(OLD) Honors 496 - Registration Survey
Hello future Honors 496 students! Thank you for requesting an add code for your portfolio capstone seminar. Add codes will be processed in the order in which they were received. We thank for you for your patience as we process your requests.
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First and Last Name *
Student Number *
Email Address *
Please use your @uw.edu address.
Major(s) and Minor(s) *
Class Standing (By Year) *
Expected Graduation Quarter & Year (priority given to graduating seniors, non-graduating 3rd year students on a space-available basis) *
Which H496 section would you like to be registered for? *
Refer to the Time Schedule for dates & times. Students in their fourth or later year will RECEIVE AN ADD CODE, provided there is space in the section they choose.  
Have you created portfolio entries covering your academic and experiential choices for each year you've been at UW? (check your portfolio here) *
You are required to have entries in your portfolio before beginning of H496. For more information, see our portfolio website.
Please post your portfolio link below. *
If your portfolio location has changed since you first created it in Honors 100, please give us the most up-to-date link. During the 496 seminar you have the opportunity to adapt your portfolio platform if you choose. 
Are you in good standing in Interdisciplinary Honors with a minimum cumulative 3.3 GPA? *
Have you completed your Experiential Learning requirements at this time? *
Do you have at least one of two Experiential Learning requirements completed? If not please provide explanation in the space below: *
If you answered "No" in the question above, please elaborate on your answer and your plans to complete the requirement:
How many Honors Core courses will you have completed by the time you take H496? *
You must have completed at least 6 of your 9 Honors Core courses to be eligible to register. Courses must be complete -- concurrent enrollment is not accepted.
Anything else you would like us to know?
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