WM- CSPD Conference Scholarships
Application for Event Scholarships
Scholarships to fund registration fees for in state conferences are available throughout the year. begin the application process by submitting this form.
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Contact Information
Provide all information for individual responsible for scholarship application
District or Organization *
Contact person First Name *
Contact person Last Name *
Contact person Email *
Mailing Address *
(include city and zip)
County-School *
Must be residents of Region 5 Counties: Lincoln, Lake, Flathead, Sanders, Missoula, Ravalli, and Mineral. If your Organization is not listed, select "Not Listed" and enter it on the next question.
School/Organization Not Listed
If you School or Organization is not listed above, please type it in here
Conference Information
Choose a conference for the scholarship *
Additional Participants
If applying for a group of people, please add additional participants for follow up communication and registration purposes.
Please list NAME and EMAIL address of each team member attending
Thanks for applying for a scholarship. You will receive a confirmation email upon submitting this form. Additionally, an email with scholarship procedures and an application form will be sent by the program coordinator.

Should you have any questions email  WMCSPD -  programcoordinator@wmcspd.org
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