CDS Forum 2015 Friday 9/25 12:45-4:45pm, Class signup
Save the Date: Friday September 25th, 2015 12:45-4:45pm

USF's fifth annual Critical Diversity Studies Forum. This year's forum, "Stone of Hope", will focus on non-violent activism built on legacy and imagination.

Confirmed speakers and performance include
-Danny Glover
-Jeff Chang

Please include the CDS Forum event in your syllabus, and let us know about it! We will keep you posted with the event details, and also manage sign-in and sign-out sheets for you. Questions? Email Jessi Havel at
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Your name *
Your email address *
Fall Course number (and the section number, if necessary) *
e.g. COMS 204-01
Fall Course title
When does your Fall class(es) meet?
How would you like your class to participate in the forum? *
Note: you can always change your mind but an answer helps us plan for attendance
If you want us to provide sign-in and/or sign-out sheet, please check below.
Students will have to sign their names and write down the time of arrival or leaving.
If you want the video in the course website, please let us know where you want it.
How many students in your course do you think will come to the forum? *
We understand that this is very early to make a good estimate, so please do your best, and we will ask you again in August.
Any comments or suggestions?
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