Wikimedia User Research sessions
The Wikimedia Design team explores new design ideas for Wikimedia projects. If you are interested in discussing these ideas in a quick study (less than 30 minutes), please fill in this form. We'll contact you to schedule a session.

Note that by submitting this form you agree to the terms and conditions and license language in the release ( ).
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
E-mail *
Provide an e-mail address so we can contact you for participation in the test.
In which country are you located? *
This helps us to set an appropriate time for the testing session. If your country has multiple timezones, you can provide more detailed information such as the state or city.
Remote participation will be done using Google+ Hangouts. Could you indicate whether the following is available for you: *
Hangouts will allow us to share your screen while interacting with the prototype and be able to hear your comments, a webcam is not necessary.
Any specific area you are interested in? *
You can select multiple options
Please review and agree the release video form
By clicking below and providing your email address and personal information, you agree that Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. may contact you regarding your responses and with other information Wikimedia thinks may be of interest to you.
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