My fav's is My Path-
It might seem boring and unnecessary but your answers give your counselor much need insight. It is just a first step in this program where you learn how to clear your mind and energize yourself. 

 This is totally unique compared to what you have seen in similar teachings. Here we will customize the methods for your indiivudal needs.  

Measurable results guiding each step along the way.  You can choose from private sessions, The 7 Sessions group live online or the 3 day immersion.  
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Fill in your Name and E-Mail address below-


 After completing this form you will receive a link.   to discuss your course particiaption private and/or group.

Natural Inspiration
What kind of experiences have you feeling energized, clear and refreshed?
What is a favorite song you enjoy?
Who are the people you greatly respect as mentors?  Also, what places and memories do this for you?
Favorite colors?
What textures do you enjoy feeling?
What objects are your favorite posessions rich with meaning?
What belief systems do you subscribe too?
What audio programs enrich you?
What are some of your favorite books?
What are some of your favorite quotes?
If you could do anything right now; no limits...what would you?
What are you good at?  talents/skills etc.
What have you accomplished in your life that makes you smile when you really feel into it?
What are some of your best experiences in life?
In what ways are you a good listener and under what circumstances?
What makes you really happy when you do it?
What is a favorite movie clip?
What is a favorite place in nature from your childhood?
What is your singlemost favorite memory?
What are some of your favorite movies?
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