TimestampYour namePartner's First and Last NamePreparation: How do you rate this person's preparation?Collaboration: How did this person collaborate with you and the other members of your group?Leadership: How well did this person exhibit leadership in this project?Strengths: What did this person do well?Areas to have improve: What does this person need to work on?
11/17/2008 15:14:11Student 1Student 2434I appreciate the fact that Student 2 was willing to do a lot of the research portion of this project involving seawalls and jetties. Also, I was thankful that Student 2 was willing to do a drawing portion of the project (the aerial map,) because this is one of my weaknesses that I wouldn't have been able to do. Overall, I always like working with Student 2 because she gets her work done with good quality, on time, and neatly. I was kind of bummed to hear that Student 2 picked a slightly easier workload than some other group members, but I understand that she already has a serious workload including her other classes. Overall, I think she was a good group member!
11/17/2008 15:19:20Student 1Student 4443I really appreciate the way Student 4 was willing to take on little parts of the assignment and do them really well (like the awesome cover page.) I also loved the fact that Student 4 was willing to stay after with me and look things over to make sure everything was final copy and all elements were completed. Also, I really liked the way the zonation map turned out and I was glad that someone more artistic than me agreed to do it.Overall, I guess it would have saved us time in the long-run if Student 4 had asked Ms. Wooten about ways to answer a few of the questions (what type of answers should be given.) In the end, it got done though, so overall I think Student 4 was a helpful group member.
11/17/2008 15:25:12Student 1Student 5333I liked the way Student 5 was willing to go over things with me and make sure all work was as high a quality as we could get it. I also loved the way Student 5 was willing to take on any part of the project we needed her to (the 3 introductions, the periwinkle stuff, and the beach questions.) Everything was completed and she made sure it was all good quality. The periwinkle diagram came out really well also, and I was glad I didn't have to do it.I guess it would be helpful in the future if you asked Ms. Wooten about how best to answer questions that you don't understand. In the end, Ms. Wooten was able to clarify some things, but it may save you and the group some time if you ask her how to answer best the first time. Overall, everything was completed and turned out well. Good job Student 5!
11/17/2008 15:30:05Student 1Student 6232I thank you Student 6 for taking on a large portion of the project, specifically a lot of the visuals (data tables an drawings etc.) because those are parts that I don't like doing doing very much. In the end, everything was complete and turned in, but it may help out the group if Student 6 is sure of what parts she is assigned to do so that she isn't completing them last-minute. Luckily, those parts were relatively quick and easy to do (the transect drawing and the transect data table,) but it does get kind of stressful when those portions are turned in last minute. Also, a few of the written pieces that Student 6 wrote were a little confusing, so it may have been helpful for Student 6 to ask Ms. Wooten about what is expected for those parts of the assignment. Overall, everything worked out in the end.
11/17/2008 15:36:11Student 1Student 1 (self review)334I felt like I chose a semi-simple portion of the project and I completed it to the best of my ability. I did sort of feel guilty about it, but I kind of wanted to give myself a little break.Again, I know I went overboard with the overall time spent on both my portions of the assignment, as well as editing my group members sections of the assignment. I understand it isn't all about the grade, but I feel like because my grade is dependent on other people's work it's my job to look it over and be sure I don't mind the grade I will be given for that portion. It's kind of like making sure that I am happy with all potions turned in so that I receive what I feel I deserve as a final grade. However, I know I can't spend hours and hours on one project, driving myself crazy, but I just feel like there is no other way that I would get the results I deserve. It's kind of a difficult situation, but that's my outlook on it.
11/14/2008 9:15:03John SmithLuke444Luke was always on task and willing to take some tough tasks. He really helped to keep the group organized and was always prepared for class.The only piece of advice I would give to Luke is that he could work on keeping himself a little more organized. On some occasions he tried to organize group meetings which was a good idea, but he did not organize them ahead of time. Overall, he did a really good job.
11/14/2008 9:19:08John SmithSam444Sam was a leader in the group and always was the guy who could answer a question. He really helped everyone stay organized and he was able to get all his work done and passed it in on time. He was a great group member to have and really helped us in all aspects of the lab.The one thing that Sam could have improved on would to make sure that if he needs work from other group members to contact them earlier to make sure they get it to him. I think this would have made his work a little easier. Besides that, he did a really good job.
11/14/2008 9:22:26John SmithSally 444Sally was the quintessential group member for this project. She was always on task, always willing to help you with any question, and really wanted to do well on this lab. She always was prepared with her work and was a great asset for the group. Sally could work on being more assertive and more of a leader in group projects. She often times has a lot of great ideas but does not always share them. If she could do this it would help her fellow group members brainstorm and get ideas.
11/14/2008 9:25:49John SmithMike443Mike really came up big and took on a big assignment. He was a collaborative with the group and communicated really well when he had a question. He also kept the group atmosphere light and funny. Mike could have been a little more on task during work in class. He also could have spoken up a little more and come up with ideas.
11/14/2008 14:23:09John SmithJohn444I was always on task during class and tried hard to help any of my group members. I passed all my work in on time and helped to keep organized. I feel like I collaborated well with the other group members and put my best effort into the project I think I can continue to work on my leadership skills and speak up more during group discussions. Also, I think I could work on organizing my time better and figure out when I am going to certain work.
11/13/2008 14:21:16JoeFrank333He came to class with all of his work on time for class.He could have been a little more on task.
11/18/2008 22:38:21JoeJohnny333He took leader ship at times and helped our group
Put more effort into work
11/18/2008 22:40:30JoeCarl322Passed in all required workcommunicate better and more with other group members
11/18/2008 22:42:05JoeJoe333Did good with the periwinkle partI could put more effort into the work
11/14/2008 9:04:28AndySusie344Organized how much work they were going to do each night or in class to get it done. Stayed on task. Asked for help when needed. Got started a little late. Could have started a little earlier so there was not as much work towards the end.
11/14/2008 9:02:03AndyJane443Jane did a great job getting everything done that she needed to do, her work was very neat and well done, and she was very easy to work with. She did a great job making the maps and got her high quality work done on time so that we didn't need to put it together at the last minute. She was eager to help finish parts of the project that weren't done yet when she was done with her own work.Jane did have to make some last minute changes to a few pieces of her work, but we all forgot some small thing and this wasn't a big deal.
11/14/2008 9:06:16AndyChris333Chris did a good job getting his stuff done on time, and was helpful in getting things organized. He did what was assigned to him.Some of his work, although passed in early or on time, didn't seem like it had a ton of effort put into it. Sometimes he seemed reluctant to do the work and tried to pass parts of it on to others. However, in the end with some editing all of his work got in and what he didn't do so much on some of his assignments he made up for by helping with other parts.
11/14/2008 9:09:47AndyKirk343Kirk did a great job getting most of his work done and getting it done on time, and where he hadn't he made sure to get it in in time to be handed in. His work was also good quality and complete. He was also pretty easy to work with.The only thing that was slightly worrying was his occasional procrastination. However, he did get everything done when he said he would so even if he did do some things the night before they still got done and done well.
11/14/2008 9:14:33AndyAndy443Andrew did his part of the work, and hopefully did it well (although it was never edited). He put the final project together for us, and reminded us of what we still had to do. He helped out with some other parts where we needed it and made sure that all the pieces of the lab got done.He tended to do a lot of the things himself when they weren't getting done, and could be slightly annoying by constantly reminding the group of what still needed to get done. However, this probably did help because in the end he got everyone's work and put it all together.
11/14/2008 8:59:56Student 2Student 1444She pulled all of her weight and more. She kept us going and she did lots of editing. She did everything of time. She wanted to do the best that was possible. She really pulled the project together very well at the end, which was a huge help. Great job Student 1!She could probably share her responsibility more, but I think she would already like to, she just doesn't seem to get the chance to pass the responsibility along. At the ocean, she was a bit confused, but most people were.
11/14/2008 9:04:14Student 2Student 3333She was almost always prepared as far as I can remember. She did all of the work she could. She played a key role in the group. She stayed on task. She was very helpful.She didn't exhibit strong leadership always. She didn't always do her part to what it looked like to the best of her ability.
11/14/2008 9:09:37Student 2Student 4332She did her share of the work in the end. She was always happy to play her part. She didn't always understand what to do or how to do it. She didn't demonstrate really any leadership.
11/14/2008 9:11:59Student 2Student 6232She always worked well with the other group members. She didn't cause any friction or negative feelings in the group. She didn't do the work to the best of her ability. She didn't always know what she was doing. She didn't create great work.
11/14/2008 9:14:59Student 2Student 2333She did the data tables for the ocean lab trip. She went in the pools for the ocean lab collection. She played her part. She tried to help as much as she could. She wasn't always done things as quickly as she could of had them done. She didn't pull the project together. She didn't help finish it. She played her part and that was it.
11/13/2008 14:25:32Ivy Anna KitchenMary Sansone334You were good at keeping the group focused and getting your work done on time with good quality.You could work on offering your help to other group members, you definitely did your share of work but when other group members were stressed you could try harder to relieve that stress.
11/13/2008 15:16:21Ivy Anna KitchenIvy Anna Kitchen434I believe I did well on the lab. I did all my work that was assigned, I offered to help out people who were over loaded or didn't feel confident about their work.I believe I could work on staying focused and on task. I did try to keep group members on task but at times i was not completely successful. I could also work on editing my group members work.
11/13/2008 14:08:56Jack WalshDanielle Torres444She did a good job keeping track of what needed to be done. She also was good at reminding everyone else of what they should be doing. Specifically, when she missed a day of class that the rest of us spent working on the project, she emailed us to keep on top of what she needed to have done.Maybe letting the rest of us know what she was doing when she worked independently.
11/13/2008 14:14:26Jack WalshKirk Groves434Two days before the project was due, he asked for us to send him all of our work. He personally read through everything and made suggestions on everything, which was really awesome. He took it upon himself to make sure the final project was in perfect form. He really took a leadership role.At times he might have gotten a bit non-inclusive to a specific member of the group, but only to the point of expressing annoyance a few times.
11/13/2008 14:17:27Jack WalshRead Thurston322She kept track of things well, ensuring that we all did what we were supposed to do. She did a reasonably good job on the parts she did.She tended to get a little annoyed too easily with some things, but not badly. She should work on asking for help from the rest of the group when she needs it.
11/13/2008 14:24:19Jack WalshJack Walsh443I thought I did a decent job getting my parts of the project done with little supervision fromt he rest of the group.I don't think I showed as much leadership as some members of the group. Also, I volunteered for some things (reflections on learning) too quickly and ended up without ideas for while.
11/13/2008 13:49:29Jessica DoughtyMckenzie Mather444McKenzie was always on track with her work. She would send out email's and make sure everyone was good to go for the project. She got all of her work done and still managed to help everyone in the group with their workI don't really think Mckenzie needs to improve on anything. The only thing I would say is she could have a more positive attitude.
11/13/2008 13:50:57Jessica DoughtyEric Drummond332Eric always did his work. He always had a positive attitude and made all of us laugh.The thing eric could work on is his focusing. He loves to make jokes and most of the time they are funny but other times we really needed him to stop and get to work.
11/13/2008 13:53:02Jessica DoughtyPatrick Vigue344He made sure we all did our work and passed it in on time. He was a great leader and was always there when one of us needed help. The only thing I think pat needs to work on is being more focused when nessacary.
11/13/2008 13:54:20Jessica DoughtySamuel Griswold333Sam always had his work done. Always had a good attitude about things. Focusing more and not always fooling around and be serious when it is nessesary.
11/13/2008 13:55:27Jessica DoughtyJessica Doughty333I think that I always came to class and worked with the group with a good attitude. And almost all of the time had all of the work completed when needed.Focusing more. And using my class time better.
11/14/2008 8:45:08Student 6 WharffStudent 1444Very hard working and very dedicated to get everything done.N/A.
11/14/2008 8:45:51Student 6 WharffStudent 2343She wanted to get everything done and was supportive of other team members.N/A.
11/14/2008 8:48:54Student 6 WharffCatie Morton443She knows how to do things and do them well. She was a great person to have around. Her personality was outgoing and optimistic.N/A.
11/14/2008 8:54:13Student 6 WharffLindsey Dubouis333Very artistic and can get things done fast.Sometimes she can have a negative attitude.
11/14/2008 8:57:03Student 6 WharffStudent 6 Wharff332Can get things done quickly and neatly.Not have things in so last minute.
11/14/2008 8:56:50KirkChris332Chris was always able to do what he was told to do and handed in his work on time. He produced high quality work and always knew what we were doing. The thing that he needs to work on his to get his voice heard more. He did not really add many contributions besides just doing the work that he was told to do. Next time he should put some input on the project.
11/14/2008 9:00:22KirkJane323Jane always did her work on time and made very nice and neat drawings. She was able to bring the artistic trait to the group which is good because our group needed that.The only thing she needs to work on is collaborating more with the group. Sometimes we would be discussing what we needed to do and she would just agree with us and do what she was told to do. Overall though she was a great group member and helped us out a lot.
11/14/2008 8:53:58Kirk Andy434Andrew was able to get us all together and tell us what we needed to do. He produced high quality work and helped us with our organization.The only thing that he needs to work on is trying to listen to others more instead of just listening to only himself.
11/14/2008 9:02:58Kirk Kirk333I think because I tried harder on this ocean lab, I was able to get all of the required work done on time in high quality and collaborated more with the group.The things that I need to work on are getting the group to listen to my ideas so that I can add more to the final quality of the lab.
11/13/2008 14:12:49Kirk GrovesJack Walsh443Jack, you did a wonderful job of giving new ideas, and I particularly enjoyed your collaboration. Through email you were very positive, clear minded, and open for suggestion or criticism. I enjoyed being in your group. Overall fantastic job. You are very bright and I think if you added your opinion in more it would have been an amazing project rather than a great one.
11/13/2008 14:16:23Kirk GrovesDanielle Torres444Danielle it goes without saying you are organized and always willing to do your share of the work and some. Your attitude toward this project was motivating and helped me produce better work. Overall Danielle I am happy to have been in your group and can't wait for the next time.Danielle was always well focused, although I wish she had been quicker with email.
11/13/2008 14:22:19Kirk GrovesRead Thurston322Read did a fantastic job at speaking her mind. Often people hold back and refrain from ideas, but Read didn't this all together helped our group for the better.Like what was stated above Read did an excellent job speaking her mind, although sometimes that can be misconstrued and be consider irreverent. Read needs to work on replying quicker to emails.
11/18/2008 18:18:56Kirk grovesKirk groves444I took what people thought of me my performance from last lab and worked hard to do better. I sent multiple reviews and peer edited most of the work.N/A
11/14/2008 9:13:23Lindsey DuboisStudent 6 Wharff322She got her work done on timeShe could have tried to get it done before the last minute. I think that it would have helped her get it done faster if she wrote it is her planer
11/14/2008 9:15:01Lindsey DuboisLindsey Dubois333I think that i did well on getting my work done and having it be good qualityI could have been better n not getting so stressed at the last minute when every thing should have been in and it was not
11/14/2008 9:16:23Lindsey DuboisStudent 2333She did a good job on getting her work done on time and making it good workI don't think that she has any thing to work on
11/14/2008 9:20:23Lindsey DuboisCatie Morton333She did a good job on getting her work done on timeThe only thing that I can think of that she could be better at is knowing what she has to do and not having to ask many times what she has to do