms to take commissions, and e-mails for correspondence. DMs are disorganised and aren't reliable, so they are a last resort.

If I can accept your form, I will send you a PayPal invoice. My prices are in USD. I sometimes accept AUD, at my discretion.

Payment must be made in full within 24 hours of receiving my invoice, I do not accept holds.

If you need a progress update, refer to my Trello. If I know there will be a major delay, I will contact you ASAP.  

Commission Forms


FA: inklop

Standard Commissions:

Hanna-Barbera Make-overs:

Reference sheets:

✅ Scene description example: ‘My anthro Dalmatian is lounging on a large green beanbag, playing a Nintendo Switch in handheld-mode, with a focused expression. He's only wearing Tim

Burton Batman-symbol-patterned boxers, black & yellow. The Joycons can be any colour combination.’

Edits & Refunds

Three chances for edits are allowed during the sketching phase for most commissions!

Ref sheets are an exception, to a degree.

Tell me all edits that are needed: fixing a picture is easier for me if I can do it in one go instead of spread out over several days.

Additional changes will not be done after this stage, unless I’ve forgotten to include a detail.

By commissioning me you are agreeing to my interpretation of anatomy, toons, slight colour adjustments. Ensure you like how I draw certain species. Do not ask for style changes.


No one may claim my work as theirs, including traces, heavily referencing, making bases, and copying character designs.

If you did not commission the artwork, then you cannot use it. eg role-plays (public or private), social media icons & banners, reposts, and so on.

Do not remove my watermark /combine different art / recolour, eg ‘frankensteining’ separate artworks.

I do not sell NFTs and my art is not for that community. This extends to AI: I do not give consent for my art to be used.

Accepted Content

Original Characters & fandom canons (I am only comfortable drawing fandoms I am familiar with)

Anthros (Robin Hood, Zootopia)

Animals/quadrupedal ( Real World anatomy & animal lifestyle ala Bambi, The Lady & the Tramp, Balto)

‘Don Bluth’ animals ( four-legged with minimalist human traits eg thumbs, clothes ala All Dogs go to Heaven, Banjo the Woodpile Cat)

Disability representation (zero fetish material.)


Retro Pin-ups

Settings: Modern day, Fantasy & Medieval, Primal/Stone Age, Post Apocalypse/Dystopian

Occasional Exceptions (additional charges)

Wings (gryphon, pegasi etc)



Hooved: horses, unicorns, goats, deer

Not Accepted

Some Fetishes ala feet, cub, diapers, bodily fluids eg skunk gas, adult babies.



Drug use

Mechanical ie cars, motorbikes

Sci-fi content except in Retro Commissions

Highly-detailed armour & weaponry

Macro destruction eg crushing, destroying buildings


Fan characters based on certain fandoms eg Sonic, MLP


Shipping/pairing OC x Canon  eg Simba x OC.

Complicated hybrids

Hate art & symbolism against characters, people, religion, minorities and so on