The Revolutionary Era Pre-Assessment
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1. What were 2 direct results of the French and Indian war?
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2. How did the British plan to pay for the French and Indian war?
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3. Colonists in North America protested against the taxes imposed on them by the British following the French and Indian War. What was the main reason the colonists were upset about these taxes?
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4. During the early Revolutionary period, American colonists used many methods to show their opposition to British taxation. Which method did they use to show their opposition to taxes imposed by the British government?
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5.  Why did the British enact several laws such as the Sugar Act & Stamp Act upon the colonies?
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6. What law did not allow colonists to move west of the Appalachian Mountains?
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7. What law put a tax on sugar, molasses, coffee, and indigo?
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8. What law saved the British money by having the British soldiers housed and fed in the colonists’ homes?
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9. What law made the East India Tea Company a monopoly and lowered the price of tea, but still had high duty taxes?
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10. What event caused the British soldiers to stand trial and were defended by John  Adams?
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11. What two groups formed in America as a direct result of the American Revolution?
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12. What 2 things were decided at the First Continental Congress?
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13. What were 2 direct results of the 2nd Continental Congress?
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14.  What was the Olive Branch Petition that was submitted by the 2nd Continental Congress in Philadelphia?
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15. During the Second Continental Congress, what was the name of the document for the first government we created?
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16. What was the “shot heard around the world’?
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17. What battle was a turning point for the Americans and not too long after, the French formed an alliance with the Americans?
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