Winyah Rivers Alliance Board Member Responsibilities & Application
The Board of Directors of Winyah Rivers Foundation, Inc. (dba Winyah Rivers Alliance) is a working board. Each member is expected to be a financially contributing member and participate fully in board meetings, fundraising events, conferences, and other related activities that contribute to our nonprofit's mission and goals.
PURPOSE: Board members serve at the discretion of the Board President, serve as a voting member, assisting the President and Executive Committee to develop policies, procedures and regulations for the operation of our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (EIN 57-1118288) and monitoring its finances, programs and performance.
TERM: Three (3) years
Establish policy & procedures for governance
Secure adequate funds to support our mission and staff
Monitor finances to ensure fiduciary oversight
Establish and oversee strategic planning, both short and long-range
Participate in board meetings and special events (e.g., fundraising events, education/outreach events)
Attend board meetings and show commitment to board activities
Contribute skills, knowledge and experience
Listen respectfully to other points of view
Participate in organizational decision-making
Financially support the organization
Represent the organization to the public and potential stakeholders
Before completing the application below, please confirm by signature that you have read, understood and agree to the Board Member Responsibilities as described above.