WiLS Board Election
Thank you for taking the time to vote for the WiLS Board seats.  

Elections are being held for four seats:

1 representative from K12 libraries
2 representatives from public libraries/systems
1 representative from special or government libraries

Your institution must a be current WiLS general member and you must be the member representative to vote.  All institutions are eligible to vote for all seats.

The election will run until the end of the day on June 5.
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The candidates for the K12 seat are Melissa Matz, Brookfield East High School and Jennifer Peterson, Menasha Joint School District.

Melissa Matz candidacy statement:
"I have spent the past 19 years working as a library media specialist in both elementary and high school library media centers.  Each year the budget gets tighter and service expectations grow. WiLS has been an invaluable partner in assisting me with cooperative purchasing and connecting me with experts in the field.   I have spent the past year on the Cooperative Purchasing Advisory Committee (CooPAC) and provided input on the new vendor partners program. Maintaining quality resources at a reasonable price is critically important to our libraries.  As a member of the WiLS board I will work diligently to promote resource sharing and affordable vendor partnerships."

Jennifer Peterson candidacy statement:
"I have been a library media specialist for 16 years for the Menasha Joint School District.  I have served on the WiLS board since 2011.  I would like to find new ways that WiLS can help the K-12 libraries.  One of the projects I am currently helping with is a statewide eBook consortium for the public schools."
Please vote for one of the K12 library candidates for the K12 library seat
Candidates are listed in alphabetical order; asterisk indicates incumbent
Technical College
The candidate for the technical college seat, running unopposed, is Kelly Kroes, Gateway Technical College/WISPALS.

Kelly Kroes candidacy statement:
Kelly Kroes has served the WISPALS Technical College library consortium for 2.5 years,  She has day-to-day experience serving the needs of technical colleges, and has served on the WiLS board for the last two years, and would like to continue.

Please vote for one of the candidates for the technical college seat
Candidates are listed in alphabetical order; asterisk indicates incumbent
Special or Government
The candidate for the special or government seat, running unopposed, is Heather Winter, Milwaukee Art Museum.

Heather Winter candidacy statement:
Ms. Winter has served as Librarian/Archivist at the Milwaukee Art Museum’s George Peckham Miller Art Research Library for ten years. She received her MLIS and MA from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2004. As Librarian/Archivist, she manages all aspects of the Museum’s Research Library and Institutional Archives including Library staff, collection development, accessioning, cataloging, and budgeting. “Serving on the WiLS Board enables me to be better acquainted with library services across the state and to be able to support development of new resources beyond our special library.”
Please vote for one of the candidates for the special or government seat
Candidates are listed in alphabetical order; asterisk indicates incumbent
The candidates for the at-large seats are:
--Michele Besant, SLIS, UW-Madison
--Wyatt Ditzler, Beloit Public Library
--Lee Konrad, UW-Madison
--Robert Nunez, Kenosha Public Library
--Kristin Vogel, St. Norbert College

Michele Besant  candidacy statement:
"I’m a librarian who is primarily an LIS educator and administrator at SLIS, UW-Madison today. I work with our Continuing Education as well as the graduate program.  I try hard to keep up with trends and issues across library types and welcome the opportunity to serve and learn from work with WiLS, an organization which I believe does important work for Wisconsin libraries."

Wyatt Ditzler candidacy statement:
Wyatt Ditzler has gained broad and deep experience with the inner-workings of libraries (especially their technology needs) without ever losing perspective on the big picture and interconnectedness of libraries--whether at the local, regional, or state level.  His current participation as a member of the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium (WPLC) is evidence of his desire to bring the rewards of cooperation to all Wisconsin libraries.  As a member of the WiLS board, he will work to ensure that its past successes are maintained and its future successes are innovative, cost-effective, and beneficial to all residents of the state.

Lee Konrad candidacy statement:
"My interest in WiLS stems from a long-standing working relationship with the organization.  I have worked with WiLS staff for a number of years on the ILL front, and, in more recent years, have worked closely with WiLS on issues pertaining to the digital library services.

In my current position as Associate University Librarian for Technology Strategies and Data Services at UW-Madison, I am positioned to offer insight and guidance to WiLS as they consider services and solutions for their constituents, particularly in areas pertaining to digital library and technical services.

I currently serve on the WiLS board and  strive to be an advocate for the services WiLS provides. I  am deeply interested in helping the organization thrive as it continues to evolve in providing cooperative services to its members.  It has been a privilege to work with Board and associated working groups these past couple of years - if re-elected, I look forward to contributing to helping advance the work and interests of WiLS and the community it serves."

Robert Nunez candidacy statement:
"I currently serve as the Chair for the Heads of Library Technology LITA IG with prior experience governing Library Assembly, and Compensation Committees within an academic library. I work with the belief that libraries are meant to collaborate and work together to help achieve the same goals of education, information literacy, intellectual freedom, and community leadership. It is these beliefs that have drawn me to serving on WiLS."

Kristin Vogel candidacy statement:
Kristin has been an active member of the Wisconsin Library community since her arrival in 2011.  She connected quickly with her librarian neighbors and accepted the role as chair of the WAICU library directors group. Kristin brings consortia member experience from both Missouri and Illinois. She is well regarded for her ability to envision new and productive paths for library services and funding.
Please vote for one of the candidates for the at-large seat
Candidates are listed in alphabetical order; asterisk indicates incumbent
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