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Emperors Clan Battle Rules
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Emperors Official Clan Battle Rules

If you’re interested in fighting Emperors in a clan battle or a scrim, these are the rules which will be used.

Specific rules:

  1. We will only play 3v3’s+. If the clans can’t come to an agreement 3v3’s are default.
  2. There will always be a 2 minutes grace period at the start of the games. Until 27:59.
  3. You are only allowed to postone once each. The battle has the be continued by the next 48 hours, after it was postponed.
  4. 30 minutes breaks are allowed once each.
  5. You are only allowed to play players listed on your roster. Editing the roster in the middle of the clan war is not allowed. (To get better players etc)
  6. Teaming or trucing with randies are not allowed.
  7. Crashing ingame counts as a death.
  8. Take turns choosing maps and servers.
  9. OP items are not allowed. Items that are possibly to get in chests are allowed.
  10. Only play the following maps; Valleyside, Survival Games 4, Chernobyl 2015, Holiday Resort, Turbulence, Alaskan Village, SG Highway and Par 72
  11.  All McGamer rules apply. (Not McGamer’s official Clan Battle rules.)


First offence; Redo of the round.

Second offence; DQ of the round.

Third offence; Forfeit of the battle.

The only exeptions are: Rule 3, 4 and 10, these will result in first offence; forfeit of the battle.
