KR8 workshop white paper sign-up sheet for co-authors
A manuscript based on the excellent discussions during this workshop is in progress, with the working title "Effective Practices in Speleothem Science".  Your expertise is more than welcome!  If you were not at KR8 and would still like to join this paper, please get in touch with the organizers below to join.

Below you find the preliminary list of chapters or themes that resulted from the workshop. Please add your name and information to the chapter(s) listed below that you are interested in contributing to. If you volunteered during the workshop, please enter your info again below to help us compile the email lists for each chapter. Thank you!    

1. For each chapter, only fill your information into the  "Your Answer" fields, if you want to become a working group member of the respective chapter, otherwise leave it blank.

2. Add your information in the following format: email    (last name, first name)

                  EXAMPLE:    (Mustermann, Max)

3. Please click next until you reach section 5 and then click SUBMIT in order to record your answer.
(After clicking SUBMIT, you may submit the form again if you wish to add more sections. If you wish to be removed from a section, contact the editors.)

Very soon, we will connect the volunteers in each chapter to form working groups, and invite them to start compiling their chapters.   Please note that the paper organization outline below remains a work in progress, and will be adjusted as we write.  Possible publication venues have been discussed, and we will share some final options with the authors once we have a chance to further explore our journal options.

Contact the overall editors Amy Frappier ( and Jessica Oster ( with any questions.
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