Job Co-Op Partner Registration
Please complete this form if you would like to register as a job co-op partner with Youth Development Initiatives, Inc.  By registering with YDI, Inc. you will have the opportunity to partner with us and provide jobs to youth in your community.  Youth workers are trained, motivated and prepared to help you successfully run your business.  Whether you are a retailer, fast food manager or supervise an administrative office, having additional help allows you to explore new ideas, manage a challenging workload and strengthen your community.
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Have you previously been a co-op partner with YDI, Inc.? *
Business Name *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
E-mail Address
Website Address
Business Street Address *
City *
City closest to you *
Please provide a description of your business/organization.  Be sure to include what products or services you produce.
Is your business located near a bus stop (a mile or less)? *
Number of youth you can employ. *
Please list any requirements your youth employees need to meet before working (assessments, background checks, etc). *
Why are you interested in employing youth workers? *
Please select the occupational field that best describes your business. *
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