This is a survey to gauge interest in a group skiing trip (in Europe) in 2015 for digital professionals - designers, developers, ux,  etc. It could be a week or a weekend, it could be a conference, an unconference, a hackathon or just a chance to unwind with likeminded people. Everything is open and undecided, but if enough people show some interest I'll gladly organise it.
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What do you do (part 1)? *
What's your professional focus (you can select more than one)?
What do you do (part 2)? *
What's your favoured snowsport?
Which of the following would you be most interested in? *
If we were to do something more formal, what would you prefer?
Preferred length of time
How much time could you realistically spend?
Clear selection
How much money would you be prepared to spend? *
Anything else you'd like to add?
Contact details *
Email, Twitter handle, whatever you want - so long as it works.
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