Honors 496 - Winter Quarter 2016 registration survey
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First and Last Name *
Student Number *
Email Address *
Please use your @uw.edu address.
Major(s) and Minor(s) *
Class Standing (By Year) *
Expected Graduation Quarter & Year *
Are you in good standing in Interdisciplinary Honors with a minimum cumulative 3.3 GPA? *
Are you on probation in the Honors Program at this time? *
How many Honors Core courses will you have completed by the time you take H496? *
You must have completed at least 6 of your 9 Honors Core courses to be eligible to register. Courses must be complete -- concurrent enrollment is not accepted.
Have you created portfolio entries covering your academic and experiential choices for each year you've been at UW? *
You are required to have entries in your portfolio before beginning of H496. For more information, see our portfolio website.
Please post your portfolio link below. *
If your portfolio location has changed since you first created it in Honors 100, please give us the most up-to-date link.
Which H496 section would you like to be registered for? *
Refer to the Time Schedule for dates & times.
Anything else you would like us to know? *
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