Hydrosphere take home quiz
Please make sure you put your name in the box below and answer ALL questions
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Period *
1. About 97% of all water on Earth is found in the oceans as salt water. The other 3% is freshwater. Where in the world is most FRESHWATER found? *
2. What is the large area of land that drains all of its water into a river? *
3. When water molecules stick to other water molecules, this is the definition for which property of water? *
4. Transpiration is: *
5. The water table is found on top of which of the following? *
6. What characteristic of water explains why it has many different properties? *
7. For a science project you must build a model of an aquifer. What material would be the best to use for the layer that will hold water? *
8. Which of the following is an example of point source pollution? *
9. Which of the following is what we call a smaller river, stream or creek that flows into a larger river? *
10. You test the pH of the water in the stream behind your house. What is the normal range of pH for fresh water? *
11. When we put in a well for a house, what layer should it go into? *
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12. A cone of depression is: *
13. Fill in the following diagram, in the answer box, you will need to put the number followed by your answer *
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14. How does water move in and out of an aquifer? *
15. Using your knowledge of the water cycle, explain how water from snow and ice might cause springtime flooding in some rivers. *
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